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Shiva - Shakti - worship of Devi and Deva

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Ahara Vimaladvaita

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Namaste to all.


I was woundering about worshiping Devi and Deva of chakras. Every chakra has its own Devi and Deva and everi chakra is higher point of consciousness. Every chakra has its own Kosha, Tattwa, Yantra, Tanmantra, Gyanendriya, Karmendriya, Bija, Loka, Yoni, Lingam, Granthi, Color Dhatu, Kshetram, Prana Vayu and so on. For instance Mooladhara Deva is Ganesha and Devi is Savitri or Dakini. Swadhisthana Deva is Vishnu and Devi is Saraswati or Rakini. Manipura Deva is Rudra and Devi is Lakshmi or Lakini; and so on.


Here is my question: Can i worship those Devas and Devis of everi chakra at a time? First i will worship Ganesha and Savitri or Dakini; i will do sadhanas for mooladhara chakra, and so on. When i will complite in one chakra i will move on to the next chakra (that is Swadhisthana, where i will worship Vishnu and Saraswati or Rakini) and thene to the nex chakra where i will worship Rudra and Lakshmi or Lakini; and to the next until i get to the Sahasrara, where i will worship Shiva and Shakti? What do you think about that and how will you do that? Where do i have to be careful?


What do you think about all that?


God bless you all,

Ahara V.

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I am also a practitioner of some KY practices. Though I am not in a position to answer your question I am also interested to know details and nature of this worship. Few months back I read few books on the subject but they didn't contain any details of the worship. Can u please tell me how you do the worship?


Om Shanti

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I worship Kali Ma: I do japa, i meditate on Kali Ma mantra, i remember Kali Ma every day and i do all in the name of Kali Ma.


About Chakra Deity worship: i will use mantra of individual god and goddess for so long that they will responde and let me go to the next stage. I will do yoga asanas for specific chakra and meditation on Devi or Deva and i will meditate on chakra. I will also use yantra of specific deity if i will learn how to do that. But my primari deity will be Kali Ma. She will tell me where i will do something wrong. Kali Ma is my Guru. Nature is my Guru,...


I will meditate on Devi or Deva of specific chakra for long time, even if that will take me a year. I don't care for how long (if that will take me for 5 years or to the end of my life, because i still have Kali Ma in my heart), just that they will lett me go on, to the next stage.

I will not do and i dont do that sadhanas because of siddhis and other occult powers. I will do that and i'm doing that so that i will come closer to the Mother Goddess Kali Ma. I will not feed Ego, no matter what. I will Transform it in to the Divine Ego. But i will se, when my ego will start to transform its self in to Divine. I don't know how that is and i don't want to know what is thene (everything will come), because Kali Ma did't thought me that yet. So that means, that i have to learn a lot, something what is now more inportant.

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  • 2 months later...

People are occupied with lotta bookish knowledge. So Mr. Yoga student try finding some authentic person to advance further and make sure not be misled by all the posts here. Bookish knowledge won't be a single help in your quest. People with Kundalini awakening never talk in crowd about the experiences as they are not allowed by the GURU. With your own practice of Yoga n pranayams you could make a rise up to the third level of Kundalini but it is too rare. I've met people with 6-16 years of yoga practices only with first chakra activation but after the initiations from a capable Guru got the 7th Chakra awakened in no time.


THe world is running nowhere, following the baseless and ignorant GUrus and Bhagavans. As in the time of Krishna, Jesus, Buddha only few person could recognize them...same happens even in this time. We are corpse worshiper...afraid to go to the living Gurus as the guru could be severe sometimes.... read Yogananda's An Autobiography of a Yogi...find some books on Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, find books on Vishuddananda...you'd be able to realize the significance of a GURU.



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