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You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.

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SB 6.5.20: [Narada Muni had asked how one could ignorantly defy one's own father. The Haryasvas understood the meaning of this question.] One must accept the original instructions of the sastra.According to Vedic civilization, one is offered a sacred thread as a sign of second birth. One takes his second birth by dint of having received instructions in the sastra from a bona fide spiritual master. Therefore, sastra, scripture, is the real father. All the sastras instruct that one should end his material way of life. If one does not know the purpose of the father's orders, the sastras, he is ignorant. The words of a material father who endeavors to engage his son in material activities are not the real instructions of the father.



So vani from the proper source results in second birth or diksa as some call it. The sacred thread is a sign only.

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and no one goes to Krsna except through him???:smash:

Why be sarcastic and disruptive.?


That was a legitimate quote from Srila Prabhupada and follows the Vedic conclusions that shastra is the real father of one's second birth.


The spiritual master guides one to and through shastra.


Without shastra, there could be no guru.

Without shastra, there is no guru.


Like Sridhar Maharaja warned.....

"don't think that the shastra is inanimate"


The shastra is ALIVE!

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"Why be sarcastic and disruptive.?"


All sarcasm aside, it is honestly frightening that after 4700+ posts, a person with the user name "Krishna" would still be acting in such a way.


So I can see a bit more clearly the points that muralidhar das was making yesterday about this forum.


So Krsna, please take this to heart. I can't imagine you really want to be so crude and mean.

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Whoa everyone! Slow down. Krsna posts to inspire thought in others and to keep the conversation alive and moving in a progressive way. He knows the answer quite well. He is a bit Socratic in his approach.


Yes Srila Prabhupada is the way, the truth and the life. The only way to the Father is through the good son. We are all sons of God but in our fallen state we can hardly be called good sons. The only way to become perfect sons of God is through the merciful instructions of a perfect son of God who kindly shows those very instructions in his life so as to be a living example for us to follow. The perfect devotee of Krsna is Bhakti personified. All empowered spiritual masters are representives of the Supreme Lord. Their mission is one.


Bhakti personified is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to Krsna except through the grace of Bhakti personified.

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so one can be spiritually (not formally) intiated by Prabhupada without joining Iskcon? his books are his instructions, so by following his instructions in his books, one is becoming a disciple of the spiritual master.

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"Is Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the only way, the truth and the life... "


YES if you choose him as your spiritual master. You must do as he says, and never disobey. He is the way, the truth, and the life or Bhakti personified for you.


NO if you are attracted to someone else who represents Krsna in a pure way, then he or she is the way the truth and the life for you. Not A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.

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It is said that Bhishma, lying on the bed of arrows expressed his last wish before Lord Krishna that he wanted to go to Siddhashram with his mortal body. Yudhistir also , after the end of Mahabharat war , requested Lord Krishna with folded arms, "If some of the virtues of my life are left and if you bestow your grace upon me, I wish to spend the last part of my life in Siddhashram ,"


Shankaracharya said, " The fulfillment of human life can only be attained when one goes to Siddhashram and take a holy dip in the Siddhyoga lake. ". A mere dip in the lake not only cures all the ailments but also confers divinity upon that person. The mind is also cleaned from the impure negative thoughts and the person attains a higher divine elevation.


The siddh Yogis ,ascetics and aspirants of thousands of years are engaged in penance in Siddhashram. .The great seers like Maharishi Vashistha, Vishwamitra, Kanad, Pulasya, Atri, Bheesma,Kripacharya, Gorakhnath and Sankaracharya can be seen wandering in the physical form and also one can have the privilege of listening to their sermons. Furthermore heavenly maidens wander here and there and are fortunate to be able to perform their dance. .Siddhashram is an abode for unique yogis who are engaged in penance .Some are teaching the intricacies of sadhnas to their disciples , some are reciting the Vedas . All religious activities are ongoing permanently as there is no restriction and no tension at all .No one has any sorrow and in this way, there is eternal ecstasy, bliss and joy all around the ashram.


