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Haribol Prabhus.


I don't usually post threads in the spiritual discussions area because I don't feel qualified but I had an amazing experience on Friday that I wanted to share.


I've recently published my book on Mirabai and have been organising book signings and writer's talks to promote it. For months I've been thinking to myself that I want to get Indian people interested in the book, teenagers in particular, as it could really help them to understand their history and culture and heritage. The problem is that Indian people never get interested in anything, especially when they live in America. I can't promote the book in the temples because they're non-profit and won't allow it. So for months I've been worrying that I live in Texas and there's nowhere I can go to encourage people to read the book.


On Friday I went to Office Depot to get some bookmarks printed. I walked in and saw a man standing at the counter. Then I noticed that this man was wearing anklets and not just thin little chains that westerners think fashionable but big fat silver anklets with big bells that make a lot of noise. I looked further up and saw that this man was wearing a sari. I looked up past the coat and noticed that he was wearing a huge kumkum bindi and gold earrings. I thought that this must be some amazing Hari Bhakti in Gopi Bhava but didn't say anything as I wasn't sure and didn't want to embarrass myself. I was so surprised that there might be someone like this person in the middle of Texas. As I walked closer to the counter, I noticed that this man was having a book bound. The picture on the front was unmistakably Mirabai. I had to say something then so I smiled and asked him if that was indeed Mira. He said that it was and I told him that it was an amazing co-incidence as I'd just written a book on her. He was amazed and asked me all about it. I think he must have been trying to figure out if I was geniune as he asked me whether I'd travelled for my research and where I'd gone in India. He asked me particular questions about temples that only someone who'd gone there would know. I answered everything as best I could and then asked him about himself. He told me that he's a devotee of Mirabai and has written 6 books about her. He had even opened a temple to her 10 minutes away and was compiling all her bhajans and poetry in Gujarati and Hindi for people to read and learn from. He invited me to the temple and said that he wanted to give me a set of his books. We exchanged contact information (his name is Swami Radhanandaji) and I went home astounded at this incredible discovery.


I told my mother about it but she was worried that perhaps I'd been fooled by this person and he wasn't genuine. So I called him and went with my mother to the temple the next morning. The temple is 10 minutes away from where we live, in a huge house and the deities of Krishna and Mira are beautiful. They told us that Mira's murti was made in Jaipur and took 12 years to carve. He gave me a set of his books and I gave him a copy of mine. My mother was convinced that this swami was the real deal and we had a wonderful satsang about Mira and Krishna and the shastras. He and his disciple, a sanyaasini who's been with him for years, give Gita classes to children and ladies of the community and they invited us to attend. I never mentioned it but they said that they wanted to help me promote my book within the Indian community.


Reflecting on this experience, I'm again struck by how Krishna arranges things. All these years of living here I never knew that Mira's devotees were living so close and that there was a temple that I could go to and experience satsang at any time. If I hadn't decided to go to Office Depot at that time, I might never have known about Swamiji. I'd always hated Texas but now I finally see that there was a reason Krishna brought me here. There are devotees here that I can learn from and do kirtan with. I cannot believe how merciful Giridar is to me!


Jai Shri Krishna!


Jai Mirabai!


Hari Haribol!



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  • 2 months later...
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Swami Radhanandaji is really a one of a kind. He is the personification of Pure Love, of Mira herself. Learn as much as you can from him, for he has so much true knowledge to share.

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<CENTER>Bhagavad-gita 18.61


<FONT COLOR=RED>IzvaraH sarva-bhUtAnAM

hRd-deze 'rjuna tiSThati

bhrAmayan sarva-bhUtAni

yantrArUDhAni mAyayA


IzvaraH--the Supreme Lord; sarva-bhUtAnAm--of all living entities; hRt-deze--in the location of the heart; arjuna--O Arjuna; tiSThati--resides; bhrAmayan--causing to travel; sarva-bhUtAni--all living entities; yantra--on a machine; ArUDhani--being placed; mAyayA--under the spell of material energy.


The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.



Arjuna was not the supreme knower, and his decision to fight or not to fight was confined to his limited discretion. Lord KRSNa instructed that the individual is not all in all. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, or He Himself, KRSNa, as the localized Supersoul, sits in the heart directing the living being. After changing bodies, the living entity forgets his past deeds, but the Supersoul, as the knower of the past, present and future, remains the witness of all his activities.


