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how do we know Jesus Christ existed as a real person? There have been those who have seriously studied ancient world religions, and concluded that the Jesus stories, like the virgin birth and being sacrificed for our sins, were built upon previous god-men figures in Roman, Babylonian and Egyptian mythos. There is legitimate evidence that points to this.

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Floating Idols – In rural villages in India, Missionaries and place a stone or metal idol of a Hindu Deity in bring a bucket of water. The statue will sink in the bucket. Next the Missionary bring a wax-coated idol of Jesus or Virgin Mary (though Christianity prohibits idols) and places that in the bucket. Due the wax-coat, the Christian idol will float. The Missionary will then conclude that because the Christian idol floated, it is “higher” and, therefore, better than the Hindu one. The uneducated villager, not knowing anything about buoyancy or density, falls for the Missionary’s ridiculous explanation and converts to Christianity.


There are even worse horror tactics that the spanish Christians employed when they came to South America, and demolished all the native faths, except for a few shaman who were able to hide out high in the Andes and preserve their traditions.


The only reason Christianity is such a 2 billion strong religion today, is because of their history of forced conversions, brainwashing, scare tactics (threats of eternal damnation) and slander of all other religions they came in contact with.


Up until the 3rd century, Christianity was a contained cult, alongside other competing religions like Mithraism. Had Constantine not converted to Christianity for political reasons, Christianity may only be a minor sect within the world today.

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Every finite soul is created from the image of God that is Truth. So whoever you pray, pray to show this image on your face, on your brothers face etc. Finally you will see that one blue color supreme face of Vishnu on everybody. Pray to Jesus, pray to Vishnu, pray to Ramkrishna, pray to one stone, pray to Allaha, pray to sky whatever you like. Until you can see this blue color face infront of the mirror, on the wall, in the sky etc. don't leave your devotion to your Lord.


Even to come out from the illusion, spray water on your face, walk for a while and again look on the sky, on the mirror, on the tree, on the wall etc. You should see always same smiling blue color face of Narayana everywhere. Once you see that image everywhere day together , anytime anywhere then only believe that Bible is True, Koran is True, Bhagavat Gita is True. Until then what is the scientific proof that God exists?


If there is no existence of God, then why you fight for religions? So only scientific proof to believe God today is to see the image of God that exists within you on the mirror whenever you look instead of your black and white face. Even try to talk to Him and see whether He response. If you can see the image of God on your face and also all your brothers face then only believe that the same God exists and every life is created from the image of God, Lord Hari.


So hit the basic and prove it in this scientific age, otherwise don't talk about God or religion if you can not prove it.


The only way you can see this image by chanting name of Hari using whatever name you call Him


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Hare Krishna



Thanks for everyone who has tried to help me with this situation. Some were helpful and some were not. We should preach to the innocent, and stay away from the envy of other people, specially fanatics.


Hare Krishna


Jay Prabhupada!

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Hare Krishna



Thanks for everyone who has tried to help me with this situation. Some were helpful and some were not. We should preach to the innocent, and stay away from the envy of other people, specially fanatics.


Hare Krishna


Jay Prabhupada!


This is from the purport to SB 11.2.45 by Srila Prabhupada's disciples. A very nice explanation I think.


"Typically the kanishtha-adhikari is eager to engage his materialistic qualifications in the service of the Lord, mistaking such material expertise to be the sign of advanced devotion. But by continuing to serve the Supreme Lord and the devotees engaged in propagating the Lord's mission, the kanishtha-adhikari also advances in his realization and comes to the stage of dedicating his activities to helping more advanced Vaishnavas. Even such kanishtha-adhikaris can help ordinary living entities by their association, since at least the kanishtha-adhikaris have faith that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because of this faith, the kanishtha-adhikari gradually becomes inimical to those who are opposed to the Lord. As he gradually becomes more and more inimical to those who hate the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and becomes more attracted to friendship with other faithful servants of the Lord, the kanishtha-adhikari approaches the second-class stage, called madhyama. In the madhyama stage the Vaishnava sees the Lord as the cause of all causes and the chief goal of everyone's loving propensity. He sees the Vaishnavas as his only friends within this morbid world and is eager to bring innocent people within the shelter of Vaishnava society. Also, a madhyama-adhikari strictly avoids associating with the self-proclaimed enemies of God. When such an intermediate qualification becomes mature, the concept of supreme qualification begins to present itself; that is, one comes to the stage of uttama-adhikari.

A kanishtha-adhikari guru, one who is simply attached to performing religious ceremonies and worshiping the Deity, without appreciation for other Vaishnavas, especially those who are preaching the message of the Lord, will especially appeal to persons interested in the dry cultivation of knowledge. As a living entity develops mundane piety, he proudly devotes himself to regulated work and nobly tries to detach himself from the fruits of his work. Through such regulated detached work, knowledge or wisdom gradually arises. As knowledge or wisdom becomes prominent, the pious materialist becomes attracted to altruistic and charitable work and gives up gross sinful activities. If he is fortunate, he then becomes favorable to the transcendental devotional service of the Lord. Desiring a mere intellectual understanding of devotional service, such a pious materialist may seek shelter at the feet of a kanishtha-adhikari. If able to advance to the madhyama qualification, he then becomes attracted to a Vaishnava actively engaged in preaching Krishna consciousness. And when fully mature on the platform of intermediate devotion, he becomes attracted to the maha-bhagavata level and is awarded a glimpse of the exalted position of the maha-bhagavata spiritual master by the grace of Krishna within his heart. If one gradually goes on in the devotional service of the Lord, one becomes established as a paramahamsa maha-bhagavata. At this stage all of his actions. movements and engagements in preaching are dedicated solely to the satisfaction of Krishna. The illusory potency, maya, has no power to throw or cover such a purified living entity. In Upadesamrita (5) Srila Rupa Gosvami has described this stage of life as bhajana-vijnam ananyam anya-nindadi-sunya-hridam.

