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-Uma, Vishwanadham

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Dear Hari,


The moon is involved in a curse. Mars and Rahu aspect the moon which is also in

a Maranakarakasthana. The curse is of her mother in the previous birth and

there is a debt owed indicated by the placement in the 8th house.Mars and Rahu

own the 11th/6th house and ninth house.These are the areas of life that wil be

impacted .Albeit, my use of the moola dasa was because it can be used very

effectively for Phalitha and gives very deep insight.


I meant to write that she will be running Ketu Antara Dasa in July 2004 in

Saturn Moola dasa. She is currently running Venus Antara and is suffering from

anxiety as Venus is in Maranakaraka sthana.She will get some relief when Ketu

dasa starts provided she starts prayers to Sri Ganesha in earnest.we have to

remember that when the AK is involved its best to pray to the Ishta.


My remedy of prayers to Sri Krishna/ Sri Narayana was because the Moon is placed

in Saturn's house and eventually will have to listen to Saturn(Sriman

Narayana).However, since its the Moon, prayers to Sri Krishna will be good and

Saturn automatically is satisfied.Moreover, Mercury placed in Libra indicates

her attraction to Sri Krishna/Sri Vishnu.


BTW, Uma you will do well in Jyotisha as your chart indicates some aptitude.

Notably, the fact that the 11th lord and Ak are the same and they are in the

2nd house, the house of speech with the ninth lord(house of intution) and the

2nd lord has gone to the 8th house, conjunct Ketu and finally the lagna lord is

in the fifth house. So all the houses for Jyotisha(2,5,8,11) are connected. If

you are interested, you can browse www..org to learn how to proceed



Hare Krishna



Hari M <onlyhari > wrote:

||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


Dear Sudharsan,


I am getting Gemini Lagna too with Sg navamsa lagna. I think navamsa lagna needs to be rectified.


Dharmakarmadhipaty yoga is interesting; what would you make of the affliction to

Moon in both rasi and navamsa? Interesting to see that you saw Moola dasa; what

is the curse indicated here? Your recommendations are virtually the same as I

made except that the way we wrote and approached was different. I failed to see

badhak and maranakarakasthana....


Dear Uma, could you please forward my earlier mail to the group? thanks.



HariSudharsan Srinivasan <sudhar108 > wrote:

Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Vishwanadham and Uma,


I am getting Gemini Lagna for the details provided. Anyways, Vishwanadham, you

got the remedy right even with a possible worng chart. She has to pray to Lord

Ganesha as the Ishtadevatha is represented by him. She has a very powerful

Dharmakarmadhipathy yoga in the fourth house and consequently will excel in

education. She will be attracted to Lord Krishna or Sri Vishnu. She will also

be greatly helped if she offers regular prayers to Sri Narayana as Saturn is

the ninth Lord placed in the fourth and he participates in the DK yoga with

Jupiter.Infact it will best if she prays to Sri Krishna to pacify the moon (2nd

lord-finances) who is in a marana karaka sthana. So My suggestion is to pray to

the ninth lord in the form of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna.This way she will be

able to pacify the Moon as well as strengthen the ninth lord.


Rahu/Mars is Vijaya yoga and the person will emerge victorious after a

struggle.She must start prayers to Sri Ganesha as she is running the Moola Dasa

of Ketu.


So my final recommendation is to pray to Sri Ganesha and Sri Krishna.



Hare Krishna


SudharsanH S Viswanadham <vishwanatham (AT) rocketmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Uma Chugh,


Mars is your Lagna lord as well as Atma Karaka. Rahu is conjunct Mars in

cancer. Rahu dasa is running and it is giving the results of AK. Your Moon is

9th lord & badhaka in rasi sandhi, with Ketu. Rahu & Mars are in badhaka



As per the birth time given by you, Scorpio rises in Navamsa also. We need to check this.


Please give your hobbies/ in-born talents. Also, when did you go to USA.


Pray to Lord Ganesha and all the obstacles will go away. Please visit Pt Rath's

web site, where you will get a lot of material on worship of Lord Ganesha.



viswanadhamuma_chugh <uma_chugh > wrote:

dear learned members,I am posting this message because my sufferings and

struggles are becoming unbearable day by day and I need some adivce from the

knowledgeable members of this group. I am currently in USA studying for a

masters degree in engineering in one of the top ten universities. However, ever

since I have landed here, I have to struggled a lot, mainly for finding

financial aid as I am finding it difficut to pay the heavy fees over here.

Although getting financial aid is not very tough here, and most students have

got it, I tried a lot but I could not get it, although I have one of the best

academic credentials in India and also in the University over here. I cannot

understand the problem with me....my life is filled with struggles and

tensions, and i do not get the worth of my effort. I consider myself extremely


in this regard as luck has almost never favoured me in any of my efforts. On the

contrary it seems it is working against me majority of the time. I did learn

some astrology, and I believe that the cause of the problem is combust shani

and jupiter (although there is a contention wether they shud be considered

combust or not) accompanied with the Ra/Ju period. Also, there appears to be a

slight Kal Sarpa Yoga (but i think its very heavy comapred to the amount of

struggle i have to do to get something). I will be extremely gratefeul if the

learned members of this group could look at my chart and tell me exactly where

the problem lies and will it be throughout my life? My Birthdata is:October 7,

198110:37 PMNew Delhi, IndiaThanks,UmaArchives:

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