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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaskarams to all my dear brothers and sisters!!


Like many another devotee of our Holy Mother, i am also besotted with

Love for Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsna Paramahamsa, as well as a few other

Saints (such as Paramahansa Yoganandaji)...


in fact when i had been reading the Sri Ramakrsna Kathamritam years

ago, (the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna...SUCH a book!!!) and had been

reading page after page of how He used to sing so sweetly (and how

Vivekanandaji used to sing so sweetly too...he would put Sri Ramakrsna

into samadhi with his singing!), i remember that a friend (who was

also reading "Great Swan"...an abridged part of some the gospel

adapted by Lex Hixon)

and i were bemoaning ourselves that there was NO ONE like that in this

world today, and how sad we were to have MISSED Bhagavan...and how

much we wished we could hear those Songs of divine Love....


a few days later, a friend returned from a trip to the states, where

he had spent time at a Yogananda retreat, and what did he bring with

him, but an entire 6 cassette collection of the SONGS from the Gospel

of Sri Ramakrsna!!, named "Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita" (same name as

the gospel itself i found out later)...and we realised that the Divine

Mother had heard our soulful crying out to Her, and had responded with

the boon of allowing us to hear those very songs were longing to hear,

although through the voices of the present day Swamis of the Sri

Ramakrsna order....the Music was so inspiring and heartrendingly

beautiful i had no words to describe its affect upon this child.


only a few months later, Divine Mother further answered our prayers

when She allowed us to meet our Mother Ammachi....Whose "Awaken

Children" books so closely resemble the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna...when

i was reading them i felt like He had returned...the same kinds of

stories...the same Bhajans...in fact almost everything so similar it

was uncanny...and then i learned that Amma is considered by many to BE

the reincarnation of Bhagavan and His lovely consort Sri Sarada Devi TOO!!


that was something to digest...


i have to admit when looking at the jyotish charts of both mahatmas,

it looks like they are definitely related...it just could be as people

believe...(or better yet, in all three cases (as well as Sri

Yoganandaji)...it could just be that Mother Kali Herself had

incarnated into each of those Mahatmas to spread the Message of the

Divine Mother in this age...that's MY favourite possibility!!...just

as it says in the 108 Names of Sri Mata Amritananandamayi Devi)...


anyways...my tapes (all copies of the originals) are getting pretty

worn out by now...and i was looking through Google for replacements...


i was led to a webpage whereing the folks there are publishing the

entire Sri Ramakrsna Kathamrita (the Gospel, not the tapes)

ONLINE...they've gotten MOST of it already published, and available

for free to anyone who is interested....


So if there are any of Amma's devotee children who are interested in

Sri Ramakrsna, but have not ever read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna,

they can now read it ONLINE or even dowload it...with out having to

put out the money for it...(not that i minded buying the book...it was

a very good investment i think)


for anyone who might not know...Sri Ramakrsna was a very great devotee

of Mother Kali as seen in the Dakshineswar Temple, wherein She is

known as Bhavatarini Kali...the selfsame Kali that Amma visited when

in Dakshineswar, and then requested a "sister" murti of to be made by

the same family of carvers who had carved the original Bhavatarini

Kali...Who is now ruling the Amritapuri Temple.


Most of you already know this i understand, but the above info is for

those who may not already know.


Here is the website address which publishes the book online:




and now i will continue browsing for those divine tapes.....


in Amma's Divine Love,

and in Her Service...

as ever,

your own



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Dear Visvanathan:




Visavanathan wrote:


"Whose (REFERRING TO AMMA) "Awaken Children"

books so closely resemble the Gospel

of Sri Ramakrsna...when

i was reading them i felt like He had

returned...the same kinds of

stories...the same Bhajans..

in fact almost everything so

similar it was uncanny...and

then i learned that Amma is

considered by many to BE

the reincarnation of Bhagavan

and His lovely consort Sri

Sarada Devi TOO!!"




I wish I had time to commiserate

on your entire Post.  I just have

time for my two rupees worth on

the above illuminating comment.


There are a handful of Sri Ramakrishna

and Sri Sarada Deva and Sri Vivekananda

devotees who are in my Ammachl spiritual

circle.  Almost 100 percent of those who

read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and

Amma's Awaken Children! series agree

with your observation.


