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future of my marriage life

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Dear scholars,

I am a new member.

I have a question about my marriage life.

In my chrt sun is in 7th house.


My date of birth is 21 April 1972

cuttack at 7:35 pm


I am now in Saturn 7 and half period.


moon sign is cancer.

Iam married

My question is==

I have an unhappy marriage life.

What can I do to improve this ?

Any suggestion is welcome.



Take care


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Dear Guruji pranam,


Please suggest .Before my marriage one astrologer saw my chart and said that u are going to have a unhappy marriage life so u have to perform RAVI PUJA.


Please Guruji take a look and suggest something.



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:P hellow moon123


venus , the planet ruling relationship , is associated with saturn

and mars. It is also aspected by rahu.


the house of marriage, "uL" is with shatru pada.


your moon is with ketu and aspected by saturn.


you are running the sub period of rahu in jup major in "moola dasa".


Please worship the following mantra 432 times daily , at the time of sunrise.


Also everyday during " rahu kala" chant this mantra.


Have faith and do it. your difficulties will be over gradually.


This the mantra.


" om namashivaya namo nageswaraya "


i will be here after a week.


If it is possible , post your husbands birth details.


good wishes,




sasisekaran, chennai.

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Thank u very much Sir .

for your kind reply.


I will chant this mantra.


Currently I am staying in California with my husband.


I don't know his birth time but i know his date of birth .

April 8th 1970

I have another question ------

Is my chart showing any settlement in foreign land after marriage?

I am also planning to buy some rudrakshya for Rahu .



Thank you again for your precious time and effort.

Take care


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