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why must you badmouth swaminarayan?

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Why does everyone badmouth swaminarayan? I am one myelf and people are always telling us stuff thinking their perfect. It's quite confusing when ISKON have played parts in scandals and so have the vadtal sect of swaminarayan (im with BAPS) I think you should think before calling us foolish and ignorant and realise what we follow is as true a the veds. If you don't well thats not a problem but you DO NO BADMOUTH A RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!! \if you know why people do this kindly explain to me please


Jai Swaminarayan

Jai Sri Krishna

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I got two questions.

According to BAPS swaminarayan is GOD.

1. So is swaminarayan krishna himself?

2. Or is swaminarayan even greater than Sri Krishna?



I've got other questions: do you badmouth any religion that claims Krishna isn't God? Is your definition of God so strict that God is only Krishna by name? Do you think God does not respond to other names, does not assume other forms, etc.?

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I believe Iskcon people don't really say anything about Swami Narayan people. Usually, on these forums etc... its former Swami Narayan followers or splinter groups. Its usually one group of BAPs against their rivals etc... But the vast bulk of Iskcon people don't even know who they are.

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1. Why do you worship Krishna?

2. In your Book it says Krishna is Supreme. (do you accept this?)


You say in start it says Krishna is God, but later Swami Narayana tricked people into thinking this. Then really it was Swami-Narayana who is God, and the Shiksastapakam is talking about Swami-Narayana not Krishna.


Isn't that right? That's the view you hold.


So your basically saying Swami-Narayana is Vishnu, (vishnu-tattva). He was an avatara not an incarnation. I was once told that you believe Swami-Narayana is higher then Krishna, can you tell me how you prove.


I know you worship Krishna in your temples (I think Tony Blair came to one). And you chant Swami-Narayana, although according to Shiksastapaktam it says to worship Krishna. Can you tell me why exactly you WORSHIP Krishna?


It doesn't make sense to me, how you have one side Krishna and Swami-Narayana. For what purport do you worship Krishna? If your goal is Swami-Narayana.? Do you wish to attain to Krishna as well? Anyway, I only want answers.

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I never said swaminarayan is higher then krishna because he ceartainly isn't. I myself do not know why it says krishna is the highest but i know 100% there is something behind it. People have a habit of badmouthing us when we are uplifting manind and in delhi where the 100 acre complex akshardham has been built people are visiting it all the time. You can hate us know but one day you'll be sorry that you sinned against god. He isn't a incarnation of Vishnu but only prambrahma, just like krishna. We all have differences but instead of using them badly we suldbe using them to our advantage. It is wrong to say swaminarayan was a saint. Muktanand swami, who was an extremely great krishna bhakta didn't lke swaminarayan when he became the head of their fellowship. But soon he realised that swaminarayan is krishna and krishna is swaminarayan and he is missing out on an oppuitinty of seeing god in a pysical form. Why did he worshp him? Because he had mahima (greatness) and he saw it to realise that he was god. So please dont worship swaminarayan if you dont want to but never dishonour him.


Im just wondering if someone like a white person was saying really bad things about him, would you back swaminarayan up or would go along with what they would say?


Jai Swaminarayan

Jai Shri Krishna

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why do you worship ram and sita and ganesh and shiv and all other gods? Purely because they are god right? Yes, krishna is parmata then again so is swaminarayan so it doesent matter but i pick swaminarayan. Swaminarayan is not vishnu. He did not trick people, people then thought what is the difference between krishna, ram, swaminarayan and other deities. Not a single thing except appearence. Swaminarayan has never badmouthed any religion in the world. You say that ex-baps followers badmouth us but i do not agree, you could be right. In a way swaminarayan is krishna and krishna is swaminarayan because they are the source of parmatma. I hope you understand because it really is not that hard o understand, plus you are adding bad karma to your name.

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He isn't a incarnation of Vishnu but only prambrahma, just like krishna.

