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Srimad Bhagavatam 1:1:23


"We think that we have met your grace by the will of Providence, and thus we accept you as the captain of the ship for those who desire to cross the dangerous ocean of Kali, which destroys all the good qualities of a human being." The glory of this verse makes me sing:

<CENTER>Captain c.1983 mahaksadasa



In the middle of this ocean, I am shipwrecked in terror.

Both arms are broken, I am burning in the sun.

I see in the distance, I know You are coming,

But wave after wave, I am surely done.


Navigator, O Captain of the ship!

Please pick me up, carry me along.

Throw me the lifeline, I will wrap it around me.

Please pick me up, carry me along.


How did I get here, what caused this trouble?

Could it have been this craving in my heart?

Was I on the beach, did I fall from the sky?

Have I always been alone, where did it start?

Navigator, O Captain of the ship!

Please pick me up, carry me along.

Throw me the lifeline, I will wrap it around me.

Please pick me up, carry me along.



I know only wrong, I write cynical songs,

Yet You give me the lifeline though I am drowning alone.

You don't have a throng, yet You always help me along.

Navigator, Master, Your boat is so strong.


Navigator, O Captain of the ship!

Please pick me up, carry me along.

Throw me the lifeline, I will wrap it around me.

Please pick me up, carry me along.

</CENTER>Hare Krsna. It is appropriate that this ex-big-wave-riding (and ex- U.S. Hare Hare Krsna. It is appropriate that this ex-big-wave-riding (and ex- U.S. Navy employee) writer enter the discussion of Srimad Bhagavatam on a nautical note. As described in the song, I am floundering and almost drowned in this ocean of birth and death and all calamities in between, yet the Ship is on the horizon.


The Ship is Srimad Bhagavatam and the Captain is also Srimad Bhagavatam. The Ship, by itself, though very strong, cannot approach this drowning soul without navigation by the expert Captain. In this verse (1:1:23), such a Captain is described. Srimad Bhagavatam, as a book, is available without question, such a story about the glorious activities of the Supreme Lord is one of the oldest books known to humankind. Yet Srimad Bhagavatam, the Person who, like touchstone, changes the writings from typeset to life and soul, such availability is quite rare.


So, when we say Srimad Bhagavatam, we not only refer to the works of Srila Vedavyasadeva, the literary incarnation of Godhead, we also refer to His representative, the one who gives realization of Srimad Bhagavatam to all who approach with sincere, submissive inquiry, one who has run out of all options in saving himself from sure disappearance beneath the treacherous waves of Kali.


This wonderful verse is the description of one who can give rememberance and destroy foolish forgetfulness. There is no evidence that this "Captain" is elected, appointed, or arranged in any other way except by Providence. Providence is an occidental Name of the Supreme Lord, and in this case, refers to the Supreme Lord Who resides in the heart of all who live. This verse, thus, is a perfect description of how the phenomena of "guru-tattwa" works.


By the will of the Supreme Lord, His story, His pastimes, His Srimad Bhagavatam, His Ship, is navigated by an expert Captain who knows the location of all the poor folks thrashing about. He can guide such a Ship to all, throw out the lifeline, and rescue us from our dangerous ocean of misery.


Alas, the lifeline is there, but we must grab it. Perfect Ship, expert Captain, but do we really want rescue? Maybe we can swim to the unseen other side, maybe we may think we have no need for captains and ships. But the ocean of Kali saps all our good qualities like the burning of the skin, the broken limbs and the filling of the lungs described by the song. Fat chance in hell will we ever make it accross on our own, in desparation we must wrap this lifeline around us, giving all credit for any future rescue to the Captain, the Ship, the Srimad Bhagavatam. All glories to Srila Vedavyasadeva and the rightful occupants of His Captains Chair.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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mahaksadasa 1992

Waves of planets rolling through space

Explosions and fiyeh all ovah di place.

Molten earth rising and breaking on the plain,

Waves of creation cooled by the rain.

Waves carve the shoreline as they see fit

Removing the mansions, but who will admit

That the waves have the power, not the surfer who rides

Creator of waves is He who decides

Which wave of fiyeh will consume the whole world

It happens all di time, or haven't you heard

All of us know that surely He'll save

Us, but I'm sure He'll give us a wave

Waves in di air, waves in di sound

Breaks in di waves and we just play around

Breaks in di waves, ride in di trim

Wave after wave, Oh Govinda, praise Him</CENTER>

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keeping with the theme:


<CENTER>POINT SURF c-1994-mahaksadasa

Racing through the tunnel, all behind me pops.

I like to ride big waves to take the endless drop.

It's smoking at the top, nevah evah stop.

See all those cheering up there on the rocks.


I need to have Pure Love that nevah go away,

Even if they shoot me and throw me in the bay.

I know you'll be there by my side just like you are today.

Together we sing Harinama, Hizwilldeonlyway.


I do not want to die, or leave you with my corpse.

But the world is As It Is, Babylon uses force.

Just another wave to ride, a big one, of course.

This life must be spent to seek and praise the Source.


We have emeralds, why play with broken glass?

Educated acting fools do not show much class.

Who promised that from birth to death was anything but fast?

Hold on! Be rock-steady! Hear Radha Ramana! At last!


I like to sing Harinama and play music with His Own.

I know they nevah hate me, leave me weary to the bone.

Offensive and indifferent, I truely must atone.

For Sri Govinda Love, we give Govinda Love alone.


Hizwilldeonlyway! </CENTER>

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