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Why Do Vaishnavites Say Shiva Is Not Lord?

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I Am Angered To Find Vaishnavites Saying Lord Shiva Is Not Supreme, I Thought Vaishnavites See All Form's Of God Supreme Why Are Vaishnavites Being So Negative Because I Am A Angered Shivite And This Is Upsetting Me Badly Because I Respect Lord Vishnu As Supreme As Well As Lord Shiva, Shivites And Vaishnavites Just Follow Differant Philosophies Not Differant God's!

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There cannot be more than one supreme. And because Veda declares Vishnu to be supreme, how can Rudra also be considered supreme? Rudra is a devata, not paramatma. Due to political correctness, many people like to say that all gods are one, their names are different etc. etc. But the truth is clear. Vishnu, Shiva, Indra are all different entities, Vishnu being the supreme and the rest are parivara devatas.

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I Am Angered To Find Vaishnavites Saying Lord Shiva Is Not Supreme, I Thought Vaishnavites See All Form's Of God Supreme Why Are Vaishnavites Being So Negative Because I Am A Angered Shivite And This Is Upsetting Me Badly Because I Respect Lord Vishnu As Supreme As Well As Lord Shiva, Shivites And Vaishnavites Just Follow Differant Philosophies Not Differant God's!




Dont get anger on Vaishnavas......we cannot change their character.......Shiva is jnana swarupam and Vishnu is Bhakthi swarupam...


You will find Christians say Christ is supreme and muslims say Allah.......like that our vaishnavites will say Vishnu is supreme........Budhhdists say Void is supreme........so never confuse yourself on all these...


Vaishnava gurus taught this philosophy from a long time and they will be like this only...


Actually most of our human minds would not stick to a particular God......it is also true that not all devatas are Gods.........for eg Indhra, Brahma, Varuna,Agni are all devatas only........they are not God........they are all normal jeevas.......


But shiva is not a jeeva...........he is a personality of Godhead.......this i am not saying even Prabhupadha accepts..........but the supreme titlte he does not give to Shiva..............so leave it.....


dont confuse too much......


i am not saying that Shiva is a God due to politics or so......one great vedic pandit and orthodox brahmanaa called Appaiya Deekshithar has established thru various vedic quotations and upanishads that Shiva,Vishnu and Kaamakshi(a pure form of Divine Mother) are rathna thrayam means three main forms of the Divine.....


Divinity is full in them


See the human mind should at one stage surrender to the Divine in the form of Mother.......


thats why initially these vaishnavas sticked to perumal only but in due course gave importance almost equal to Mahalakshmi famously called Thaayaar in tamil........esp in Srirangam one should worship only the Thaayaar first and then go to Perumal.....i dont blame..........i even worship Mahalakshmi as Thaayaar meaning Mother...


So man's mind at one time will want to be like Shiva without any movements in complete silence (maunam)........at other time would like to dance in bhakthi chanting hari naamaa


it is alll a part and parcel and there is no point in artificially being a fanatic...


we will like all forms and put them under different names......


for eg vaishnavites wont worship ganesh the elephant head lord..but they will worship Vishwaksena in the almost same elephant form....so only the names are different....

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There are many schools of thougt- in Shaivism and Vaishnavism. So be clear exactly which you are reffering to. Hindu practise and belief is mostly based on ones own revealings inside oneself. All other material puts before you the earlier Apaurusheyas. So there need not be any anger over the matter. Even as our family is a cohesive whole- Lord Narayana and Lord shiva and others are a cohesive whole- and neccessarily there is going to be some idea of supremacy of some to correlate the revealed texts.

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I found every forum here full of Isckon people is there any specific reason for that.


I have gone through prabhupada commentary on gita .I liked the part which has given just translation and not explanation by prabhupada .


Prabhupada ji in my opinion as he was following devotion towards krsishna unnecessarily seems to establish him on top and many times it is clear that he is going against reason as many times ( by my memeory as i read it about 1 year back) krishna used to refer brahm but prabhupada by one way or other seems to confirm that it is about himself he is talking.And importantly prabhupada was refering to physial form of lord krishna and not brahm to which krishna attains or descended.


nd interestingly in the same book i found that to even have a dream of vishnu in physical form is sin and one should go for bath in ganga then how vaisnavites can go for devotion of form of krishna(this is just an intelectual thought).Howeever this is par with zen philosophy in which it is said that if buddha comes in your way then slap him and continue in your journey.