Paramhans Swami Satchidanandji, the famous " Kalpa Vriksha" stands bloomed to its full maturity and fulfills immediately every wish and any materialistic article can be obtained within seconds. Some Yogis of higher order sit for years in Samadhi and remained fully absorbed for years and years. There is no restrictions in this ashram. Every aspirant is free and at liberty, yet everyone is bound to abide by some unknown laws.


It is very difficult to enter the Siddhashram as there are only three disciples who have been initiated by Mahayogi Swami Satchidanand , the founder of Siddhashram .Swami Nikhileshwaranandji and his only spiritual disciple Paramhans Yogiraj Swami Nirvikalpanand are the two last disciples who have been blessed by this boon, Yogiraj swami Nirvikalpanand is fortunate to have been blessed as the divine emissary to desiminate the sacred science of Kriya Yoga to this world. Furthermore only these two last disciples have been allowed to enter the Siddhashram and to come back to this planet with specific assignments.


This is indeed a great fortune for India to have such a divine and unique place of penance as Siddhashram, where all disciples in search of this supreme soul can aspire to enter the after going through various Sadhna practice under the guidance of a Siddh Living Guru such as Paramhans Yogiraj Swami Nirvikalpanand

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Can you provide a reference to Shastra where everything you have said is substantiated?



It is said that Bhishma, lying on the bed of arrows expressed his last wish before Lord Krishna that he wanted to go to Siddhashram with his mortal body. Yudhistir also , after the end of Mahabharat war , requested Lord Krishna with folded arms, "If some of the virtues of my life are left and if you bestow your grace upon me, I wish to spend the last part of my life in Siddhashram ,"


Shankaracharya said, " The fulfillment of human life can only be attained when one goes to Siddhashram and take a holy dip in the Siddhyoga lake. ". A mere dip in the lake not only cures all the ailments but also confers divinity upon that person. The mind is also cleaned from the impure negative thoughts and the person attains a higher divine elevation.


The siddh Yogis ,ascetics and aspirants of thousands of years are engaged in penance in Siddhashram. .The great seers like Maharishi Vashistha, Vishwamitra, Kanad, Pulasya, Atri, Bheesma,Kripacharya, Gorakhnath and Sankaracharya can be seen wandering in the physical form and also one can have the privilege of listening to their sermons. Furthermore heavenly maidens wander here and there and are fortunate to be able to perform their dance. .Siddhashram is an abode for unique yogis who are engaged in penance .Some are teaching the intricacies of sadhnas to their disciples , some are reciting the Vedas . All religious activities are ongoing permanently as there is no restriction and no tension at all .No one has any sorrow and in this way, there is eternal ecstasy, bliss and joy all around the ashram.


Paramhans Swami Satchidanandji, the famous " Kalpa Vriksha" stands bloomed to its full maturity and fulfills immediately every wish and any materialistic article can be obtained within seconds. Some Yogis of higher order sit for years in Samadhi and remained fully absorbed for years and years. There is no restrictions in this ashram. Every aspirant is free and at liberty, yet everyone is bound to abide by some unknown laws.


It is very difficult to enter the Siddhashram as there are only three disciples who have been initiated by Mahayogi Swami Satchidanand , the founder of Siddhashram .Swami Nikhileshwaranandji and his only spiritual disciple Paramhans Yogiraj Swami Nirvikalpanand are the two last disciples who have been blessed by this boon, Yogiraj swami Nirvikalpanand is fortunate to have been blessed as the divine emissary to desiminate the sacred science of Kriya Yoga to this world. Furthermore only these two last disciples have been allowed to enter the Siddhashram and to come back to this planet with specific assignments.


This is indeed a great fortune for India to have such a divine and unique place of penance as Siddhashram, where all disciples in search of this supreme soul can aspire to enter the after going through various Sadhna practice under the guidance of a Siddh Living Guru such as Paramhans Yogiraj Swami Nirvikalpanand

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"Is Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the only way, the truth and the life... "


YES if you choose him as your spiritual master. You must do as he says, and never disobey. He is the way, the truth, and the life or Bhakti personified for you.


