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Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

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If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is present,can

it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.







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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,


Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.


The question is why?





vedic astrology, "Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"

<PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:

> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






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Dear Hari


My interpretation of this position was ,debiliation will harm the house

it rules and aspects.The individual was unable to grab some good

opportunities in life ,though has good position in society,but what you

had told is right,never short of money and other needs.Hence the

question.This individual has no faith in god after child hood.


Moreover I have found there is saturn and venus present in the third

house in pisces.hence I believe there is a neecha bhanga as well due to

parivartan??( jupiter in capricorn and saturn in pisces ).





onlyhari [onlyhari]

Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 14:25

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.



---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,


Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.


The question is why?





vedic astrology, "Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"

<PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:

> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






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Dear Pradeep,




> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is present,can

> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep


The glance of Jupiter is always auspicious, however in this case he is very

weak, unless some neechabhanga yogas are present. Plus he is lord of two

dusthanas (3rd and 12th house), therefore he is capable only of giving

vipareeta Rajayoga, if conjoined by any other dusthana lord (mercury or Sun

in this case).




Gauranga das








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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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> GIF89a


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Dear Gauranga jee



Thanks for the information.

The chart belongs to an elderly person.I am learning astrology.So I will

try to analylse and learn why specific results has happened.






Gauranga Das [gauranga]

Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 16:13

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.





Dear Pradeep,




> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is present,can


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep


The glance of Jupiter is always auspicious, however in this case he is

very weak, unless some neechabhanga yogas are present. Plus he is lord

of two dusthanas (3rd and 12th house), therefore he is capable only of

giving vipareeta Rajayoga, if conjoined by any other dusthana lord

(mercury or Sun in this case).




Gauranga das









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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Dear Pradeep,




Please check which chara karaka's place is ocuppied by Jupiter. Also, if any

problems are in dharma, then the weakness of Jupiter in Navamsa should be

studied for this. If there's weeknesses in other areas, then Jupiter's

position in D-30 should be analysed. Shiv Pujan has given a noice article

with remedies in the Varga Chakra book.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:






"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijaya>

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 5:13 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.



> Dear Gauranga jee


> Namaste

> Thanks for the information.

> The chart belongs to an elderly person.I am learning astrology.So I will

> try to analylse and learn why specific results has happened.


> pradeep




> Gauranga Das [gauranga]

> Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2003 16:13

> vedic astrology

> Re: [vedic astrology] Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.





> Dear Pradeep,


> Namaste.


> > Respected members

> >

> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is present,can


> > it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> > chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Pradeep


> The glance of Jupiter is always auspicious, however in this case he is

> very weak, unless some neechabhanga yogas are present. Plus he is lord

> of two dusthanas (3rd and 12th house), therefore he is capable only of

> giving vipareeta Rajayoga, if conjoined by any other dusthana lord

> (mercury or Sun in this case).


> Yours,


> Gauranga das




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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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> GIF89a


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Dear Guru's

Yeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna natives,

a debiliated Guru in lagna is more

favourable for them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru

cause the famous Mahapurusha

Yoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can anyone

enlighten please?



onlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye


Dear Pradeep,

Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.

The question is why?



vedic astrology, "Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"

<PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:

> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






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Dear Mofie,




I do not agree with this in principle, although Mahapurusha yogas undoubtedly

get modified by the placement of the houses lorded by the Yoga Karak. In this

case Jupiter is still dusthana lord. A general observation I would make is a

debilitated benefic indicated difficulties that the native should overcome,

hence he will develop in hcaracter by that. An exalted benefic however

indicates some pious karma from past life, the results oif which he is already

enjoying. So he may not necessarily develop so much.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839



Mofie Augustine

vedic astrology

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 7:04 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Guru'sYeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna

natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is morefavourable for them than a exalted

Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru cause the famous MahapurushaYoga in

the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can anyone enlighten

please?Thanks Mofieonlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Pradeep,Yes, it can give luck to the individual

and such an individual shall never be short of money or fulfillment of

needs.The question is why?regardsHarivedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:> Respected

members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is

present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from

a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> > Thanks>

Pradeep> > >


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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Kumar,

See Bhavarth Ratnakar, Guru in Capricorn lagna will be in 2nd house

counted from his sign dhanu and

in 11th house from his sign meen, hense unfavourable, though some yoga

results are given. Even if Guru

is in low dignity, it is still guru, hense material aspects and

education will be there in case there is neecha bhanga yoga.

