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Visit to Tiruvannamalai & Ramanashramam

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om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


Dear Alan,


Is Michael Bowes a member of this Group? It may be that he is a member of

Vicki's other Group. If you wish you could invite him to

join this group too or ask his permission to forward the message from



Ever Yours in Sri Bhagavan,



> --- Miles Wright <ramana.bhakta wrote:


> om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> Dear Miles , while on the subject of messages ,Michael bowes said he posted

> Atma Vichara 288 onto

> the Ramana Site - but it is not in my E Mail .Did it ever arrive .I think this

> an important

> posting for members to see .In His Grace Alan


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Dear Miles , thanks -I,ll write to him .regards Alan




om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


Dear Alan,


Is Michael Bowes a member of this Group? It may be that he is a member of

Vicki's other Group. If you wish you could invite him to

join this group too or ask his permission to forward the message from



Ever Yours in Sri Bhagavan,



> --- Miles Wright <ramana.bhakta wrote:


> om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya


> Dear Miles , while on the subject of messages ,Michael bowes said he posted

> Atma Vichara 288 onto

> the Ramana Site - but it is not in my E Mail .Did it ever arrive .I think this

> an important

> posting for members to see .In His Grace Alan




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> I will be in Tiruvannamalai from February 22nd to March 15th.


> I intend to visit Ramanasharama (I have a room confirmed for 1


> Arunachala, the caves, the pradakshina, the holy temple.

> Unfortunately, I might not be able to perform the whole pradakshina

> as I have a difficulty walking (but I do not give up yet...).


Dear Sri Jaqueline:


There was a woman who could barely walk because of extreme obesity.

Sri Bhagavan recommended that she go around the mountain anyway.

So a cart followed her just in case. But she didn't need it.

She made it all the way around. I heard Mahatma Ganesan tell this

story. (That is V. Ganesan). I don't know if the story is in the

book moments remembered or not.


>I intend to visit also a few ashrams around (Yogi Ramsuratkumar


> Seshadri ashram). I was sorry to hear that Lakshmana Swami does not

> give public darshan during the MahaSivaratri.


Sri Lakshmana Swamy from time to time threatens to stop giving any

Darshan at all, however, because Mathru Sri Sarada asks him to give

it, he has been giving it.


In the unlikely event that he does give a Darshan during the time you

are there, be sure to arrive early enough so you can sit in the front

row. He speaks so softly these days that even in the third or fourth

row you can not hear him.


He goes out in the morning in a silver van or suv.

I am not sure of the time, but I was meditating at his gate when he

returned one morning. Maybe leaving around 7:30-8:30 AM and

returning around 10:00-11:00 AM would be my guess.

I know someone who worked at Yogi Ram Surat Kumar Ashram for 13

years, and I will try to remember to ask him about the times

regarding the silver van leaving, the next time I phone him in



> Maharshi & Arunachala & Lord Shiva!! WOW! I have always been a

> devotee of Lord Siva (I used to sing bahjans to Arunachala without

> knowing that it was HIS mountain).


The teaching according to both Sri Bhagavan and the scriptural story

is that the mountain is Lord Siva, not a place where Lord Siva abides.


> I know that some of you are very knowledgeable about all what

> concerns Bhagavan & Arunachala. My purpose for my trip is to do a

> retreat (not a tourist trip).

> My question today: As a devotee/student of Ramana Maharshi, is


> any thing (event, person, place) I should not miss while in

> Tiruvannamalai and around?


If Mahatma Ganesan happens to start having satsang again during the

time you are there, my suggestion is do not miss any of his satsangs.


A couple of years ago, I went to India to see around 8 or 9 Gurus,

all but one of them live in the Area of Tiruvannamalai.

After seeing Mahatma Ganesan, I lost my desire to see all of the

other Gurus. In my lifetime, I have seen maybe 60 or 70 spiritual

teachers. Mahatma Ganesan was the first Teacher that could read my

mind like he was reading a book. In great precise detail.


Mahatma Ganesan is the Grand Nephew of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

He was present when Sri Bhagavan's body passed away.

He worked at Sri Ramana Ashram for a few decades and is now retired.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is the one who asked Mahatma Ganesan to give

satsang. Mahatma Ganesan said I cannot do that public speaking.

Next time Mahatma Ganesan saw Sri Nisargadatta, Maharaj again told

him to give Satsang. Once again Mahatma Ganesan said I cannot speak.

Sri Nisargadatta grabbed Mahatma Ganesan by the shoulders and shook

him and told him you will not be speaking, "THAT" will be speaking.


Mahatma Ganesan spent time with around 50 or 60 devotees of Sri

Bhagavan. The transmission Sri Arunachala has given through them to

Mahatma Ganesan, he freely gives in Satsang.


