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Tirupati Headshave questions

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I'm a freshmen in a US University (freshmen = first year). I vowed to get my head shaved (actual words used were "to offer my hair") in tirupati if got into a Top Engineering school. I did, but due to extenuating circumstances I'm unable to visit India at all for a while.


However I was kind of afraid of head shaves (or even hair cuts) when I was a kid (and even till 16) and am feeling guilty for not being able to fulfill my vow. But I'm comitted to going through, but as I mentioned I can't do it in India. I was wondering if you could help me out by answering some questions.


1. What care should I take BEFORE the headshave?

2. What care should I take AFTER the headshave?

3. Can the headshave be done in a barber shop?


Someone told me that it can be done in a barber shop but the first 3 pieces of hair should be offered to god.


4. So is the first 3 actual pieces of hair that get clippered (shaved) or is it all the hair that gets clippered (shaved) with 3 actions?

5. Does the headshave have to be completely clean? In the US, it's quite uncommon to get cleanly shaved, and it's mostly a very clean buzz (a very very very very layer of hair is left on).

6. Should I leave that layer of hair as it is, or get it done by a razor afterwards for a clean shave?


Thanks a ton!

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Sorry if this site wasn't the right one to place these questions under, looking at the discussions the site seems very spiritual and wordly. Sorry for such a material question.


I found the site after googling for 'tirupati headshave questions' and found several answers to a thread, hence the questions.

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I'm a freshmen in a US University (freshmen = first year). I vowed to get my head shaved (actual words used were "to offer my hair") in tirupati if got into a Top Engineering school. I did, but due to extenuating circumstances I'm unable to visit India at all for a while.


However I was kind of afraid of head shaves (or even hair cuts) when I was a kid (and even till 16) and am feeling guilty for not being able to fulfill my vow. But I'm comitted to going through, but as I mentioned I can't do it in India. I was wondering if you could help me out by answering some questions.


1. What care should I take BEFORE the headshave?

2. What care should I take AFTER the headshave?

3. Can the headshave be done in a barber shop?


Someone told me that it can be done in a barber shop but the first 3 pieces of hair should be offered to god.


4. So is the first 3 actual pieces of hair that get clippered (shaved) or is it all the hair that gets clippered (shaved) with 3 actions?

5. Does the headshave have to be completely clean? In the US, it's quite uncommon to get cleanly shaved, and it's mostly a very clean buzz (a very very very very layer of hair is left on).

6. Should I leave that layer of hair as it is, or get it done by a razor afterwards for a clean shave?


Thanks a ton!


I was a shaved headed brahmacary for 8 years.

Real monks take the razor to it after a close buzz.

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Is that varna by birth in asura varnashrama or varna as confirmed by the acharya in daiva Varnashram?


Only the guru can confirm the varna of the person in daiva Varnashram.

In asura Varnashram it is the artificial varna calculated by birth which is many times a false estimation.

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Is that varna by birth in asura varnashrama or varna as confirmed by the acharya in daiva Varnashram?


Only the guru can confirm the varna of the person in daiva Varnashram.

In asura Varnashram it is the artificial varna calculated by birth which is many times a false estimation.


It's varna by birth. I understand what you mean, but a good portion of this planet would end up in the Brahman category if you attempt to directly use one's role at society today and match it up with the varna's (Yes, this is quite contradictory to the original role varna's were supposed to play and is a paradox in itself)


Does it matter?

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Does it matter?


not in mundane society.

In a spiritual society it is indespensable.

Mahaprabhu did not approve of varna by birth.

One had to show his qualifications by quality of work and mentality.

The varna by birth is artificial.

Mahaprabhu did not appreciate that system.


guna karma vibhagasaha

qualities and work - not birth

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Ask for a buzz with a "0", meaning the barber will use the tool he uses for getting rid of sideburns. No need to use a blade, this is just another form of vanity. I knew folks that would wax their heads, yet they criticized my sikha dreadlocks that went down to my waist.


