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My questions on Hinduism

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My humble pranams to all.


The Gaudiya understanding of Lord Siva's topmost abode of Sadasivaloka is delineated in the Brahma-samhita and Srila Sanatana Gosvamipada's Brhad-bhagavatamrta. It is clear to any one with half-a-brain that Sadasivaloka is an eternal dhama, beyond the material world, and the Param-guru of all Sarasvata Vaisnavas, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, himself uses the term indestructible to describe the loka of Mahadeva, in his English commentary on the Brahma-samhita. Sivaloka is not destroyed by any means at the time of pralaya or maha-pralaya for that matter. Only a nincompoop would dare argue otherwise.


Of course, there is a modern deviant "Gaudiya" sect which has, over the years, mutated into an apa-sampradaya, and very few individuals who owe their sole acquaintance with Sanatana Dharma to that particular quarter know any Sanskrit whatsoever. Their knowledge, or should I say lack of it, of Dharma is palpable to any normal person, since they only consult BBT translations, or what passes for translations, as their only reference material. These people are for the most part rude, arrogant, and often succumb to the worst type of sectarianism one can find, almost on a par with violent Jihadis or zealous evangelical missionaries. Devotees from the traditional Gaudiya Parivaras or different Gaudiya Mathas largely ignore them for being so ignorant and uncouth. There are some good, reasonable, thoughtful Vaisnavas even from the mission concerned, but these tend to be in the minority.


If any of you friends who are outsiders to the Gaudiya sampradaya wish to know in any real depth our actual views on the subject matters being debated here, I suggest you extract this information from senior Vaisnava practitioners who have significant realisation to their credit, not from a low-consciousness life form who spends most of his time insulting and attempting to defeat anyone and everyone who disagrees with him.


The fact is that both Sadasivaloka and Brahman are just as real and eternal as Vaikuntha. Where one wants to go is a matter of faith and personal preference, and each sadhaka should choose his sadhya/desired destination for himself, and follow the sadhana/spiritual practice required in order to attain that goal. Sanatana Dharma is absolute and all-encompassing. Not many people can fully grasp such a broad concept. Those accustomed to simplistic black-and-white paradigms are definitely ineligible, unless they drop their reductionistic idiocies and embrace a more universal and inclusive conception of Divinity.

Hari Om and Hari Bol!


Dear Vikram, My Pranaams!


So this explains the actual position with Lord Shiva's abode and Vaikuntha!

Thus debunking the other false statement that Lord Shiva destroys his very own spiritual abode and has to go elsewhere. Thank you and regards.

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In Mahabharata Lord Krsna is glorifying Lord Vishnu as thus too after worshipping him for months at a strech standing on one leg!!! In Shiv Gita Rama is glorifying Shiva as thus after seeing Lord Shiva's universal form and feeling afraid falling to the ground in dandvats again and again singing his glory and saying that He (Lord Shiva) is the giver of five kinds of mukti!!!"

Just a small correction in what I wrote earlier: In Mahabharata Lord Krsna is glorifying Lord SHIVA (not Vishnu) as thus too after worshipping him for months at a strech standing on one leg!!!

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why don't U stop searching for the religions...all are inter-related.

what U gotta do is look for the divine inside U. Inspite of the relation of the religions, the easiest way available is in Hinduism only. You can find an Enlightened Guru and lead yourself on the path of Sadhanas.


You could find vast numbers of Guru but the true one is far away...in own seclusion with some Disciples...still with the light and the truth can lead you to ...

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why don't U stop searching for the religions...all are inter-related.

what U gotta do is look for the divine inside U. Inspite of the relation of the religions, the easiest way available is in Hinduism only. You can find an Enlightened Guru and lead yourself on the path of Sadhanas.

You could find vast numbers of Guru but the true one is far away...in own seclusion with some Disciples...still with the light and the truth can lead you to ...

Well true. Hinduism has all these ways and any way that you need. And that's what we are discussing here - questions on Hinduism

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The fact is that both Sadasivaloka and Brahman are just as real and eternal as Vaikuntha. Where one wants to go is a matter of faith and personal preference,



It is not a matter of faith or preference, but Sadhan is an exercise in finding the truth for oneself. Sanatan Dharm as understood and practiced all over India is a testimony of the unspoken wisdom.