NO if you are attracted to someone else who represents Krsna in a pure way, then he or she is the way the truth and the life for you. Not A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.


Srila Prabhupada is fixed on the Absolute plane rather anyone follows him or not. His position is not relative to our believing in him or not. Our accepting someone doesn't place them on the transcendental platform.

There is an important distinction here.


But on your main point of being able to accept someone else as guru... certainly, why not? There is oneness and simultaneous distinction.


Wherever Narada Muni goes there is the sampradaya. How could we ever guess the number of different planets he has seeded with bhakti and left another branch to grow and hopefully flourish. Are these branches from all over the universe supposed to know about and accept our Srila Prabhupada? They have been given their own Srila Prabhupada's within the context of their planets mode of life. And I doubt those places are all duplicates of Indian culture and religious practice styles.


But yet they are also accepting Srila Prabhupada in the way that we accept their acaryas as Bhakti personified. Oneness with distinction.

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It is said that Bhishma, lying on the bed of arrows expressed his last wish before Lord Krishna that he wanted to go to Siddhashram with his mortal body. Yudhistir also , after the end of Mahabharat war , requested Lord Krishna with folded arms, "If some of the virtues of my life are left and if you bestow your grace upon me, I wish to spend the last part of my life in Siddhashram ,"


Shankaracharya said, " The fulfillment of human life can only be attained when one goes to Siddhashram and take a holy dip in the Siddhyoga lake. ". A mere dip in the lake not only cures all the ailments but also confers divinity upon that person. The mind is also cleaned from the impure negative thoughts and the person attains a higher divine elevation.


The siddh Yogis ,ascetics and aspirants of thousands of years are engaged in penance in Siddhashram. .The great seers like Maharishi Vashistha, Vishwamitra, Kanad, Pulasya, Atri, Bheesma,Kripacharya, Gorakhnath and Sankaracharya can be seen wandering in the physical form and also one can have the privilege of listening to their sermons. Furthermore heavenly maidens wander here and there and are fortunate to be able to perform their dance. .Siddhashram is an abode for unique yogis who are engaged in penance .Some are teaching the intricacies of sadhnas to their disciples , some are reciting the Vedas . All religious activities are ongoing permanently as there is no restriction and no tension at all .No one has any sorrow and in this way, there is eternal ecstasy, bliss and joy all around the ashram.


Paramhans Swami Satchidanandji, the famous " Kalpa Vriksha" stands bloomed to its full maturity and fulfills immediately every wish and any materialistic article can be obtained within seconds. Some Yogis of higher order sit for years in Samadhi and remained fully absorbed for years and years. There is no restrictions in this ashram. Every aspirant is free and at liberty, yet everyone is bound to abide by some unknown laws.


It is very difficult to enter the Siddhashram as there are only three disciples who have been initiated by Mahayogi Swami Satchidanand , the founder of Siddhashram .Swami Nikhileshwaranandji and his only spiritual disciple Paramhans Yogiraj Swami Nirvikalpanand are the two last disciples who have been blessed by this boon, Yogiraj swami Nirvikalpanand is fortunate to have been blessed as the divine emissary to desiminate the sacred science of Kriya Yoga to this world. Furthermore only these two last disciples have been allowed to enter the Siddhashram and to come back to this planet with specific assignments.


This is indeed a great fortune for India to have such a divine and unique place of penance as Siddhashram, where all disciples in search of this supreme soul can aspire to enter the after going through various Sadhna practice under the guidance of a Siddh Living Guru such as Paramhans Yogiraj Swami Nirvikalpanand

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hmmm .... sounds like ritvik ideology..!


Anyways, if u believe in that, then its your right of course!!


Just messing, its a modification of the islamic declaration of faith. "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the last messenger of Allah" Does sound a bit ritviky.

