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Surya-kunda Festival (Nov 18th-28th) - Siddha Sri Madhusudana Das Babaji

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Dear Vaisnavas!


With November well underway and the blessed month of Kartika behind us, the annual festival of Siddha Madhusudana Das Babaji Maharaja of Surya-kunda is approaching. The event is one of the largest happenings at Vraja, drawing audience from all across the 84-krosh Vraja-mandala – from all movements and parivaras alike.




The ten-day festival begins on November 18th with the establishment of the festival altar, followed by seven days of Bhagavata-discourses from 2-7 PM. The auspicious Adhivasa-kirtana takes place on November 26th, followed by continuous harinama-kirtana until the morning of the 28th, which is Siddha Baba's disappearance day, the day when the main observance takes place. The disappearance festival starts around 10 AM in the morning, featuring padavali-kirtana and the singing of the saint's life-story, followed by parikrama around the village and the serving of festival prasada.


With this message, we would like to cordially invite everyone to attend the event! The full festival program is available at:






Radhanath Dasji of Radha-kunda, a familiar figure to many Western devotees visiting the dhama, has asked me to convey a message concerning the festival practicalities to the global assembly of devotees. There is a yearly fund-raising effort taking place to make possible the vast amounts of prasada prepared for the babajis, the bhaktas and the vraja-vasis all alike. Additionally, this year the festival organizers have arranged for eight buses to Govardhana, Radha-kunda, Varsana, Vrindavana and so forth to make possible a broader attendance especially among the elderly Vaisnavas, who may find a journey to Surya-kunda on foot too taxing an undertaking.


If you would like to participate and contribute for Vaisnava-seva reaching mahatmas from all across Vraja-mandala, it will be much appreciated. You may send donations with PayPal, credit cards, Western Union or via a bank transfer.


For further details, please view the entry for Surya-kunda Festival at:




At the website, you will also find a selection of video and audio media from the earlier years' festivals along with Siddha Baba's life story.


Thank you for your kind attention!



Madhavananda Das

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Madhusudana das babaji was the disciple of an unknown Guru (nobody knows the Guru's name).


He was honoured for his great realization, and devotion. But nobody knows his parampara.

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Siddha Baba received diksa from an unknown mahatma coming in the disciplic line of Gangamata Gosvamini. Then, he took diksa in a parampara. Later on, whatever knowledge was absent on account of his brief acquaintance with his diksa-guru was filled in by Radharani herself. On account of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding his diksa and all things related, Siddha Baba never initiated anyone (on Radharani's personal request), although he instructed many.


However please do not turn this into a political parampara debate. I would like to ask the administrators to delete any such posts to keep this thread on topic. The topic is the Surya-kunda Festival. If you wish to speak separately about Siddha Baba's life and related lessons, please start a separate thread for that.

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May be of interest, was sent to Dandavats.Com editor after the entry was removed in a few days from posting over being not ISKCON related.




The event is a 84-krosa Vraja-mandala event, which means that all movements and lineages are attending – members of ISKCON included. You may check this for example with Mahanidhi Swami if you wish.


Siddha Madhusudana Das Babaji Maharaja is also the vesa-guru (sannyasa-guru) of Siddha Jagannatha Das Babaji Maharaja, who is in your guru-parampara.


Hoping to clarify,


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