Duality is easily perceivable, just as "I" and the "rest". The first step in Sadhan is to over come this differentiation. Lord Shiv, the Lord of duality is therefore worshiped by becoming one with him or like him, to end the duality. All sadhan originate from Lord Shiv and he is the author of all rituals. A sadhak, to become like Him, ought become clean physically, mentally and spiritually. One can see the physical form of such purity being practiced, as bathing, simple clothing, jata (or shikha), jahnavi (thread), asan (seat), jap (chanting), havan, etc. Mentally the sadhak removes all thoughts and desires to enter into a zero state, a state of vacuum. This is what is meant by non-duality, that is becoming one with Lord Shiv. And, Lord Shiv is for ever meditating on Lord Vishnu, so Sadhak can perceive Lord Vishnu only through such oneness with Lord Shiv. Lord Vishnu is also the Lord of non-duality, so he is worshipped as separated from oneself. Lord Vishnu himself worships Lord Shiv by becoming one with him. Everyday, He offers one thousand lotuses to Lord Shiv. One thousand Lotus is Sahasrar Chakra, which means one's entire consciousness. The sadhak at this stage starts perceiving duality that exists as maya of Lord Vishnu and he sees Him everywhere. When the consciousness is merged, all differentiation is lost. "Everything I see as separate from me is really me".


So, as the saying goes, the self is Shiv and the other is Vishnu. This can be seen practiced all over India. The "other" is always revered first. For example, a guest is fed first. Some Vaishnav sects in India worship each other by touching the other's feet. (Example of self is Shiv and the other is Vishnu). Some address each other as Prabuji. In essence, everyone is practicing to become Shiv to perceive Vishnu. So, the end result is the same, irrespective of the path chosen. For, the paths are not really different, only the emphasis differs depending on the moment, one's mental make up, one's personality and such factors. And the influence of the family, whose wisdom and past practices are natural allies in Sadhan.


The Supreme Lord has no name, no form and therefore is difficult to worship. His two forms that are worshiped are specific and precise for the effect they produce on the Sadhak. The Sadhak becomes one with Shiv but remains separate from Vishnu. In day-to-day practice, he is strict with himself but generous to all others. In short, when one wishes to worship the divinity in oneself, then it's Lord Shiv. When one wishes to worship divinity in others, it's Lord Vishnu. This is very much a living wisdom of India which has survived through thousands of years and will survive in future.



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It is not a matter of faith or preference, but Sadhan is an exercise in finding the truth for oneself. Sanatan Dharm as understood and practiced all over India is a testimony of the unspoken wisdom.


Duality is easily perceivable, just as "I" and the "rest". The first step in Sadhan is to over come this differentiation. Lord Shiv, the Lord of duality is therefore worshiped by becoming one with him or like him, to end the duality. All sadhan originate from Lord Shiv and he is the author of all rituals. A sadhak, to become like Him, ought become clean physically, mentally and spiritually. One can see the physical form of such purity being practiced, as bathing, simple clothing, jata (or shikha), jahnavi (thread), asan (seat), jap (chanting), havan, etc. Mentally the sadhak removes all thoughts and desires to enter into a zero state, a state of vacuum. This is what is meant by non-duality, that is becoming one with Lord Shiv. And, Lord Shiv is for ever meditating on Lord Vishnu, so Sadhak can perceive Lord Vishnu only through such oneness with Lord Shiv. Lord Vishnu is also the Lord of non-duality, so he is worshipped as separated from oneself. Lord Vishnu himself worships Lord Shiv by becoming one with him. Everyday, He offers one thousand lotuses to Lord Shiv. One thousand Lotus is Sahasrar Chakra, which means one's entire consciousness. The sadhak at this stage starts perceiving duality that exists as maya of Lord Vishnu and he sees Him everywhere. When the consciousness is merged, all differentiation is lost. "Everything I see as separate from me is really me".


So, as the saying goes, the self is Shiv and the other is Vishnu. This can be seen practiced all over India. The "other" is always revered first. For example, a guest is fed first. Some Vaishnav sects in India worship each other by touching the other's feet. (Example of self is Shiv and the other is Vishnu). Some address each other as Prabuji. In essence, everyone is practicing to become Shiv to perceive Vishnu. So, the end result is the same, irrespective of the path chosen. For, the paths are not really different, only the emphasis differs depending on the moment, one's mental make up, one's personality and such factors. And the influence of the family, whose wisdom and past practices are natural allies in Sadhan.


