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Mantra before taking food

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by bhaktajan

One cup or serving can multiply itself unlimitedly:




Any don't get me in trouble with Sri Radha --I'm always saying the wrong things.





<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->Radhe Radhey108: I'm sure Krishna will split His grilled cheese with Her :)

And, no need to worry... you won't get in trouble with Srimati Radharani... She's very merciful to us fallen ones ;)



Malati dasi: Just be 100 % sure that the cheese DOES NOT have rennet! :pray:

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by bhaktajan

One cup or serving can multiply itself unlimitedly:




Any don't get me in trouble with Sri Radha --I'm always saying the wrong things.






<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->Radhe Radhey108: I'm sure Krishna will split His grilled cheese with Her :)

And, no need to worry... you won't get in trouble with Srimati Radharani... She's very merciful to us fallen ones ;)



Malati dasi: Just be 100 % sure that the cheese DOES NOT have rennet! :pray:

Thx for the warning Malati Dasi Mataji :) I always do check... for lactic acid, too!

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From Wikipaedia


Lactic acid in foods

Lactic acid is primarily found in sour milk products, such as: koumiss, leban, yogurt, kefir and some cottage cheeses. The casein in fermented milk is coagulated (curdled) by lactic acid.

Although it can be fermented from lactose (milk sugar), most commercially used lactic acid is derived by using bacteria such as Bacillus acidilacti, Lactobacillus delbueckii or Lactobacillus bulgaricus to ferment carbohydrates from nondairy sources such as cornstarch, potatoes and molasses. Thus, although it is commonly known as "milk acid", vegan products can contain lactic acid as an ingredient.

Lactic acid may also be found in various processed foods, usually either as a pH adjusting ingredient, or as a preservative (either as antioxidant or for control of pathogenic micro-organisms). It may also be used as a fermentation booster in rye and sourdough breads.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-2>[3]</SUP>

Lactic acid is also present in wheat beers, especially lambic, due to the activity of Pediococcus damnosus.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-3>[4]</SUP>

Lactic acid is widely used for inhibiting pathogenic bacteria like E.coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria on animal carcasses like beef, pork and poultry during the slaughtering process.

Potassium lactate, sodium lactate and calcium lactate are the neutralized salts of lactic acid. Potassium lactate is used in many fresh and cooked meat products for shelf life control, color preservation and reduction of sodium content. Sodium lactate has a mild saline taste and is therefore suitable for flavour enhancement in meat products as well. Sodium lactate is being produced as liquids as well as powders. Calcium lactate is popular for fortification and improved texture in emulsified meat products like frankfurters.<SUP>[5]</SUP>Lactic acid in foods


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NOT ALL lactic acid comes from the

by-product of animal metabolism. As the wikepedia article says it can come from lactose or milk sugar as a product of its natural fermentation. Of course, any biological processes is not 100% sterile. Even the water we drink contains bacteria and we are "killing" them. This is comparable to the natural fermentation without using cultures.


There are products like mayonnaise or cheese or yoghurt that do not depend on starter culture to produce the product. A friend of mine even as early as 28 years ago is making cheese, yoghurt etc from soymilk. Nonetheless in the process, though not intended, bacteria can do take part in the natural process of soy processing.



To answer Ganeshprasad: Yes, just because it says suitable for vegetarians/vegans doesn't mean it doesn't contain animal by products. So be careful. Read the label or in doubt , ask the manufacturers; most big companies are honest about their products ingredients ánd they will tell you.


In Australia I buy the brand Nimbin for cheese because they use plant enzyme to process it. Of course I can't say it's 100% sterile (no microorganisms). That's the same with all vegetarian food we take.


Radhe Radhe

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To answer Ganeshprasad: Yes, just because it says suitable for vegetarians/vegans doesn't mean it doesn't contain animal by products. So be careful. Read the label or in doubt , ask the manufacturers; most big companies are honest about their products ingredients ánd they will tell you.


In Australia I buy the brand Nimbin for cheese because they use plant enzyme to process it. Of course I can't say it's 100% sterile (no microorganisms). That's the same with all vegetarian food we take.


Radhe Radhe


Pranam Malati dasi ji and all


Thank you , it seems there is nothing scared, how can they be honest if they say suitable for vegetarian/ vegan yet it may contain animal products in it. Thankfully I have very little use for process food, yes cheese once or twice a month, I will have to be more careful and watch out for lactic acid.


Spare a thought for those vegetarian who eat out side, out of necessity, if it contains cheese how are they going to verify the cheese used. I guess in this age of Kali we have no other refuse but to chant the holy names and the mantra before food, even if it is just a thanks for the food that has been provided.


Thanks guys for the education on lactic acid.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Mostly cheeses (since it's used as a preservative)... and KRAFT MACARONI AND CHEESE!!!:(

I always check the ingredients of everything I buy :eek4: ... maybe you should too. ;)


I have bad news that I have been waiting to announce to the world and even to myself:


I am now so close to being a 'vegan'. After 28 years as a strict 'lacto-vegetarian' [as per vaisnava guidelines], I have found that my body is either having an allergic reaction, or, an inability to digest, or, an outright bodily-state-of-shock type reaction to all cheeses; and also the same reaction to all food oils.


My worse case speculation is that the dairy foods (Cheese) are processed/contaminated with industrial prep methods that are not meant for human consumption.


The 'oils' I refer to are also suspect for containing petro-by-products that my body is reacting to.


Coincidental to my problems [for the past 8 years--since 1999] with dairy assimulation--there has been the tri-glyceride and especially the Partially-hydrogenated oils which are now banned as "not fit for human consumption" [at least in New York State, USA]. Please read the book "Deconstructing Twinkie"--this book traces the origins of each of the ingrediences listed on a package of the famous american junk food sweet: TWINKIES.


You will be surprised by how many food ingrediences [including vitamins & minerals] are 1. made in China, and 2. derived directly from Petroleum and many other deadly heavy chemicals. Did you all know that "Iron" fortified foods get "Iron" from iron-dust from metal processing factories during an emolsion process designed to tempered sheet-metal surfaces--after the acids are dried-off the Iron dust is collected and then used in the food and vitamin industry.


PS: Has any one ever noticed that the word 'INDUSTRY' has as it's root: 'Indus'?

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