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Kerala Hindus fight back against Christian conversion efforts

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Kerala always had a special place in Vatican’s scheme of things for South Asia. Almost all the ‘shepherds’ spearheading evangelisation in various parts of the Indian sub-continent are Keralites. In Kerala itself, the stranglehold of Christianity on vital fields like education, health and industry is overwhelming. Hundreds of denominations of Christians are working overtime for reaching their harvesting targets by 2025 AD. Their original target was 2000 AD, but major institutions like Sabarimala, Attukal and Guruvayoor which are attracting devotees from outside the state stood in the way. Then there were the competing forces of Islam that was also targeting the same crowd with much more attractive Arabian carrots. Attempt by a combined might of Rahman, John and Peter in trapping the wayward Sabarimala tantri and thereby spoil the name of Sabarimala during the ensuing season is only symbolic of the deadly combination of anti-Hindu forces operating in Kerala. Actress Jayamala with her Christian husband also contributed to it in a significant way.


There were many Hindus who were overjoyed when DC Books published a translation of ‘Da Vinci Code’ immediately after its release in India. One Gopikrishnan was also roped in the translation effort to give credence to the exercise. Again it missed the innocent vision of Kerala Hindus that the immediate release by DC Books was only a part of the larger game plan of deflecting attention from the much more devastating Gospel of Judas. Vatican had planned the full drama in minute details well ahead. DC and Jeevan vied with one another to keep the issue alive for almost a month so that the Gospel revelation could pass unnoticed. The strong majority of Christians in the media also did their part in ensuring that no major news items about the Gospel came up for attention in any of the newspapers or TV channels. As usual, the couple of dump Hindu channels missed the news completely. And those who noticed it remained ‘secular’ to take it up.


Among our own saints in the immediate past, only Chattampi Swamigal could foresee the coming mechanisations of the Christian brotherhood in the landscape of Kerala. His literary attempt of ‘Christumathachetanam’ under a pseudo name during those days shows his desperate attempt to highlight the impending catastrophe to the Kerala Hindus. As usual we never bothered and never took it seriously. But we cannot afford to do that anymore. It is time to act before we reach a point of no-return. One of the best options in front of us is to give as much publicity as possible for the National Geographic expose’ on ‘Gospel of Judas’. We should go in for a translation of the complete article (or an interpretation of it) in all the Indian languages and issue thousands of copies free of cost to all the vulnerable sections of the society. Nobody in his senses will opt for converting to a religion whose messiah has betrayed the trust of humanity for generations. The simple fact that Judas is holier than Jesus is enough to put off the aggressive evangelists from pursuing with their hidden agenda in India. Offence is indeed the best form of defence and it is time that Hindus started practising it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is an urgent need to see that the "Gospel of Judas< is kept out of public debate and acceptance.

The Reason:

The Christian of todayshould not want to think beyond the bible and go to any other document related to Christ-

The early Christians were from Kerala , dating back to the first century AD -

They had no linkage with the Pope.

What would happen, should they start digging back, and influence christianity -

Just think it over

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There were many Hindus who were overjoyed when DC Books published a translation of ‘Da Vinci Code’ immediately after its release in India. One Gopikrishnan was also roped in the translation effort to give credence to the exercise. Again it missed the innocent vision of Kerala Hindus that the immediate release by DC Books was only a part of the larger game plan of deflecting attention from the much more devastating Gospel of Judas.


Offence is indeed the best form of defence and it is time that Hindus started practising it.


Sigh ... why do you need a fictional book like "Da Vinci Code" to fight in your defense (or offense if you like)? It only shows how riddiculos Hindus have become and how weak Hindusm is.


You put an offensive like "Da Vinci Code" to fight Christianity (without properly understand where they get the idea from) and what you will get in return is just a riddiculed laughter in your face.


If you want to teach Hindus properly on what Christianity is - start from Middle East history from 1st Century AD to 3rd Century AD. Learn from History and Historical data on how Roman Empire created Christianity which exists today.