Therefore all the activities of living entities are directed by this Supersoul. The living entity gets what he deserves and is carried by the material body, which is created in the material energy under the direction of the Supersoul. As soon as a living entity is placed in a particular type of body, he has to work under the spell of that bodily situation. A person seated in a high-speed motorcar goes faster than one seated in a slower car, though the living entities, the drivers, may be the same. Similarly, by the order of the Supreme Soul, material nature fashions a particular type of body to a particular type of living entity so that he may work according to his past desires. The living entity is not independent. One should not think himself independent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The individual is always under the Lord's control. Therefore one's duty is to surrender, and that is the injunction of the next verse.

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Thank you for your replies.


Again, I've been astounded by the people I've met. Last month I went on a book tour to the southern states. The first event was in Shreveport, Louisiana and that is where I had the pleasure of meeting a disciple of Sacidananda Maharaj. She was most gracious and told me that she'd heard about my event and my book and wanted to help me. I never thought that I might meet devotees like this in Louisiana but again, Krishna surprises me.


At my event in Pensacola, I was speaking to man about my book and he saw the title and said, "Oh, is that about Krishna?" From the look of him, I never would have guessed that he knew anything about it. He told me that he'd read the Gita and several of Prabhupada's books.


At another event in San Antonio, I was at the College Book Fair and a lady saw my title and realised the book was about Krishna. I asked her how she knew and she said that she reads a lot to her son and that she'd read him stories about Krishna. Isn't that beautiful? She's learning about Krishna and sharing him with her son at his young age.


When touring, it's always very difficult to find food that I can eat. In many of the places in the south, it's hard to even find resturants that give vegetarian options, let alone vegetarian resturants. It worries me that I'm eating contaminated food and I get very anxious about it. One time, I went to a pizza place and asked if they could make me a vegetarian pizza without onion and garlic in the crust or the sauce or anywhere on the pizza. They said they could and made it for me. When I paid, the man looked me in the eye and said "Sadguru Maharaj ki jai." I blinked and stupidly asked "What?" He smiled and repeated himself. I realised then that my pizza was indeed cooked by a devotee and that even though I'm worrying, Krishna is arranging things perfectly.





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Swami Radhanandaji is really a one of a kind. He is the personification of Pure Love, of Mira herself. Learn as much as you can from him, for he has so much true knowledge to share.


Thank you, I feel very fortunate and he's been so kind to me.





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"You may replace or choose the name and form of your God-Incarnate or Saint since the name and form do not matter as long as it represents Love, Truth, and Joy."


-- Swami Radhanandaji


This mentality is defined as impersonalism by Srila Prabhupada.

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These incidences are nothing but a proof that you are a pure devotee of Lord Krishna. such things happen to devotees and for them it is a firm proof of that God always sit in the devotees heart. for some athiest it may be a co-incidence but for a devotee like you it is well planned meeting by Lord.


Now i have one request to you, we have heard a lot about Deve Mira but many of us are unfortunate enough to know something about Guru Ravi Dass who enlightend many followers about Lord Krishna.many books n movies i have seen about Devi Mira but there is hardly any description about Guru Ji , so i request you to enlighten us about Guru ji and plz. mention about him in your book.


Also it will be your kindness if you can write down some texts about him here too.

These incidences proves your great faith in Lord Krishna and Lord's love for you as they dont happen with everyone.


Bhakt Arun Momia

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These incidences are nothing but a proof that you are a pure devotee of Lord Krishna. such things happen to devotees and for them it is a firm proof of that God always sit in the devotees heart. for some athiest it may be a co-incidence but for a devotee like you it is well planned meeting by Lord.


Now i have one request to you, we have heard a lot about Deve Mira but many of us are unfortunate enough to know something about Guru Ravi Dass who enlightend many followers about Lord Krishna.many books n movies i have seen about Devi Mira but there is hardly any description about Guru Ji , so i request you to enlighten us about Guru ji and plz. mention about him in your book.


Also it will be your kindness if you can write down some texts about him here too.

These incidences proves your great faith in Lord Krishna and Lord's love for you as they dont happen with everyone.


Bhakt Arun Momia







Thank you for your kind reply. I think these incidences are proof Krishna is infinitely merciful, as I've done nothing to deserve his care. Only he knows why he does these things.