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Theist disagrees


"Srila Prabhupada is fixed on the Absolute plane rather anyone follows him or not. His position is not relative to our believing in him or not. Our accepting someone doesn't place them on the transcendental platform.

There is an important distinction here."


But the point made was in response to a direct question. Asked by a person. A person whose faith will be their own. And must not be swayed.


Thus if they accept a manifestation of Guru who is NOT A.C. Bhatktivedanta Swami, then FOR THAT PERSON, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is NOT to be looked at as THE way, THE truth, and THE life.


Your point that the fact this person does not accept A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami does not place or remove that Swami from the transcendental platform, while true, is irrelevant to the point made, thus your disagreement is noted but not based upon a falsehood stated in the context of the answer to the questioner.


So why disagree? Why not just expand on the truth with a nice point?

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The problem arises when, Mr. A believing in 1 wants to force his own individual relation with 1 on Mr. B who believes in 2.


Someone's spiritual level does not depend on someone else's recognizing it or not. There are many yogis who exist in the depths of Himalayas. Who are highly accomplished in their spiritual realms to a level that they can have direct divine vision are darshan with their beloved form of God. Who can talk to gandharvas, apsaras and celetial beings. Now someone who is not in touch with spiritual life at all may no believe in it. That's his right too.



Theist disagrees


"Srila Prabhupada is fixed on the Absolute plane rather anyone follows him or not. His position is not relative to our believing in him or not. Our accepting someone doesn't place them on the transcendental platform.

There is an important distinction here."


But the point made was in response to a direct question. Asked by a person. A person whose faith will be their own. And must not be swayed.


Thus if they accept a manifestation of Guru who is NOT A.C. Bhatktivedanta Swami, then FOR THAT PERSON, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is NOT to be looked at as THE way, THE truth, and THE life.


Your point that the fact this person does not accept A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami does not place or remove that Swami from the transcendental platform, while true, is irrelevant to the point made, thus your disagreement is noted but not based upon a falsehood stated in the context of the answer to the questioner.


So why disagree? Why not just expand on the truth with a nice point?

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Guest's words are true.


Indeed Siddhashram is one place whose very soil is holy and worth smearing on your forehead like sandal paste, is energized through penances of great rishis through time immemorial. Thousands upon thousands of years. It has been in existence even in Satya Yuga.


The high level of secrecy that Siddhashram maintains is probably the only reason that it is not known to common people. It is not reacheable through ordinary means. But there are certain rules and conditions that are to be fulfilled for one to enter it. It is possible only by the means of sadhna.

I can go on and on... any level of decription or glory is not enough ... where still, there are yogis having hundreds of years of age are still living and performing their sadhnas and giving directions to worldly people. This is the only place that remains intact after earth is destroyed after the yuga cycles.


This is one place where the great lord Vishnu performed his penance and then went to kill king Bali as Vamana avtara, there upon came back again to this revered Siddhashram to perform penance/sadhna to remove the sin of killing ... this might seem a bit mythological, but if you don't believe this, then you can throw all the shastras away, as these are not my words. Words said by the greatest sages of all times Shri Vishwamitra cannot be untrue.


I will give one shastrik reference to Siddhashram. Open Valmiki Ramayana, Balya Kaand, where the great Sage Vishwamitra takes Lord Ramachandra away from from King Dasharatha to protect the completion of his sadhna and yagya. He takes Rama and Lakshmana to Sidhashrama, metts the sages there and reveals that this is Rama's ashrama. He (Rama) in his previous incarnation performed rigorous penances here as Vishnu and then as Vamandeva. And then initiates both the brothers into advance sadhnas such 'Bala ati Bala' ( a sadhna by accomplishing which one does not feel the need to sleep or eat and his physical strength is not lessened, but keeps increasing). And then give then divine mantrik weapons to guard his (Vishwamitra's) Yagya. He initiates them, gives them sadhnas and makes them acquire siddhi (perfection) in them.

This reference is found in Sri Valmiki Ramayana on Siddhashrama.


