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Got my weekly newsletter from PETA and this part stuck out.


"Just when you thought animal experimenters couldn't get any lower, along come new cruel and pointless "gay sheep" experiments. That's right; Charles Roselli of Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and Frederick Stormshak of Oregon State University (OSU) are killing homosexual sheep and cutting open their brains in an attempt to find the hormone behind homosexual tendencies so that these tendencies can be changed. And guess what? Roselli plans to "cure" humans of their homosexual tendencies next."


Scientist's may identify a problem but that is not very hard, their attempts to cure the problem once identified always remains on the superfical bodily level. They remain blinded by Maya's molecular display and can't see into the metaphysics of any condition. They may or may not find success with sheep but with humans past karmas and impressions will have to be taken into account and in that field mere hormonal manipulation will never be sufficient.

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Sheep also have past lives, perhaps they are formerly very depraved humans, and now are dealing with certain samskaras in this sub-human incarnation, causing them to be attracted to other male sheep? aren't animals under the control of samskaras (psychic impressions from past lives) too?

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Sheep also have past lives, perhaps they are formerly very depraved humans, and now are dealing with certain samskaras in this sub-human incarnation, causing them to be attracted to other male sheep? aren't animals under the control of samskaras (psychic impressions from past lives) too?


Yes but by birth in a sheep body they are not developed to a degree to for karmic reactions from what I understand. Of course it is possible that some lonely sheepherder somewhere started having relations with his flock and developed a special attraction to the same gender as himself but in sheep form and thus was born as a homosex sheep. hehe anything is possible in this whacked out dream.



Animals are supposed to be on some kind of automatic progression through the species towards human life but I have longer wondered why some souls take dog births in Beverly Hills while others are left to wander starving and diseased.


It's a mystery.


What i was trying to say is that we can alter genes but we cannot alter fate by altering genes.

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Animals are supposed to be on some kind of automatic progression through the species towards human life but I have longer wondered why some souls take dog births in Beverly Hills while others are left to wander starving and diseased


I have had many dogs for pets, and each has had a unique personality. They seem to be more than robotic in their behaviour (tho certainly instincts are stronger in an animal body), and they show signs of individuality (rather than some group herd consciousness) and even attachments and aversions.

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Of course it is possible that some lonely sheepherder somewhere started having relations with his flock and developed a special attraction to the same gender as himself but in sheep form and thus was born as a homosex sheep. hehe anything is possible in this whacked out dream.



Animals are supposed to be on some kind of automatic progression through the species towards human life but I have longer wondered why some souls take dog births in Beverly Hills while others are left to wander starving and diseased.


It's a mystery.




Maybe this is 'breakback lonely planet' I know it can sure break y heart.

Lets face it there are capitolist dogs and there are communist dogs but not too many vaisnava dogs.


My names blue, how do you do?

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I have my moments in the sun

untill they frazzle me and i pray for rain


So many souls trying to clear a path

through the jungles of misconception

turning the Lords playground to desert

not seeing the forest for the trees

and so the sands of time

bury the call of humanity

while the wind wispers why

kingdoms come and go

rising and falling

in their search for a little peace and inner fullfilment

Somewhere in a gentle place

and a smiling face

Blue seeks solace

And assurance that everything

is where it deserves to be

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Blue seeks solace

And assurance that everything

is where it deserves to be


We are not where we are meant to be but certainly where we deserve to be. We are meant to be immersed in the the Divine River of Krsna consciousness but by our desires and actions we have earned a station in the land of cause and effect.

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............. and thus was born as a homosex sheep.


Nowadays they give the animals all kind of growth hormones and antibiotics to have better wools and at the same time provide best quality meat. So I think they just fool the public that there's something like homosex sheep but in fact they found out (by chance) that by injecting male sheeps let's say estrogen (female) hormones they behave like gay. (First they might figured by injecting female hormones the wool turns out better.) The actual reason why they do all this is to provide proof that it is natural to be gay and thus seduce certain type of innocent people to believe homosex is created by God and stop to have families and children.

Clever idea but surely a paid job by the government.:idea:


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Wow suchandra you sound like you might see a conspiracy everywhere. And I agree with you. The best way to control the population of the planet is by controling the nature of birth. You know, humans having children willy nilly all over the place is so unruly. "Their" idea is ultimately genetic manipulation of all humans. Some genetically programmed to work in various sciences, others do the manuel labor, none to rebel. Kind of a kali-yuga version of varn but without the ashrama.


Even if there is no secret masterminds planning this there are certainly plenty who will take advantage of this time and circumstances as the possibilities unfold.