And i have gone through narad's sutras of devotion and found them beautiful,do vaisnavites accept those sutras as any authority.



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I think there is a Shivaite chat group on tribe dot net. I also used to get very agitated until I read some of these words from Saivite leader Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Then I realized the fault was with myself.


From "Hinduism's Contemporary Culture":


Sutra 46: All Shiva devotees practice ahimsa in thought, word, and deed...

Sutra 48: All Shiva devotees practice ksama, restraining intolerance with people...

Sutra 49: All Shiva devotees practice daya, compassions, conquering callous cruel and insensitive feelings towards others


Sutra 223: Devout Hindus honor a satguru, respected elder, a learned scholar, a renunciate, and ascetic of any tradition...


Sutra 231: Siva's devotees properly respect and address virtuous persons of all religious traditions. They may support and participate in interfaith gatherings from time to time with leaders and members of all religions...


Sutra 232: Siva's devotees do not speak disrespectfully about other Hindu lineages, their beliefs, Gods, sacred sites, scriptures, or holy men and women. Nor do they disparage other religions...


Sutra 234: ...They are dedicated to building an invincible Hindu solidarity...


Sutra 235: Siva's devotees, with hearts as big as the sky, love and accept Smarta, Shakta, and Vaisnava Hindus as brothers and sisters, even if not

accepted by them, and keep harmony by not discussing differences. Aum Namah Sivaya.


These words are from a Shaivite satguru. Perhaps you can join a Shaivite chat group if your mind is too disturbed. Or you can study the teachings of Shivaya Subramuniya Swami online at the website of Himalayan Academy.





If some do not love Shiva as we do then we do not need to prove our love to Shiva by becoming anger and irritate with others. If you find others to be too polluting for your tender devotional creeper then just avoid the company of the ones who are agitating your mind.


If possible go within and develop nice sadhana by the simple processes that all Hindus use: the Yamas and Niyamas, Practices and Restraints. Then as you progress more and more you will see everyone to be part of Shiva. Then you can bow to Shiva inside of them, from a distance if necessary offer your pranam. See if you can find a nice Shiva Temple where you can do seva.


In the US have some really nice Shiva-Vishnu temples. They have nice Constitution that says we will not disrespect each other or put each other down, because it is more important that our tradition gets passed on to the future generations than to end with this generation in fighting that destroys the mathas and the purity of the message of the Divine. They have a head priest that coordinates the worship of all of the Deities to achieve this end.


I hope very soon you may attain the association of like-minded affectionate and sincere souls. I hope that you may experience the peace of our great Sanatana Dharma and fully realize all of the wonderful stages of Shaivite grace such as Para Shakti even within in this lifetime. Aum Namah Shivaya.

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"Ekam Sat Viprah bahudha vadanthi" Says Rig Veda, meaning,"Truth is one but the learned describe it differently". In fact it is claimed that Lord Vishnu has minor importance in Rig Veda, whereas Lord Siva as Rudra is mentioned in Vedas. However I believe that this line of discussion has nothing worthwhile for the seeker of Truth.


"Om Tat Sat"

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There cannot be more than one supreme. And because Veda declares Vishnu to be supreme, how can Rudra also be considered supreme? Rudra is a devata, not paramatma. Due to political correctness, many people like to say that all gods are one, their names are different etc. etc. But the truth is clear. Vishnu, Shiva, Indra are all different entities, Vishnu being the supreme and the rest are parivara devatas.


Where does it say that Lord Vishnu is supreme in the Vedas? in the Vedas Vishnu is a minor god, even Indra is more important than Vishnu in the Vedas. And please do not quote from the Puranas because the Puranas are not the Vedas. It's not due to political correctness that people say all Gods are one, it is said in the Rig Veda itself that the One God is known by many names. So therefore there is only one God but many manifestations.