If he is in conjunction with, surya or budh, preferably infleunceing

ghati/hora lagna, there will be supreme

Veepreta Yoga in case grahas are strong in Navamsa

Best wishes



Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar wrote:


>Respected members


>If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is present,can

>it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

>chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.







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>....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Pradeep,


This is one of the greatest blessing one can have. Jupiter is only weak by its

placement and not evil. This shall protect the native from many hard times in

his life and as usual, the graha drsti of Jupiter is termed as Amrita or

necter and shall be there and this shall promote the house which are being

aspected. We use the natural nature of planets in graha aspects, unless we are

concerned about any yogas formed due to the lordship and placement.


Best Wishes






"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas (AT) sisclear (DOT) com>

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 8:19 PM

[vedic astrology] Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

> Respected members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna

is present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this

from a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> >

Thanks> Pradeep> > >


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Dear Mofie,

3rd lord debilitates forms a raja yoga, so that is why Jupiter is preferred

in lagna in capricorn.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm

www.vedic astrology.net


Mofie Augustine [mofieA (AT) netscape (DOT) net]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:04 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated

Jupiter in LAGNA.Dear Guru'sYeah I too had read somewhere in list before that

for a capri lagna natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is morefavourable for

them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru cause the famous

MahapurushaYoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna??

Can anyone enlighten please?Thanks Mofieonlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Pradeep,Yes, it can give luck to the individual

and such an individual shall never be short of money or fulfillment of

needs.The question is why?regardsHarivedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:> Respected

members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is

present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from

a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> > Thanks>

Pradeep> > >


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vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Ernst Jee


So it means, for capri lagnas third house is pisces and hence its lord jupiter

if debiliated gives rise to raja yoga.Am i right.Yes the individual about whom

i am speaking has got fame and position in life but there was lots of bad luck.




Ernst Wilhelm [ernst (AT) vedic astrology (DOT) net]

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 17:02vedic astrologySubject:

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Mofie,

3rd lord debilitates forms a raja yoga, so that is why Jupiter is preferred

in lagna in capricorn.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm

www.vedic astrology.net


Mofie Augustine [mofieA (AT) netscape (DOT) net]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:04 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated

Jupiter in LAGNA.Dear Guru'sYeah I too had read somewhere in list before that

for a capri lagna natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is morefavourable for

them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru cause the famous

MahapurushaYoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna??

Can anyone enlighten please?Thanks Mofieonlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Pradeep,Yes, it can give luck to the individual

and such an individual shall never be short of money or fulfillment of

needs.The question is why?regardsHarivedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:> Respected

members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is

present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from

a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> > Thanks>

Pradeep> > >


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vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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shine on us .......



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Dear Mofie,

mahapurusha yoga is given rise to in any of the Quadrants, and not just

7th. The reason for Jupiter's good result in debilitation is that

Jupiter is said to harm the house that he is placed in (Sthana

Bhrashta), in exaltation his strength increases. Again he aspects his

exaltation sign when placed in debilitation, leading to beneficial

effects. As a matter of fact one learned Jyotishi, Shri Katwe, was of

the firm opinion that it is the debilitated planets that give rise to

benefic yogas. Of course this is not a generally held opinion.


Mofie Augustine wrote:

Dear Guru's

Yeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna


a debiliated Guru in lagna is more

favourable for them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though


cause the famous Mahapurusha

Yoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can


enlighten please?



onlyhari wrote:


---Om Brihaspataye


Dear Pradeep,

Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.

The question is why?



vedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"



> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






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Dear Pradeep,

yes, so Jupiter will cause raja yoga. There is one thing that gives rise in

life- inspired activity, the other is the ability to overcome any obstacles

that may come in one's way. Most raja yogas indicate inspired activity that is

rewarded. The other type helps us overcome anything in the way, or get rid of

what would otherwise get in our way. The 3rd lord debilitated is one such yoga

that helps us get rid of what is in the way.


One very big thing that gets in the way of success and also wellbeing is the

inability to move beyond our paridigm- a problem can only be overcome by being

solved on a higher level than it originated. The 3rd lord debilited, or a

planet in the 3rd being debilitated gives this quality.