The Supreme Lord has no name, no form and therefore is difficult to worship. His two forms that are worshiped are specific and precise for the effect they produce on the Sadhak. The Sadhak becomes one with Shiv but remains separate from Vishnu. In day-to-day practice, he is strict with himself but generous to all others. In short, when one wishes to worship the divinity in oneself, then it's Lord Shiv. When one wishes to worship divinity in others, it's Lord Vishnu. This is very much a living wisdom of India which has survived through thousands of years and will survive in future.


Typical Advaitic platitudes which have been opposed time and time again by personalistic schools of thought, whether one thinks of the Brahma-sutra commentaries of Sripada Ramanujacarya, Sripada Madhvacarya, Nimbarka Maha-Muni, Sripada Visnusvami or the Gaudiya Vedantacarya Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana. I'm not saying that what you wrote is incorrect. It is correct, but only up to a certain point. I am a follower of the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya, and if properly understood, Gaudiya Vaisnavism favours a very inclusive conception of Divinity. Whilst many modern Gaudiyas are deplorably exclusivist, the theology of this sect in its absolute form embraces a superior domain where God is both personal and impersonal, Krsna and Siva, Paramatma and Brahman, and so forth. God can only be everything simultaneously, if one carefully ponders over the issue with the help of the revealed scriptures. You are obviously an Advaita Vedantist, and Brahman is your sadhya. For my part, I wish to serve Radharani in Goloka for eternity, as an aspirant Gaudiya Vaisnava. I respect your svabhavika spiritual option. Hope you afford me the same generosity.


Om tat sat

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It is not a matter of faith or preference, but Sadhan is an exercise in finding the truth for oneself. Sanatan Dharm as understood and practiced all over India is a testimony of the unspoken wisdom.



I would have to disagree that Sanatan Dharma is understood and practiced all over India.

Sometimes people confuse sva-dharma with sanatan-dharma and confuse Siva-bhakti with Visnu-bhakti etc. etc.


According to Bhagavat Purana, Sanatan Dharma is Vishnu bhakti or Krishna bhakti. Jnana marga is not Sanatan Dharma. Karma-yoga is not Sanatan Dharma.


Sanatan Dharma is the loving service of Lord Krishna.


Shaktas, Shaivas, yogis and jnanis are not following Sanatan Dharma.


If they follow Varnashram then they are following sva-dharma, but that is not Sanatan Dharma unless they are doing it as Vishnu bhakta and giving all the fruits of karma unto Vishnu.


Sanatan Dharma is eternal constitutional duty of the soul.

The eternal constitutional duty of the soul is as a servant of Krishna.

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Dear Vikram, My Pranaams!


So this explains the actual position with Lord Shiva's abode and Vaikuntha!

Thus debunking the other false statement that Lord Shiva destroys his very own spiritual abode and has to go elsewhere. Thank you and regards.


That is the abode of Sri Sadasiva Mahadeva whose realm is in the marginal zone between Vaikuntha and the brahmandas.


The Rudra Siva who was born from between the eyes of Lord Brahma and who performed penances for 1000 years to realize Lord Sankarshan lives in Ilavrita Varsha.


There is another form of Lord Siva that lives on the planet Vitalaloka in the subterranean heavens.


Altogether there are 11 different forms of Lord Siva that all come from Lord Sankarsana Anantadeva.


So, only the Mahesha Dhama of Sadasiva remains after the pralaya, but the other planets and abodes of Lord Siva within the universe all become destroyed in the pralaya.


So, I guess you have to be careful which form of Lord Siva you worship.

If you don't worship Sadasiva, but another form of Siva you might end up on Vitalaloka which is destroyed in the pralaya.

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I have studied the principals of hinduism. I understand Moshka, and Karma.

I rember a teacher saying something about a form of Hinduism, that believes in a heaven and hell, instead of the reincarnation. is this true?




Sanatana Dharma teaches both concepts simultaneously. We reincarnate through both the hellish and heavenly realms, as well as through the earthly plane.

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That is the abode of Sri Sadasiva Mahadeva whose realm is in the marginal zone between Vaikuntha and the brahmandas.


The Rudra Siva who was born from between the eyes of Lord Brahma and who performed penances for 1000 years to realize Lord Sankarshan lives in Ilavrita Varsha.


