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End of the world in 2012

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Brother our passion is what makes for good honest debate. Words are not to harm anyone but how they are understood begets the feelings. Do you ever cry in a play or stage act? Please be honest with yourself and nothing you ever read from me will hurt.

Look for purpose as if a bird was chirping in the tree. Look for the beauty of the cockroach; note the skill of its survival and not the fallacy taught by the exterminator.

Or clearly said: see what is, versus what man believes.

Passion… my friend. Curious, if another subject but this is not another subject, this is what your core is seeking.


To a point but to overcome the corruption, arrogant truth is born to protect the meek and the children. To birth the new will take a beast with passion to convey the truth and be governed by this is how to withstand capitalistic assimilation.


Just like needing passion to over come the corruption of today; the ill left upon this society by man’s rudeness needs the additions of many to overcome the virus.

So in answering the truth; many of mans works must be understood.

IN answering the illnesses; we need the medicine of the brethren to combat the diseases shared of the variant lands.

It is why I Love this sect a such …. Spiritual instead of too physical … I agree … I am with you 100 and 10 plus 5 % …. My hair then and before to my toe nails, now and forever……

Yo …. But … that is not going to cross the boarders. It is where physics will. This is my story.

To combine the 2. Vindicate the past (guru/prophets) and offer a described future for every single person to understand. There is no debate, there is only one way it all works.

This is an error and I can suggest why; an American knows the freedom of choice as was intended by God and within this arena each has a choice to pursue any direction of life they wish. Read as they want, be as they want, believe as they want. Where data and information of the world and its cultures are at the fingertips.

So to have persons with every choice that can be possessed, one day someone who cares not of himself but of others can be born; to live only under the eyes of knowing able only to learn for the total, having the ills ever present to learn from, to be just as a part of both Love and Hate during the course of life, but chooses to share the ground covered with the next generations, so that the straight path is easy to find.

To lay concrete down for tomorrow that cannot be chipped away ever again.

Please if I lie, slap me, if I help, please believe, as I could never harm all I am doing is still learning while dropping bricks all the while seeking masons to help build a road.

Friends I assure you, just trust a weee little bit. Ask me anything you like as they are things others may want to know, AND I LEARN WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK “understanding.”


You are trying to bind the science or so called one with the spiritualuty. Indeed there are so many so called gurus in India as well across the world, who try to do that... In doing so, so many even take the element of god from thier explanation... According to the scriptures, this is not possible... I am not tkaing it blindly, as you must have thought.. For everything i see logic and rationale..And fortunately I get it sooner or later, in otherwords to get that "Understanding" I have to surrender everyday unto the supreme to bestow me that intelligence by which I can understand the netigrity,, and bestows me with his compassion....


Materialism and spirituality are like two banks of a river, if you want to goto the one you have to forget about the other bank. The people in this age are holding themselves the materialism tree and asking the tree to leave them.......


I am a researhcer and am not proud of it! coz I know very clearly, what i am doing is only for my bread,, and the kind of research i do although brings lots of funding, it gets me nowhere after the death........what matters then is the research that i do in the field of searching for the ultimate reality sitting in my heart, the supreme lord, the one without a second the most intelligent ,the all creator , the supreme aim, the supreme personality and finally the cause of all causes....


Hari hari bol

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You are trying to bind the science or so called one with the spiritualuty.

Not for any gain. Just think if the sciences knew how it worked maybe some of the ailments such as cancer and diabetes may be addressed. As for the spiritual side well most have been telling us the same thing all along. In both scenarios the ‘specimen’ is isolated versus recognized as an intricate part of the total.


Indeed there are so many so called gurus in ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comP><P><blockquote data-ipsQuote="" class="ipsQuote"><div> For everything i see logic and rationale..And fortunately I get it sooner or later, in otherwords to get that

So a mason must build the mighty bridge with the bricks of the many fathers.


The elders cannot maintain responsibility nor teach the pure story. I wonder why?

So you believe your work does nothing for anyone other then your back pocket. Are you building things that destroy? If so quit.

If you are researching quality items then earn that living, do it with your best effort. Give what you would expect and be happy you are a cog to complete a finished product.

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Not for any gain. Just think if the sciences knew how it worked maybe some of the ailments such as cancer and diabetes may be addressed. As for the spiritual side well most have been telling us the same thing all along. In both scenarios the ‘specimen’ is isolated versus recognized as an intricate part of the total.