Mahatma Ganesan does not have a donation box and asks that no gifts

be brought. There are chairs for those who like chairs (me) and

pillows for those who like to sit on the floor.


Unfortunately, Mahatma Ganesan has been in Silence since last March.

I think it was March 28 when he went into Silence.

He has had a note on his gate that says (from my memory:)

Dear friends and devotees, I am in Silence, I will not meet with



>From around December 15- 2002 to January 1 2003 he had silent

satsang. Then he said he was going into deeper retreat.


So, for the last 10 months, there has been only two weeks of satsang,

and a silent satsang at that.

Through email and phone calls to people in Tiruvannamalai, I am

awaiting word that satsang has begun again. Then I will probably

return to Tiruvannamalai.


I would recommend you go to his place everyday and see if Satsang has

started again. If there is a note on the gate saying he is in

Silence then there is no satsang.

Satsang used to be 5 or 6 days per week at 9:00 AM.


However, during that two week silent satsang,

he changed it to only three days per week.

I will try to remember to make a posting at the Sri Arunachala group

if he starts having satsang again.


The Rickshaw drivers in front of Sri Ramanasramam know how to get to

Mahatma Ganesans house. Just tell them you want to go to Ganesan's

house, Ananda Ramana near the Annaman Nursery.


You probably should not call him Mahatma Ganesan. Just Ganesan will

do. I am the only one who calls him Mahatma Ganesan and maybe a

couple of people who have picked it up from me.


Regarding other things to see in Tiruvannamalai:


Sadhu Om's Samadhi, Annamalai Swami's ashram, Virupaksha cave,

Skandashram. You could try climbing to the top of Sri Arunachala,

beautiful view from up there, best to have a guide. But if you have

difficulty walking, it might not be possible to climb Sri

Arunachala. Sri Arunachala is a mountain, it is not a hill.


You could walk to Skandashram from Ramana Ashram. It is a long walk,

however it is not too steep and you can take lots of breaks along the



Although Virupaksha cave is very close to Skandashram the decent from

Skandashram to Virupaksha cave is extreme.


There is another way to get to Virupaksha cave from the temple down



Of course the old hall at Sri Ramanashramam is a must see.


Use the shoe stall at Sri Ramanasramam.

I thought I could get away with leaving my sandals outside for a few

minutes while I went into the book depot and they were gone when I

went back outside.


Most people take a taxi from Madras to Tiruvannamalai.

That is what I always used to do in the past.

However, now, since I have been in a serious accident going from

Pondicherry to Tiruvannamalai, I would never recommend anyone take a

taxi. I recommend a train from Chennai to Katpadi junction and then

another train from Katpadi junction to Tiruvannamalai.


The taxi driver fell alseep while drivng me and he died in the

accident. I had seen another taxi driver almost falling asleep on a

previous occassion. Every few minutes on roads in India there is

near miss. It is a sort of choatic event to be on a road in India.

So now I have to recommend a train.


One more suggestion for traveling to India:

spend time only with devotees of Sri Ramana.

Or as a second choice with people really dedicated to spirituality.

Spend as little time in the company of people who are engaged in

worldly pursuits as possible.

Some people gave me this advice and I ignored it, and a lot of

problems resulted.


Most of the people who live in that huge noisy town called

Tiruvannamalai are interested in money and not in meditation.


A nice place to get away from the noise is on the path that leads from

Sri Ramanasramam to Skandashramam. You do not have to walk all the

way to Skandasramam for peace and quiet. Even a ten or 15 minute

walk will bring you to a nice big rock you can sit down on and enjoy

the peace and quiet and atmosphere of Sri Arunachala.


Most people eat in resturaunts there in Tiruvannamalai and you can

ask some visiting foreigners which ones are best.


I don't eat in restaraunts.

I always cook my own food in India using a small portable electric

hot plate (stove). That way I don't get sick from the food.


As far as bottled water, I like Aquafina brand best.


For information on Local Gurus click this link:




Take care,


with Love,



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wanted to be quiet for (at least) some time [lol:-)] and just read

and contemplate; but this posting, its nature, tone and content

created enough movements in the mind:


Dear uarelove (infinite freedom) : first, let me record my deep

appreciation for all the information you have shared here; Maharshi's

grace has again sent the information needed without even asking for



last and the only visit to Ramanasramam was somewhat eventful and

unbelievable that it will be good to share.


this b/m/i, known as Murthy, lives in California, USA and had to go

to Chennai urgently for just 2 weeks in May 2001 to visit sick

mother; we were in the middle of a project at work and thus the trip

couldn't be more than 2 weeks, with just one weekend in the middle;

even at Chennai, there weren't free days, thanks to remote

connections and work-over-phone etc.