Generally the yogas that help give success by overcoming obstacles do not give

success the easy way as can other raja yogas. Often these yogas are seen in the

charts of those who became successful in difficult times or through difficult

experiences. War hereos are one such example.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm


www.vedic astrology.net






Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar

[PradeepKumar.Vijayadas (AT) sisclear (DOT) com] Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:10

AMvedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Ernst Jee


So it means, for capri lagnas third house is pisces and hence its lord jupiter

if debiliated gives rise to raja yoga.Am i right.Yes the individual about whom

i am speaking has got fame and position in life but there was lots of bad luck.




Ernst Wilhelm [ernst (AT) vedic astrology (DOT) net]

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 17:02vedic astrologySubject:

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Mofie,

3rd lord debilitates forms a raja yoga, so that is why Jupiter is preferred

in lagna in capricorn.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm

www.vedic astrology.net


Mofie Augustine [mofieA (AT) netscape (DOT) net]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:04 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated

Jupiter in LAGNA.Dear Guru'sYeah I too had read somewhere in list before that

for a capri lagna natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is morefavourable for

them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru cause the famous

MahapurushaYoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna??

Can anyone enlighten please?Thanks Mofieonlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Pradeep,Yes, it can give luck to the individual

and such an individual shall never be short of money or fulfillment of

needs.The question is why?regardsHarivedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:> Respected

members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is

present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from

a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> > Thanks>

Pradeep> > >


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Dear Chandrakeshar,

Ernst has given a very valid thinking, 3rd, 6th and 8th lords in debilitation

while Lagnesh is well placed, gives Raja Yoga

see Parashara. Further, Tasmin Ucha Neecha Ve Shrimanath- Jaimini, so exalted

and debilitated grahas are giver of wealth,

If Guru is in Capricorn Lagna while, Shani is in own sign in kumbha, a great

wealth may come

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:

Dear Mofie,

mahapurusha yoga is given rise to in any of the Quadrants, and not just 7th.

The reason for Jupiter's good result in debilitation is that Jupiter is said

to harm the house that he is placed in (Sthana Bhrashta), in exaltation his

strength increases. Again he aspects his exaltation sign when placed in debilitation,

leading to beneficial effects. As a matter of fact one learned Jyotishi,

Shri Katwe, was of the firm opinion that it is the debilitated planets that

give rise to benefic yogas. Of course this is not a generally held opinion.


Mofie Augustine wrote:

Dear Guru's

Yeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna natives, a

debiliated Guru in lagna is more

favourable for them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru

cause the famous Mahapurusha

Yoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can anyone enlighten please?



onlyhari wrote:


Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,

Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.

The question is why?




vedic astrology

, "Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"



> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






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Guest guest

Dear Ernst Jee


The explanation given by you is amazing.The individual about whom i was

mentioning did not get success by virtue of luck.He always had obstacles and

diffulties to be overcomed.But somehow even during difficult times strength and

energy were there in a persistent fashion.Thus this could be attributed to the

debiliated raja yoga you had mentioned.


Plus another interesting thing is this individual has jyeshta nakshathra in moon

rashi.I had read somewhere jyeshta people have to fight and strive hard for



Thanks a lot.


Ernst Wilhelm [ernst (AT) vedic astrology (DOT) net]

Freitag, 4. Juli 2003 05:05vedic astrologySubject: RE:

[vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Pradeep,

yes, so Jupiter will cause raja yoga. There is one thing that gives rise in

life- inspired activity, the other is the ability to overcome any obstacles

that may come in one's way. Most raja yogas indicate inspired activity that is

rewarded. The other type helps us overcome anything in the way, or get rid of

what would otherwise get in our way. The 3rd lord debilitated is one such yoga

that helps us get rid of what is in the way.


One very big thing that gets in the way of success and also wellbeing is the

inability to move beyond our paridigm- a problem can only be overcome by being

solved on a higher level than it originated. The 3rd lord debilited, or a

planet in the 3rd being debilitated gives this quality.


Generally the yogas that help give success by overcoming obstacles do not give

success the easy way as can other raja yogas. Often these yogas are seen in the

charts of those who became successful in difficult times or through difficult

experiences. War hereos are one such example.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm


www.vedic astrology.net






Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar

[PradeepKumar.Vijayadas (AT) sisclear (DOT) com] Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:10

AMvedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Ernst Jee


So it means, for capri lagnas third house is pisces and hence its lord jupiter

if debiliated gives rise to raja yoga.Am i right.Yes the individual about whom

i am speaking has got fame and position in life but there was lots of bad luck.




