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I have trouble killing bugs

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They are so little.


Actually, it serves no purpose because they come in bunches. Slapping one mosquito will never accomplish what one wants, because others are there to take her place.


Bugs are not envious of full of anger toward you when they attack. They are just mining your body. They are no different toward us as we are to the Earth Planet.


So there is no trouble for you in not killing them. The trouble is actions of anger, and those who get angry at bugs enough to kill them have serious problems.


Cirecumstance changes things though. While driving down a mountain road with a full truck in a rainstorm, If a hornet lands on your chest and takes a big chunk of your body, It may be prudent to wipe him out, but not in anger, just as a way to keep you from barrelling into the gully.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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It may also be wise to not let malaria infested mosquitos take a blood sample.

I was a little naive when I was young just believing it was all natural untill I got a dose of Malaria which I've had to suffer the consequences of for the rest of my days, not that providence didn't have a hand in it. But had I been wiser I may have averted that suffering.

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We don't have mosquitoes in USA. my problem is 'german cockroaches'.


They invaded my house last spring, I didn't have problem with them before.


But now, things are different. Its a contradiction if I kill roaches when I claim my house is God's house.

I don't see 'Paramatma' in them, they are disgusting to me.


the house is not mine, Yes? :deal:

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We don't have mosquitoes in USA.


Mosquitoes in South Dakota: A total of 43 different species of mosquitoes have been identified in South Dakota, representing 9 different genera. Some of these species (e.g. Aedes vexans) can be commonly found throughout the state, while others tend to prefer either the eastern or the western side of the state. Since the larval stage of each mosquito species must live in water, all of the mosquito species are most frequently found around rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds, especially during times of flooding. Artificial water sources (e.g. water tanks, used tires) can also support larval mosquito development.


Mosquitoes in Florida:

When the early Spaniards stepped ashore, they came face-to-face with a small flying enemy. As a result, they named today's Ponce de Leon Inlet "Barro de Mosquitoes" . In the 18th Century, the part of Florida lying between the St. John's River and the coastal lagoons north of Cape Canaveral was known as The Mosquito Country or "The Mosquitoes." Similarly, early maps of Florida show many coastal inlets, lagoons and sections of land bearing the name Mosquito. It's pretty obvious that early settlers considered the local pests pertinent enough to include in the naming process.


Some relief from Florida's heavy mosquito populations could be found in the northern sections of the state. These settlers, however, were still susceptible to mosquitoes and the diseases they carried. Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Pensacola came to be known as the "malaria belt." Summer heat and rain invariably brought deadly fevers to the region, and those who could afford to traveled north to avoid the plague of disease. Commerce and trade to the area dwindled during these time periods, and the people who couldn't afford to leave the area usually battled illness, many of whom died.

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We don't have mosquitoes in USA. my problem is 'german cockroaches'.


They invaded my house last spring, I didn't have problem with them before.


But now, things are different. Its a contradiction if I kill roaches when I claim my house is God's house.

I don't see 'Paramatma' in them, they are disgusting to me.


the house is not mine, Yes? :deal:


it's a difficult decision for the spiritually inclined. But practicality has to win... do the cockroaches pose a health threat to you? most of the time they do so the answer to me is grim but necessary...

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Hare Krishna


All glories to srila Prabhupad


well it is also trouble for me. because we are attempting to kill another jiva. It is also jiva in the form of mosquito but it is also an living orgainsm which is also a part and parcel of krsna and while we are attempting to act against the Laws of nature then after knowing the sastra then we will be looking bad to kill or even harm other living beings or other Jivas. this is my opinion alone.we dont have that right to kill another living being unless it is harming us.


Hari bol

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You guys are taking it too far. The Lord is the substratum of the universe, so going by that logic, He is present in everything. But that doesn't mean He is everything. A bug is a bug is a bug, utterly distinct from Lord Vishnu.


The body of the bug is jada vastu and the entity occupying it is a jiva, both of them distinct from the Lord. So why feel guilty about squashing a bug?

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You guys are taking it too far. The Lord is the substratum of the universe, so going by that logic, He is present in everything. But that doesn't mean He is everything. A bug is a bug is a bug, utterly distinct from Lord Vishnu.


The body of the bug is jada vastu and the entity occupying it is a jiva, both of them distinct from the Lord. So why feel guilty about squashing a bug?


i hear you on the philosophical issue, but regardless of that it is the good naturedness of the devotee here that stops him/her - compassion and ahimsa are lovely things.

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The living entity 'roach' can live anywhere, in the gutter, forests, just about anywhere. But you can't. You desperately need a house, whereas a roach is content with a gutter. So try to see the practical side.