Due to the intense reading in the prior years, there was an innate

urgency to be at Tiruvannamalai as quickly as possible, so the only

thought was how to make it and when; finally decided that it will be

May 11/12 (Fri/Sat) of 2001; did no preparation, didn't think about

how/when to go, where to stay etc.; being a tamilian and raised in

tamil nadu for almost 21 years, was confident that something could be

arranged and also had an inkling that Maharshi will take care.


Friday evening (the evening when supposed to have caught the bus to

Tiruvannamalai), in the office, the spectacles (eyeglasses) frame

broke into two in the middle;


didn't get worried but knew clearly that without glasses, out=of=town

trip was ruled out; office co-worker gave a ride to a big optical

shop near Aavin Milk Booth near Adyar busstand but they turned down

the request that it be fixed immediately; said the earliest they can

return the glasses with a new frame is Monday (as it has to go to

their factory or workshop) so with a dejected mind and blurry

eyesight I was dropped in my sister's house in Adyar.


Brother-in-law knew about the plan to go to Tiruvannamalai that

evening so said, 'lets go to Adyar Opticals'; again got disappointed

first, seeing the size of the shop (narrow staircases leading

upstairs in a busy commercial area, very small in size, very few

models/designs of frames to choose from);


but surprisingly, the first frame chosen fitted perfectly (both the

face and the glasses) and the person there said they can get the

glasses switched in less than 1/2 hour; we waited and in 15 mts. we

were back on the road in b-in-law's scooter with full eyesight



back at home, sister said, my niece's husband wanted to go to

Tiruvannamalai for quite some time but couldn't make it, could he

join with me; she said only problem is by the time he comes back from

work and we start, it could be 8-9 PM; I said I don't have any

problem because anyway I don't have any specific plan for staying or

anything else;


sister said she had called one of her friends, thought her father who

works in Ramanasramam might be able to help, but could only leave



the friend called back promptly in a few hours and gave the name of a

person to ask for once we are in Asramam;


took a bus with niece's husband at 9 PM or so (from a place called

Saidapet from where quite a few buses ply to Tirvannamalai) and

landed there at around midnight; went straight to Asramam and woke up

the night watchman, gave him the name of this person; we were

told, "it is better to come before 6 PM even if we had booked rooms"

but he knew we were coming and hence would accomodate;


dumped our stuff in the room and immediately went to start the Giri

Pradikshana.. ;


as though it was planned well, the time of arrival, we were told by a

neighboring room boy who was studying for his exams that late in the

night, was ideal because in May it is almost impossible to walk

around the Arunachala mountain during day time (from 8 AM to 9 PM)

because the roads are terribly hot and it would take around 4 to

4&1/2 hours to go around;


thus the whole trip was unplanned but every detail fell into place

better than how it would have been even if it had been planned;


only downside was, we had to take off on Saturday evening so couldn't

spend more than a few hours in the Asramam after Giripradikshanam and

after visiting the Arunachaleswarar temple in the morning; but even

within those few hours, there was a 4 PM satsang/discourse by one

Swami Santananda (not sure about the name) in the old hall with

Maharshi's huge picture on the draping on the wall behind the swamiji

bringing tears non-stop.....


this time there will be two weekends Feb 22/23 and March 1/2 in my

visit to Chennai and so, with Grace always guiding and planning,

could go to Tiruvannamalai and be in all the places you mentioned and

get into some satsangh's either with Lakshmana Swami and/or with

Mahathma Ganesan...


thanks again 'uarelove', really appreciate all the information....


RamanaMaharshi, "Infinite Freedom

<uarelove>" <uarelove> wrote:

> > I will be in Tiruvannamalai from February 22nd to March 15th.

> >

> > I intend to visit Ramanasharama (I have a room confirmed for 1

> week),

> > Arunachala, the caves, the pradakshina, the holy temple.

> > Unfortunately, I might not be able to perform the whole


> > as I have a difficulty walking (but I do not give up yet...).


> Dear Sri Jaqueline:


> There was a woman who could barely walk because of extreme obesity.

> Sri Bhagavan recommended that she go around the mountain anyway.

> So a cart followed her just in case. But she didn't need it.

> She made it all the way around. I heard Mahatma Ganesan tell this

> story. (That is V. Ganesan). I don't know if the story is in the

> book moments remembered or not.


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Dear Jacqueline , and others going to Arunachala , Uare's letter to you is very

full , complete

and excellent.I agree with her words about Sri Ganesan who is our President [of

the UK Foundation

].My only addition to her valuable letter is that The Ashram will send a taxi to

Chennai Airport

if you let them know flight time of arrival .The taxi driver is checked by them

- he knows what to

do - and chargest the best rate .He is reliable and I think you will avoid the

hazard suffered by

Uare .I have used him several times in the past without a problem .I agree with

Uare that i would

not use a Taxi other than the Ashram source .This way one can avoid trains etc

.. if you wish .See

you on Saturday , Love in His Grace Alan






--- "Infinite Freedom <uarelove" <uarelove wrote:


> I will be in Tiruvannamalai from February 22nd to March 15th.


