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Why is Hari shown as a deevote in Shiv Mahapurana?

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and why does every purana say their god is the supreme and if this is false, who is the all supreme and worshipsble of all gods?


We hear these kinds of wild claims in the forum quite regularly, but what we don't see is any proper references from shastra to support such wild claims.


In India there are millions of sects and cults that have all sorts of varied beliefs that they were brought up with or that they learn from some guru.


Everybody can't be right.

Somebody has to be wrong.


The Siva Purana was written by Romaharshana, a student of Vyasadeva.


So, knowing that, wouldn't it be prudent to in turn research the shastra that Vyasadeva himself wrote?


Srimad Bhagavat was written by Vyasadeva.

Siva Purana was written by Romaharshana who was at one time a student of Vyasadev.


In Vedic tradition Vyasadeva is said to be the incarnation of the Lord.

The texts of Vyasadeva stand as the topmost authoritative writings.


Vyasadeva wrote Srimad Bhagavat as his final commentary on Vedanta sutra. Therefore, Srimad Bhagavat stands as topmost of all the Puranas, because it has eliminated all cheating religious systems and propounded the highest truth and the essence of the Vedic knowledge.


So, Siva Purana is not the topmost Purana.

According to Vyasadeva himself, the Bhagavat Purana is the spotless Purana that has eliminated any and all cheating processes of religion that can be found in some of the other Puranas.


So, in Vaishnava thought, Srimad Bhagavat is the topmost authority on siddhanta and the Vedic conclusions.


Siva Purana was compiled by Romaharshana.

In Bhagavat Purana this Romaharshana was killed by Lord Balaram for being falsely proud of his prestige as a rishi.


So, the Vaishnava does not put so much credibility on certain Puranas that were not compiled by Vyasadev.


Vaishnavas accept the conclusion of Vyasadeva that Srimad Bhagavat and it's conclusions are the essence of Vedanta.


Siva Purana does not enjoy that kind of distinction amongst the Puranas.


Vaishnavas do not follow the Siva Purana of Romaharshana, nor do they accept it's attempts to promote Lord Siva as being supreme above Krishna or Vishnu.


Lord Balarama killed this Romaharshana with a blade of grass while he was sitting on the elevated seat in an assembly of sages.

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and why does every purana say their god is the supreme and if this is false, who is the all supreme and worshipsble of all gods?


Because that is the Shaiva belief just like Christians believing there is no salvation outside the church, Moslems believing non-moslems do not deserve to live and Vaishnavas believing Vishnu is supreme.


Only Advaita reconciles all these different beliefs as it sees forms as aspects of the one Brahman. Other beliefs such as Vaishnava have to circumvent and resort to putting down other beliefs through propoganda.



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