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Conduct of Worship?

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I drew a large picture of Krishna playing the flute.. I mounted it into a Wooden display box and dressed it with flowers.. but now I dont know what I should do with it.. any help here?


That's great. That it's self is a form of worship. Now you can offer flowers, some fruit, some inscense. You could buy a small little stainless steel cup at any Indian store fill it with clean water and offer the water to Krsna letting it sit before the picture along with the fruit for some time. This is a good time to chant Hare Krsna on your beads for a round or two.


As you place your items to Krsna's for His pleasure you should chant Hare Krsna. You may also want to bow down and touch your head to the floor before Krsna thus offering yourself up as His loving servant.


You needn't worry about getting all the fine details of ritual correct, do your best. You know how on Mothers day the small children will prepare breakfast for their Mother. They don't know how to do everything exactly right but when they offer what they have prepared for sure that is the Mothers favorite breakfast of the year.


We can approach Krsna as this small child.


The chanting of Hare Krsna is the prime method of worship so it is essential to includ it along with all our other offerings.


I try to remember this acronym. KISS. It means Keep It Simple Sadhaka.


A sadhaka is a practioner of sadhana. Sadhana is the practice awakening our dormant love for Krsna.


The closest distance between two points is a straight line. Chanting Hare Krsna is the straight line to Krsna consciousness.

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I drew a large picture of Krishna playing the flute.. I mounted it into a Wooden display box and dressed it with flowers.. but now I dont know what I should do with it.. any help here?
Upload it here. Enjoy it there. Anything that reminds you of Krsna is good - smells, tastes, sounds, memories and sights like that. Orchestrate your environment with incense offered to Krsna, kirtana sounds, pictures, books, prasada, so when the senses wander they will find Krsna and focus on the eternal again.


These are the two pictures that live in my mind:












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