> I intend to visit Ramanasharama (I have a room confirmed for 1


> Arunachala, the caves, the pradakshina, the holy temple.

> Unfortunately, I might not be able to perform the whole pradakshina

> as I have a difficulty walking (but I do not give up yet...).


Dear Sri Jaqueline:


There was a woman who could barely walk because of extreme obesity.

Sri Bhagavan recommended that she go around the mountain anyway.

So a cart followed her just in case. But she didn't need it.

She made it all the way around. I heard Mahatma Ganesan tell this

story. (That is V. Ganesan). I don't know if the story is in the

book moments remembered or not.


>I intend to visit also a few ashrams around (Yogi Ramsuratkumar


> Seshadri ashram). I was sorry to hear that Lakshmana Swami does not

> give public darshan during the MahaSivaratri.


Sri Lakshmana Swamy from time to time threatens to stop giving any

Darshan at all, however, because Mathru Sri Sarada asks him to give

it, he has been giving it.


In the unlikely event that he does give a Darshan during the time you

are there, be sure to arrive early enough so you can sit in the front

row. He speaks so softly these days that even in the third or fourth

row you can not hear him.


He goes out in the morning in a silver van or suv.

I am not sure of the time, but I was meditating at his gate when he

returned one morning. Maybe leaving around 7:30-8:30 AM and

returning around 10:00-11:00 AM would be my guess.

I know someone who worked at Yogi Ram Surat Kumar Ashram for 13

years, and I will try to remember to ask him about the times

regarding the silver van leaving, the next time I phone him in



> Maharshi & Arunachala & Lord Shiva!! WOW! I have always been a

> devotee of Lord Siva (I used to sing bahjans to Arunachala without

> knowing that it was HIS mountain).


The teaching according to both Sri Bhagavan and the scriptural story

is that the mountain is Lord Siva, not a place where Lord Siva abides.


> I know that some of you are very knowledgeable about all what

> concerns Bhagavan & Arunachala. My purpose for my trip is to do a

> retreat (not a tourist trip).

> My question today: As a devotee/student of Ramana Maharshi, is


> any thing (event, person, place) I should not miss while in

> Tiruvannamalai and around?


If Mahatma Ganesan happens to start having satsang again during the

time you are there, my suggestion is do not miss any of his satsangs.


A couple of years ago, I went to India to see around 8 or 9 Gurus,

all but one of them live in the Area of Tiruvannamalai.

After seeing Mahatma Ganesan, I lost my desire to see all of the

other Gurus. In my lifetime, I have seen maybe 60 or 70 spiritual

teachers. Mahatma Ganesan was the first Teacher that could read my

mind like he was reading a book. In great precise detail.


Mahatma Ganesan is the Grand Nephew of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

He was present when Sri Bhagavan's body passed away.

He worked at Sri Ramana Ashram for a few decades and is now retired.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is the one who asked Mahatma Ganesan to give

satsang. Mahatma Ganesan said I cannot do that public speaking.

Next time Mahatma Ganesan saw Sri Nisargadatta, Maharaj again told

him to give Satsang. Once again Mahatma Ganesan said I cannot speak.

Sri Nisargadatta grabbed Mahatma Ganesan by the shoulders and shook

him and told him you will not be speaking, "THAT" will be speaking.


Mahatma Ganesan spent time with around 50 or 60 devotees of Sri

Bhagavan. The transmission Sri Arunachala has given through them to

Mahatma Ganesan, he freely gives in Satsang.


Mahatma Ganesan does not have a donation box and asks that no gifts

be brought. There are chairs for those who like chairs (me) and

pillows for those who like to sit on the floor.


Unfortunately, Mahatma Ganesan has been in Silence since last March.

I think it was March 28 when he went into Silence.

He has had a note on his gate that says (from my memory:)

Dear friends and devotees, I am in Silence, I will not meet with



>From around December 15- 2002 to January 1 2003 he had silent

satsang. Then he said he was going into deeper retreat.


So, for the last 10 months, there has been only two weeks of satsang,

and a silent satsang at that.

Through email and phone calls to people in Tiruvannamalai, I am

awaiting word that satsang has begun again. Then I will probably

return to Tiruvannamalai.


I would recommend you go to his place everyday and see if Satsang has

started again. If there is a note on the gate saying he is in

Silence then there is no satsang.

Satsang used to be 5 or 6 days per week at 9:00 AM.


However, during that two week silent satsang,

he changed it to only three days per week.

I will try to remember to make a posting at the Sri Arunachala group

if he starts having satsang again.