Go online and search for Emperor Tiberius, Simon Magus, Cult of Isis, Dead Sea Scrolls and even reasons on why Jews have rejected Jesus as your offensive against Christianity. THEN it could work to push Christianity back.

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Sigh ... why do you need a fictional book like "Da Vinci Code" to fight in your defense (or offense if you like)? It only shows how riddiculos Hindus have become and how weak Hindusm is.


I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Are you saying that Hindus are ridiculous and Hinduism weak because one group of them decides to use a fictional book in their struggle agains encroaching Christianity? If so, than your statement is preposterous.


And besides. Using fiction in propaganda efforts has a rich tradition and often works very well. I could name quite a few examples, including some close to home. "By way of deception thou shalt do war" - does that sound familiar?

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I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Are you saying that Hindus are ridiculous and Hinduism weak because one group of them decides to use a fictional book in their struggle agains encroaching Christianity? If so, than your statement is preposterous.


And besides. Using fiction in propaganda efforts has a rich tradition and often works very well. I could name quite a few examples, including some close to home. "By way of deception thou shalt do war" - does that sound familiar?


Yes, I did say that Hindus are riddiculos and it shows Hindusm as weak because some group actually uses fictional work to fight Christianity. And it does NOT work well. If you say otherwise, SHOW where fictional works could work against doctrine.


The reason why fictional works will not succeed is because it is FICTIONAL - Make believe. Christians will walk away and laugh, stating that Hindusm is so pathetic that Hindus needs storybook to defend themselves.


Secondly, WHY must Hindus use fictional story as methods to fight when there is a lot of historical data in the World and in the Internet? That is like choose Lies over Truth. I don't see the Logic for such actions. :confused:

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Yes, I did say that Hindus are riddiculos and it shows Hindusm as weak because some group actually uses fictional work to fight Christianity. And it does NOT work well. If you say otherwise, SHOW where fictional works could work against doctrine.


a good portion of MOST doctrines are pure fiction. do you think that all the different doctrines are based on truth? I'm sure you know many varieties of Jewish doctrines as you are a Kabbalah follower. Are ALL of them based on truth? How about Christianity and Islam? When people start believing in fiction, it becomes a doctrine.


Some Jews for example have been fighting the Christian influences using a manufactured story of Jeshua the black magician. For example, on the website of the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic Lubavitch group--one of the largest in the world--you can find the following statement, along with Talmudic citations:

"The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene':

1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).

2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).

3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh, which is also explicitly banned in the Bible (Shabbos 104b). (from http://www.noahide.com/yeshu.htm)


you can call Hindus ridiculous and Hinduism weak, but that is just your own bias. as anybody can see, the "Hindu" traditions are doing quite well worldwide.

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a good portion of MOST doctrines are pure fiction.


ONLY to a Godless person - that doctrine is a pure fiction. :rolleyes:


And I study Kaballah, I don't follow Kaballah. There is nothing to follow in Kaballah since it is Discipline of Understanding how the Universe and the World works, not a doctrine.


Yes, Jews fight Christians. WHY? Because Christians corrupt Tahmud and God's name by stating that Yahweh had kid named Jesus.


can call Hindus ridiculous and Hinduism weak, but that is just your own bias. as anybody can see, the "Hindu" traditions are doing quite well worldwide.


Hindu Secularism is growing - a sort of Hindu identity but lack of ANY understanding or care for Hindusm. Hindusm in truth IS DYING.


1,000 years ago, Hindusm sprang from India to Middle-East, South-East Asia and even all the way to China and Japan, along with Buddhism. TODAY, there is not a SINGLE HINDU NATION IN THE WORLD.


Hindus in India especially cannot even make political and social changes according to Hindusm without upsetting the Seculars, Christians and Muslims.

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50 years ago hinduism was completely absent from Europe, Australia and the Americas. Now there are many Hindu temples all over the world, started by both Indian immigrants and Western converts to Vaishnavism.


