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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

Ans. A diabetic patient cries before a doctor to get a sweet for eating. The doctor has infinite number of sweets and he does not worry at all for giving a sweet to the patient. You are crying before God, who is the divine father (creator of all the souls) to give some wealth or to solve some problem. If He helps you, there is not even a trace of any personal loss to Him. Neither His wealth nor His power is finite and nor His love to souls is limited. The only factor that guides Him is to see the future position after the help. If your eyes are to climb the roof of your head after the help, God will keep silent. After the help you will fall down even from your present level and then you will cry again before the same God to lift you up.

If the doctor gives you the sweet, the level of sugar may go up and the emergent treatment is also the responsibility of the same doctor. Hence the doctor will not give you the sweet. If the doctor is confident of your health, he may give the sweet. Sometimes the doctor gives the sweet and conducts the emergent treatment to show you the truth, if you are scolding the doctor to be unkind. The response of the doctor lies on his analysis of the situation and it is not the subject of the patient at all. You must have the faith in the doctor (God) that any response is for your good only and you must know that the patient is ignorant of his own real welfare.

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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

Ans. A diabetic patient cries before a doctor to get a sweet for eating. The doctor has infinite number of sweets and he does not worry at all for giving a sweet to the patient. You are crying before God, who is the divine father (creator of all the souls) to give some wealth or to solve some problem. If He helps you, there is not even a trace of any personal loss to Him. Neither His wealth nor His power is finite and nor His love to souls is limited. The only factor that guides Him is to see the future position after the help. If your eyes are to climb the roof of your head after the help, God will keep silent. After the help you will fall down even from your present level and then you will cry again before the same God to lift you up.

If the doctor gives you the sweet, the level of sugar may go up and the emergent treatment is also the responsibility of the same doctor. Hence the doctor will not give you the sweet. If the doctor is confident of your health, he may give the sweet. Sometimes the doctor gives the sweet and conducts the emergent treatment to show you the truth, if you are scolding the doctor to be unkind. The response of the doctor lies on his analysis of the situation and it is not the subject of the patient at all. You must have the faith in the doctor (God) that any response is for your good only and you must know that the patient is ignorant of his own real welfare.

This material world is compared with a prison house by sastra and the great acaryas. Anybody who is thrown into prison somehow caused this imprisonment by his own mistaken actions. Now, anyone being locked up in prison might cry again and again to be freed but are prisoners being freed from any prison sentence just by crying?

Similiarly because we don't understand why we are being put into this material world prison house we think it is a great injustice that we're being put here. It might be true that sometimes a person is put into prison due some mistaken judgement by the government but God's judgement to put us into the prison of this material world is not mistaken. We clearly performed some severe breach, therefore we are here in this material imprisonment.

Without this understanding we might be angry of being punished that way, but will it help?



This material world is just like a prison house; it is a punishing place meant to bring us to that point of becoming disgusted, surrendering at last to Krishna, and going back to our original nature of eternal life in bliss and complete knowledge.


- Srila Prabhupada, The Science of Self-Realization

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This crying is simply part of our cure, our growing detachment. If we cry for God, then He will come. However if we cry for the things that stand between us and God, then it is a good thing that we lose them.


Drowning in the ocean of happiness of existence, if I add a big car to that ocean, the depth is not increased. If I take a big car out of the ocean, the water is not decreased. Don't get stuck in a little pond where the tides of happiness and distress constantly flow.

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This crying is simply part of our cure, our growing detachment. If we cry for God, then He will come. However if we cry for the things that stand between us and God, then it is a good thing that we lose them.


Drowning in the ocean of happiness of existence, if I add a big car to that ocean, the depth is not increased. If I take a big car out of the ocean, the water is not decreased. Don't get stuck in a little pond where the tides of happiness and distress constantly flow.


Thanks all of you, you all have understood the spirtual concepts well.


Now, let me add one important and very esssential point here.


Lord comes in human form in every human generation to preach and uplift the human souls. He is known as human incarnation. His identification mark is the true divine knoweldge.


How we will identify such human incarnation?


In the Chemistry laboratory the practical procedure is given to you and the salt is given. According to the procedure you have to analyze the substance and find out the name of the salt by yourself. Veda says that the infinite true special knowledge, which cannot be preached by any one and which generates love and bliss in our hearts is the main characteristic of the Lord. He possesses super powers but does not use for exhibition due to egoism. By these confirmatory tests you can find out the fullest form of the Lord (Paripurna Avatara) who is Lord Datta himself. Of course all the preachers are the human incarnations of the disciples of Lord Datta. Some are the partial incarnations of Lord Datta like Kalavatara, Amsavatara etc.,

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The Vedas say that only once does Lord Krishna descend in His original form in one day of Lord Brahma which lasts for 4.32 billion of our years.