The Rickshaw drivers in front of Sri Ramanasramam know how to get to

Mahatma Ganesans house. Just tell them you want to go to Ganesan's

house, Ananda Ramana near the Annaman Nursery.


You probably should not call him Mahatma Ganesan. Just Ganesan will

do. I am the only one who calls him Mahatma Ganesan and maybe a

couple of people who have picked it up from me.


Regarding other things to see in Tiruvannamalai:


Sadhu Om's Samadhi, Annamalai Swami's ashram, Virupaksha cave,

Skandashram. You could try climbing to the top of Sri Arunachala,

beautiful view from up there, best to have a guide. But if you have

difficulty walking, it might not be possible to climb Sri

Arunachala. Sri Arunachala is a mountain, it is not a hill.


You could walk to Skandashram from Ramana Ashram. It is a long walk,

however it is not too steep and you can take lots of breaks along the



Although Virupaksha cave is very close to Skandashram the decent from

Skandashram to Virupaksha cave is extreme.


There is another way to get to Virupaksha cave from the temple down



Of course the old hall at Sri Ramanashramam is a must see.


Use the shoe stall at Sri Ramanasramam.

I thought I could get away with leaving my sandals outside for a few

minutes while I went into the book depot and they were gone when I

went back outside.


Most people take a taxi from Madras to Tiruvannamalai.

That is what I always used to do in the past.

However, now, since I have been in a serious accident going from

Pondicherry to Tiruvannamalai, I would never recommend anyone take a

taxi. I recommend a train from Chennai to Katpadi junction and then

another train from Katpadi junction to Tiruvannamalai.


The taxi driver fell alseep while drivng me and he died in the

accident. I had seen another taxi driver almost falling asleep on a

previous occassion. Every few minutes on roads in India there is

near miss. It is a sort of choatic event to be on a road in India.

So now I have to recommend a train.


One more suggestion for traveling to India:

spend time only with devotees of Sri Ramana.

Or as a second choice with people really dedicated to spirituality.

Spend as little time in the company of people who are engaged in

worldly pursuits as possible.

Some people gave me this advice and I ignored it, and a lot of

problems resulted.


Most of the people who live in that huge noisy town called

Tiruvannamalai are interested in money and not in meditation.


A nice place to get away from the noise is on the path that leads from

Sri Ramanasramam to Skandashramam. You do not have to walk all the

way to Skandasramam for peace and quiet. Even a ten or 15 minute

walk will bring you to a nice big rock you can sit down on and enjoy

the peace and quiet and atmosphere of Sri Arunachala.


Most people eat in resturaunts there in Tiruvannamalai and you can

ask some visiting foreigners which ones are best.


I don't eat in restaraunts.

I always cook my own food in India using a small portable electric

hot plate (stove). That way I don't get sick from the food.


As far as bottled water, I like Aquafina brand best.


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Take care,


with Love,





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Dear Jacqueline,

Maharshi used to say pradakshina should be done slowy. “Walking like a

pregnant Maharani in her 9th month”

Maharshi and devotees sometimes took as much as 3 days to round Arunachala. They

would have rests in between , have food s.o.

The real pradakshina is in yourself so the spirit counts not the conveyance.

Just take everything easy.

My love


Am 2/6/03 0:24 schrieb "Infinite Freedom <uarelove >" unter

<uarelove >:

Dear Sri Jacqueline:

If you are unable to make the walk around Sri Arunachala,

you can do an auto rickshaw Pradakshina.

It is best to agree on a price in advance.

150 Rupees would be a bargain.

200 would be more fair to the auto rickshaw driver.

So far, I have never done the Girivalum Pradakshina on foot.

I have only done it by auto rickshaw.

Here is a story I heard Mahatma Ganesan tell in satsang:

There was a foreign woman who wanted to do the Pradakshina

around Sri Arunachala. However, she had very tender feet and felt it

would be impossible for her to do it barefooted. The tradition

called for a barefoot pradakshina and everyone she asked told her she

had to do it barefooted. She approached Sri Bhagavan to explain all

this to him and she was in tears.

Sri Bhagavan told her that this body is like a shoe over the Self.

Since there is already one shoe over the Self, what can be the harm

in putting another shoe over the shoe that is already there?

Therefore Sri Bhagavan gave the woman the OK for doing the

Pradakshina with shoes on.

If the tradition can be modified as far as shoes,

then my thought is if someone cannot make the journey on foot,

why not by auto rickshaw or taxi?

I read a passage from one of the recent books about

Sri Arunachala quoting ancient scriptures that state that people who

are born in Tiruvannamalai should go around Sri Arunachala barefoot,

walking without a conveyance (i.e. cart etc.). and that others who

are not from Tiruvannamalai should do the Pradakshina according to

their capacity.

Some day maybe I will look that up and post it.