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Where does it say that Lord Vishnu is supreme in the Vedas? in the Vedas Vishnu is a minor god, even Indra is more important than Vishnu in the Vedas. And please do not quote from the Puranas because the Puranas are not the Vedas. It's not due to political correctness that people say all Gods are one, it is said in the Rig Veda itself that the One God is known by many names. So therefore there is only one God but many manifestations.


It Says In The Vedas That Lord Shiva Is Mahesha Meaning Great God!!! so if you are not calling lord shiva supreme then you are in sin with the vedas because it clearly says lord shiva is supreme god because his name is mahesha that is one of his names in the vedas you vaishnavites need to go read the vedas more clearly because you will be shocked to find out you are the ones worshiping a demi-god and not us shivites.:deal:

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"Ekam Sat Viprah bahudha vadanthi" Says Rig Veda, meaning,"Truth is one but the learned describe it differently". In fact it is claimed that Lord Vishnu has minor importance in Rig Veda, whereas Lord Siva as Rudra is mentioned in Vedas. However I believe that this line of discussion has nothing worthwhile for the seeker of Truth.


"Om Tat Sat"


Actually if you bothered to read Rig Veda, you will find that Vishnu is mentioned in 6 verses. Whereas, Rudra is mentioned in 3! Also if your arguing that it is decided by how much a deity is mentioned, then Indra must be God. As almost 3/4 of the Rig Veda praises Indra.


More praise is given to Indra, Agni, the Soma Drink and Vayu than Rudra or Vishnu! So do not argue on the basis of how much a deity is praised within a certain scripture.

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Where does it say that Lord Vishnu is supreme in the Vedas? in the Vedas Vishnu is a minor god, even Indra is more important than Vishnu in the Vedas. And please do not quote from the Puranas because the Puranas are not the Vedas. It's not due to political correctness that people say all Gods are one, it is said in the Rig Veda itself that the One God is known by many names. So therefore there is only one God but many manifestations.


Well Rudra is mentioned even less in Rig Veda than Vishnu. Vyasa was the composer of both the Vedas and Purana, so you can not say "do not quote from Purana" because it is very clearly stated in the Puranas that Vishnu is supreme. The Puranas just as authoratative as the Vedas, both composed by the same person. Next you will be saying that we should not quote from Bhagavada Gita.


How about we just read the Gita and perform ritualistic activites, let us worshop Indra and the Soma Drink. Let us perform Karma Kanda. It's ignorant to say "Do no quote from certain scripture". Let's discuss Christianity, but do not quote the Bible. Its illogic!

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Jay Swaminarayan


According to the sampradya i follow Bhagwan Swaminarayan Himself has stated and written in His own words that the Vedas have declared Narayan of vaikunth and Shiv as of having one Brahm Swarup.


Therefore those who look and understand one of them being supreme and the other not, are the greatest fools amongst fools and are worthy of hell.


As both are of the same. They are here to look after the Universe which we live in. They both are Sagun Avtaars of Avtaari Bhagwaan.


You guys forget that there are Satlok, vaikunth and kailash in every single universe. There are innumberable universes. Each have a Brahma Vishnu and Shiv. The Skand Puran as well as other scriptures clearly state this. But all are confused of the true way of Upasna in the world today. Its not like how it was once. kaliyug as indeed messed up the minds of those wanting to follow God.


All fight for what they think is right and end up upsetting each other and this in turn makes them take avgun and they end up falling from their Satsang.


its not about who worships which avtaar or which path they follow. All Avtaars are worthy of worship and Dhyaan can be done on all avtaars to break away from the cycle of birth and death. The truth is people do not tend to have Ishtadev. having your mind and soul set on one Avtaar is the best way forward. beliveng Him to be the Supreme. Thsi is how it once was. this is how it really is meant to be. Whether it is Sri krishna, Shri Raam, Vaman, Narsih, Shiv etc. They are all one. They come down for a purpose, once completed they go back.


So stop fighting and think about it. As attaining such a human form is difficult even for teh devas of Swarg. We have such a human form we have to learn to live in harmony with oneself (the soul not teh body) and the relationship shoul be built with God- with any one of His forms. Then ecoem an ekantikl Bhakt through Dharm, Gyaan, Vairagya and most importantly Bhakti.


We end such human forms by quarelling all our lives. This just entagles us deeper in teh web of Maya. That we can never get out of it. So when will we worship God if we keep it this way?>?????????