And many have finished a cog for the mechanism but the finished product is still not universally recognized, would you agree?


As they should because the pure works do have merit, honor them.


For each ‘interpretation’ there are convincing items for each argument but read the quotes from the greats, most suggest the exact representation being described.




You are talking on the platform which has got nothing to do with spirituality. Spirituality aint money making or stomoch feeding business. What ever one does , WHATEVER , has got both good and bad reactions adhered to it, coz its material even helping or serving some poor for eg....I am not saying one shouldnt help some one... But thats simply MORALITY, (that might make a millionare in the lifes to come, but remember u still got to sustain the pain during birth and death) its not spirituality.... Spirituality is coming out of both good and bad (coming out of the cycle of births and deaths), you see TRANSCENDETAL..Coming out of meterial joy and sorrow is spirituality....


I am not blaming you for anything, its coz you have not relished the higher taste, you are still wondering around with the lower taste, just like a kupa manduka ( a frog in the well) no offence:) ....


Its good to give a spoon of sugar to a child , coz its sweet, but remeber the names of the Lord can even more be relishable,,,, give that to the child and it will remember it forever..


I can still put on lots of stuff here, but I don deserve to do that, you see me too still a neophyte, struggling to control over senses.. so i don think it would be wise for me to preach things which i don practice......



Start chanting the name of the lord's, and you will know what i mean... The whole universe is inside you.. its waiting , and waiting for you to give a glimpse......


Belive me the nowadays science will go further to much higher height in coming times, but still it will miss the real essence.......To get that essence is not so easy, indeed not so difficult as well, you see Surrender unto Krishna,, and there you have for which you are here for (in this Planet)



Hari hari bol

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You are talking on the platform which has got nothing to do with spirituality. Spirituality aint money making or stomoch feeding business. What ever one does , WHATEVER , has got both good and bad reactions adhered to it, coz its material even helping or serving some poor for eg....I am not saying one shouldnt help some one... But thats simply MORALITY, (that might make a millionare in the lifes to come, but remember u still got to sustain the pain during birth and death) its not spirituality.... Spirituality is coming out of both good and bad (coming out of the cycle of births and deaths), you see TRANSCENDETAL..Coming out of meterial joy and sorrow is spirituality....

This whole ‘platform’ has everything to do with spirituality. Just not your way and business and true care for people, don’t mix real well and why I retired before I opened up this can of worms.

The only Good and Bad you will ever feel, know (for fact) or see, will be in the flesh and in this life you are standing in, the rest is conjecture, in all cases!


I am not blaming you for anything, its coz you have not relished the higher taste, you are still wondering around with the lower taste, just like a kupa manduka ( a frog in the well) no offence<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 12pt; HEIGHT: 12pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://www.audarya-fellowship.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\TODDBI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>....

again pigeon holed …. I can show you how life exists and begin at the molecular scale all the way to consciousness, representing that all the globes theologies are in fact real and each are telling us the same thing, (once you give up the junk within each)

and I say that once man realizes ‘how’ they exist and teach the children ‘correctly’ so they will have the questions ‘everyone’ on this globes continues to ask, known, within this physical existence, that will also vindicate the old stories,

will be the single most important advancement and set of understanding ever, that will bring responsibility and compassion to each member granting the proper setting, ‘heaven on earth’ is within this framework…..

and your telling me what?

Why not ask how and apply some reasoning rather then tell me anything about how this ‘frog” got stuck in the well. I least I have water and will survive, your still on the moon with some blue guys with a bunch of ‘different’ names, singing to make yourself feel good.


Its good to give a spoon of sugar to a child , coz its sweet, but remeber the names of the Lord can even more be relishable,,,, give that to the child and it will remember it forever..
“It” …. ???? Has memories now?!?!? Now God’s name is also “it,” with memories.

I can still put on lots of stuff here, but I don deserve to do that, you see me too still a neophyte, struggling to control over senses.. so i don think it would be wise for me to preach things which i don practice......
If you don’t ‘deserve’ to share real quality information to the people of this forum, then go lay by your dish!

The whole universe is inside you.. its waiting , and waiting for you to give a glimpse......
Exactly! It is within and the globe is waiting, so try and drag it out as this is what I have been asking all along.

