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Degrees of Intoxication

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...states that the digestive tract of carnivoires become backed up with "marut" or undigestable foodstuff, and so alcohol beverage is prescribed to enhance intestinal health; due to the fermentation in the grain alcohol. Similarly, the digestive tract of a vegetarian may also become clogged with undigested foodstuff, hence the ayurvedic Kanda prescribe taking fermented soda drink, toast, or cookies made with baking soda.

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The problem with intoxicants is not a moral one really. It just makes it harder to think of Krsna and practically impossible to do any service. This is especially true of alcohol.


If you can drop this practice it will be good for you on health and spiritual practice grounds. If not make the times you drink less and less frequent and drink a little less each time. But in all circumstances keep chanting and even remember Krsna as the ultimate source of your alcohol.


It sounds like a message from the inside is taking root in your mind already. Maybe you sense it is something that should be given up.

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sum people feel more love for God when they drink, ramakrishna, a mystic said, that one can drink for God and to get drunk on His love and later the drinker can get drunk without the alcohol and get drunk only on God.. if u think the alcohol is a problem for ur path to God, stop it, but if u see that it doesnt effect your love for God why give it up..

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If you can go for several hours without thinking of Krsna or chanting His nectarean name, then you can afford to tip a few brew. When you don't want to be without Him for that long, you will avoid the head scrambling liquids. It's that higher taste thing again. In time, all the nonsense eventually becomes just too boring.

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there are plenty of other ways to keep your mind focused on Krishna.....go to the temple, read the gita, do some service for other devotees, etc.


drinking is only a temporary solution. You are already strong enough to stop yourself at just a few drinks, so i'm sure you are strong enough to stop completely.


-Hare Krishna

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if there where only one way to God, then why have God made so many ways? there are different ways because we are all different, we have different objectives and we have different views because we are individual jivas.. so if one whants to drink but feel that he can come closer to God, do it, and if one dont like to drink because it hurts one journey to God, stop drinking.. all is good..


- do what thou wilt

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