If you have shraddha with Mahadev then stick to that. Dont let any one else question you. There is nothing wrong in this. But do it correct, this is what you have to be made sure of. Do ity in the Satvik manner.


And if vaishnavs say that why you do such then theyr not Vaishnavs. As a true Vaishnav should not say such. They are fools if they do and fall in the deepest if Kumbhipaak hell. Me as a Vaishnav i am learing not to take such Avgun. As this will simply halt me. The world can say as they like. All i am learning to see is my Bhagwaan Swaminarayan in all. In all Murtis i see Him. He is Raam, krishna, Allah, Mahadev. Whatever you call Him as He is my Ishtadev. if i was told worship Ma Durga then i would but seeing my Maharaj in Her form as well.


Internally i am happy, so happy that when i look around i feel gulty for seeing others so sad. therefore i try and teach them. As if your a follower of God then why are you so sad? Where are you going wrong./? Even in oain a bhakt has to be happy. As its not all about material gain you know?


Its about spiritual gain. We have drank so much milk from the breast of our mothers in all our lives that all thsi milk would fill up the ocean. thsi is what the Shreemad Bhagwat says. So think about it... isnt it time we retired now??



JAy Swaminarayan

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Actually if you bothered to read Rig Veda, you will find that Vishnu is mentioned in 6 verses. Whereas, Rudra is mentioned in 3! Also if your arguing that it is decided by how much a deity is mentioned, then Indra must be God. As almost 3/4 of the Rig Veda praises Indra.


More praise is given to Indra, Agni, the Soma Drink and Vayu than Rudra or Vishnu! So do not argue on the basis of how much a deity is praised within a certain scripture.

Please see my post again. I am not bothered,neither argue nor interested in this line of discussions which takes us nowhere.


Om tat sat,



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Brahmayan rightly says that this discussion can not help a true seeker as it is more of a philosophical thought than coming out of heart.


A upasak and sadhak has to go for one i.e, advaita howeever sadhak do so by going for one own self while upasak by going for the deity.


Even if one is successful to prove supremacy of any deity with the help of scriptures ,problem will still persist as lao tzu has rightly said that knowledge of right will bring the knowledge of wrong and thus samsara will again be in as dvaita is root of this samsara.


And by the way what about christians and muslims will they never attain that brahma as according to many of you supreme is krishna and they don't belive in him .


It reminds me of problem that printing has brough with it.Today knowledge is more than knowelgable persons i.e,sages.


Today asybody can read veda or upnishads or bible or any scripture and may think himself as knower but people remeber that sages of past wether it be sayers of veda or mohhmad or buddha or sages of upnishads had emphasized on direct interaction of master and disciple as they knew that book is futile to pass on the treasure that can be given only in silence or what being can provide .Therefore need is to earch for the sadguru.


And another point is that upnishads had called that only and supreme one as tat or turiya ,etc so do you not accept them.




om shanti shanti shanti...........

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I dont think it matters what I think or you think because our senses are imperfect; we will always make mistakes, let us follow what VedaVyasji wrote in the form of Vedas and Puranas, both are authoritive as both come from the same personality.


Isa upanishad says that Visnu is the basis of the parabrahman, the parabrahman being His effulgence emenating from His body. The Puranas (Bhagavat Purana) say that the one who sees the difference between Lord Visnu and Lord Siva goes to Hell, so the difference is very subtle beyond offenses and designations. Lord Siva is not a Vishnu tattva nor a jiva tattva, he has his own abode. Visnu is the origin stated by Brahma Samhita (prayers by Lord Brahma), This scripture describes how Lord Siva was manifested. The difference between Lord Siva and Lord Visnu is that of curd and milk, milk when transformed becomes curd, milk has been likened to Visnu and curd been likened to Lord Siva. So we dont make this difference, Lord Brahma does. And Lord Brahma doesnt go to Hell. We also see Lord Siva meditating on Lord Sankarshana (a form of Vishnu). He has beads, he is regularly doing austerity.


So I think its safe to discuss (not argue) on the basis of scriptures because we are imperfect and have the tendency to get ahankara, if we have made our minds up already then there is no point discussing on this forum as this is a discussion forum meaning anyone enters here are seeking the truth with an open mind, otherwise it becomes an ongoing tussle and clashes of egos.

