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The Matrix of Manufactured War

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Since there's no mentioning on mainstream US daily news, the U.S. military reported on Sunday six more American troops killed in fighting the day before, raising the toll to 25 in the deadliest day for U.S. forces in Iraq in two years. Four U.S. soldiers and a Marine were killed Saturday during combat in Anbar, the Sunni insurgent stronghold west of Baghdad, the military said. A roadside bomb also struck a security patrol northeast of Baghdad, killing one soldier. Saturday's carnage also included 12 soldiers killed in a Blackhawk helicopter crash northeast of Baghdad, five killed in a militant attack in the holy Shiite city of Karbala and two others slain elsewhere in roadside bombings.

Recently George Bush openly wept at the funeral of a US soldier killed in Iraq. But were his tears crocodile tears shed for the benefit of waiting cameras? And are the world's great conflicts were just as phoney?

Henry Makow Ph.D. investigates:





<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=550 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>The "Matrix" of Manufactured War






By Henry Makow Ph.D. – January 19, 2007




Recently a feud between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell gave their ratings a boost. Mel Gibson and Michael Richards also made gratuitous attacks that helped their bottom line.


What if the world's great conflicts were just as phoney? What if Bush and Chavez; Blair and Putin; Olmert and Ahmadinejad were all part of a giant Punch and Judy Show?


What if we were riding the roller coaster, cheering and groaning, and biting our fingernails for nothing? What if it were all staged like professional wrestling (only thousands of innocent people were dying?)


Many of us consider Ahmadinejad, Putin and Chavez the "good guys" in the fight against the New World Order. It's possible they are controlled by the Illuminati as well. Our hidden masters control everything else. Would they leave war to chance?


I can't prove this grand hypothesis today. However, there is some anecdotal evidence.


First, take past wars. None of them were anything like inevitable. I have shown how World War One was made possible by British food subsidies to the Germans, and ended when this trade stopped. World War Two, which Churchill called the most "unnecessary war in history" was also engineered through loans to the Nazis and the policy of "Appeasement". The Masonic bankers also engineered US entry into WW II.


The war supposedly was fought for the independence of Poland yet in the end, Eastern Europe was under the heel of the Russians, the 1939-1941 allies of the Nazis. Instead of Nazis, Polish nationalists were massacred by Soviets. An improvement? Sounds to me like war for its own sake, or for Communism.


Our War on Terror is the natural successor of the "Cold War"; both as phoney as three-dollar bills. The war on Iraq? Lebanon? Afghanistan? Iran? Do any of them make any sense? These wars are unwinnable. How do you win a guerrilla war without annihilating everyone? They are not meant to be won.


As Dick Cheney intimated, the Iraq War will last 40 years i.e. as long as the Cold War. Both sides are subsidized and controlled by the world's central bankers and their secret societies/intelligence agencies.


War is an end in itself. It concentrates money and power in the hands of our Satan-loving elites. It provides human sacrifices to their bloodthirsty god and brutalizes and demoralizes humanity.


It is a waste of energy to discuss the "political reasons" for these conflicts. They are a ruse.








(term coined by Jordan Maxwell)




After debating for months whether the US was winning or losing in Iraq, someone decided it was losing. As the "decider," Bush stoutly accepted responsibility and even shed a tear at a soldier's funeral.


That didn't prevent the demonizing of poor George. His opponents assailed his sanity, intelligence, virility and honor. What do they expect of an admitted Satanist?


George is not to blame. Every President in the Twentieth Century has been a hand puppet of the Rothschild-Rockefeller cartel of cartels. They wouldn’t let George manage a gas station let alone the "Free World." Luckily, Bush just reads the teleprompter. Henry Kissinger, CEO of the visible NWO, issues the orders.


Derision only gives Bush credibility heightening the illusion the US has a functioning democracy, mass media and justice system. Remember, the US government is ultimately responsible for the slaughter of 3000 Americans in broad daylight Sept. 11. The US ruling class and punditry are complicit in the ongoing cover-up. The most obvious "controlled conflict" is the two party system.








Let's look at the "opponents" of globalization and the New World Order. Chavez, Putin and Ahmadinejad were all obscure figures handed power by a hidden hand. Like Bush, they certainly lack the stature of real "deciders."


Chavez and Ahmadinejad vilify Bush and the USA, but, like Chavez' mentor Noam Chomsky, cannot pronounce the words "Rothschild" or "central banker."


Chavez's Bolivarian Revolution is Freemasonic in origin, as is his Communism. Someone claims he met Chavez at a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Texas in the 1990's. Chavez led a failed coup but got out of jail after only 2 years. Wikipedia reports that he later received campaign funds from large banks.


Now Chavez and Ahmadinejad are busy establishing an Anti-American coalition in South America: More controlled conflict. But before that we may see an attack on Iran in March-April and a war that will make Iraq look like a picnic. Do you hear Putin warning the US to keep their hands off?








I suspect that the bankers set up Nationalist and anti-Globalist spokesmen and groups in order to control both sides. The tip off is if these people are getting corporate/government support and coverage in the mass media. Canadian examples are Naomi Klein, Maude Barlow and Mel Hurtig.


On the other hand, you know Connie Fogal, leader of the Canadian Action Party is legit because she talks about the bankers and consequently gets no media. In the US, Aaron Russo is legit for the same reason.


It's apparent that political action requires money. The bankers mint it. The rest of us are too busy making a living to be anything but bystanders and victims.








You can't turn on the media without someone (usually Zionists like Charles Adler or Glenn Beck,) stirring up hostility against Iran and Muslims in general. They keep talking about how war-like Islam is when we are invading them! Any future conflict may destroy Israel, but these highly paid shills don’t care. War for its own sake is the goal.


War is considered "revolutionary" because it advances the Masonic bankers' goal of the New World Order. It "overturns" the natural and divinely intended development of mankind.


To have a war, the bankers need to create and provision two sides. Thus all wars are waged against humanity by a small satanic criminal network that owns 50% of the world's wealth. The mainspring is the world's private central bankers.

The Hindus have a term for the "Matrix." They say "Maya" or "illusion" governs our lives.


We didn't guess anyone would go to so much trouble to create it. Perhaps liberation lies in recognizing that conflicts are artificially created and controlled.




Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site

www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com






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