There are four great sentences (Maha Vakyas) taken from four Vedas. The first sentence is ‘Aham Brahma Asmi’. This means that I am like the Lord externally. That means when the Lord comes in Human form He looks like me. Here the figure of speech is ‘Upama Alankara’ (Simily). One mode of this figure of speech is ‘Lupta Upama Vachaka’ i.e.; the word ‘Like’ will be missing. Then the meaning should be taken in the following manner: ‘Aham’= I ‘Brahma’ = God (‘Iva’ = like) ‘Asmi’ = Look. Now the meaning is: ‘I look like God’ i.e., when God incarnates in human form like Lord Krishna, He just looks like me as far as the external appearance is concerned, because the Lord is also in a human body. Similarly the second sentence is ‘Tat Tvam Asi’. Tvam = You, Tat = God, (Iva = Like), Asi = Look. That means you look like God. This means that Lord Krishna looks like you externally. The third sentence is ‘Ayam Atma Brahma’ i.e., Ayam Atma = He, (Iva = Like), Brahma = God (<st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Asti</st1:city></st1:place> = looks). This means he looks like God externally. The essence of these three sentences is that Lord Krishna looks like you him and myself when He is viewed externally because the human body is same as any other human body. The fourth sentence is ‘Prajnanam Brahma’. This means Brahma = God, Prajnanam = a scholar with special divine knowledge. The fourth sentence differentiates Lord Krishna from the other human beings because He possesses special divine knowledge, which no body can possess in this world. This sentence relates to the internal form of the human incarnation.

All these four sentences conclude that God comes only in the human form in every human generation to avoid partiality to a particular human generation. The fourth sentence also indicates that you should recognize such God in human form by His special divine knowledge and not by miracles because miracles are done by demons also. The Lord is said to be the true and infinite knowledge by Veda. Bhagavathgita says that the Lord comes to this world only through a human body (Manusheem Tanumasritam’). Gita did not mention that God comes in any other form. People have taken the direct meaning of these sentences and thought “I am God, You are God and He is God”. If you take the meaning like that, do you mean that every body in this world is Lord Krishna? If so, Lord Krishna preached Bagavathgita to Lord Krishna (Himself) only because Arjuna is also Lord Krishna!

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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

Ans. A diabetic patient cries before a doctor to get a sweet for eating. The doctor has infinite number of sweets and he does not worry at all for giving a sweet to the patient. You are crying before God, who is the divine father (creator of all the souls) to give some wealth or to solve some problem. If He helps you, there is not even a trace of any personal loss to Him.


The way I understand this question is a bit different. Sometimes all a crying person wants is an answer - any answer, any sign that He is listening. It is not really a question about getting some problem solved by God's intervention.


if you understand this question as presented above one way the answer could be:


He is not silent. You just have to pay attention to the way He usually answers: through His voice in our heart, and through the deeds of His agents.

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The way I understand this question is a bit different. Sometimes all a crying person wants is an answer - any answer, any sign that He is listening. It is not really a question about getting some problem solved by God's intervention.


if you understand this question as presented above one way the answer could be:


He is not silent. You just have to pay attention to the way He usually answers: through His voice in our heart, and through the deeds of His agents.

Seems like dattaswami considers this world basically as a place for enjoyment - not as a material prison house. And from this it follows that he considers spiritual life not as a discipline of becoming free from material attachment but as a tool to overcome material suffering and then being able to better enjoy this material world.

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Seems like dattaswami considers this world basically as a place for enjoyment - not as a material prison house. And from this it follows that he considers spiritual life not as a discipline of becoming free from material attachment but as a tool to overcome material suffering and then being able to better enjoy this material world.


Gita says that a realized soul who uses the analysis by intelligence leaves the concepts of both happiness obtained by doing good deeds and misery obtained by doing bad deeds (Buddhi Yukto Jahatiha Ubhe Sukruta Dushkrute). This means that you are trying for the temporary happiness of heaven and trying to avoid the temporary misery of hell here as well as in the upper world. This means that if you are analyzing the scriptures with sharp logic to realize the ultimate goal of the human life, you will not be interested in neither happiness nor in misery during the life as well as after death.

The ultimate goal of life is not anything related to your self, because it is aimed at pleasing the creator since the original aim of this creation is only the pleasure of the Lord through entertainment. Therefore, the original aim of yourself, other selves and the entire universe is only to serve the Lord and please Him.