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I dont think it matters what I think or you think because our senses are imperfect; we will always make mistakes, let us follow what VedaVyasji wrote in the form of Vedas and Puranas, both are authoritive as both come from the same personality. [/quotes]


Veda Vyasji did not write the Vedas. I suppose your imperfect senses are not letting you think perfectly?


Your senses are imperfect? Which senses? If your eyes are bad, you can wear glasses, if your hearing is poor, there are hearing aids. So in this modern world, there are ways to take care of imperfect senses. Besides by your logic, if your thinking is imperfect, then how can you understand Veda Vyasji or anyone else? You will make mistakes there too. So do not think your thinking is imperfect. Perfect or not - without thinking, you cannot do squat.



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The scriptures say we should just accept them without intrepreting them, just accept them as it is. Because every man can make mistakes and we are all imperfect unless some of us are implying we are God. This does not go on to the premise that thinking is negated, thinking when channel according to the vedic authority is perfection, not thinking according to our whims and desires.


We can only understand according to realisations by simply accepting, repeating these scriptures and imbibing them into our lives. We gather knowledge by pratayakha and anuman, that is through our senses and reasoning, and this can cause mistakes the scriptures say, best to accept the scriptures and quote what the scriptures say instead of expressing our opinions which are by nature just an opinion of an miniscule entity. The scriptures go on to say that we actually cannot understand God until we accept the word of God and never by our own endeavor, we have to accept a right source and base our thinking on that. So our thinking more is directed based on the authority of scriptures.


According to scripture, arrogance and ego are the only two which disqualifies one from entering a debate because the mind is already made up, agressiveness and anger only opens doors to Hell, we have to think are we here to win an argument or are we here to seek the truth. Even if an argument is won by the agressor it doesnt mean the results of heaven will be attained by him.


Sri Narada teaches Yudhistra that perfection of understanding scriptures is expressed through humility not aggressiveness.

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The scriptures say we should just accept them without intrepreting them, just accept them as it is. Because every man can make mistakes and we are all imperfect unless some of us are implying we are God. This does not go on to the premise that thinking is negated, thinking when channel according to the vedic authority is perfection, not thinking according to our whims and desires.


I am afraid this has no value as your senses are imperfect by your own admission.



We can only understand according to realisations by simply accepting, repeating these scriptures and imbibing them into our lives. We gather knowledge by pratayakha and anuman, that is through our senses and reasoning, and this can cause mistakes the scriptures say, best to accept the scriptures and quote what the scriptures say instead of expressing our opinions which are by nature just an opinion of an miniscule entity. The scriptures go on to say that we actually cannot understand God until we accept the word of God and never by our own endeavor, we have to accept a right source and base our thinking on that. So our thinking more is directed based on the authority of scriptures.


I am afraid this has no value as your senses are imperfect by your own admission.




According to scripture, arrogance and ego are the only two which disqualifies one from entering a debate because the mind is already made up, agressiveness and anger only opens doors to Hell, we have to think are we here to win an argument or are we here to seek the truth. Even if an argument is won by the agressor it doesnt mean the results of heaven will be attained by him.


I am afraid this has no value as your senses are imperfect by your own admission.



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most of the threads on these forums turn into debates.... rather arguments of almost no spiritual value.

am surprized ..actually confused............. is this what spirtiuality brings to you ??

then whats the point ??........arent we doin' just the same in our non spiritual lives... showing down others .. arguing / fighting / claiming ??!!


am honestly stuck.......when i started going through these forums i thought i cud learn from all you people who claim to be realized and intelligent..


but as i said ..so often these conversations turn into anything but spitiual or intelligent ... probably am not intelligent enough or was expecting too much


looking at the situation... am almost on the verge of loosing faith.


feelslike kalyug is winning over my aspirations to win over it !