Belive me the nowadays science will go further to much higher height in coming times, but still it will miss the real essence.......
And you are here to tell me so, right? Your mission in life is to be a non-practicing “guru” who is going to tell another sole who has spent most and promised his life to represent this exact subject, how it works?

Glad you’re here telling us how it is!

My hero! R u the almighty salami. !!!

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This whole ‘platform’ has everything to do with spirituality. Just not your way and business and true care for people, don’t mix real well and why I retired before I opened up this can of worms.

The only Good and Bad you will ever feel, know (for fact) or see, will be in the flesh and in this life you are standing in, the rest is conjecture, in all cases!

again pigeon holed …. I can show you how life exists and begin at the molecular scale all the way to consciousness, representing that all the globes theologies are in fact real and each are telling us the same thing, (once you give up the junk within each)

and I say that once man realizes ‘how’ they exist and teach the children ‘correctly’ so they will have the questions ‘everyone’ on this globes continues to ask, known, within this physical existence, that will also vindicate the old stories,

will be the single most important advancement and set of understanding ever, that will bring responsibility and compassion to each member granting the proper setting, ‘heaven on earth’ is within this framework…..

and your telling me what?

Why not ask how and apply some reasoning rather then tell me anything about how this ‘frog” got stuck in the well. I least I have water and will survive, your still on the moon with some blue guys with a bunch of ‘different’ names, singing to make yourself feel good.

“It” …. ???? Has memories now?!?!? Now God’s name is also “it,” with memories.

If you don’t ‘deserve’ to share real quality information to the people of this forum, then go lay by your dish!

Exactly! It is within and the globe is waiting, so try and drag it out as this is what I have been asking all along.

And you are here to tell me so, right? Your mission in life is to be a non-practicing “guru” who is going to tell another sole who has spent most and promised his life to represent this exact subject, how it works?

Glad you’re here telling us how it is!

My hero! R u the almighty salami. !!!


Whatever I wrote till now I can give evidence from the scriptures , you see references for my journal paper... They are not the conclusion of my volatile mind... Can you give me the references for whatever you have been trying to convey? and answer is big NO... Coz they are from the concocting mind. I am not offending,, becoz you are not this mind, you are the soul the powerful soul......


In your way , it can be expalined like , if you are sick you would go to a CERTIFIED doctor , not the one who just says this and that according to his or her own opinions, which naturally change as the wind blows he he....Likewise, for spiritual healing you need a Guru (the spiritual doctor) who can teach you perfectly who is that bluish person with "differnt" transcendental names, for whom so many dance like mad .......


Its waste of time for both of us to continue this discussion ask me why, i have read many sciene books and as well as spiritual books, so i could make comaprisons.. On the other hand you have only read some (or may be so many of them) science books and trying to make a story out of it....No, if you have had read any spiritual from India both in Personal and impersonal aspects, only then our argument wud have been more intersting and fruitive..


Make no sence!


So I beg and I pray to my BLUISH LORD HARI WITH DIFFERENT NAMES that you be successfull in your attempt....



Sri hari hari bol

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Whatever I wrote till now I can give evidence from the scriptures , you see references for my journal paper... They are not the conclusion of my volatile mind... Can you give me the references for whatever you have been trying to convey? and answer is big NO... Coz they are from the concocting mind. I am not offending,, becoz you are not this mind, you are the soul the powerful soul......


In your way , it can be expalined like , if you are sick you would go to a CERTIFIED doctor , not the one who just says this and that according to his or her own opinions, which naturally change as the wind blows he he....Likewise, for spiritual healing you need a Guru (the spiritual doctor) who can teach you perfectly who is that bluish person with "differnt" transcendental names, for whom so many dance like mad .......


Its waste of time for both of us to continue this discussion ask me why, i have read many sciene books and as well as spiritual books, so i could make comaprisons.. On the other hand you have only read some (or may be so many of them) science books and trying to make a story out of it....No, if you have had read any spiritual from India both in Personal and impersonal aspects, only then our argument wud have been more intersting and fruitive..


Make no sence!


So I beg and I pray to my BLUISH LORD HARI WITH DIFFERENT NAMES that you be successfull in your attempt....



Sri hari hari bol


who could ask for anything more ...

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