There is another form of Lord Siva that lives on the planet Vitalaloka in the subterranean heavens.


Altogether there are 11 different forms of Lord Siva that all come from Lord Sankarsana Anantadeva.


So, only the Mahesha Dhama of Sadasiva remains after the pralaya, but the other planets and abodes of Lord Siva within the universe all become destroyed in the pralaya.


So, I guess you have to be careful which form of Lord Siva you worship.

If you don't worship Sadasiva, but another form of Siva you might end up on Vitalaloka which is destroyed in the pralaya.


You are unecessary trying to entangle us into these classifications and distinctions!!! This is so unecessary!!! When we refer to Shiva we mean Lord Sada Shiva. We are not going into these different parts. Everything comes in Shiva. He is Sadashiva! And he contains the Rudras!

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I would have to disagree that Sanatan Dharma is understood and practiced all over India.

Sometimes people confuse sva-dharma with sanatan-dharma and confuse Siva-bhakti with Visnu-bhakti etc. etc.


According to Bhagavat Purana, Sanatan Dharma is Vishnu bhakti or Krishna bhakti. Jnana marga is not Sanatan Dharma. Karma-yoga is not Sanatan Dharma.


Sanatan Dharma is the loving service of Lord Krishna.


Shaktas, Shaivas, yogis and jnanis are not following Sanatan Dharma.


If they follow Varnashram then they are following sva-dharma, but that is not Sanatan Dharma unless they are doing it as Vishnu bhakta and giving all the fruits of karma unto Vishnu.


Sanatan Dharma is eternal constitutional duty of the soul.

The eternal constitutional duty of the soul is as a servant of Krishna.


This is so wrong!!! It is so narrow mindedness. Sanatana Dharma contains all of this infact. This servant ideology is HK preaching. Dhanna Bhakt's story is famouse. He never thought or imagined that he was servant or something. He thought that Lord Vishnu was his friend and Vishnu appeared before his simple hearted but earnest bhakti. he appeared to him as a friend. And Krsna says in bhagwat gita that in whatever form you wish to worship him, he appears to the bhakta in that form. But of course your translation doesn't mean that. You even want to contradict Krsna's words to push your own philosophy! Sanatana Dharma is so grand and vast. It is not limited to a narrow minded sectarian philosophy!

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I would have to disagree that Sanatan Dharma is understood and practiced all over India.

Sometimes people confuse sva-dharma with sanatan-dharma and confuse Siva-bhakti with Visnu-bhakti etc. etc.


According to Bhagavat Purana, Sanatan Dharma is Vishnu bhakti or Krishna bhakti. Jnana marga is not Sanatan Dharma. Karma-yoga is not Sanatan Dharma.


Sanatan Dharma is the loving service of Lord Krishna.


Shaktas, Shaivas, yogis and jnanis are not following Sanatan Dharma.


If they follow Varnashram then they are following sva-dharma, but that is not Sanatan Dharma unless they are doing it as Vishnu bhakta and giving all the fruits of karma unto Vishnu.


Sanatan Dharma is eternal constitutional duty of the soul.

The eternal constitutional duty of the soul is as a servant of Krishna.


oh and you probably have heard of 'Raskhan' from Afghanistan who came to india and saw Krsna's painting in his child form and fell in love with him. He thought Krsna to be a real child like person and developed intense love for him as a child. So much that Raskhan started treating him as his child and got clothes made for baby Krsna and waited in front of temple doors for days!! And Krsna appeared before him in his child form and blessed him. Raskhan treated Krsna all this while as a child! But since there was no das or servant bhava here, HKs simple never mention such great bhaktas!!


And of course the example of Mira Bai! The great Krsna Bhaktini of all times. Whom narrow minded sectarian acharyas refused initiation into their sampradaya and sect! But who cares!! Krsna came to her and accepted her!! Again, we don't really find the glories of Mirabai in any Iskcon or other organizational/ sectarian literature! But who cares!!

ok now how many of us are having Krsna appear before us?? :D

So this debunks your dasa only bhava behavior getting a Krsna mercy guarantee. now u can say of course that all this behavior is also serving Krsna! Good!! Let's serve then!

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I think it is appropriate to mention here that Guruvani is from a sect that does not even to Hinduism. His opinions on Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma are very sectarian and incorrect.