Re: climbing:

Trying to climb any higher than Skandasramam probably would not be a

good idea, because the ascent from that point on is very steep.

Take care,

with Love,


> I trust that my legs will be strong enough to do the Pradakshina. I

> have been diagnosed MS (multiple sclerosis 9 years ago). My doctor

> does not recommend that I do such a long distance but I believe in

> miracle... I will follow my inner guidance.



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Dear Uarelove


I appreciate very much ALL the information you sent to this forum. It

will help me so much. I was reading and reading and I could not

believe that I had so much information!! I will certainly check for

the satsangs of Ganesan and Lakshmana Swamy. I woud love to have the

opportunity to receive the satsang of one of them. But just to know

that I will be close by is already a great blessing. But to be in

their presence would be wonderful. My plan is to return again next



I trust that my legs will be strong enough to do the Pradakshina. I

have been diagnosed MS (multiple sclerosis 9 years ago). My doctor

does not recommend that I do such a long distance but I believe in

miracle... I will follow my inner guidance.


A few days ago, I was directed to the Sri Arunachala forum by one of

th emember and I found the big file on Arunachala (the one attached

to your email). I quickly printed it. I was so grateful. Since that

day, I have no doubt/fear of any kind of going by myself to

Tiruvannamalai and Ramashramam.


Alan - Thank you for the information on the ashram's taxi. I have

already made the reservation. Nice to hear that we have such a great

soul as sponsor for the UK RM foundation. Talk to you on Saturday


In Bhagavan's grace






RamanaMaharshi, "Infinite Freedom

<uarelove>" <uarelove> wrote:

> > I will be in Tiruvannamalai from February 22nd to March 15th.

> >

> > I intend to visit Ramanasharama (I have a room confirmed for 1

> week),

> > Arunachala, the caves, the pradakshina, the holy temple.

> > Unfortunately, I might not be able to perform the whole


> > as I have a difficulty walking (but I do not give up yet...).


> Dear Sri Jaqueline:


> There was a woman who could barely walk because of extreme obesity.

> Sri Bhagavan recommended that she go around the mountain anyway.

> So a cart followed her just in case. But she didn't need it.

> She made it all the way around. I heard Mahatma Ganesan tell this

> story. (That is V. Ganesan). I don't know if the story is in the

> book moments remembered or not.


> >I intend to visit also a few ashrams around (Yogi Ramsuratkumar

> ashram,

> > Seshadri ashram). I was sorry to hear that Lakshmana Swami does


> > give public darshan during the MahaSivaratri.


> Sri Lakshmana Swamy from time to time threatens to stop giving any

> Darshan at all, however, because Mathru Sri Sarada asks him to give

> it, he has been giving it.


> In the unlikely event that he does give a Darshan during the time


> are there, be sure to arrive early enough so you can sit in the


> row. He speaks so softly these days that even in the third or


> row you can not hear him.


> He goes out in the morning in a silver van or suv.

> I am not sure of the time, but I was meditating at his gate when he

> returned one morning. Maybe leaving around 7:30-8:30 AM and

> returning around 10:00-11:00 AM would be my guess.

> I know someone who worked at Yogi Ram Surat Kumar Ashram for 13

> years, and I will try to remember to ask him about the times

> regarding the silver van leaving, the next time I phone him in

> Tiruvannamalai.


> > Maharshi & Arunachala & Lord Shiva!! WOW! I have always been a

> > devotee of Lord Siva (I used to sing bahjans to Arunachala


> > knowing that it was HIS mountain).


> The teaching according to both Sri Bhagavan and the scriptural


> is that the mountain is Lord Siva, not a place where Lord Siva



> > I know that some of you are very knowledgeable about all what

> > concerns Bhagavan & Arunachala. My purpose for my trip is to do a

> > retreat (not a tourist trip).

> > My question today: As a devotee/student of Ramana Maharshi, is

> there

> > any thing (event, person, place) I should not miss while in

> > Tiruvannamalai and around?


> If Mahatma Ganesan happens to start having satsang again during the

> time you are there, my suggestion is do not miss any of his



> A couple of years ago, I went to India to see around 8 or 9 Gurus,

> all but one of them live in the Area of Tiruvannamalai.

> After seeing Mahatma Ganesan, I lost my desire to see all of the

> other Gurus. In my lifetime, I have seen maybe 60 or 70 spiritual

> teachers. Mahatma Ganesan was the first Teacher that could read my

> mind like he was reading a book. In great precise detail.


> Mahatma Ganesan is the Grand Nephew of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

> He was present when Sri Bhagavan's body passed away.

> He worked at Sri Ramana Ashram for a few decades and is now retired.

> Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is the one who asked Mahatma Ganesan to


> satsang. Mahatma Ganesan said I cannot do that public speaking.