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Wow suchandra you sound like you might see a conspiracy everywhere. And I agree with you. The best way to control the population of the planet is by controling the nature of birth. You know, humans having children willy nilly all over the place is so unruly. "Their" idea is ultimately genetic manipulation of all humans. Some genetically programmed to work in various sciences, others do the manuel labor, none to rebel. Kind of a kali-yuga version of varn but without the ashrama.


Even if there is no secret masterminds planning this there are certainly plenty who will take advantage of this time and circumstances as the possibilities unfold.




Conspiracy everywhere - this would mean that the illusory energy is conspiracy, new way to see this world!

Since modern science couldnt figure out so far to determine whether the frequency-distinguishing system takes place in the inner ear or in the brain they concluded that people would never find out if homosex sheep is created by heredity or some hormone injections.




"The process whereby these mechanical motions begin to be turned into sound begins in the area known as the inner ear. In the inner ear is a spiral-shaped organ filled with a liquid. This organ is called the cochlea.

<TABLE borderColor=#ffffff cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=203 align=right bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>




The complex structure of the inner ear. Inside this complicated bone structure is found both the system that maintains our balance, and also a very sensitive hearing system that turns vibrations into sound.




The last part of the middle ear is the stirrup bone, which is linked to the cochlea by a membrane. The mechanical vibrations in the middle ear are sent on to the liquid in the inner ear by this connection.

The vibrations which reach the liquid in the inner ear set up wave effects in the liquid. The inner walls of the cochlea are lined with small hair-like structures, called stereocilia, which are affected by this wave effect. These tiny hairs move strictly in accordance with the motion of the liquid. If a loud noise is emitted, then more hairs bend in a more powerful way. Every different frequency in the outside world sets up different effects in the hairs.

But what is the meaning of this movement of the hairs? What can the movement of the tiny hairs in the cochlea in the inner ear have to do with listening to a concert of classical music, recognizing a friend's voice, hearing the sound of a car, or distinguishing the millions of other kinds of sounds?

The answer is most interesting, and once more reveals the complexity of the design in the ear. Each of the tiny hairs covering the inner walls of the cochlea is actually a mechanism which lies on top of 16,000 hair cells. When these hairs sense a vibration, they move and push each other, just like dominos. This motion opens channels in the membranes of the cells lying beneath the hairs. And this allows the inflow of ions into the cells. When the hairs move in the opposite direction, these channels close again. Thus, this constant motion of the hairs causes constant changes in the chemical balance within the underlying cells, which in turn enables them to produce electrical signals. These electrical signals are forwarded to the brain by nerves, and the brain then processes them, turning them into sound.

<TABLE borderColor=#ffffff cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=454 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR><TD width=250 height=92>







</TD><TD class=resimalti width=190>The inner walls of the cochlea in the inner ear are lined with tiny hairs. These move in line with the wave motion set up in the liquid in the inner ear by vibrations coming from outside. In this way, the electrical balance of the cells to which the hairs are attached changes, and forms the signals we perceive as "sound." </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Science has not been able to explain all the technical details of this system. While producing these electrical signals, the cells in the inner ear also manage to transmit the frequencies, strengths, and rhythms coming from the outside. This is such a complicated process that science has so far been unable to determine whether the frequency-distinguishing system takes place in the inner ear or in the brain.

At this point, there is an interesting fact we have to consider concerning the motion of the tiny hairs on the cells of the inner ear. Earlier, we said that the hairs waved back and forth, pushing each other like dominos. But usually the motion of these tiny hairs is very small. Research has shown that a hair motion of just by the width of an atom can be enough to set off the reaction in the cell. Experts who have studied the matter give a very interesting example to describe this sensitivity of these hairs: If we imagine a hair as being as tall as the Eiffel Tower, the effect on the cell attached to it begins with a motion equivalent to just 3 centimeters of the top of the tower.




Just as interesting is the question of how often these tiny hairs can move in a second. This changes according to the frequency of the sound. As the frequency gets higher, the number of times these tiny hairs can move reaches unbelievable levels: for instance, a sound of a frequency of 20,000 causes these tiny hairs to move 20,000 times a second.

Everything we have examined so far has shown us that the ear possesses an extraordinary design. On closer examination, it becomes evident that this design is irreducibly complex, since, in order for hearing to happen, it is necessary for all the component parts of the auditory system to be present and in complete working order. Take away any one of these-for instance, the hammer bone in the middle ear-or damage its structure, and you will no longer be able to hear anything. In order for you to hear, such different elements as the ear drum, the hammer, anvil and stirrup bones, the inner ear membrane, the cochlea, the liquid inside the cochlea, the tiny hairs that transmit the vibrations from the liquid to the underlying sensory cells, the latter cells themselves, the nerve network running from them to the brain, and the hearing center in the brain must all exist in complete working order. The system cannot develop "by stages," because the intermediate stages would serve no purpose."

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