People who have questions on Hinduism are hereby cautioned. Please seek some authentic sources and avoid falling into such traps.



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According to Bhagavat Purana, Sanatan Dharma is Vishnu bhakti or Krishna bhakti. Jnana marga is not Sanatan Dharma. Karma-yoga is not Sanatan Dharma.

Shaktas, Shaivas, yogis and jnanis are not following Sanatan Dharma.

Right! You can step up now and safely say Sanatan Dharma is only Hare Krsnas. All others are just hodge podge.

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I think it is appropriate to mention here that Guruvani is from a sect that does not even to Hinduism. His opinions on Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma are very sectarian and incorrect.


People who have questions on Hinduism are hereby cautioned. Please seek some authentic sources and avoid falling into such traps.



The word "Hindu" is not found in any Veda or any Purana.


There is no such word as Hindu in Vedic shastra.


The actual Vedic term is Varnashram, not Hindu.


Hindu is a foreign term that Muslims or some other foreign people have given to the followers of Veda and Varnashrama Dharma.

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oh and you probably have heard of 'Raskhan' from Afghanistan who came to india and saw Krsna's painting in his child form and fell in love with him. He thought Krsna to be a real child like person and developed intense love for him as a child. So much that Raskhan started treating him as his child and got clothes made for baby Krsna and waited in front of temple doors for days!! And Krsna appeared before him in his child form and blessed him. Raskhan treated Krsna all this while as a child! But since there was no das or servant bhava here, HKs simple never mention such great bhaktas!!


And of course the example of Mira Bai! The great Krsna Bhaktini of all times. Whom narrow minded sectarian acharyas refused initiation into their sampradaya and sect! But who cares!! Krsna came to her and accepted her!! Again, we don't really find the glories of Mirabai in any Iskcon or other organizational/ sectarian literature! But who cares!!

ok now how many of us are having Krsna appear before us?? :D

So this debunks your dasa only bhava behavior getting a Krsna mercy guarantee. now u can say of course that all this behavior is also serving Krsna! Good!! Let's serve then!


sounds like Sanatan Dharma to me.

Srila Prabhuapda recognized Mirabai as a great devotee in the raga-marga.


Both examples you give is Sanatan Dharma - love of Krishna.


Sanatan Dharma is love of Krishna - not asura Varnashram which is not to be confused with Daiva Varnashram.

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The word "Hindu" is not found in any Veda or any Purana.


There is no such word as Hindu in Vedic shastra.


The actual Vedic term is Varnashram, not Hindu.


Hindu is a foreign term that Muslims or some other foreign people have given to the followers of Veda and Varnashrama Dharma.


YOU show us the word ISKCON in the Vedas first of all!!!! then talk!! You show us the term Supreme personality of Godhead in the Vedas! And you show us the term 'demi-God' or 'up-devta' in regards to Lord Shiva in Vedas and then talk about terms! Hindu term may be addressed to Sindhu, but it refers to Sanatana Dharma only! Your intention of preaching to the public that Shiva worship is not sanatana dharma is dead wrong.

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sounds like Sanatan Dharma to me.

Srila Prabhuapda recognized Mirabai as a great devotee in the raga-marga.


Both examples you give is Sanatan Dharma - love of Krishna.


Sanatan Dharma is love of Krishna - not asura Varnashram which is not to be confused with Daiva Varnashram.


I think you are way too attached to these terms! Did Raskhan know anything about any Varnashrama? none!!! Did he know anything about the servant like behavior? And who cares if Mira Bai was in 'Raga-marg' or what marg or what ashrama? People in India remember her as a great woman saint in pure devotion and love to Krishna!! That's it. She used to think of Krishna as her husband!

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I think it is appropriate to mention here that Guruvani is from a sect that does not even to Hinduism. His opinions on Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma are very sectarian and incorrect.

People who have questions on Hinduism are hereby cautioned. Please seek some authentic sources and avoid falling into such traps.


Thanks for the good advice shvu. Isn't it funny that people who don't recognize themselves with Hiinduism and don't study it or believe in it want to preach it and all against it?

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Hindu is a foreign term that Muslims or some other foreign people have given to the followers of Veda and Varnashrama Dharma.


but as u rightly noticed that Hinduism is a term given to the followers of Vedas, Vedic practices and Sanatana Dharma!

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but as u rightly noticed that Hinduism is a term given to the followers of Vedas, Vedic practices and Sanatana Dharma!


