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Visions of Hope and Glory

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Does anybody think that it is possible that Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON could ever become a beautiful and graceful humanitarian mission of Lord Mahaprabhu that shines with magnanimous and munificient charity and mercy for all mankind no matter what bent or branch of Krishna conscousness a devotee comes from?


Is it possible to expand and elevate the ideological thinking of the institution up and out of sectarian prejudice into a grand and glorious ideology of universal brotherhood and fraternity amongst Gaudiya Vaishnavas?


Did Srila Prabhupada intend for ISKCON to be a corperate institution that caters to the ambitions of the few while ignoring the true needs of the many?


Is ISKCON forever shackled to sectarian bigotry and religious prejudice amongst the Gaudiya Vaishnava world?


Can ISKCON become bigger and better than it ever was even during the time of Srila Prabhupada?


Can we re-invent ISKCON in the true model of Mahaprabhu's great mission of universal love and brotherhood?


Can there be a new and improved version of ISKCON distributed to the hungry masses?


Can the ISKCON programming code be revised and re-written to ISKCON 3.0?


Are the best days of ISKCON still ahead, when ISKCON can rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes of bigotry and prejudice?


Will ISKCON fade off into a small fanatical sect of Gaudiya Vaishnavism in the 21st Century, or will it rise to glory by embracing and imbibing the grand and glorious ideals of brotherhood and love of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - the Golden Avatar?



Is it possible?

That is all up to the ISKCON leadership - the Governing Body Commission.


Everyone should encourage and inspire them to do so.

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