Brother V. - Uncanny is the right

word.  Almost every parable of Amma

could come out of the nectarean lips of Thakur

Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna.)


This has been my experience and I

feel joy in getting your input.


With Love,





P.S.  And yes Brother the bhajans as well.

One possibility is that Sri Ramakrishna

merged with Kali (His chosen Deity)

So Amma is BOTH!!!!!!






--- kasi_visvanath <kasi_visvanath > wrote:


> Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


> Namaskarams to all my dear brothers and sisters!!


> Like many another devotee of our Holy Mother, i am

> also besotted with

> Love for Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsna Paramahamsa, as well

> as a few other

> Saints (such as Paramahansa Yoganandaji)...


> in fact when i had been reading the Sri Ramakrsna

> Kathamritam years

> ago, (the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna...SUCH a book!!!)

> and had been

> reading page after page of how He used to sing so

> sweetly (and how

> Vivekanandaji used to sing so sweetly too...he would

> put Sri Ramakrsna

> into samadhi with his singing!), i remember that a

> friend (who was

> also reading "Great Swan"...an abridged part of some

> the gospel

> adapted by Lex Hixon)

> and i were bemoaning ourselves that there was NO ONE

> like that in this

> world today, and how sad we were to have MISSED

> Bhagavan...and how

> much we wished we could hear those Songs of divine

> Love....


> a few days later, a friend returned from a trip to

> the states, where

> he had spent time at a Yogananda retreat, and what

> did he bring with

> him, but an entire 6 cassette collection of the

> SONGS from the Gospel

> of Sri Ramakrsna!!, named "Sri Ramakrishna

> Kathamrita" (same name as

> the gospel itself i found out later)...and we

> realised that the Divine

> Mother had heard our soulful crying out to Her, and

> had responded with

> the boon of allowing us to hear those very songs

> were longing to hear,

> although through the voices of the present day

> Swamis of the Sri

> Ramakrsna order....the Music was so inspiring and

> heartrendingly

> beautiful i had no words to describe its affect upon

> this child.


> only a few months later, Divine Mother further

> answered our prayers

> when She allowed us to meet our Mother

> Ammachi....Whose "Awaken

> Children" books so closely resemble the Gospel of

> Sri Ramakrsna...when

> i was reading them i felt like He had returned...the

> same kinds of

> stories...the same Bhajans...in fact almost

> everything so similar it

> was uncanny...and then i learned that Amma is

> considered by many to BE

> the reincarnation of Bhagavan and His lovely consort

> Sri Sarada Devi TOO!!


> that was something to digest...


> i have to admit when  looking at the jyotish charts

> of both mahatmas,

> it looks like they are definitely related...it just

> could be as people

> believe...(or better yet, in all three cases (as

> well as Sri

> Yoganandaji)...it could just be that Mother Kali

> Herself had

> incarnated into each of those Mahatmas to spread the

> Message of the

> Divine Mother in this age...that's MY favourite

> possibility!!...just

> as it says in the 108 Names of Sri Mata

> Amritananandamayi Devi)...


> anyways...my tapes (all copies of the originals) are

> getting pretty

> worn out by now...and i was looking through Google

> for replacements...


> i was led to a webpage whereing the folks there are

> publishing the

> entire Sri Ramakrsna Kathamrita (the Gospel, not the

> tapes)

> ONLINE...they've gotten MOST of it already

> published, and available

> for free to anyone who is interested....


> So if there are any of Amma's devotee children who

> are interested in

> Sri Ramakrsna, but have not ever read the Gospel of

> Sri Ramakrsna,

> they can now read it ONLINE or even dowload

> it...with out having to

> put out the money for it...(not that i minded buying

> the book...it was

> a very good investment i think)


> for anyone who might not know...Sri Ramakrsna was a

> very great devotee

> of Mother Kali as seen in the Dakshineswar Temple,

> wherein She is

> known as Bhavatarini Kali...the selfsame Kali that

> Amma visited when

> in Dakshineswar, and then requested a "sister" murti

> of to be made by

> the same family of carvers who had carved the

> original Bhavatarini

> Kali...Who is now ruling the Amritapuri Temple.