Hmph ... 50 years ago, there was no group named Vaishnavism. Which part of it suppose to be considered Hindusm which sprung for the past 5,000 years? :rolleyes:

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a good portion of MOST doctrines are pure fiction.


ONLY to a Godless person - that doctrine is a pure fiction. :rolleyes:


Yes, Jews fight Christians. WHY? Because Christians corrupt Tahmud and God's name by stating that Yahweh had kid named Jesus.



right there you confirm my point. the concept of Jesus being a son of God is a major part of the Christian doctrine yet you consider it a fiction. you must be Godless then, eh? ;)


"50 years ago, there was no group named Vaishnavism"


I'm not sure what on earth you are talking about?

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Hmph ... 50 years ago, there was no group named Vaishnavism. Which part of it suppose to be considered Hindusm which sprung for the past 5,000 years? :rolleyes:


Vaishnavism was there existing atleast for last 1600 years as per history.


Ignorant people do not even know that Vaishnavism is what Vedas are themselves teach, Bhagavad Gita teaches.

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Those who followed Vedas followed Shri Krishna, who is none other than Vishnu.


Vishnu also Narashima Avatar who the Malayam people celebrate as Onum festival.

Vishnu also Parasurama who the Kerala people worship.

Vishnu also Rama who the south people worship as well (and Sri Rama honored Shiva during His travels and in battle).


So all this Avatars means nothing and only Sri Krishna matters? :rolleyes:

Why? Because Vaishnavists said so?

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Did Sri Krishna created Vaishnavism OR did those who followed Vedas in the past called themselves Vaishnavists? :rolleyes:


temples of Lord Vishnu are mentioned in practically all of the Puranas. it is also evident from Rig Vedic hymns that Lord Vishnu had a special and supreme position in the most ancient Aryan worship rituals. thus we can conclude that Vaishnavism (the cult of Vishnu) is very ancient. the term Vaishnava (worshiper of Vishnu) is quite ancient as well and appears in many medieval texts. therefore your claim: "50 years ago, there was no group named Vaishnavism" is completely false.

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temples of Lord Vishnu are mentioned in practically all of the Puranas. it is also evident from Rig Vedic hymns that Lord Vishnu had a special and supreme position in the most ancient Aryan worship rituals. thus we can conclude that Vaishnavism (the cult of Vishnu) is very ancient. the term Vaishnava (worshiper of Vishnu) is quite ancient as well and appears in many medieval texts. therefore your claim: "50 years ago, there was no group named Vaishnavism" is completely false.


Read back what I have said :



Vishnu also Narashima Avatar who the Malayam people celebrate as Onum festival.

Vishnu also Parasurama who the Kerala people worship.

Vishnu also Rama who the south people worship as well (and Sri Rama honored Shiva during His travels and in battle).

So all this Avatars means nothing and only Sri Krishna matters? :rolleyes:

Why? Because Vaishnavists said so?



You claims that Viashnavists are worshippers of Vishnu, YET they don't seems to give a damn about other Vishnu's Avatars who is worshipped by various people of India.


And they even promote Christ than they could promote Parasurama or any other Vishnu's avatar. :eek4:

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You claims that Viashnavists are worshippers of Vishnu, YET they don't seems to give a damn about other Vishnu's Avatars who is worshipped by various people of India.


And they even promote Christ than they could promote Parasurama or any other Vishnu's avatar. :eek4:


I am not sure who are you talking about. Iskcon? Iskcon is a very small branch of Vaishnavism.

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I am not sure who are you talking about. Iskcon? Iskcon is a very small branch of Vaishnavism.


Small branch but with a big voice.


It is the loudest person who gets the more attention, not the biggest person with a small voice. In the end, it is how you deliver which counts, not what you deliver - basic for all presentation and public talkings.


ISCKON maybe small and insignificant to someone to the point that you could consider that their influence is sufficial as well. But when the West hears them, what they will see is what Hindusm supposed to be according to their own understanding.

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