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Death predictions!

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Everybody knows that astrologers are adept at reading birth charts.Well,thats what most of the astrologers do, but is there any astrologer who can also predict death ? Also, someone told me that after a person dies there are people

who can predict where the person has gone by looking at the date and time of death!

Is this possible? Can death be predicted and can a persons destination be known after death? Your comments are invited.

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Everybody knows that astrologers are adept at reading birth charts.Well,thats what most of the astrologers do, but is there any astrologer who can also predict death ? Also, someone told me that after a person dies there are people

who can predict where the person has gone by looking at the date and time of death!

Is this possible? Can death be predicted and can a persons destination be known after death? Your comments are invited.


Only Krsna can tell actual time for death and also the pleace where the soul goes. Except Krsna nobody can tell it correctly.

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Everybody knows that astrologers are adept at reading birth charts.Well,thats what most of the astrologers do, but is there any astrologer who can also predict death ? Also, someone told me that after a person dies there are people

who can predict where the person has gone by looking at the date and time of death!

Is this possible? Can death be predicted and can a persons destination be known after death? Your comments are invited.


Where is death? When there is a life after leaving current body? Why to predict all nonsense. Read Prabhupada and Preace Prabhupada.

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Yes, it is possible to predict death. Evidence? Raja Pariksit. I believe during some sort of a birth ceremony, it is said in the Bhagavatam that it was predicted by an astrologer that he will die from a snake bite.


I think it is possible to know where a person will be going after death by their actions in this life. It is really complex, however, because we have choice and if you win a million dollars according to your chart then it is still your choice as to how you would spend that money.


I hope that made sense.


Hare Krsna

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Yes, it is possible to predict death. Evidence? Raja Pariksit. I believe during some sort of a birth ceremony, it is said in the Bhagavatam that it was predicted by an astrologer that he will die from a snake bite.


I think it is possible to know where a person will be going after death by their actions in this life. It is really complex, however, because we have choice and if you win a million dollars according to your chart then it is still your choice as to how you would spend that money.


I hope that made sense.


Hare Krsna


I don't want to predict my death. I only asked Krsna, call me before to Golok before other comes. Keep my serial no as No-1

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I think it is possible to know where a person will be going after death by their actions in this life.


Do you know any astrologer who can predict death and what happens to the soul in the afterlife? If so, please immediately furnish the details on this forum. I think this is a subject that everybody should take interest in as life on this planet seems to be pretty meaningless, filled with misery and suffering.

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Dandavat to all the Prabhu's/Mataji's,


I know one astrolger, who can predict whether I ll get moksha in this or not, on the basis of the position of "Ketu" in the chart.

His name is Ashish Shastri and he is from Gujarat, his cell no. is 09824260436.

May be you can talk to him regarding the prediction of death ??



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Everybody knows that astrologers are adept at reading birth charts.Well,thats what most of the astrologers do, but is there any astrologer who can also predict death ? Also, someone told me that after a person dies there are people

who can predict where the person has gone by looking at the date and time of death!

Is this possible? Can death be predicted and can a persons destination be known after death? Your comments are invited.




I Dont say it is not possible. Not even I am sure that it is possible. If it was really a possibility then everone would have known that, since God has given us the same ability,same capacity. But he has maintained diversity in interests.DhYANA is what that makes each individual to know his true interest, his true way/path to reach the LORD. with proper DhyanaaBhyasa it may be possible to know the only one and only one soul being there as all and in all.

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Only Krsna can tell actual time for death and also the pleace where the soul goes. Except Krsna nobody can tell it correctly.

umm... what a speculation. Of course Krishna can tell. But who is going to ask him ?? :/

And that is why there are the Vedic ancient sciences of Astrology etc...

Don't believe in them? Your problem.

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Death predictions are all false, Once death depends on his breathe. Every human will be assigned a breathe count and his death is dependent on his breathe.


Please hold your breath to have some more life..

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Namaste. I've consulted a number of Vedic astrologers in India for over 30 years, and despite their reputations, books, followers, etc., I can honestly say that I've never been helped by any of them. I wish it were different, but that's my humble experience. Perhaps there are some great astrologers around, I don't know, but I've certainly never been able to find them.

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This subject is defonately an ionteresting subject....but why do you say the life on Earth is meaningless?? If you stop and really take a look at the things around you you can see that there is beauty everywhere-from your cup of coffee in the morning, to the leaves blowing in the wind, to the smile of a loved one-One who has absolute faith in God can see His face in all things. He has given us this life, so why not make the most of it? Even though we are faced with challenges and suffering, thay are all a chance for us to grow into a stronger and better person. By looking at difficulites in apositive light, it makes it easier ot overcome them. Yes, life is filled with misery and suffering, but it is certainly not meaningless. If it was, then why would have Lord Krishna given it to us?

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'you' being the body or soul?
Will we live the temporary illusion or the eternal reality? Will we identify moment to moment with the higher eternal self or with the lower temporary self born in clay? When we speak of death, we are viewing life, living life from the small side, the side filled with anxiety. Certainly ENDING is a most anxious proposition: it causes us to feel a need to get as much enjoyment out of every second as is possible, fearing it may all end at any moment.


Yet from the other side, from the vantage of the eternal soul, from the big picture, there is no anxiety. This land of no anxiety translates in sanskrit as Vai-kuntha (the Kingdom of God, the land without anxiety).


So the secret to overcoming death is to simply live reality, Reality the Beautiful. Eternal life, the everlasting life, experienced even in this temporary environment is beyond death and anxiety. No anxiety. No death. Sac-cid-ananda. Blissful reality forever. The world of words, in time, in the mind, cannot even fantacize the glory of our reality.


We need only to get real, then the anxiety of death will fall away along with all the other misconceptions, misperceptions, dejections, rejections, reflections, confections, conflictions, addictions, afflictions, the affections born of clay that terrorize the day.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Will we live the temporary illusion or the eternal reality? Will we identify moment to moment with the higher eternal self or with the lower temporary self born in clay? When we speak of death, we are viewing life, living life from the small side, the side filled with anxiety. Certainly ENDING is a most anxious proposition: it causes us to feel a need to get as much enjoyment out of every second as is possible, fearing it may all end at any moment.


Yet from the other side, from the vantage of the eternal soul, from the big picture, there is no anxiety. This land of no anxiety translates in sanskrit as Vai-kuntha (the Kingdom of God, the land without anxiety).


So the secret to overcoming death is to simply live reality, Reality the Beautiful. Eternal life, the everlasting life, experienced even in this temporary environment is beyond death and anxiety. No anxiety. No death. Sac-cid-ananda. Blissful reality forever. The world of words, in time, in the mind, cannot even fantacize the glory of our reality.


We need only to get real, then the anxiety of death will fall away along with all the other misconceptions, misperceptions, dejections, rejections, reflections, confections, conflictions, addictions, afflictions, the affections born of clay that terrorize the day.


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