Normally, it is ok to kill for two reasons: 1) Practicality 2) To please Lord Vishnu


In this case, it's the former. Contrary to what you feel, the answer IS simple.

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A devotee is one who tries to please Lord Vishnu at all times. Ahimsa and other principles must fit into this scheme, they are NOT important by themselves. One need only look at two examples in MB-Arjuna and Yudhistra-to understand this.

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Our house is infested with roaches i am taking all necessary care to keep it clean....... i am in such a dielamma wether i should kill them or not....

few days i tried to follow ahimsa and just left them as they r and i found them every where like in cupboards,closets ,bathrooms....

housing managament sprayed many times and it went all in vain....

now i am just exterminating them the moment i see one....ofcourse not in anger but just like a routine ....

the thing is ....in my heart i still have this constant fight...should i kill or should i not....should i kill or should i not.......

but then as per lord krishna's saying...."if one kill with out thinking that

they r responsible for it then they r not bound by that act"

for that we have to be egoless and should not have the sense of doership what ever we do. just do it if u think its necessary for the household.

and leave the results to the lord.

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The body of the bug is jada vastu and the entity occupying it is a jiva, both of them distinct from the Lord. So why feel guilty about squashing a bug?

By this logic it is equally fine to kill a human being or any animal. Those of us who follow Srila Prabhupada's teachings may do well to read what he taught on this subject, rather than speculate as to what actions are right and wrong.


The basic philosophy being promoted here is that selfishness somehow makes us free from the karmic influence of our actions. We experience discomfort from another living entity, and our solution is to kill that living entity to free us from discomfort. This is clearly a case of simple selfishness, and obviously an absurd philosophical point of view.


For Redsox, you can get electronic devices for as little as $6.00 on amazon.com that will make all cockroaches, mice and small pests leave your house. There is no need to kill them.

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Yes Ksatriyas can kill people in the Name of the Lord yet we can't wipe out mosquitoes even when they pose a threat to the lives or health of loved ones or devotees. Not that we consciously go around trying to wipe out every bug that bugs us, i like a lot of bugs and most creatures in Gods kingdom, but when cockroaches start invading your altar or pantry, or dangerous spiders want to come to bed with you, I have to draw the line somewhere. I generally try to chant and pray for anything that I have to kill, but that may be just trying to save my butt as much as theirs.

If you let the pigs decide it you'll end up living in a sty.

Of course if we were really tuned to the environment we would probably live in a place free of such disturbing elements. Our consciousness gets the world we deserve.

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According to the Gita, every single action we perform leads us to bondage (yajnarthat kamano 'nyatra...). Krishna goes as far as saying anyone who simply cooks food for himself is eating verily only sin, and will suffer in future lives. You cannot escape the karmic reactions, and resultant suffering, simply because something is convenient for yourself and makes your material life more enjoyable. Acting on Krishna's direct order for the purpose of protecting dharma is quite different than acting for your own sense gratification (or for your own avoidance of discomfort).

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By this logic it is equally fine to kill a human being or any animal.****


Animal killing for the sake of enjoying its flesh is prohibited in Sanatana Dharma. And only Khatriyas fighting against adharma are allowed to 'kill' human beings. These instructions are clear in SD. Nor do I believe that either SD or SP ever condemn 'bug squashing.'


We experience discomfort from another living entity, and our solution is to kill that living entity to free us from discomfort.****


We experience discomfort (in the form of hunger) and so we kill plants to relieve that discomfort. So according to you, vegetarianism is also wrong, eh?


It is NOT the act, but the intent that adds karma. Some people kill cows and when they do, they actually enjoy the act. This will add karma. When we kill roaches, we don't do it to enjoy watching a roach suffer, rather out of necessity. No karma is accumulated in this case.


Further, if karma is accumulated for every tiny little thing you do, that would make Lord a most cruel person. And who would want to worship Him? Read BG 9.27, whatever you do, do it for Krishna's sake. It's that simple.

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Nor do I believe that either SD or SP ever condemn 'bug squashing.'


In 1971 the Boston ISKCON was being overrun by roaches. At first Srila Prabhupada chastised the devotees. He said that we had invited the roaches in by our uncleanliness and now we want to kill them. Soon later he reluctantly relented and allowed us to kill the insects. Once I saw a film of Srila Prabhupada sitting on the ground on a cloth in India. He was speaking to the devotees and answering questions. There were flies landing on his face and head but he was very titiksha, tolerant, only waving his hand to move the insects every 30 seconds or so. Actually when you are in India you see most Indians doing like this, they are very tolerant when the insects land on them. The Westerners are usually going crazy and swatting and swinging at the bugs every 5 seconds and are very agitated and upset by the insects.

