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We All Originated From KRSNA, the Supreme Person

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Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 2.20


As the spider moves along the thread it produces, or as from a fire tiny sparks fly in all directions, even so from this Atman come forth all organs, all worlds, all gods, all beings. Its secret name (Upanishad) is "the Truth of truth." The vital breaths are the truth and their truth is Atman.

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Agree with this. you are not taking the point of vedas. vedas are the basics of hinduism. Krishna was an avtara not a god. In a lot of ancient temples they are not doing the rituals and mantras for krishna, but they are doing it for loard vishnu. never forgot about omkara and trimoortis.

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  • 8 months later...


Agree with this. you are not taking the point of vedas. vedas are the basics of hinduism. Krishna was an avtara not a god. In a lot of ancient temples they are not doing the rituals and mantras for krishna, but they are doing it for loard vishnu. never forgot about omkara and trimoortis.

The Trimurti are all Krishna. Vishnu is the avatara of Krishna like brahman, and Shiva and Brahma are avataras of Krishna as well in the forms of servants to Krishna. Even the Omkara is the symbol for Krishna, because Krishna is brahman, paramatma and bhagavan, Om Tat Sat, and Saccidananda-vigraha. Thus, Omkara, which is the essential base sound of the Vedas, means Krishna, for Krishna is the Source of all things. Bhagavad Gita is the essence of Vedic teaching, and if we read the Gita, we must therefore conclude that the Vedas teach of Krishna according to His form as brahman.


The Srimad-Bhagavatam, or Bhagavata Purana, is considered the best of Puranas because it has been called the cream of the Vedas. It is the essence of what the Vedas attempt to teach in eternal servitude to God. It says in SB 1.3.28:


"ete camsa-kalah pumsah

krsnas tu bhagavan svayam

indrari-vyakulam lokam

mrdayanti yuge yuge"

"All of the above-mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Sri Krsna is the original Personality of Godhead. All of them appear on planets whenever there is a disturbance created by the atheists. The Lord incarnates to protect the theists."


When one reads the Gita, one can see that Krishna makes a difference between Himself and other people's souls. If we take it with a plain reading, without interpreting it with metaphorical Adwaita, we can see the philosophy of acintya-bheda-abheda-tattva. The conclusions are quite clear that Krishna is the Supreme Conception of God, and His avatars continually teach this supremacy.

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Krsna is the Supreme Person. We are part and parcel of Krsna and thus also persons.

Where is the sastra to back this up?:pray:

I remember that this was always quoted, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13)


"People with less intelligence consider the Supreme Truth to be impersonal, but He is a transcendental person, and this is confirmed in all Vedic literatures. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. (Katha Upanishad 2.2.13) As we are all individual living beings and have our individuality, the Supreme Absolute Truth is also, in the ultimate issue, a person, and realization of the Personality of Godhead is realization of all of the transcendental features in His complete form. The complete whole is not formless. If He is formless, or if He is less than any other thing, then He cannot be the complete whole. The complete whole must have everything within our experience and beyond our experience, otherwise it cannot be complete."


Introduction of Bhagavad-gita


"The real competition began by being jealous to Krishna. Real competition began. Kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha hañā bhoga vāñchā kare. Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme enjoyer. Krishna says, bhoktāraṁ yajña-tapasāṁ sarva-loka-maheśvaram [Bg. 5.29]. So our fall down this I have explained the other day is there when we wanted to compete with Krishna or become Kṛṣṇa. The jealous, icchā…. Icchā-dveṣa- samutthena sarge yānti parantapa. Sarge. Sarge means this creation, this material creation. We have come to this material creation. We do not belong to this material creation, but we have come here.

Just like one does not belong to the prisonhouse, but by his own action he comes to the prisonhouse. He becomes criminal, and therefore he is put into the prisonhouse. By his own activity. It is not that government wants somebody should live in the prison house and somebody should live outside prisonhouse, free...."


Bhagavad-gītā 4.22

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Bombay, April 11, 1974

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I remember that this was always quoted, Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13)


"People with less intelligence consider the Supreme Truth to be impersonal, but He is a transcendental person, and this is confirmed in all Vedic literatures. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. (Katha Upanishad 2.2.13) As we are all individual living beings and have our individuality, the Supreme Absolute Truth is also, in the ultimate issue, a person, and realization of the Personality of Godhead is realization of all of the transcendental features in His complete form. The complete whole is not formless. If He is formless, or if He is less than any other thing, then He cannot be the complete whole. The complete whole must have everything within our experience and beyond our experience, otherwise it cannot be complete."


Introduction of Bhagavad-gita


"The real competition began by being jealous to Kṛṣṇa. Real competition began. Kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha hañā bhoga vāñchā kare. Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme enjoyer. Kṛṣṇa says, bhoktāraṁ yajña-tapasāṁ sarva-loka-maheśvaram [Bg. 5.29]. So our fall down this I have explained the other day is there when we wanted to compete with Kṛṣṇa or become Kṛṣṇa. The jealous, icchā…. Icchā-dveṣa- samutthena sarge yānti parantapa. Sarge. Sarge means this creation, this material creation. We have come to this material creation. We do not belong to this material creation, but we have come here.

Just like one does not belong to the prisonhouse, but by his own action he comes to the prisonhouse. He becomes criminal, and therefore he is put into the prisonhouse. By his own activity. It is not that government wants somebody should live in the prison house and somebody should live outside prisonhouse, free...."


Bhagavad-gītā 4.22

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Bombay, April 11, 1974


Is not impersonalist to deny the form of the soul and target our origin the impersonal brahman without a personal form?

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Is not impersonalist to deny the form of the soul and target our origin the impersonal brahman without a personal form?


Brahman (brahmajyoti) is called "impersonal" in the same sense that the crowd of people is seen as "impersonal". Still, in both cases we are dealing with a vast number of individual persons. Each minute ray (spark or particle) of brahmajyoti is actually a living entity, who is a person.

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Brahman (brahmajyoti) is called "impersonal" in the same sense that the crowd of people is seen as "impersonal". Still, in both cases we are dealing with a vast number of individual persons. Each minute ray (spark or particle) of brahmajyoti is actually a living entity, who is a person.


so every minute ray has a trascendental form like Lord Krsna?

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so every minute ray has a trascendental form like Lord Krsna?


every ray has a form of light. see the hiranmayena patrena verse in Isa Upanishad (verse 15)



hiranmayena patrena

satyasyapihitam mukham

tat tvam pushann apavrinu


satya-dharmaya drishtaye




the true form of the Lord is covered by the dazzling light of brahmajyoti. svarupya (achieving the same form as the Lord) is a deeper level of spirituality. in brahmajyoti we are just light.

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every ray has a form of light. see the hiranmayena patrena verse in Isa Upanishad (verse 15)



hiranmayena patrena

satyasyapihitam mukham

tat tvam pushann apavrinu


satya-dharmaya drishtaye



the true form of the Lord is covered by the dazzling light of brahmajyoti. svarupya (achieving the same form as the Lord) is a deeper level of spirituality. in brahmajyoti we are just light.

Where Lord Krsna says: My refulgence, the brahmajyoti, is made of infinite persons?

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