Then, you will be blessed by the Lord with His eternal divine grace and your life is fulfilled. Therefore, the human life is neither for doing good deeds nor for doing bad deeds and it is also not for enjoying the good fruits or bad fruits. You are wasting the human life in doing good works and some times doing bad works due to the force of your ignorance. By this very little time is left over here to serve the Lord. If this little time is also used for enjoying good and bad fruits, no time is left for you to do the service to God and get His blessings. Hence, to save at least this little time for realization of spiritual knowledge and subsequent involvement in the divine service, at least the enjoyment of good and bad deeds is postponed to a latter time and at a latter place. The latter time is after death and latter places are hell and heaven. This is the reason for creation of hell and heaven separately to enjoy the results after death.

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The way I understand this question is a bit different. Sometimes all a crying person wants is an answer - any answer, any sign that He is listening. It is not really a question about getting some problem solved by God's intervention.


if you understand this question as presented above one way the answer could be:


He is not silent. You just have to pay attention to the way He usually answers: through His voice in our heart, and through the deeds of His agents.


People are dieing day and night to earn wealth always. They worship God intensively for earning wealth more and more and there is no end to this. The anxiety for wealth can be compared to the anxiety of a person to come out of the water when he is drowned in a lake by force. God has arranged for the basic needs of every soul even for an atheist. Even the human Government is arranging the basic needs for criminals in the prison and how can one doubt about the divine Government in this?

The desire for wealth is never satisfied and in fact it grows more and more as the wealth comes. The fire grows more and more as the ghee is poured in it (Na Kamah…). I will tell you a small incident of one of My childhood-friends. He suffered with sever poverty and all his efforts failed in earning money. He did several worships of God but they were of no use. The silence of God here is to be properly understood. God knows that addition of ghee in fire in that case will not solve the problem. One day he went to the Railway Station at 3 pm to commit suicide by falling down before the train.

On that day, I awoke very early and went to station under the pretext of morning walk. I met him there and started giving spiritual knowledge regarding the wealth and God. I sang several devotional songs to change his mind and asked him to sing a few songs daily.

I told him “Your worldly life is ruined and there is no hope of revival. At least try to win in the spiritual life. People who commit suicide will go to hell and they have ruined not only the worldly life but also the spiritual life”.

I washed his brain and he came to a decision of building up the spiritual life leaving all the materialistic efforts to earn wealth etc. Generally people misunderstand Me in this point. They think that I have ruined that fellow completely in the worldly life. You know what happened in that case. Within a couple of years he became the richest man in the town through some accidental business. But he forgot Me and also left the entire spiritual life.

He started singing the same songs with a different aim to grow his wealth more and more. Recently I met him and advised him about the change in his aim etc. I asked him to do some practical service to God by participating in the propagation of the divine knowledge by doing at least a little sacrifice of the fruit of work. You know the result! He stopped coming to My house.

Previously he was coming to My house expressing his gratefulness to Me before My family. In no time, just by single will, I can bring him back to his original position. But I thought of not doing like that because in such case he will certainly commit suicide by the shock of the turn. Let him continue in that state without further materialistic progress so that he will not be spoiled more, I thought. There may be a hope of his turn before the end of his life. If he does not turn, anyway he will go to the same hell that he wanted to reach previously through the suicide. God is never unkind. He will be either kind or neutral to His devotees.

His heart is a gate without doors (Dwaraka). Dwaraka means the gate, which is always opened acting as the passage continuously. Any one can enter at any time and they will be honored with divine love from God. Any one in the heart of God is free to go out at anytime and God is never unkind to him and God becomes just neutral by withdrawing the love to him. There is no question of anger of God on the devotees even if they insult Him.

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Why do I have a feeling that you did not read my post and just copied and pasted some wodrs of your master?


Money is very important aspect, hence i mentioned about it in the reply. Money is the root knot.

It catches your throat. Therefore the Veda says “Dhanena tyagenaike …” which means that money alone decides your love on God. Real love can be expressed only by money and work (karma sanyasa and karma phala tyaga). Without these two, other ways are only hypocritic. If these two also exist, then, other ways get life. Otherwise, they are dead items only. ‘Guna’ is theory. ‘Karma’ is practice. Theory should lead to practice. Otherwise, mere theory is only hypocrisy. The four castes in spiritual path are decided by theory and practice only (guna karma vibhagasah – the Gita). Saktuprastha is the real Brahmana (or Brahma Jnani), who sacrificed all the fruit of his work for God. Dharma raja is kshatriya, who could only do partial sacrifice of wealth in doing Asvamedha. Dhritarastra is Vysya, who has good theory but zero in practice. He recognized the Lord Krishna but did not give even five villages, even though the Lord is asking. He has full power to give but escaped nicely by pleading his false incapability in going against his son.

Duryodhana is a sudra, who did not even recognise the Lord and was greedy for wealth of even his own brothers. Thus caste is not by birth, but it is by the qualities and practice (guna karma). Swami Dayananda, who is also human incarnation preached about this valuable concept. Every great preacher is incarnation of God because the Gita says the same (Yadyat vibhutimat…).

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