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fewer ashrams for lower Varnas?

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Bhakta Devarsi

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less Ashrams for lower Varnas?


Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10-21-74, Mayapur:

Ata saba hari ara varnasrama-dharma, niskincana haya laya krsnaika sarana.(?) This is the... Varnasrama-dharma, that is material. VARNASRAMA IS PLANNED FOR MATERIAL LIFE IN A SYSTEMATIC WAY SO THAT, IN DUE COURSE OF TIME, ONE MAY GIVE UP THE FAMILY RELATIONSHIP AND TAKE SANNYASA AND COMPLETELY DEVOTE FOR KRSNA'S SERVICE. THIS IS THE PLAN OF VARNASRAMA-DHARMA. Varnasrama-dharma is not meant for planning something, and you remain in the family. No. The Varnasrama... Varna means brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. Catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah. Guna, not everyone is qualified in the same way. Therefore you... The acarya will pick up that "They are meant for becoming brahmanas. They are meant for ksatriyas." Or for coming from ksatriya family, or the brahmana family... So first of all, these varnas, then asrama. THE BRAHMANA, ONE WHO IS QUALIFIED AS A BRAHMANA, HE HAS TO OBSERVE THE FOUR ASRAMAS, A BRAHMANA: THE BRAHMACARI-ASRAMA, THE GRHASTHA-ASRAMA, THE VANAPRASTHA-ASRAMA AND SANNYASA-ASRAMA. THE KSATRIYA, THEY'LL HAVE TO OBSERVE THREE ASRAMAS: BRAHMACARI, GRHASTHA AND VANAPRASTHA. AND THE VAISYAS, TWO ASRAMAS: BRAHMACARI AND GRHASTHA. AND SUDRA, ONLY ONE ASRAMA, ONLY GRHASTHA. A SUDRA IS NEVER OFFERED SANNYASA. A... ONLY THE BRAHMANA IS OFFERED.

Of course Srila Prabhupada also wrote,

BG: 18.10 - It is said in Bhagavad-gita that one can never give up work at any time. Therefore he who works for Krsna and does not enjoy the fruitive results, who offers everything to Krsna, is actually a renouncer. There are many members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness who work very hard in their office or in the factory or some other place, and whatever they earn they give to the Society. Such highly elevated souls are actually sannyasis and are situated in the renounced order of life. It is clearly outlined here how to renounce the fruits of work and for what purpose fruits should be renounced.

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Hare Krsna Bk Devarsi


This goes for women in those varnas too, they will do as there husbands. All women are to be married. Even if a co-wife. Giving birth is also synonymous with marrage. Then the son/daughter will follow the same life style.


All dedicated and inter laced with Bhakti-yoga activities.


Seems to me that Srila Prabhupada said there is no perfect love in the material world. But the love of the mother for her son is as close as it gets.


So both female and male get that chance to have a glimpse of perfect love, no dicrimination by sex. But marriage and procreation must be there.


Also sudra men will marry earlier than other varnas. By 18. whereas the three higher will/should wait until more mature, in 20's.


All women varnas marry by 18. No earlier than 16 I would suggest. Marriage meaning cohabitation. Betrothal/arrangement/engagement could/should be as early as pubery for female.




Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja

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Hare Krsna Bk Devarsi


This goes for women in those varnas too, they will do as there husbands. All women are to be married. Even if a co-wife. Giving birth is also synonymous with marrage. Then the son/daughter will follow the same life style.


All dedicated and inter laced with Bhakti-yoga activities.


Seems to me that Srila Prabhupada said there is no perfect love in the material world. But the love of the mother for her son is as close as it gets.


So both female and male get that chance to have a glimpse of perfect love, no dicrimination by sex. But marriage and procreation must be there.


Also sudra men will marry earlier than other varnas. By 18. whereas the three higher will/should wait until more mature, in 20's.


All women varnas marry by 18. No earlier than 16 I would suggest. Marriage meaning cohabitation. Betrothal/arrangement/engagement could/should be as early as pubery for female.




Hare Krsna, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja


Hare Krsna Prabhu


This is very detailed information. Sounds about right from my intuition of a Vedic society regulated by goodness.


Is this info from the Books, or can we only find this from his Conversations and or Lectures?

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You have a zoo at your temple? Wow! I hope you have a swell time with your kid.


That is the irony of Kali Yuga, this modern time, and the Sankirtana movement.


There is not much difference between the zookeepers and the animals.


This is why other than a brahmana, noone but a Ksyatria can understand the spirit, or the faults, of a Ksyatria.


We need to remember that although we are all to be considered less than sudra at first, Srila Prabhupada did say that only 80% are sinful in this modern time of Kali yuga.


Hare Krsna

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