From time to time, Siddhashram sends accomplished yogis amidst the society to spread the ancient knowledge of India that is now being lost.

Shri Vishuddhananda was one such yogi who was a siddha in Surya Vigyan sadhna. Lord Rama and his lineage were Surya Vanshi and were worshiping the Sun God!! In a rare revalation, Vishudhanada manifested a lotus in front of a few of his disciples, that came out of his navel and reached the room ceiling in height. He proved how it is possible and that when you read in the shastras the lotus coming out of Vishnu's navel, you shold believe in it. It was well noted by his prominent disciple Kaviraj who leter wrote a book on Siddhashram too.

Sri Babaji (the dada Guru of Paramhansa Yogananda's Guru), who has an ageless mortal body for the last 2000 years is also from Siddhashram)


More recently, Paramhansa Swami Nikhileshwarananda has helped bring the lost ancient sadhnas to common man by his mercy and divya shaktipaat, that a handful of Gurus are capable of today.

Imagine getting revealed the exact sadhna paddhati (procedure) and mantras that Vashishtha or Vishwamitra used back then!! Obviously they were not just beating drums and cymbols! That was the Sanatana Dharma we have been talking about. The way of sadhnas, as practiced by our rishis.


Other names of Siddhashram are Gyanganj, SidhGyanashram and it is also known as Shambala in Tibetan spiritual culture. (Though the Shambala term has now also come to be used in relation to other places, but the original Shambala is refered to Siddhashram only). It's situation is between Mt. Kailash and Tibet.

Jai Gurudev!!





Can you provide a reference to Shastra where everything you have said is substantiated?
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Theist disagrees


"Srila Prabhupada is fixed on the Absolute plane rather anyone follows him or not. His position is not relative to our believing in him or not. Our accepting someone doesn't place them on the transcendental platform.

There is an important distinction here."


But the point made was in response to a direct question. Asked by a person. A person whose faith will be their own. And must not be swayed.


Thus if they accept a manifestation of Guru who is NOT A.C. Bhatktivedanta Swami, then FOR THAT PERSON, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is NOT to be looked at as THE way, THE truth, and THE life.


Your point that the fact this person does not accept A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami does not place or remove that Swami from the transcendental platform, while true, is irrelevant to the point made, thus your disagreement is noted but not based upon a falsehood stated in the context of the answer to the questioner.


So why disagree? Why not just expand on the truth with a nice point?


Because it is not an absolute truth. Just because someone does not receive his siksa from Srila Prabhupada does not mean that person cannot acknowledge the position of Srila Prabhupada as a manifestion of bhakti personified. It simple means that Krsna is coming to him from another channel.


Take the example of a winter snow pack on a mountain top. In spring and summer it melts and runs down the mountain forming rivers. One river may be channeled in it's course to run a thousand miles from another river that was formed from that same mountain top of snow. The water is one. Just because someone draws his water from one river and not another is no reason for him to deny the other river also carries the same water. Of course his attention will be on the river that by God's arrangment flows in his direction and that will be the source of his sustenance while others will draw their water from the other river. In one sense they appear to be in different camps a thousand miles away from each other but they are also in the same camp due to the oneness of the water.


It is possible we are saying the same thing and I am simply not hearing you correctly. I apologize if that is the case. If so please clearly correct me.

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Should read I FELL for it.



Just messing, its a modification of the islamic declaration of faith. "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the last messenger of Allah" Does sound a bit ritviky.


I read that and thought what has happen to vijay? lol I never made the Muslim connection before but that is what some ritviks say.

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No theist, I recopied the original quote in error, but that does not change what the original quote asked/


Is Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the only way, the truth and the life... "


Emphasis on ONLY.


so the yes and no offering you disagreed with, was replied to. But the only was left out of the quote in the second response.


Thus if they accept a manifestation of Guru who is NOT A.C. Bhatktivedanta Swami, then FOR THAT PERSON, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is NOT to be looked at as THE way, THE truth, and THE life.