You asked about Sant Ravi Dasji. I've gone into detail about his life in my book as he was Mira's guru and she learned about bhakti from him. He kept her strong where she might have weakened, as only a true guru can do. I've given you some notes about his life in the paragraph below. There is much more but I can't include it all here.


He was born a chamaar (in a shoemaker's family) and even from infancy showed Vaishnav traits. It is said that when he was born, he wouldn't take his mothers milk as he didn't want to prolong his life in that body. Then his guru, Shri Ramananda Archarya, came and took the baby in his arms. He chanted Rama's name and ordered Ravi Das to eat and so the baby began to accept his mother's milk. During his childhood, Ravi questioned why their caste were ignorant about Bhagavan and why only Brahmins could learn the shastra. He followed Sants and Sadhus about and tried to learn from them. As a result, he was not concentrating on his training as a shoemaker and his father threw him out of the house. Ramananda Acharya again appeared in Ravi's life and guided him. Ravi Das lived a life of deep poverty, yet always stayed true to his guru and his Bhagavan. He accepted no charity from anyone, even his own disciples. He would make shoes for sadhus and not accept payment so he hardly ever ate. He was married very young but lived apart from his wife from early on in their marriage. Guru Nanakdevji who founded the Sikh dharma was one of Ravi Das's friends and was heavily influenced by Ravi Das. If you listen to many Sikh bhajans, you will see that a lot of them are actually Ravi Das's poems, praising Krishna and Rama's names. Mira and Ravi's relationship was very special. I explain it all in my novel. The webpage is http://www.trafford.com/06-0382 and the book is called 'Follow the Cowherd Boy'.


I hope this helps you,




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"You may replace or choose the name and form of your God-Incarnate or Saint since the name and form do not matter as long as it represents Love, Truth, and Joy."


-- Swami Radhanandaji


This mentality is defined as impersonalism by Srila Prabhupada.


I have observed that he has impersonal ideas but I've also observed that he loves Mira. If he loves Mira then he loves Krishna. Anyone who loves Krishna is a Vaishnav and deserves the utmost respect.





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I have observed that he has impersonal ideas but I've also observed that he loves Mira. If he loves Mira then he loves Krishna. Anyone who loves Krishna is a Vaishnav and deserves the utmost respect.





That's a nice sentiment but many persons practice bhakti with the idea that such bhakti will be renounced when they achieve liberation and thus "merge with God". According to Srila Sridhar Maharaja the mayavadis may also chant Hare Krsna, but the Lord experiences such chanting as thunderbolts against His soft Transcendental body.

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His Holiness

Swami B. G. Narasingha Maharaja:

There are so many songs sung by the village people in and around Vrindavana but those are not the standard songs of pure devotion, particularly the songs of Mirabai. The pure acarya never recommends his disciples to sing such songs.

Mirabai has been rejected by the Gaudiya-sampradaya as a psuedo-vaisnavi. There are some people who say that Mirabai was a half disciple of Srila Jiva Goswami but this is a concoction. Some say that simply by placing her hands over the eyes of the Rana of Mewar that he obtained Krsna darsana. Also some devotees are saying that Mirabai merged into the body of Krsna in Dwaraka and never came out again. But these are simply stories which have no ontological backing. These stories are rejected by the suddha-bhakti school.

Mirabai is not accepted as a suddha-vaisnavi by the followers of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Sri Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura. Therefore the followers of Bhaktivinoda and Saraswati Thakura never teach their disciples to sing the bhajans of Mirabai. To teach one's disciple to sing the bhajans of Mirabai is equal to putting a kerosene rag in the mouth of that disciple.

Our Guru Maharaja, Srila Prabhupada sometimes said regarding Mirabai, "I have no objection to her songs". However Mirabai's songs were never established as standard bhajans in his mission. As far as the common person is concerned he had no objection. If a common person sings the songs of Mirabai there may be some namabhasa for that person. But for suddha-bhakti he has never recommended the bhajans of Mirabai. Mirabai is not in the suddha-bhakti school, what to speak of the raganuga, rupanuga, or rasika school. She is rejected by the Gaudiya-sampradaya as a bahiranga-bhakta, an external devotee.