A maha-bhagavata, being empowered by the Supreme Lord, Yogesvara, is endowed with the supernatural power to inspire and give success to the madhyama-adhikari who follows in his footsteps and to elevate a kanishtha-adhikari gradually to the intermediate platform. Such devotional power springs automatically from the ocean of mercy found within the heart of a pure devotee. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura points out that a maha-bhagavata has no desire to inflict punishment on the enemies of the Lord. Rather, he engages the madhyama-adhikaris and kanishtha-adhikaris in preaching work to purify the polluted mentality of the inimical souls, who are falsely imagining the material world to be separate from Krishna."

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I would welcome that. If you could identify yourself in some way that distinquishes yourself from all the other guests that would help. Let me first tell you that my initiation into spiritual life came by the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ. Not by church or the Bible but I was touched by the spirit of Christ which really turned my life around. Especially as I grew up an atheist. I have some understanding of what motivates Christians in their preaching. Unfortunately there is a severe lack of knowledge that accompanies their zeal and this causes many problems. There is a strong belief that God only speaks to Christians now and only to Jews in the past. That is simply not the case. That is the first point.


Sorry, new on this board, forgot to sign in.


Your first point is one that I agree with, having seen it in practice my whole life.


I was raised as a Christian and felt a certain sense of the sacred or a faint stirring, whatever...but what could be called a definable inner initiation or spiritual awkening happened through Srila Prabhupada's mercy.


Per the concept of Sanatana-dharma, I understand that there is no difference in the awakening of a Christian from that of a person of any other "ism"...but among most Christians there is a lack of a universal spiritual attitude with corresponding teachings, along with a very strong resistance to developing such an attitude.


To me, many Christians display a frightening arrogance and ego-driven desire to conquer and dominate others.

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Sorry, new on this board, forgot to sign in.


Your first point is one that I agree with, having seen it in practice my whole life.


I was raised as a Christian and felt a certain sense of the sacred or a faint stirring, whatever...but what could be called a definable inner initiation or spiritual awkening happened through Srila Prabhupada's mercy.


Per the concept of Sanatana-dharma, I understand that there is no difference in the awakening of a Christian from that of a person of any other "ism"...but among most Christians there is a lack of a universal spiritual attitude with corresponding teachings, along with a very strong resistance to developing such an attitude.


To me, many Christians display a frightening arrogance and ego-driven desire to conquer and dominate others.


Hare Krsna Sanatan,


Yes Church life most often only can offer a faint stirring as you say because the Christian churchs today are run by people who have only had a faint stirring. They end up more social scene than anything. Not just Christians, Buddhist temples also. There is one down the street that every year holds a fund raisng street concert with various local jazz musicians and they see tons of Chickens and Ribs. There is no Buddhism involved at all.


Like I say I was fortunate in that I grew up in a simple materialistic, though greatly disfunctional family even by material standards. I was fortunate in that there was no talk of religion at all so I had no preconceived ideas stuck in my brain about religion and the search for God. Immediately after my receiving part of one drop of mercy from Christ my life changed. Then before I even owned a Bible the Hare Krsna's opened a temple in my town and the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ (Paramatma arrange for me to run into them.) So I am a reborn through the mercy of Christ who chants Hare Krsna and feels not a twinge of contradiction. I have no trouble envisioning Jesus chanting and dancing in Lord Caitanya's kirtan. But then I also accept him as having return to Earth in the form of Haridas Thakur.


These Christians don't own Jesus. Jesus belongs to Krsna. Also amazing to me is that some Hare krsna's think they are closer to krsna than Jesus and he is some kind of outsider to Krsna. Flip side of the same coin. WE ARE THE OUTSIDERS, NOT CHRIST!

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And when fully mature on the platform of intermediate devotion, he becomes attracted to the maha-bhagavata level and is awarded a glimpse of the exalted position of the maha-bhagavata spiritual master by the grace of Krishna within his heart..


Only maturity needed to see one glimpse of the exalted position of the maha-bhagavata spiritual master is only devotion to Hari.

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I made up my mind and will avoid the fanatics and envious so-called Christians.''


I think Prabhupada said it best when he said:


"The argument that Jesus died to redeem us of sins is simply another sinful argument. That Jesus has taken contract to redeem your sins is simply a plea of the sinners. They continue sinning and expect Christ to take the contract to freedom. It is most sinful. Instead of actually stopping sins, they contract with Jesus Christ. These people should be immediately hanged. They say, ‘That way our religion is very good. We cannot stop sinning, but it is okay because Christ has taken contract to save us.’


Jaya Prabhupada. Hare Krishna!


Room conversations with SP, April 5, 1977

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