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If one read carefully what was said then maybe such whimisical show of scholarly arguments wouldnt have appeared in the first place. The Shastras say we can make mistakes as we are not perfect, but if we understand in the eyes of scriptures then our sense become perfect so therefore I didnt say the above points, the scripture already did, so I am imperfect, but the scripture are not thats why I repeated them via the point. The problem is some of us are so busy attacking and seeing what we want to see rather than seeing what the actual point is. I am not your enemy nor do I desire to be, I can leave this forum comfortably with a peace of mind and my values and principles in tact.


Thank you niche, its true what you are saying, people are just argumentative and egotistical. They proved my point by misinterpreting what the scriptures were saying and transformed into what I was saying, so the senses are indeed imperfect, because we see only what we want to see without understanding the subject matter with an open mind. Those who are self-realised are by according to Sri Naradaji, humble in nature and always open to help and guide, they submissively hear the shastras and they also submissive question and are devoid of all challenging nature like Duryodhana.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually the Vedas do not say to Vishnu or Shiva is alone supreme. That is the Puranans, which fight over that question. The Vedas talk more about gods like Indra, Agni, Vayu, Varuna, and goddesses like Ushas and Aditi. Vishnu is a minor god in the Vedas and so is Rudra. The Vedas themselves say that the gods are One, though are called by many names.


The Upanishads say that Brahman alone is supreme and all gods are manifestations of Brahman, which is consistenst with Vedic thought. - "great indeed are the gods that have sprung out of Brahman". Both Vishnu and Shiva are manifestations of Brahman, so neither are superior to each other.

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Hi iam Vamsi frm Hyd. Vaisnavas never said that Shiva is not God but he is an demi god... he is not supreme.... Shiva is an gr8 devotee of Krsna or Visnu. Shiva is a gr8 vaisnava. according to vedic scriptures there are actually three personalities.... 1, Maintainer, 2,creator, 3. Destroyer. so.. Maintainer is..... Visnu, Creator is Brahma..., Destroyer is Shiva. actually Shiva got birth in the mode of Ignorance... he is a son Brahma... actually shiva got birth by brahma coz Brahma was in anger of his sons sanat kumaras..because sanat kumaras ..they are very gr8 personalitites.....so..... back to the point is ...Maintainer the Visnu is the supreme and every living entity is part and parcel of him..... if u want to know more info.. pls contact me... vasudamadasa_brs@







I Am Angered To Find Vaishnavites Saying Lord Shiva Is Not Supreme, I Thought Vaishnavites See All Form's Of God Supreme Why Are Vaishnavites Being So Negative Because I Am A Angered Shivite And This Is Upsetting Me Badly Because I Respect Lord Vishnu As Supreme As Well As Lord Shiva, Shivites And Vaishnavites Just Follow Differant Philosophies Not Differant God's!
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As far as the discussions are purely to improve once philosophical ideas, I have no qualms.


Unlike abrahamic faiths shaivites are not going to kill all the vaishanavites and vaishanavites are not going to kill all the shaivites. Some skirmish is always good to develop on the ideological front. Never a crusade kind of war is going to happen.


What we show here is lots of negative devotion towards Shiva or Vishnu.


If u prefer Shiva, pls proceed on and increase your devotion and focus on him. bcoz life is short.


if u prefer Vishnu, pls proceed on and increase your devotion and focus on him.

bcoz life is short.


i don't think a one who realised god in him, would spend time in debating in a forum. He/She would rather spend time in enjoying the Supreme Brahman in him/her.

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And listen to nice bhajans of your Istha Devata. Don't worry be happy. Listen to nice bhajans to keep influence of Kali Yuga, quarrel and hypocracy at bay.


Many nice bhajans are on the internet free of charge. Just do a google search. Transcendental sound vibrations goes directly to your soul for free purification and very fun nice and enjoyable. Enjoy bhajans to your heart's content. Soon you will be a mellow old soul, with no quarrel with anyone.


Go online and view various temples and their Deities also for nice purification

also, daily darshan. What can be simpler or more enjoyable in age of Kali?!!

Internet is boon from the gods so use it wisely. Enjoy darshan today!


If had multi-million dollar ads on TV and radio to "Enjoy Darshan Today!" you would rush out and do it. If only seeing celebrities in People Magazine rushing to temple to worship you would say, "Hey me, too! Gimme some of that also!"


"Darshan: It's Not Just for Elderly Grandmothers Anymore" trademark/ logo.

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