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Dinosaurs lived in which Yuga?

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Do you people think that the dinosaurs of the past are really just the reptiles we have today but in a much more massive size (and with a few physical differences, of course)? After all, as we progress from yuga to yuga, the actual size of lifeforms is said to decrease. Regardless of whether this is the case or not, I find the Hindu scale of time to be enthralling and also very intruiging.

There were Snakes that when rose in space towards the pole star divided the space into two halves.It is Kaliyuga we find normal and ordinary people.Cause the specials one keep them in cover. The flying saucers you find, do you think they are aliens, just refer to a few of the puranas and find out yourselves.

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Hmmm, this is difficult to say. Dinosaurs didn't appear until the Triassic period. Are you also saying that humans might've lived side by side with dinosaurs? :confused:


Sigh ... when you kids going to understand ... human beings are just one of the forms which we (the souls) take in our progress back to God. Which means we have lived before, even as Dinosaurs maybe.

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Sephiroth, I understand that! :)


Guys how are we so sure that all dinosaurs were wiped out...we still have crocodiles, alligators, frogs, cockroaches, mosquitos etc. What makes us not think that some dinosaur survivors lived til not too long ago...think about the fact that dragons are mentioned all over the world.

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Sephiroth, I understand that! :)


Guys how are we so sure that all dinosaurs were wiped out...we still have crocodiles, alligators, frogs, cockroaches, mosquitos etc. What makes us not think that some dinosaur survivors lived til not too long ago...think about the fact that dragons are mentioned all over the world.


I don't think ALL dinosaurs were wiped out. It is impossible for that to happen.


However, shortage of food over a long period of time will reduce the size of the dinosaurs to a small scale like crocodiles and alligators and such. This is one way of survival - small body means lesser food required and more food conserved in the body in form of fat.


Also, reptiles are knows to have ability to hibernate - go to sleep for a long period of time. Frogs for example are known to sleep for almost 7 months during dry seasons in some parts of Africa. Bears sleep for 3 - 4 months.


So dragons could be reptiles who went to hibernation (and still is), waiting for some period of time when the World could be like it was before and they could wake up.

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JUst wanted to say one thing, mahayuga is counterd in divine years not the present 365 days years. Second science and its calculations is still imperfect, it is still developing and changing. Third our knowledge or the rishis is of Krishna Counsiousness not the gross knowledge or verifying by trial and eroor through imanimate machines. People used to question the pushpak vimana, that machines cannot fly until 50 years ago it was cipy and pasted from our vedas to the patent office by Wright Bropthers. People did qoestion The life in Plants until Science "rediscovered it".

Life is Continuous. It wasnt created just say a particular time ago and before it Time and the Lord itself were non-existent? . Do you think , imanimate physical laws cause the universe to function automatically. That an inanimate force of nature manages life so beautifully by a co-incidence, or survival or by arbitrary mutation by chance. A nose and ear just grow in the head and not the foot just by years or inanimate evolution. And that the physcal universe just popped up by a big bang without any base cause. and that the Big Bang just created itselr out of nothing?

Just Think.Is Lord Krishna Just A historical person living say 5000 years ago? And that the Idols are just Stone and that The Mahamantra is just vibrations in the air? That Life just creates itself by Sex? Either believe the Modern Spineless Science , which changes itself every day or week or our Vedas and do experience what Srila Prabhupada did, and then maybe dinosaurs wont matter that much to you.What will the existence of dinosaurs prove? What will they solve, but finer discussions that are posted here will surely do. Dont believe? Chant the mahamantra for a month with Celibacy and if you dont benefit,Just Ban me from here. I take the guarentee!

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Either believe the Modern Spineless Science , which changes itself every day or week or our Vedas and do experience what Srila Prabhupada did, and then maybe dinosaurs wont matter that much to you.What will the existence of dinosaurs prove? What will they solve, but finer discussions that are posted here will surely do. Dont believe? Chant the mahamantra for a month with Celibacy and if you dont benefit,Just Ban me from here. I take the guarentee!


I don't know what you problem is but I just say one thing ... Even so the modern day "Spineless" Science may not prove anything. But one thing is certain, this Science IS NECESSARY to reteach about God.


Chanting alone will not do anything except damn Hindusm even further as uneducated, backwatered religion while more idiotic beliefs like Christianity and Islam takes offensive approachs by trying to reattach themselves to Science and tried to show that they are modern beliefs which should be followed by All.