Correct indeed. The word "Hindu" is not a Sanskrit word, and Guruvani is right when he states that it is nowhere to be found in the classical indigenous literature of Bharata-varsa, whether one is referring to the Vedas, Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanisads, Puranas, Itihasas, Agamas or Tantras. The term used in the sastras to describe India's spiritual wisdom is Sanatana-dharma, and this encompasses vaisnava-dharma, saiva-dharma, sakta-dharma, advaita-vada, and a host of other genuine traditions, such as the system delineated in the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali and so on. As I have personally said uncountable times before, an individual soul is primarily drawn to a particular type of mysticism as a result of his mental impregnation, i.e. his own karmic inheritance from prior births coupled with a natural inclination that can be gradually developed depending on family, country, exposure etc etc. There is no doubt, though, that Sanatana-dharma has, over the centuries, evolved into an entity which has come to be known as Hinduism, and a wise person, in my humble little opinion, is one who takes valid knowledge from wherever he can find it, and progress in his own chosen sadhana with a view to reach his desired sadhya.


For my part, I am a non-ISKCON Gaudiya Vaisnava, and I request all friends who are sometimes sickened by holier-than-thou claims of being THE rightful heirs to the religion of OUR forebears by certain people, not to themselves commit a grave aparadha by abusing Gaudiya Vedanta generically, because of the ungainliness and clumsiness of just one modern sect. Real Gaudiya Vaisnavas seek harmony, and this is easily visible to any objective observer. For instance, Gaudiyas, who are emphatically personalistic in orientation, show a much higher level of respect for Sripada Adi-Sankaracarya, the father of Advaita Vedanta, than many other Vaisnava lineages. Tolerance, humility and pure Gaudiya Vaisnavism are inseparable as a matter of fact.


Those who have read my other posts will know that I really respect all the religions of the world, what to speak of Hindu philosophies other than my own. My main purpose on this forum is to try in my small way to counter sectarianism and exclusivism as much as I can. That does not mean that I consider all paths to lead to the same goal or even that all have equal theological merit; I am deeply committed to Caitanya Vaisnavism, but I prefer to follow Sriman Mahaprabhu's siksa to his followers and at least attempt to be humble and tolerant, rather than seek to destroy the faith of anyone who does not to my ideas.


My pranams to everybody.


Om tat sat

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There are many who has used the name of krishna , but they were not devotees. Or got libration. Like the vivekanand socity , ram krishna mission etc. So joto mot toto poth is wrong. This Geuet probably the same Y.K guy is trying too much for Joto mot toto poth thing.

People will do meat eating , have intoxitaion and they will say they take krishna or some devi worship and all path are ok. These are alll wrong ideas.


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There are many who has used the name of krishna , but they were not devotees. Or got libration. Like the vivekanand socity , ram krishna mission etc. So joto mot toto poth is wrong. This Geuet probably the same Y.K guy is trying too much for Joto mot toto poth thing.

People will do meat eating , have intoxitaion and they will say they take krishna or some devi worship and all path are ok. These are alll wrong ideas.



Dear Dev,


Namaskar! I spotted my name addressed as "the same y.k. guy trying too much for ...totomoto.."smth etc. What is it about??




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There are many who has used the name of krishna , but they were not devotees. Or got libration. Like the vivekanand socity , ram krishna mission etc. So joto mot toto poth is wrong. This Geuet probably the same Y.K guy is trying too much for Joto mot toto poth thing.

People will do meat eating , have intoxitaion and they will say they take krishna or some devi worship and all path are ok. These are alll wrong ideas.



Eating meat and intoxication are not parts of spiritual practices. Nor are they necessary in any spiritual sadhna including tantra dakshin marg! What's wrong with devi worship? Arjuna worshipped devi too! So did Barbarik blessed by Lord Krishna. What's wrong with that? Some of the greatest sages worshipped devis. Devi is power. Shri Gaudiya Vaishnavas chant the Gayatri mantra. And Gayatri devi and her sadhna was opened to the world by Shri Vishwamitra. This is a blessing. Whether it is saraswati, Lakshmi or kali, all are part of Lord. Lakshmi is consort of Lord Vishnu! We don't ignore her. Offering obeisances to Guru mata is offering obeisances to Guru as well.

jai shri Gauranga!!



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