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black Tantra

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was wanting to know more about how the red/white/black tantra are

distinguished. there is very little written on the internet on black tantra,

and I can't help but be curious how one can use yoga energy to manipulate

others! it just seems like such an oxymoron.



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I am going to only talk about Black tantra yoga since you said there isn't

much on the topic. Probably best if there wasn't.Black tantric yoga as

described by Yogi Bhajan is very nasty business.It is dangerous and can hurt

innocent people.Yes, you can do yoga and use the powers out of jealousy,

anger lust ect. What I have noticed with these people is that they were born

with abilities and quickly advanced with the yoga. Yoga is not the only way

to get powers by the way.These things can and have been taught through out

history. Siddhis or powers are achieved when you do a lot of advanced

meditations and yogic techniques.It is very important that students develop

moral and spiritual discipline before giving them access to information that

they are not ready for.As teachers we have to recognize students who come for

the power aspects of the yoga and not the spiritual. Kundalini yoga gives us

a lot of power and without sadhana and devotion to advancing oneself morally

a student can easily get involved in the negative side which involves

weakness of character that was not dealth with by the student and the

teacher.Black tantric can be very specific or very simple.We can all send

negative energy to another person unconscioulsy or consciously. When you do

the yoga you have better projection and the ability to penetrate also. We

have to be careful with this and what we say also. The power of the word is

developed quickly when you do KY and be careful what you wish for.When a

person achieves shatki pad you are tested by so much and this is where the

ego is most powerful and want to gain control.Unless you give it to god you

are doomed.Black tantric yoga is mostly known as a foreingn thing in this

country.I have found that to be untrue. Unlike places like Africa, the

caribbean and the south like New orleans and Louisianna where these practice

are more organized I still see it in diluted forms especially in the business

world. They just don't call it black tantra. Some of these people are so

powerful they can psychically kill you in three days. They can burn you from

the inside and create undefined illness. They can leave their body and bother

you in your sleep , psychic rape you.Power is dangerous and addictive and it

feeds on itself.Anyone can be caught in this trip unless they give it back to

the infinite.It is said it is best not to dwell in the dark and keep the

light with you at all times.If any one wants to know how to protect

themselves from this they can e-mail me.The yoga strenghtens the aura so

yogis actually are much more protected than the normal population.Faith in

God and all the good things in life.. really good protection.

Live in the light






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  • 6 years later...

In all respects I studied and practiced under a Black Tantric from Cambodia in my early years and I learned a many great things as well as experienced many Occult things that I wont go into,but these were pivotal in my initiation into these mysteris which drive me to this day,I do practice Kundalini Yoga and over all I do have good morals but dont fool your self in focusing on morals and this and that....kundalini yoga and power does not reconize morals...how ever on the flip side if your focus is to destroy and controll then you are most likly a unbalnced person and you will destroy your self.


Again Black Tantra is not a bad thing as a Aghora is not bad persay!

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...

Practice the 'Antar Naad Mudra' meditation and the 'Mangala Charn' Mantra meditation.


The Antar Naad Mudra meditation grants the practitioner creativity and prosperity, protection from attack and gives power to your words and brings luck even if you are a scoundrel.


The Mangala Charn meditation surrounds the aura in protective light and provides the practitioner with a magnetic persona.


Do the strengthen the aura kriya prior to these meditations!



Sat Nam




dear s.i.r.


Could you please send me what you have (protection from black tantra).



Peace and LOve


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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

is the Mangala Charn Mantra, and is chanted for protection. It surroundsthe magnetic field with protective light, and means "I bow to the primal Guru (guiding consciousness who takes us to God-Realization), I bow to wisdom through the ages, I bow to True Wisdom, I bow to the great, unseen wisdom."

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