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Non-vegetarian food permitted in Christianity and Hinduism

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Non-vegetarian food permitted in Christianity and Hinduism

Dr. Zakir Naik, a renowned Islamic scholar and comparative religion expert, proves from the Bible and the Hindu scriptures that non vegetarian food (meat) is permitted in Christianity and Hinduism.



Is non-vegetarian food permitted or prohibited? Part 1


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Non-vegetarian food permitted in Christianity and Hinduism

Dr. Zakir Naik, a renowned Islamic scholar and comparative religion expert, proves from the Bible and the Hindu scriptures that non vegetarian food (meat) is permitted in Christianity and Hinduism.


Is non-vegetarian food permitted or prohibited? Part 1


You can pass the Bloody dish to someone with fangs and a stomach to digest the bloody remains But I have my faith in Sirla Prabhupada's words as authoritive over so called "religious expert Dr. Zakir Naik" :kick:


Thanks But NOOOO! Thanks :outta:


Hare Krsna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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Suicide is "permitted" in Christianity and Hinduism as well. However, it is very clear (at least in "Hinduism") what the consequences of suicide are.


Eating meat (especially today when there is so much pollution) is a slow form of suicide (just as eating non-prasadam in general is).



Non-vegetarian food permitted in Christianity and Hinduism

Dr. Zakir Naik, a renowned Islamic scholar and comparative religion expert, proves from the Bible and the Hindu scriptures that non vegetarian food (meat) is permitted in Christianity and Hinduism.



Is non-vegetarian food permitted or prohibited? Part 1


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It is not the eating of the flesh that is sinful, sicking yes but sinful is a stretch. I believe the real sin is in how the animals are treated and then slaughtered that is the real sin. Cruelty has no part in a progressive spiritual path.


These people that try to justify being cruel with a verse from their book that tells them it's OK to be cruel as long as they perform the proper ritual to mask their savagery are delusional. I ain't buying it. The same goes for all the animal sacrifice in the vedas. Barbaric IMO.

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These people that try to justify being cruel with a verse from their book that tells them it's OK to be cruel as long as they perform the proper ritual to mask their savagery are delusional. I ain't buying it. The same goes for all the animal sacrifice in the vedas. Barbaric IMO.


Well, yes. *AND*, isn't it better for a barbarian to slaughter an animal in a ritualistic way, giving honor to the animal and the Lord or Lords rather than simply slaughtering the animal with no spiritual consciousness whatsoever?


As somebody explained to me once: in the context of the civilizations existing at the time of the revelation of the Old Testament of the Bible--the doctrine of an eye for an eye was a revolutionarily merciful one.


Of course, as the barbarians grew more civilized, they became ready for Jesus' revelation of "turn the other cheek".

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So, are you a soybean or a carrot?




I am a nut.(well, peanuts are actually a legume)

Is that what you wanted to hear?:D


Are you an onion?:D


I am hing.


I am making a pot of vegetable stew for dinner..... no onions - no carrots.

I like celery, green peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and curry powder with hing.


I don't eat anything that has a face or eyes.:D

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why are you hurting the knees of your children?:D


I never hurt the knees of my children.:D


Right, they were never allowed to run around, eh?


"Sorry", says Guruvani to his kids, "you can't go out to play--too dangerous!! You'll just have to stay in and watch movies and play videogames."


"Sorry," says Guruvani, "you must keep both feet on the ground while singing 'Hari Bol' during kirtan! Don't want you slipping in your socks on the slippery marble!!"



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"Sorry", says Guruvani to his kids, "you can't go out to play--too dangerous!! You'll just have to stay in and watch movies and play videogames."




You better watch your mouth or I will have my 220 lb. son beat you up.:D

Or, my I will have my soccer playing 13 year old daughter kick your butt.:D

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You better watch your mouth or I will have my 220 lb. son beat you up.:D

Or, my I will have my soccer playing 13 year old daughter kick your butt.:D


Your son isn't like 5'1", is he?


As for the soccer player--my butt is fine--it's got some padding. Just don't ask her to kick me in the shins!!


What were we talking about again?

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Your son isn't like 5'1", is he?



No, he is 5' 11' and he is as strong as a bull.


He's got some padding but he is not a rolly-polly.


He is also a brahmacary and he doesn't worry about girls.


He is a fine young man that I am very pleased with.


His name is Nitai Prasad.

He is a real nice guy.

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No, he is 5' 11' and he is as strong as a bull.


He's got some padding but he is not a rolly-polly.


He is also a brahmacary and he doesn't worry about girls.


He is a fine young man that I am very pleased with.


His name is Nitai Prasad.

He is a real nice guy.


Sounds like an upstanding gentleman. I'd like to see how well he can resist my daughter's wiles in another 15 years, though! Of course, there has got to be a lot of temptation in Alachua.

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Of course, there has got to be a lot of temptation in Alachua.


Probably, but he is not looking at this point.

He is a computer wiz and he is a gaming master.


He spent his childhood running around the hills of Badger.


He's not Krishna crazy yet.

Maybe when he gets older.

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Well, yes. *AND*, isn't it better for a barbarian to slaughter an animal in a ritualistic way, giving honor to the animal and the Lord or Lords rather than simply slaughtering the animal with no spiritual consciousness whatsoever?


As somebody explained to me once: in the context of the civilizations existing at the time of the revelation of the Old Testament of the Bible--the doctrine of an eye for an eye was a revolutionarily merciful one.


Of course, as the barbarians grew more civilized, they became ready for Jesus' revelation of "turn the other cheek".


I see it as an offense to God rather it is cloaked in religious trappings or not. Even in the Old Testament different prophets put forth different "words of Jehovah". Concerning animal sacrifice one protested the slaughter by channeling Jehovah's word as "I desire mercy not sacrifice."


It is a confusing document when seen as a single work. For instance in Genesis 1 it is said man was given the fruit of the trees and green herbs for food. IOW's a VEGAN diet. Then later we come upon books describing how to slaughter the animal and sprinkle it's blood on the altar to God.


I am not as generous as you in this respect.

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