Ernst Wilhelm [ernst (AT) vedic astrology (DOT) net]

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 17:02vedic astrologySubject:

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Mofie,

3rd lord debilitates forms a raja yoga, so that is why Jupiter is preferred

in lagna in capricorn.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm

www.vedic astrology.net


Mofie Augustine [mofieA (AT) netscape (DOT) net]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:04 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated

Jupiter in LAGNA.Dear Guru'sYeah I too had read somewhere in list before that

for a capri lagna natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is morefavourable for

them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru cause the famous

MahapurushaYoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna??

Can anyone enlighten please?Thanks Mofieonlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Pradeep,Yes, it can give luck to the individual

and such an individual shall never be short of money or fulfillment of

needs.The question is why?regardsHarivedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:> Respected

members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is

present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from

a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> > Thanks>

Pradeep> > >


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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,


A lady that I know of has Ju + Ma in Cp lagna. Comforts, care, money

all in adequate measure throughout this lady's life but the crucial

difference here is the lady didnt have to face/overcome obstacles in

order to reach that status unlike the gentleman you are mentioning

about. I guess that the Ruchaka yoga is at work here and come to

think of it, she also has a gajakesari yoga though I am less certain

whether both yogas will fructify in her life (Ju dasha over and Ma

dasha comes very late).


Regarding the point about Jyestha nakshatra, I should add that your

observation may be true for people born with lagna in Jyestha

nakshatra also. The first half of their lives is full of troubles

while the second half is probably better and happier. At least for

the moon in Jyestha nakshatra, is it because the Saturn Mahadasha

comes relatively early in their lives?






> Dear Ernst Jee


> The explanation given by you is amazing.The individual about whom

i was

> mentioning did not get success by virtue of luck.He always had


> and diffulties to be overcomed.But somehow even during difficult


> strength and energy were there in a persistent fashion.Thus this


> be attributed to the debiliated raja yoga you had mentioned.


> Plus another interesting thing is this individual has jyeshta


> in moon rashi.I had read somewhere jyeshta people have to fight and

> strive hard for success.


> Thanks a lot.

> Pradeep

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Dear Hari jee


I am only a beginner and cannot explain the reasons.I was just trying to

relate real life experiences with the classical references.May be the

learned members can.






onlyhari [onlyhari]

Freitag, 4. Juli 2003 10:18

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.



---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,


A lady that I know of has Ju + Ma in Cp lagna. Comforts, care, money

all in adequate measure throughout this lady's life but the crucial

difference here is the lady didnt have to face/overcome obstacles in

order to reach that status unlike the gentleman you are mentioning

about. I guess that the Ruchaka yoga is at work here and come to

think of it, she also has a gajakesari yoga though I am less certain

whether both yogas will fructify in her life (Ju dasha over and Ma

dasha comes very late).


Regarding the point about Jyestha nakshatra, I should add that your

observation may be true for people born with lagna in Jyestha

nakshatra also. The first half of their lives is full of troubles

while the second half is probably better and happier. At least for

the moon in Jyestha nakshatra, is it because the Saturn Mahadasha

comes relatively early in their lives?






> Dear Ernst Jee


> The explanation given by you is amazing.The individual about whom

i was

> mentioning did not get success by virtue of luck.He always had


> and diffulties to be overcomed.But somehow even during difficult


> strength and energy were there in a persistent fashion.Thus this


> be attributed to the debiliated raja yoga you had mentioned.


> Plus another interesting thing is this individual has jyeshta


> in moon rashi.I had read somewhere jyeshta people have to fight and

> strive hard for success.


> Thanks a lot.

> Pradeep















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Dear Zoran ji and chandrashekar ji


How could be the results if there is an exchange between lagna lord and

debiliated 3rd lord.eg. for Capri lagna jupiter the lord of third is in lagna

and shani lord of lagna is in third.What general results can be expected

because of third and lagna lords.




Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net]

Freitag, 4. Juli 2003 05:13vedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.Dear Chandrakeshar,Ernst

has given a very valid thinking, 3rd, 6th and 8th lords in debilitation while

Lagnesh is well placed, gives Raja Yogasee Parashara. Further, Tasmin Ucha

Neecha Ve Shrimanath- Jaimini, so exalted and debilitated grahas are giver of

wealth,If Guru is in Capricorn Lagna while, Shani is in own sign in kumbha, a

great wealth may comeBest wishesZoranChandrashekhar Sharma wrote:

Dear Mofie,mahapurusha yoga is given rise to in any of the Quadrants, and not

just 7th. The reason for Jupiter's good result in debilitation is that Jupiter

is said to harm the house that he is placed in (Sthana Bhrashta), in exaltation

his strength increases. Again he aspects his exaltation sign when placed in

debilitation, leading to beneficial effects. As a matter of fact one learned

Jyotishi, Shri Katwe, was of the firm opinion that it is the debilitated

planets that give rise to benefic yogas. Of course this is not a generally held

opinion.Chandrashekhar.Mofie Augustine wrote:

Dear Guru'sYeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna

natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is morefavourable for them than a exalted

Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru cause the famous MahapurushaYoga in

the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can anyone enlighten

please?Thanks Mofieonlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Pradeep,Yes, it can give luck to the individual

and such an individual shall never be short of money or fulfillment of

needs.The question is why?regardsHarivedic astrology ,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:> Respected

members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is

present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from

a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> > Thanks>

Pradeep> > >


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Guest guest

Dear Ernst,

Does BPHS not attribute similar results to 3rd lord(Neither debilitated

nor exalted) in 1st in chapter 24 shloka25?


Ernst Wilhelm wrote:


Dear Pradeep,

yes, so Jupiter will cause raja yoga.

There is one thing that gives rise in life- inspired activity, the

other is the ability to overcome any obstacles that may come in one's

way. Most raja yogas indicate inspired activity that is rewarded. The

other type helps us overcome anything in the way, or get rid of what

would otherwise get in our way. The 3rd lord debilitated is one such

yoga that helps us get rid of what is in the way.


One very big thing that gets in the way of

success and also wellbeing is the inability to move beyond our

paridigm- a problem can only be overcome by being solved on a higher

level than it originated. The 3rd lord debilited, or a planet in the

3rd being debilitated gives this quality.


Generally the yogas that help give success by

overcoming obstacles do not give success the easy way as can other raja

yogas. Often these yogas are seen in the charts of those who became

successful in difficult times or through difficult experiences. War

hereos are one such example.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm


www.vedic astrology.net







Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar

[PradeepKumar.Vijayadas (AT) sisclear (DOT) com]

Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:10 AM

vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Ernst Jee


So it means, for capri lagnas third house is

pisces and hence its lord jupiter if debiliated gives rise to raja

yoga.Am i right.Yes the individual about whom i am speaking has got

fame and position in life but there was lots of bad luck.





Ernst Wilhelm [ernst (AT) vedic astrology (DOT) net]

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 17:02

vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in


Dear Mofie,

3rd lord debilitates forms a raja yoga, so

that is why Jupiter is preferred in lagna in capricorn.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm

www.vedic astrology.net



Mofie Augustine [mofieA (AT) netscape (DOT) net]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:04 AM

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in


Dear Guru's

Yeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna

natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is more

favourable for them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though

Guru cause the famous Mahapurusha

Yoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can

anyone enlighten please?



onlyhari wrote:


Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,

Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.

The question is why?



vedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"



> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






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Guest guest

Dear Zoran,

I thought the discussion did not mention anything about Lagnesh in

strength, and was about Jupiter in Capricorn occupying Lagna. Or was I

wrong? Again for Capricorn, Jupiter is also lord of the 12th.


Zoran Radosavljevic wrote:



Ernst has given a very valid thinking, 3rd, 6th and 8th lords in


while Lagnesh is well placed, gives Raja Yoga

see Parashara. Further, Tasmin Ucha Neecha Ve Shrimanath- Jaimini, so


and debilitated grahas are giver of wealth,

If Guru is in Capricorn Lagna while, Shani is in own sign in kumbha, a


wealth may come

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:

Dear Mofie,

mahapurusha yoga is given rise to in any of the Quadrants, and not just


The reason for Jupiter's good result in debilitation is that Jupiter is


to harm the house that he is placed in (Sthana Bhrashta), in exaltation


strength increases. Again he aspects his exaltation sign when placed in


leading to beneficial effects. As a matter of fact one learned


Shri Katwe, was of the firm opinion that it is the debilitated planets


give rise to benefic yogas. Of course this is not a generally held



Mofie Augustine wrote:

Dear Guru's

Yeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna

natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is more

favourable for them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though

Guru cause the famous Mahapurusha

Yoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can

anyone enlighten please?



onlyhari wrote:


Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,

Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.