> Most of you already know this i understand, but the

> above info is for

> those who may not already know.


> Here is the website address which publishes the book

> online:




Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!





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  • 4 years later...

Could you kindly inform where to buy the 6 cassettes of songs from kathamrita?

As a god lover, and a lover of ramakrishna, you would well know what this music will mean to us... please help!



Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaskarams to all my dear brothers and sisters!!


Like many another devotee of our Holy Mother, i am also besotted with

Love for Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsna Paramahamsa, as well as a few other

Saints (such as Paramahansa Yoganandaji)...


in fact when i had been reading the Sri Ramakrsna Kathamritam years

ago, (the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna...SUCH a book!!!) and had been

reading page after page of how He used to sing so sweetly (and how

Vivekanandaji used to sing so sweetly too...he would put Sri Ramakrsna

into samadhi with his singing!), i remember that a friend (who was

also reading "Great Swan"...an abridged part of some the gospel

adapted by Lex Hixon)

and i were bemoaning ourselves that there was NO ONE like that in this

world today, and how sad we were to have MISSED Bhagavan...and how

much we wished we could hear those Songs of divine Love....


a few days later, a friend returned from a trip to the states, where

he had spent time at a Yogananda retreat, and what did he bring with

him, but an entire 6 cassette collection of the SONGS from the Gospel

of Sri Ramakrsna!!, named "Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita" (same name as

the gospel itself i found out later)...and we realised that the Divine

Mother had heard our soulful crying out to Her, and had responded with

the boon of allowing us to hear those very songs were longing to hear,

although through the voices of the present day Swamis of the Sri

Ramakrsna order....the Music was so inspiring and heartrendingly

beautiful i had no words to describe its affect upon this child.


only a few months later, Divine Mother further answered our prayers

when She allowed us to meet our Mother Ammachi....Whose "Awaken

Children" books so closely resemble the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna...when

i was reading them i felt like He had returned...the same kinds of

stories...the same Bhajans...in fact almost everything so similar it

was uncanny...and then i learned that Amma is considered by many to BE

the reincarnation of Bhagavan and His lovely consort Sri Sarada Devi TOO!!


that was something to digest...


i have to admit when looking at the jyotish charts of both mahatmas,

it looks like they are definitely related...it just could be as people

believe...(or better yet, in all three cases (as well as Sri

Yoganandaji)...it could just be that Mother Kali Herself had

incarnated into each of those Mahatmas to spread the Message of the

Divine Mother in this age...that's MY favourite possibility!!...just

as it says in the 108 Names of Sri Mata Amritananandamayi Devi)...


anyways...my tapes (all copies of the originals) are getting pretty

worn out by now...and i was looking through Google for replacements...


i was led to a webpage whereing the folks there are publishing the

entire Sri Ramakrsna Kathamrita (the Gospel, not the tapes)

ONLINE...they've gotten MOST of it already published, and available

for free to anyone who is interested....


So if there are any of Amma's devotee children who are interested in

Sri Ramakrsna, but have not ever read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna,

they can now read it ONLINE or even dowload it...with out having to

put out the money for it...(not that i minded buying the book...it was

a very good investment i think)


for anyone who might not know...Sri Ramakrsna was a very great devotee

of Mother Kali as seen in the Dakshineswar Temple, wherein She is

known as Bhavatarini Kali...the selfsame Kali that Amma visited when

in Dakshineswar, and then requested a "sister" murti of to be made by

the same family of carvers who had carved the original Bhavatarini

Kali...Who is now ruling the Amritapuri Temple.


Most of you already know this i understand, but the above info is for

those who may not already know.


Here is the website address which publishes the book online:


Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita


and now i will continue browsing for those divine tapes.....


in Amma's Divine Love,

and in Her Service...

as ever,

your own



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Could you kindly inform where to buy the 6 cassettes of songs from kathamrita?

As a god lover, and a lover of ramakrishna, you would well know what this music will mean to us... please help!



hi kaushik . they are available in belur math , the headquarters of ramakrishna mission and also in other branches of the order . perhaps you should think of contacting the nearest ramakrishna mission center around you . the series is called kathamriter gaan in bengali and songs from kathamrita in english . best of luck .

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