If Hindusm were to expand and be rediscovered by all (especially Hindus), then it MUST be through Science, NOT sitting somewhere and chanting away.

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  • 2 months later...


I don't know what you problem is but I just say one thing ... Even so the modern day "Spineless" Science may not prove anything. But one thing is certain, this Science IS NECESSARY to reteach about God.


Chanting alone will not do anything except damn Hindusm even further as uneducated, backwatered religion while more idiotic beliefs like Christianity and Islam takes offensive approachs by trying to reattach themselves to Science and tried to show that they are modern beliefs which should be followed by All.


If Hindusm were to expand and be rediscovered by all (especially Hindus), then it MUST be through Science, NOT sitting somewhere and chanting away.

hey Sepiroh, ok pal, and how do you suggest to diognise the subtle with the gross appratus, how can the son give birth to the father. the western civilisation is say a few hundred years old and will continue at most for say another 2000 or so, how can you unravel the supreme when anyone cant even stand in front of time -his slave? there were emperor Sagar and emperor Priyavat who by their own hands had divided the undivided continent into seven parts, people today call it bullshit now and laugh dont they? when such mighty kings lost in front of time, how can any one ( with all due respect, no offence here, just to make my point clear) civilisation unravel the supreme, that created that time itself ? only by bhakti you can tie him to an okhal, which maya cannot touch, only by bhakti does the supreme whose name itself removes desire, begs for butter, it is only by bhakti, that whose name drives away cupid itself, does maha-raas. gross machines are machines , only he is reached by param ekanti bhakti, else he is unreachable by even the supreme trinity, i.e. Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. no offence sepiroh just a debate.would love a feedback if I am wrong brother.but this is my view which may not be all correct.

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by the way sepiroh chanting is a science a well founded one, it is matrka vigyan a well developed and oft researched one.there is nothing called magic, pal everything in this universe is governed by law, if you talked about the pushpak viman or the viman shastra of the Bhardwaja samhita say, 50 years back, people would have laughed , now after a copy paste job by wright brother people do believe, why dont some scientists do something same about the science of chanting, either us or they, the proplem will be solved.again no offence, just some friendly debate, my language may be sarcastic, but all in good motive to prove my point.

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Well from the web sites i have pointed out in my last post(and assuming I did understand properly), there is apparently a mini dissolution(laya) every maha yuga. And a greater one (pralaya) at the start of brahma night which last for 1000 maha yuga. During this awesomely long time, there is apparently no physical life.

Basically if we assume that this mini dissolution (laya) is not powerful enough to eradicate every living entities, then the oldest living creature should be some 121 millions years old (the begining of brahma day)

sir the time here is of the divine years not the years of human i.e. 365 days. there are 16 kaalas or time. every life of Lord Brahma is a day of Lord Vishnu( KseerShayi) so on to the power of 16 to lord Krishna.where there is time as a part of divine leela and not the consuming one. the kalpa of earth is counted by the second time i.e. that of the devas, and not the first i.e. human

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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed that someone said what if dinosaurs are like the reptiles of today only much bigger. Well, current scientific views say most dinosaurs were not reptiles, more like birds. Popular dinosaurs like T-Rex and velociraptor are prime examples, they have even found fossils so well preserved that it even showed feathers on both of these species.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In ramayan als it is mentioned about jadayu and sambadi. they aere big birds. Regarding the size of humand beings. some where in mahabharata loard krishna shows Bhiama one big ring ( even Bhima can go through that) and told this was a finger ring of people from early yuga. I dont remember in which chapter it was written, But I am sure it is there.

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  • 5 years later...

According to hindhuism there are 4 yugas: satya yuga - existed for 1,728,000 humanyears,

treta yuga - existed for 1,296,000 humanyears(ramayana took place),

dwapar yuga- existed for 864,000 human years (mahabharatha took place)

and the last is kali yuga (presently we are in the 1st stage of kali yuga).

The Ice age came into effect at the end of dwapara yuga, it was the same time when the lord krishna's dwaraka was devoured by flood and kali yuga came into existence once lord krishna left the earth.

As per this reference, the dinosaurs lived during the period of dwapara yuga. The people who lived during that period were gaints and there were rakshas & people between whom lays always a fight.[ In one of the south indian temple carvings, i remember seeing a picture of dinosaur on one side and there are sages performing rituals beside it. this image was published in a tamil magazine named 'shakthi vikatan'].

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