The question is why?




vedic astrology

, "Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"



> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






> The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential

use of the

> person addressed. If you have received this message in error,

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Dear Charashekhar,

yes, BPHS gives favorable results to the 3rd lord in the lagna, but I am

talking about the 3rd lord being debilitated, whatever the house, forming a

raja yoga, which is a different matter.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm

www.vedic astrology.net


Chandrashekhar Sharma

[boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk] Friday, July 04, 2003 12:55 PMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated

Jupiter in LAGNA.Dear Ernst,Does BPHS not attribute similar results to 3rd

lord(Neither debilitated nor exalted) in 1st in chapter 24

shloka25?Chandrashekhar.Ernst Wilhelm wrote:

Dear Pradeep,

yes, so Jupiter will cause raja yoga. There is one thing that gives rise in

life- inspired activity, the other is the ability to overcome any obstacles

that may come in one's way. Most raja yogas indicate inspired activity that is

rewarded. The other type helps us overcome anything in the way, or get rid of

what would otherwise get in our way. The 3rd lord debilitated is one such yoga

that helps us get rid of what is in the way.


One very big thing that gets in the way of success and also wellbeing is the

inability to move beyond our paridigm- a problem can only be overcome by being

solved on a higher level than it originated. The 3rd lord debilited, or a

planet in the 3rd being debilitated gives this quality.


Generally the yogas that help give success by overcoming obstacles do not give

success the easy way as can other raja yogas. Often these yogas are seen in the

charts of those who became successful in difficult times or through difficult

experiences. War hereos are one such example.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm


www.vedic astrology.net






Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar

[PradeepKumar.Vijayadas (AT) sisclear (DOT) com] Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:10

AMvedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Ernst Jee


So it means, for capri lagnas third house is pisces and hence its lord jupiter

if debiliated gives rise to raja yoga.Am i right.Yes the individual about whom

i am speaking has got fame and position in life but there was lots of bad luck.




Ernst Wilhelm [ernst (AT) vedic astrology (DOT) net]

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2003 17:02vedic astrologySubject:

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

Dear Mofie,

3rd lord debilitates forms a raja yoga, so that is why Jupiter is preferred

in lagna in capricorn.


Jai Ram,

Ernst Wilhelm

www.vedic astrology.net


Mofie Augustine [mofieA (AT) netscape (DOT) net]

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:04 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated

Jupiter in LAGNA.Dear Guru'sYeah I too had read somewhere in list before that

for a capri lagna natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is morefavourable for

them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though Guru cause the famous

MahapurushaYoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna??

Can anyone enlighten please?Thanks Mofieonlyhari wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Pradeep,Yes, it can give luck to the individual

and such an individual shall never be short of money or fulfillment of

needs.The question is why?regardsHarivedic astrology,

"Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar" <PradeepKumar.Vijayadas@s...> wrote:> Respected

members> > If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is

present,can> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from

a> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.> > Thanks>

Pradeep> > >


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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Hari,


One of the condition for Vipareeta Raja yoga is that the dusthana lords should

be placed with a kendra/ kona lord in a kendra kona in strength. When Mars is

exalted in the Lagna with Debilitated in the same place. First of all we have

neechabhanga of Jupiter. This renders both Mars and Jupiter strong and thus

bringing in the benefits of the VRY. The extent to which it shall bestow its

result would depend on the association with AK or the lagna lord Saturn with

this combination.


Best Wishes






"onlyhari" <onlyhari >

<vedic astrology>

Friday, July 04, 2003 4:18 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in LAGNA.

> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---> Dear Pradeep,> > A lady that I know of has Ju +

Ma in Cp lagna. Comforts, care, money > all in adequate measure throughout this

lady's life but the crucial > difference here is the lady didnt have to

face/overcome obstacles in > order to reach that status unlike the gentleman

you are mentioning > about. I guess that the Ruchaka yoga is at work here and

come to > think of it, she also has a gajakesari yoga though I am less certain

> whether both yogas will fructify in her life (Ju dasha over and Ma > dasha

comes very late).> > Regarding the point about Jyestha nakshatra, I should add

that your > observation may be true for people born with lagna in Jyestha >

nakshatra also. The first half of their lives is full of troubles > while the

second half is probably better and happier. At least for > the moon in Jyestha

nakshatra, is it because the Saturn Mahadasha > comes relatively early in their

lives?> > regards> Hari> > > > Dear Ernst Jee> > > > The explanation given by

you is amazing.The individual about whom > i was> > mentioning did not get

success by virtue of luck.He always had > obstacles> > and diffulties to be

overcomed.But somehow even during difficult > times> > strength and energy were

there in a persistent fashion.Thus this > could> > be attributed to the

debiliated raja yoga you had mentioned.> > > > Plus another interesting thing

is this individual has jyeshta > nakshathra> > in moon rashi.I had read

somewhere jyeshta people have to fight and> > strive hard for success.> > > >

Thanks a lot.> > Pradeep

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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Namaste Sarajit,


The point about dusthana involvement in VRY implies that there will

be rewards after initial struggles. But in this lady's case, no

significant struggles or efforts to overcome problems! So how can

this give benefits without struggles? That is what I am trying to



We shall discuss more on this tomorrow.





vedic astrology, "Sarajit Poddar"

<sarajit@s...> wrote:

> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Hari,


> One of the condition for Vipareeta Raja yoga is that the dusthana

lords should be placed with a kendra/ kona lord in a kendra kona in

strength. When Mars is exalted in the Lagna with Debilitated in the

same place. First of all we have neechabhanga of Jupiter. This

renders both Mars and Jupiter strong and thus bringing in the

benefits of the VRY. The extent to which it shall bestow its result

would depend on the association with AK or the lagna lord Saturn

with this combination.


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit

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Dear Pradeep,

In that case, the prson comes up in life by dint of his own efforts.

Sometimes he gets help of his brothers in his elevation.


Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar wrote:


Dear Zoran ji and chandrashekar ji


How could be the results if there is an

exchange between lagna lord and debiliated 3rd lord.eg. for Capri lagna

jupiter the lord of third is in lagna and shani lord of lagna is in

third.What general results can be expected because of third and lagna






Zoran Radosavljevic [ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net]

Freitag, 4. Juli 2003 05:13

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Debiliated Jupiter in


Dear Chandrakeshar,

Ernst has given a very valid thinking, 3rd, 6th and 8th lords in

debilitation while Lagnesh is well placed, gives Raja Yoga

see Parashara. Further, Tasmin Ucha Neecha Ve Shrimanath- Jaimini, so

exalted and debilitated grahas are giver of wealth,

If Guru is in Capricorn Lagna while, Shani is in own sign in kumbha, a

great wealth may come

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar Sharma wrote:



mahapurusha yoga is given rise to in any of the Quadrants, and not just

7th. The reason for Jupiter's good result in debilitation is that

Jupiter is said to harm the house that he is placed in (Sthana

Bhrashta), in exaltation his strength increases. Again he aspects his

exaltation sign when placed in debilitation, leading to beneficial

effects. As a matter of fact one learned Jyotishi, Shri Katwe, was of

the firm opinion that it is the debilitated planets that give rise to

benefic yogas. Of course this is not a generally held opinion.


Mofie Augustine wrote:



Yeah I too had read somewhere in list before that for a capri lagna

natives, a debiliated Guru in lagna is more

favourable for them than a exalted Guru in the 7th. Why is that though

Guru cause the famous Mahapurusha

Yoga in the 7th but it's still better to have Guru deb. in lagna?? Can

anyone enlighten please?



onlyhari wrote:


Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Pradeep,

Yes, it can give luck to the individual and such an individual shall

never be short of money or fulfillment of needs.

The question is why?



vedic astrology

, "Vijayadas, Pradeep Kumar"



> Respected members


> If a debiliated jupiter (Jupiter in capricorn) in lagna is


> it still give some luck to the individual.I have found this from a

> chart.Can this jupiter still bless the houses which it aspects.


> Thanks

> Pradeep






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