> Next time Mahatma Ganesan saw Sri Nisargadatta, Maharaj again told

> him to give Satsang. Once again Mahatma Ganesan said I cannot


> Sri Nisargadatta grabbed Mahatma Ganesan by the shoulders and shook

> him and told him you will not be speaking, "THAT" will be speaking.


> Mahatma Ganesan spent time with around 50 or 60 devotees of Sri

> Bhagavan. The transmission Sri Arunachala has given through them


> Mahatma Ganesan, he freely gives in Satsang.


> Mahatma Ganesan does not have a donation box and asks that no gifts

> be brought. There are chairs for those who like chairs (me) and

> pillows for those who like to sit on the floor.


> Unfortunately, Mahatma Ganesan has been in Silence since last March.

> I think it was March 28 when he went into Silence.

> He has had a note on his gate that says (from my memory:)

> Dear friends and devotees, I am in Silence, I will not meet with

> anyone.


> From around December 15- 2002 to January 1 2003 he had silent

> satsang. Then he said he was going into deeper retreat.


> So, for the last 10 months, there has been only two weeks of


> and a silent satsang at that.

> Through email and phone calls to people in Tiruvannamalai, I am

> awaiting word that satsang has begun again. Then I will probably

> return to Tiruvannamalai.


> I would recommend you go to his place everyday and see if Satsang


> started again. If there is a note on the gate saying he is in

> Silence then there is no satsang.

> Satsang used to be 5 or 6 days per week at 9:00 AM.


> However, during that two week silent satsang,

> he changed it to only three days per week.

> I will try to remember to make a posting at the Sri Arunachala


> if he starts having satsang again.


> The Rickshaw drivers in front of Sri Ramanasramam know how to get


> Mahatma Ganesans house. Just tell them you want to go to Ganesan's

> house, Ananda Ramana near the Annaman Nursery.


> You probably should not call him Mahatma Ganesan. Just Ganesan


> do. I am the only one who calls him Mahatma Ganesan and maybe a

> couple of people who have picked it up from me.


> Regarding other things to see in Tiruvannamalai:


> Sadhu Om's Samadhi, Annamalai Swami's ashram, Virupaksha cave,

> Skandashram. You could try climbing to the top of Sri Arunachala,

> beautiful view from up there, best to have a guide. But if you have

> difficulty walking, it might not be possible to climb Sri

> Arunachala. Sri Arunachala is a mountain, it is not a hill.


> You could walk to Skandashram from Ramana Ashram. It is a long


> however it is not too steep and you can take lots of breaks along


> way.


> Although Virupaksha cave is very close to Skandashram the decent


> Skandashram to Virupaksha cave is extreme.


> There is another way to get to Virupaksha cave from the temple down

> below.


> Of course the old hall at Sri Ramanashramam is a must see.


> Use the shoe stall at Sri Ramanasramam.

> I thought I could get away with leaving my sandals outside for a


> minutes while I went into the book depot and they were gone when I

> went back outside.


> Most people take a taxi from Madras to Tiruvannamalai.

> That is what I always used to do in the past.

> However, now, since I have been in a serious accident going from

> Pondicherry to Tiruvannamalai, I would never recommend anyone take


> taxi. I recommend a train from Chennai to Katpadi junction and


> another train from Katpadi junction to Tiruvannamalai.


> The taxi driver fell alseep while drivng me and he died in the

> accident. I had seen another taxi driver almost falling asleep on


> previous occassion. Every few minutes on roads in India there is

> near miss. It is a sort of choatic event to be on a road in India.

> So now I have to recommend a train.


> One more suggestion for traveling to India:

> spend time only with devotees of Sri Ramana.

> Or as a second choice with people really dedicated to spirituality.

> Spend as little time in the company of people who are engaged in

> worldly pursuits as possible.

> Some people gave me this advice and I ignored it, and a lot of

> problems resulted.


> Most of the people who live in that huge noisy town called

> Tiruvannamalai are interested in money and not in meditation.


> A nice place to get away from the noise is on the path that leads


> Sri Ramanasramam to Skandashramam. You do not have to walk all the

> way to Skandasramam for peace and quiet. Even a ten or 15 minute

> walk will bring you to a nice big rock you can sit down on and


> the peace and quiet and atmosphere of Sri Arunachala.


> Most people eat in resturaunts there in Tiruvannamalai and you can

> ask some visiting foreigners which ones are best.


> I don't eat in restaraunts.

> I always cook my own food in India using a small portable electric

> hot plate (stove). That way I don't get sick from the food.


> As far as bottled water, I like Aquafina brand best.


> For information on Local Gurus click this link:


> http://uarelove1.tripod.com/TRAVELTIRU.htm


> Take care,


> with Love,


> -uarelove

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Dear Sri Jacqueline:


If you are unable to make the walk around Sri Arunachala,

you can do an auto rickshaw Pradakshina.