Srila B.R. Sridhara Deva Goswami Maharaja comments as follows:

"Our Guru Maharaja announced, "We are suddha-sakta." We are worshippers of the potency, but not this mundane potency, but the potency wholesale dedicated to the possessor of the potency. Without retaining Her individual independence, cent per cent dependent - such potency very very rarely can be conceived. 'Direct approaches to Me that is not proper;' but approaching through proper channel, through the devotees, that is proper approach. That is real approach; so Gaudiya Matha eliminates Mirabai and so many other apparent devotees to be real devotees because they are mad in praise of Krsna, but not so much for the devotees of Krsna. (Feb 15, 1982, Sri Caitanya Saraswata Matha, Navadwipa Dhama)

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His Holiness

Swami B. G. Narasingha Maharaja:

There are so many songs sung by the village people in and around Vrindavana but those are not the standard songs of pure devotion, particularly the songs of Mirabai. The pure acarya never recommends his disciples to sing such songs.

Mirabai has been rejected by the Gaudiya-sampradaya as a psuedo-vaisnavi. There are some people who say that Mirabai was a half disciple of Srila Jiva Goswami but this is a concoction. Some say that simply by placing her hands over the eyes of the Rana of Mewar that he obtained Krsna darsana. Also some devotees are saying that Mirabai merged into the body of Krsna in Dwaraka and never came out again. But these are simply stories which have no ontological backing. These stories are rejected by the suddha-bhakti school.

Mirabai is not accepted as a suddha-vaisnavi by the followers of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Sri Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura. Therefore the followers of Bhaktivinoda and Saraswati Thakura never teach their disciples to sing the bhajans of Mirabai. To teach one's disciple to sing the bhajans of Mirabai is equal to putting a kerosene rag in the mouth of that disciple.

Our Guru Maharaja, Srila Prabhupada sometimes said regarding Mirabai, "I have no objection to her songs". However Mirabai's songs were never established as standard bhajans in his mission. As far as the common person is concerned he had no objection. If a common person sings the songs of Mirabai there may be some namabhasa for that person. But for suddha-bhakti he has never recommended the bhajans of Mirabai. Mirabai is not in the suddha-bhakti school, what to speak of the raganuga, rupanuga, or rasika school. She is rejected by the Gaudiya-sampradaya as a bahiranga-bhakta, an external devotee.

Srila B.R. Sridhara Deva Goswami Maharaja comments as follows:

"Our Guru Maharaja announced, "We are suddha-sakta." We are worshippers of the potency, but not this mundane potency, but the potency wholesale dedicated to the possessor of the potency. Without retaining Her individual independence, cent per cent dependent - such potency very very rarely can be conceived. 'Direct approaches to Me that is not proper;' but approaching through proper channel, through the devotees, that is proper approach. That is real approach; so Gaudiya Matha eliminates Mirabai and so many other apparent devotees to be real devotees because they are mad in praise of Krsna, but not so much for the devotees of Krsna. (Feb 15, 1982, Sri Caitanya Saraswata Matha, Navadwipa Dhama)


I have no intention of arguing with you. You're following the instructions of your guru and that's fine.


My opinion is that I will never reject a Vaishnav. I don't understand how anyone can do that. So she was not in your sampradaya, does that mean she doesn't count? You said yourself that Srila Prabhupada had no objection to her songs. In other words, he never rejected her. Her songs were not established in the mission because, as you said, she was not a part of your sampradaya. But Srila Prabhupada never rejected her. He was greater than that.


I don't think any pure devotee would reject a Vaishnav. Prahalad never even rejected his demonic father. Prahalad, as a pure devotee, saw Shri Hari in everything and everyone and that included his father. If he'd rejected his father, he never would have obeyed the orders to die, over and over again. Did he struggle when they made him sit on the fire? Did he fight the men who were stabbing him with spears? Prahalad was a pure devotee and thus saw Shri Hari in everyone.


Mirabai was a disciple of Ravi Das, who was a disciple of Ramananda Acharya, who was a disciple of Raghavananda acharya, who was a descendent of Ramanuja. She belonged to that sampradaya.


You're correct, she was not a disciple of Jiva Goswami, nor did she meet him. She met with Sanatan Goswami and enjoyed satsang with him. I was told this by a descendent of Ramananda Acharya's lineage who still resides at Panch Ganga Ghat in Kashi.


At the end of the day, I don't think it matters whether or not you accept or reject her. All she wanted was Krishna and he accepted her as he accepts all who love him with pure hearts. That's what counts.





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Srila Sridhar Maharaj : When I was in Madras, Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja took place at the Caitanya Math in Mayapura. Professor Sannyal had written an article in English for the occasion. He wrote, 'I do not know Krsna, but because you tell me that I am to worship Krsna, I do it.'


