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Orthodox Jews Demand End to Zionist Atrocities in the Middle East

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Just curious but are you a George Bush suppoter?




Yes now I'm [more directly] his supporter.


As you can see within hundreds of my postings here on this site - I've long encouraged the 'freedom fighters' toward peace and understanding - [theoretically] presenting a broad spectrum of possibilities for everyone of consequence - but - the so-called 'freedom fighters' only want war so - what can we do? I shall not encourage people to show respect where none is due and - to where it'll do no good.


In any event I pray that America's political direction moves away from the evangelical toward a more broad and inclusive position - taking more regard to 'time and circumstances' in their policies [it's happening] - in any event - I wasn't ever against him - only some of his ideas.

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I guess you cannot tear them down so you're leaving the discussion

You don't get it, I'm not interested in 'tearing them down to begin with at all'...


Don you are foaming at the mouth for some heated debate it's so obvious...geez you think I'm gonna jump into that?


All I did was post a story, and you become like Bull to a Red Flag...


All I needed to know before I wasted time in some wasted debate with you was if YOU support the village idiot 'George Bush',


and now knowning that...


Yes indeedy I have nothing to say about the matter with you whatsoever..


So go find someone else to play Hannity and Colmes with...



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You don't get it, I'm not interested in 'tearing them down to begin with at all'...


Don you are foaming at the mouth for some heated debate it's so obvious...geez you think I'm gonna jump into that?


All I did was post a story, and you become like Bull to a Red Flag...


All I needed to know before I wasted time in some wasted debate with you was if YOU support the village idiot 'George Bush',


and now knowning that...


Yes indeedy I have nothing to say about the matter with you whatsoever..


So go find someone else to play Hannity and Colmes with...




The "them" I was indicating were my points - :confused:





Don you are foaming at the mouth for some heated debate it's so obvious...geez you think I'm gonna jump into that?




Foaming at the mouth - hardly - I put forward a well thought-out and well-presented answer to the title posting and I wasn't asking for any debate I was simply asking for your thoughts - of course - here on message boards 'debate' is usually what goes on - so I don't know - I think that you posted the title post to debate the issues - as the issue has a for and an against position and clearly - you fall under the against position - that is why you don't want to discuss the ideas advanced within your title posting?


You hate Mr. Bush and I don't - why should that impact this discussion? Actually I think that he too could learn some facts from this discussion!

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You don't get it, I'm not interested in 'tearing them down to begin with at all'...

All I did was post a story, and you become like Bull to a Red Flag...


Yes indeedy I have nothing to say about the matter with you whatsoever..


So go find someone else to play Hannity and Colmes with...



Translation: I am a bomb thrower, I find articles that support my world view but cannot back them with facts or statements of my own. ;)


Hint: this is a DISCUSSION board not a spam and run board ;)

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Translation: I am a bomb thrower, I find articles that support my world view but cannot back them with facts or statements of my own. ;)


Hint: this is a DISCUSSION board not a spam and run board ;)

Both of you know little of what journalism means...and hardly want a discussion yourself but are like bulls to red when any opinion or headline comes that differs from yours, it's really childish.


Like I said before, I can't believe devotees support some of this crap Israel is doing...


Hezballah is not innocent, I never said that..but neither is Isreal..


last night someone here said jew haters...thats enough for me...


This is not from old time devotees of Krishna I have known in my life for over 34 years, I can tell you that much...




Don you need some serious graphics lessons man...

Sorry but I couldn't resist, I work in multimedia and have for many years and if your gonna post Art (if you call it that) online your gonna get some feedback. My 14 year old daughter would spin circles around your head




Hare Krishna



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Both of you know little of what journalism means...and hardly want a discussion yourself but are like bulls to red when any opinion or headline comes that differs from yours, it's really childish.


Like I said before, I can't believe devotees support some of this crap Israel is doing...


Hezballah is not innocent, I never said that..but neither is Isreal..


last night someone here said jew haters...thats enough for me...


This is not from old time devotees of Krishna I have known in my life for over 34 years, I can tell you that much...




Don you need some serious graphics lessons man...

Sorry but I couldn't resist, I work in multimedia and have for many years and if your gonna post Art (if you call it that) online your gonna get some feedback. My 14 year old daughter would spin circles around your head




Hare Krishna




Funny reply, from the start your reply to Don has been " I just posted an Article " so don`t speak of not wanting a discussion. Bulls to red, no just posting opinions to the articles posted ( that, after all is the purpose of a discussion board.)


Yes I did say Jew haters because many of the articles and posters point directly at the Jews and Israel and refuse to see the whole picture. Their attitude is " World problem, Must be Bush or the Jews again " talk about ignorance. I suppose the problems In India are because of them as well ?


Nice to see you act in a mature manner, if you really are so enlightened why not share some tips about images instead of a personal attack.

Sheesh what are they teaching people in temples these days.

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I do not live in a temple and have not since late November 1977....


see ya...








Truth too much to take ?

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Both of you know little of what journalism means...and hardly want a discussion yourself but are like bulls to red when any opinion or headline comes that differs from yours, it's really childish.


Like I said before, I can't believe devotees support some of this crap Israel is doing...


Hezballah is not innocent, I never said that..but neither is Isreal..


last night someone here said jew haters...thats enough for me...


This is not from old time devotees of Krishna I have known in my life for over 34 years, I can tell you that much...




Don you need some serious graphics lessons man...

Sorry but I couldn't resist, I work in multimedia and have for many years and if your gonna post Art (if you call it that) online your gonna get some feedback. My 14 year old daughter would spin circles around your head




Hare Krishna




Prabhupada says that to call a thief a thief - is not fault finding.




Don you need some serious graphics lessons man...



I'd love some graphics lessons - of course i never said i was some expert at that - but for an armchair artist - i think they look good enough.


If you're so good at it - make a pic and show us - it's said that - a picture is worth a thousand words - right?


Oh and why is it you're the only feedback on these pictures - i'm sure if others thought they were so poor - they'd say so? Which one you talking about? Is it that you do not like to see a graphic rendition of Bhagavad Gita 4.11 - wherein the Lord says:


All of them—as they surrender unto Me—I reward accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Prtha. [bG 4.11]


So as to the point of this thread - certainly - you did post the title post to try to garner some legitimacy for your opinions against the modern state of Israel - it just so happens that on the surface it does look like you want to drop a controversial posting and then avoid legitimate discussions about the posting.


I ask you to find the same bias in my postings - go for it - find and copy and paste some real bias - in my words - of course - you won't find it.


Praise and condemnation postings have LONG uploaded from MY computer concerning all the parties in this global conundrum.


So no i'm not any lournalist [never said i was] and - no i'm not any graphics artist [never said i was] but - what i am is a well informed and unbiased wellwisher of the truth.


I'm disappointed that you have avoided real discussions here...

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if you really are so enlightened why not share some tips about images


Some people just don't share well - i'd love tips about graphics and i'm willing to share the small things i've learned on my own trying to make pics and gifs.


Gee i should ask you spirit soul - what do you think of my amateur attemps at graphics?



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