Perhaps in capitalizing the word "THE" i was rendered complacent to add the only which was originally THE POINT.

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I love you Theist.


I was complacent, in not being perfectly clear, but as you were replying to an on going discussion and maintaining a position that didn't seem to do you justice, I felt compelled to point it out.


It was not for me to "win". Only the truth wins. Whoever can articulated it first as we unearth it in any matter, good on them, but it is a team effort I believe, so thanks for your contribution.


Hare Krsna

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WOW !!




Guest's words are true.


Indeed Siddhashram is one place whose very soil is holy and worth smearing on your forehead like sandal paste, is energized through penances of great rishis through time immemorial. Thousands upon thousands of years. It has been in existence even in Satya Yuga.


The high level of secrecy that Siddhashram maintains is probably the only reason that it is not known to common people. It is not reacheable through ordinary means. But there are certain rules and conditions that are to be fulfilled for one to enter it. It is possible only by the means of sadhna.

I can go on and on... any level of decription or glory is not enough ... where still, there are yogis having hundreds of years of age are still living and performing their sadhnas and giving directions to worldly people. This is the only place that remains intact after earth is destroyed after the yuga cycles.


This is one place where the great lord Vishnu performed his penance and then went to kill king Bali as Vamana avtara, there upon came back again to this revered Siddhashram to perform penance/sadhna to remove the sin of killing ... this might seem a bit mythological, but if you don't believe this, then you can throw all the shastras away, as these are not my words. Words said by the greatest sages of all times Shri Vishwamitra cannot be untrue.


I will give one shastrik reference to Siddhashram. Open Valmiki Ramayana, Balya Kaand, where the great Sage Vishwamitra takes Lord Ramachandra away from from King Dasharatha to protect the completion of his sadhna and yagya. He takes Rama and Lakshmana to Sidhashrama, metts the sages there and reveals that this is Rama's ashrama. He (Rama) in his previous incarnation performed rigorous penances here as Vishnu and then as Vamandeva. And then initiates both the brothers into advance sadhnas such 'Bala ati Bala' ( a sadhna by accomplishing which one does not feel the need to sleep or eat and his physical strength is not lessened, but keeps increasing). And then give then divine mantrik weapons to guard his (Vishwamitra's) Yagya. He initiates them, gives them sadhnas and makes them acquire siddhi (perfection) in them.

This reference is found in Sri Valmiki Ramayana on Siddhashrama.


From time to time, Siddhashram sends accomplished yogis amidst the society to spread the ancient knowledge of India that is now being lost.

Shri Vishuddhananda was one such yogi who was a siddha in Surya Vigyan sadhna. Lord Rama and his lineage were Surya Vanshi and were worshiping the Sun God!! In a rare revalation, Vishudhanada manifested a lotus in front of a few of his disciples, that came out of his navel and reached the room ceiling in height. He proved how it is possible and that when you read in the shastras the lotus coming out of Vishnu's navel, you shold believe in it. It was well noted by his prominent disciple Kaviraj who leter wrote a book on Siddhashram too.

Sri Babaji (the dada Guru of Paramhansa Yogananda's Guru), who has an ageless mortal body for the last 2000 years is also from Siddhashram)


More recently, Paramhansa Swami Nikhileshwarananda has helped bring the lost ancient sadhnas to common man by his mercy and divya shaktipaat, that a handful of Gurus are capable of today.

Imagine getting revealed the exact sadhna paddhati (procedure) and mantras that Vashishtha or Vishwamitra used back then!! Obviously they were not just beating drums and cymbols! That was the Sanatana Dharma we have been talking about. The way of sadhnas, as practiced by our rishis.


Other names of Siddhashram are Gyanganj, SidhGyanashram and it is also known as Shambala in Tibetan spiritual culture. (Though the Shambala term has now also come to be used in relation to other places, but the original Shambala is refered to Siddhashram only). It's situation is between Mt. Kailash and Tibet.

Jai Gurudev!!



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