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A person has the right as well as duty to defend his property, especially the human form. Sometimes this is a difficult decision, and each one weighs significantly.


Is the bug envious by nature? Is the critter a threat? Or simply an annoyance? This is what the science of bhakti is all about, free-will decisions made in accordance with gfuru-shastra-sadhu, this is what we are made of. And we are fal;lible, and make serious mistakes. We had this discussion many times here, but I once professed to kill big ugly rats.


The owner of this site, Sriman Jahnava Nitai das, kindly correcterd my behavior. I got cats.. I wont be the axeman ted bundy of rat-loka anymore.


But then I think of the infestation of Hobo Spiders that unfortunate lass just south of me in Oregon had to deal with, one little bite, and necrosis sets in, killing all the tissue that is hit, and quite rapidly. She lost 15 # in the hospital, skin and sinew alike. She claims she looks more like she was attacked by a great white that frequents the Oregon coast.


So, if you see funnel webs in your pacific northwest shed. you just may have to sit down and activate your devotional service-infused decision making process, and do the needful. This actually is a slower deal than one facing an armed robber at the ATM, where the same process takes placew as one grips his sig sauer in his pocket purchased for this very reason, self-defence.


But, (and there is always a but), fear of disease may not be good enough reason. Rats and their potential hantavirus may not give one aqdequate self-defence claim. This smacks of pre-emptive strikes of sri mudha-bush, a most demoniac policy. Cockroaches dont eat that much, ants will leave by themselves in three weeks, mosquitoes only come out in the early morning, and dont come at all if one gets rid of their old tires once in awhile.


After living in Hawaii for a few years, the "flying bread dates" didnt bother me. Sometimes Id turn on my light late at night and see my wall black with termites. But then, the penthouse of the Ilikai Hotel has the same phenomena, so killing serves no purpose. It serves no purpose to kill that rat in Kalopa because the next week, the cane field accross the street will be burned, and thousands of rats will cross the street to my macadamia trees.


I like what red sox says, good writin, good points. Use discretion, make decisions, remember the difference between real threat and simple annoyance. Im annoying (as yall know), but that is not a capital offense.


Hare Krswna, ys, mahaksadasa

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you can get electronic devices for as little as $6.00 on amazon.com that will make all cockroaches, mice and small pests leave your house. There is no need to kill them.


Thank you :pray: , I didn't know such things existed.


I think all of you solved my problem. Roaches are annoying but they have the right to live in the house just as I have the right to live there. But- they can live everywhere , I need a house to live, so I will try to kick them out and in effect give them the rest of the world. :rolleyes:


Simple annoyance is not enough to kick any-one/thing out. :)


And Tackle Berry, Killing of Jivas is wrong, no matter how big or how small because they belong to krishna. We kill plants because we have to eat something, when we invent a way to survive on solar energy like plants do, we will stop killing them as well.

And! Kshatriya Dharma does not work out because in Kali yuga all are sudras, thats why we chant the Maha Mantra.

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And Tackle Berry, Killing of Jivas is wrong, no matter how big or how small because they belong to krishna. We kill plants because we have to eat something, when we invent a way to survive on solar energy like plants do, we will stop killing them as well.



Redsox 10 Tackle Berry 2

(I did not know that, no seriously Prabhus, I did not know that you could tackle a berry and get 2 points)

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You won't be so cheery if you ever come down with malaria, what to speak of a wolf spider bite, or your house dissolves with white ants, but to each their own.

Maybe you should wear a mask like the Jains to prevent killing germs if you want to take it to the deeper level. Plus i've seen devotees trying to eliminate amoebic dysentry naturally only to have their children die. It's overkill on underkill. I've also known vegans who are saviors of insects, and persercuters of devotees. Even as a vegetarian I'm open to hypocracy.

But it's not that we take any pleasure in killing or even abuse, anger, or harm.

you do the best you can on what ever level you can. If it makes one a better person all well and good.

It has nothing to do with making our material life more enjoyable it's all about having a life that one can use in the service of the Lord, without some creature blindly injecting venom into your blood stream, just practical common sense. If at the end of the day killing a few bugs is all i had to worry about i reckon i could live with that, but i think i may have a lot more than that on my inverted resume to worry about.

I've found it helps to have Geko lizards and peacocks as pets if you have a larger property, they do the dirty work naturally.

I also do the best i can to sustain an organic eco system on our property where everything has it's place in the organic whole but some are just too greedy or prolific whereby they eat you out of house and home. They don't know nor do they care we need to live also.

If you wish to champion the 'insect rights movement', go for it. I'm all for it but i just can't join you.... yet anyway.

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