I remember this one dude, who was a really great person and genuine nice guy, was caught admiring his long sikha. The TP snuck up on him and snipped it in the middle of his private admiration. We (including the formerly vain devotee) all had a great laugh.


Sorry, I have no respect for hair, it is just stool that dont fall off. I once had tree dreadlocks out di top o me skull, but dey itch bad, and they had to go. So I sheared dem off at work, dipped the whole wad in red paint, and affixed the whole mess to a lathe. This was a tribute to the Navy ridnicks who made a rule (in 1968) dat long hair people had to wear canvas hairnets so dey wouldnt get caught in the lathe. So, 25 years later, I get me lick in, bad joke, but good fun.


No worry bout mericans speaking like dey know yer culture, mon. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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2. What care should I take AFTER the headshave?

You may get sunburned if you stand in the sun too long.



3. Can the headshave be done in a barber shop?

Krishna (Balaji) is present everywhere, so you can sacrifice your hair to him from a barbershop if necessary.



4. So is the first 3 actual pieces of hair that get clippered (shaved) or is it all the hair that gets clippered (shaved) with 3 actions?

Krishna doesn't want your hair physically. Hair is unclean and can't be offered to God. What you are offering is yourself to god, in full humility, giving up all vanity. Shaving the head is more about surrendering to God, than it is about physically giving him your hair.



5. Does the headshave have to be completely clean? In the US, it's quite uncommon to get cleanly shaved, and it's mostly a very clean buzz (a very very very very layer of hair is left on).

According to time, place an circumstances you do whatever is available. Do not worry about the technicalities of it. The offering is coming from within your heart.



6. Should I leave that layer of hair as it is, or get it done by a razor afterwards for a clean shave?

It isn't necessary to shave it with a razor later. The close buzz will be sufficient.

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Hello Everybody!


i wanted to visit audarya fellowship for quite some time to see interesting discussions from iskcon devotees and learn secrets of happy living. i could not do it from my work place and today finally i got a chance to see it from home. and lo, i was really sruprised to see this post!


coming to the point, vikas, here is my opinion.


giving hair is a bahya achara. an external show-off ritual. the best things

you could do are


1)feed some desperate people by donating to a charity like foodrelief.org.


2) set aside some money and ask your parents to donate

bhagavad gita's to a iskcon temple in india. the devotees there will

distribute them to deserving people.


if you still want to get rid of your hair, go to cool cuts or great clips and

get a close shave with a machine. no razors. and let them sweep the hair

into trash.after that when you get opportunity go to a krishna or buddha temple and put that head at the feet of the liberator. (first from superstitious



i feel that we indians should do less of rituals and do more of studying the

wisdom taught by masters krishna and buddha. i have seen all indians leave in iskcon temples after aarati and before start of b.gita lecture. it is pathetic.

that is the reason lot of real gurus visit usa and europe. they get serious

devotees here. some of the fake gurus too. for dollars and euros!


also balaji is in the midst of crisis. the govt is siphoning the money thrown

by devotees to other activities. they do not have any publications and what

ever they said that they published are not available. bu** ****


and read prabhupada's books.

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If you got nice hair, consider this. I have a friend, a boat live-aboard, who was tired of his very long hair, as it became increasingly hard to keep clean, and was spending too much time braiding it all. So he phoned the local hospital to find out about donating his mane to cancer patients who lose theirs due to treatment (which I dont favor, but to each his own). Surprise! The hospital actually has access to programs and groups that do accept hair as donation.


Trash it, burn it, give it up in some ritual, but maybe seeing an eight year old girl's return to school after very traumatic illness eased because she can wear a nice wig made from your hair, maybe this is actual a spiritual thing one can do. Perhaps some of the ISKCON leaders can come up with this plan as well, its good PR. Lord knows, ISKCON once got about five pounds of hair from me.


just a thought.



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