Jai Swaminarayan

Jai Shri Krishna

So can we say that vishnu is GOD and swaminarayan is NOT? (depending what you imply by prambrahma and incarnation)

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In a way swaminarayan is krishna and krishna is swaminarayan because they are the source of parmatma. I hope you understand because it really is not that hard o understand, plus you are adding bad karma to your name.



you mean they are vishnu-tattva? (GOD).


Why did God say to Worship God (Krishna?)?


You say 'he tricked etc'. . How do you know it was a trick.


Why do you have 2 sects which differ? I think on this simple point you have 2 sects. One agree Swami-Narayana is devotee of Krishna, another says He wasn't. He was God. How do you actually know for sure who is right here?


Or are you just repeating what you heard?

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He did not trick anyone and he is not Vishnu-tattva. When Swaminarayan was going to be named he was named Ghanshyam and Krishna so thats what the Shikshapatri may have been reffering to. Try to understand. It seems like your going around saying that Krishna is the only lord, no wonder why all these people badmouth hinduism.

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He did not trick anyone and he is not Vishnu-tattva. When Swaminarayan was going to be named he was named Ghanshyam and Krishna so thats what the Shikshapatri may have been reffering to. Try to understand. It seems like your going around saying that Krishna is the only lord, no wonder why all these people badmouth hinduism.


From the above, should I understand that you believe in polytheism?

If yes,


Does BAP preach polytheism(multi lords) or its ur our statement?

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He did not trick anyone and he is not Vishnu-tattva. When Swaminarayan was going to be named he was named Ghanshyam and Krishna so thats what the Shikshapatri may have been reffering to. Try to understand. It seems like your going around saying that Krishna is the only lord, no wonder why all these people badmouth hinduism.




Well I don't know how to prove it. Swami Narayana is not stated in any Sastras He is God (not even in shiksastapatakam). Only a Sastra which was made by others (swami-narayana didn't make it). So who to believe?


Do I believe Bhagavad-gita? Srimad-Bhagavatam? Vedas? Or do I believe a Sastra which was composed by? Whom. I dunno..

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:):pray: <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Yes we do, because in our mandirs their are murtis of Ganpati dada, Hanuman dada, Umapati-Mahadev, Sita-Ram, Radha-Krishna and others too. But the centre of our worship is Sahajanand swami maharaj. Do you believe this to be the correct form of devotion?

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:):pray: <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Yes we do, because in our mandirs their are murtis of Ganpati dada, Hanuman dada, Umapati-Mahadev, Sita-Ram, Radha-Krishna and others too. But the centre of our worship is Sahajanand swami maharaj. Do you believe this to be the correct form of devotion?

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yes, thankyou

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Personally, I don't think we should be badmouthing other hindu sects and have all this infighting. At least not in a childish manner, with potshots left and right. We can disagree and debate, but it should be done in a proper manner. Remember, non-Hindus may read this board who know nothing about the various sects and just want to learn more about basic Hindu beliefs, and we don't want to scare them away with childish behaviour.


ISKCON is only one Hindu sect. Swaminarayan is only one Hindu sect. Neither is going away. But at the same time, neither represent all Hindus. And we are going to be forced to live together.


This top forum does not say the Hare Krishna section or Swaminarayan section. Now I recognize there are a lot of Hare Krishnas here, but remember, there is a specific Hare Krishna section below. This section has people of all sects, as does the general Hindu section below.


This forum since it is labeled "spiritual discussions" without any reference to any one sect, will attract people from all sects - at least at first. For example, when I first found this forum on a google search, I knew very little about ISKCON beliefs. I was only familiar with Saivite and Shakta beliefs. I knew about Vaishnavism, of course, but not much about the specific teachings of the Gaudiya sect. So please keep in mind, that not everyone is coming from the same background when they come here. And extend some charity in inter-sect dialogue.

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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">agree thats why i started this thread to find out why people badmouth my religion</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


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They badmouth because they only have a bag of words. Their religion is words, and those words are different than your bag of words. All they can compare are words. Because of a lack of faith, their acceptance of your words means doubting their own words - and they have enough hidden doubts already.


It is best to just not waste time talking about it; only offenses will accrue. Take your religion to a higher level then things will smooth out just fine.



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