I could not understand the meaning of this statement, the internal meaning. I could not help but wonder why he had said this. Three or four years later, an incident occurred at Radha Kunda that helped me to understand.


Paramananda Brahmacari came to Prabhupada and reported that the Diwan of Bharatpura State was circumambulating Radha Kunda by prostrating himself on the ground and slowly advancing by measuring the length of each successive prostration. Paramananda Prabhu told Prabhupada with much ardor, 'They have so much esteem for Radharani! '


Prabhupada then came out from his inner quarters and said, 'Yes, but their concern for Radharani and our concern for Radharani are quite different. They come to Radharani because She is Krsna's favorite; but our position is the opposite. We worship Krsna because He is Radharani's favorite. Our interest is in Radharani, and Krsna is Her favorite. And only because She wants Krsna do we have any connection with Him.'


At that time I could not understand what Professor Sannyal had written. Then later I read that some jivas are born out of Baladeva's anga-jyoti, the brahmajyoti, the non-distinguishable divine effulgence. That is the source from whence some of us are born. Some have connection with Baladeva's anga-jyoti, but others originate from the halo of Radharani and Her group.


These souls have a direct connection with Radharani. She is their Mistress and they necessarily follow whatever She does. Prabhupada told us that we are really saktas, worshipers of God's potency; not saktas like the worshipers of Durga, but suddha-saktas. The real, original potency, Krsna's dedicating Moiety, is in Vraja. Both direct and indirect connections with Krsna come through Her. This is Radha's position. We heard all these things from Prabhupada.


This is also the significance of the sannyasa-mantra. In ordinary mantras, a direct connection with Krsna is established, but in the sannyasa-mantra, our spiritual connection is shown to be with the gopis. That is Radha-dasya, the service of Radhika. It is above Krsna-dasya. The purport, the gist of the sannyasa-mantra, is gopi-dasya.

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Srila Sridhar Maharaj : When I was in Madras, Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja took place at the Caitanya Math in Mayapura. Professor Sannyal had written an article in English for the occasion. He wrote, 'I do not know Krsna, but because you tell me that I am to worship Krsna, I do it.'


I could not understand the meaning of this statement, the internal meaning. I could not help but wonder why he had said this. Three or four years later, an incident occurred at Radha Kunda that helped me to understand.


Paramananda Brahmacari came to Prabhupada and reported that the Diwan of Bharatpura State was circumambulating Radha Kunda by prostrating himself on the ground and slowly advancing by measuring the length of each successive prostration. Paramananda Prabhu told Prabhupada with much ardor, 'They have so much esteem for Radharani! '


Prabhupada then came out from his inner quarters and said, 'Yes, but their concern for Radharani and our concern for Radharani are quite different. They come to Radharani because She is Krsna's favorite; but our position is the opposite. We worship Krsna because He is Radharani's favorite. Our interest is in Radharani, and Krsna is Her favorite. And only because She wants Krsna do we have any connection with Him.'


At that time I could not understand what Professor Sannyal had written. Then later I read that some jivas are born out of Baladeva's anga-jyoti, the brahmajyoti, the non-distinguishable divine effulgence. That is the source from whence some of us are born. Some have connection with Baladeva's anga-jyoti, but others originate from the halo of Radharani and Her group.


These souls have a direct connection with Radharani. She is their Mistress and they necessarily follow whatever She does. Prabhupada told us that we are really saktas, worshipers of God's potency; not saktas like the worshipers of Durga, but suddha-saktas. The real, original potency, Krsna's dedicating Moiety, is in Vraja. Both direct and indirect connections with Krsna come through Her. This is Radha's position. We heard all these things from Prabhupada.


This is also the significance of the sannyasa-mantra. In ordinary mantras, a direct connection with Krsna is established, but in the sannyasa-mantra, our spiritual connection is shown to be with the gopis. That is Radha-dasya, the service of Radhika. It is above Krsna-dasya. The purport, the gist of the sannyasa-mantra, is gopi-dasya.


Thank you, this is wonderful to know. Some follow Krishna but Krishna follows Radha. Beautiful.





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  • 1 year later...

Jai Sri Krishna,


I face the same problem is ISKCON programs/satsangs. They do not accept Mirabai. However, i would like to know more about her. I have started some places... but getting bits and pieces here and there. I will start with your book for now. If i have questions, whom and how do i contact?

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