It is best to agree on a price in advance.

150 Rupees would be a bargain.

200 would be more fair to the auto rickshaw driver.


So far, I have never done the Girivalum Pradakshina on foot.

I have only done it by auto rickshaw.


Here is a story I heard Mahatma Ganesan tell in satsang:


There was a foreign woman who wanted to do the Pradakshina

around Sri Arunachala. However, she had very tender feet and felt it

would be impossible for her to do it barefooted. The tradition

called for a barefoot pradakshina and everyone she asked told her she

had to do it barefooted. She approached Sri Bhagavan to explain all

this to him and she was in tears.


Sri Bhagavan told her that this body is like a shoe over the Self.

Since there is already one shoe over the Self, what can be the harm

in putting another shoe over the shoe that is already there?


Therefore Sri Bhagavan gave the woman the OK for doing the

Pradakshina with shoes on.


If the tradition can be modified as far as shoes,

then my thought is if someone cannot make the journey on foot,

why not by auto rickshaw or taxi?


I read a passage from one of the recent books about

Sri Arunachala quoting ancient scriptures that state that people who

are born in Tiruvannamalai should go around Sri Arunachala barefoot,

walking without a conveyance (i.e. cart etc.). and that others who

are not from Tiruvannamalai should do the Pradakshina according to

their capacity.


Some day maybe I will look that up and post it.


Re: climbing:

Trying to climb any higher than Skandasramam probably would not be a

good idea, because the ascent from that point on is very steep.


Take care,


with Love,




> I trust that my legs will be strong enough to do the Pradakshina. I

> have been diagnosed MS (multiple sclerosis 9 years ago). My doctor

> does not recommend that I do such a long distance but I believe in

> miracle... I will follow my inner guidance.


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Dear one and all:


another tidbit about Giri Pradikshna or GiriValam (latter term is

more tamil);


was told by my brother's father-in-law (just before the 2001 trip in

May) that, during pradhikshna in the night time, one should be kind

to the animals and humans one comes across in the path; it seems

Siddhas (accomplished ones with supernatural powers or "Siddhis")

roam about in many different forms... ; I remember reading also a

reference about Maharshi mentioning this...


anyway, in the last trip when the legs started hurting and some rest

was needed (by sitting on the road side small brick stuctures (may be

culverts), we met a very elderly man with, I think, just a dhothi

(this is a white clothing men wear around their waist in south india)

worn around the shoulders asking for some change. Due to pain in the

feet, didn't remember the earlier caution but nevertheless did give

him some change;


but I think either my niece's husband or I mentioning : "please take

care, it is so dark and so many lorries/vehicles are coming very

fast" and pat came the answer: "ah, what will they do to me?" and

then the person was gone;


didn't occur anything at that time but after the trip I used to

contemplate many days on such a simple sounding reply and the

profound meaning of it...


life has its strange ways.....




RamanaMaharshi, "Infinite Freedom

<uarelove>" <uarelove> wrote:

> Dear Sri Jacqueline:


> If you are unable to make the walk around Sri Arunachala,

> you can do an auto rickshaw Pradakshina.


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To know that pradakshina is to be done slowly is a great

encouragement. I will see how things go for me around Arunachala!


OM Shanti!




RamanaMaharshi, ccameron@t... wrote:

> Dear Jacqueline,


> Maharshi used to say pradakshina should be done slowy. ³Walking

like a

> pregnant Maharani in her 9th month²

> Maharshi and devotees sometimes took as much as 3 days to round


> They would have rests in between , have food s.o.


> The real pradakshina is in yourself so the spirit counts not the


> Just take everything easy.


> My love


> Christina


Am 2/6/03 0:24 schrieb "Infinite Freedom <uarelove>" unter

> <uarelove>:


> > Dear Sri Jacqueline:

> >

> > If you are unable to make the walk around Sri Arunachala,

> > you can do an auto rickshaw Pradakshina.

> >

> > It is best to agree on a price in advance.

> > 150 Rupees would be a bargain.

> > 200 would be more fair to the auto rickshaw driver.

> >

> > So far, I have never done the Girivalum Pradakshina on foot.

> > I have only done it by auto rickshaw.

> >

> > Here is a story I heard Mahatma Ganesan tell in satsang:

> >

> > There was a foreign woman who wanted to do the Pradakshina

> > around Sri Arunachala. However, she had very tender feet and

felt it

> > would be impossible for her to do it barefooted. The tradition

> > called for a barefoot pradakshina and everyone she asked told her


> > had to do it barefooted. She approached Sri Bhagavan to explain


> > this to him and she was in tears.

> >

> > Sri Bhagavan told her that this body is like a shoe over the Self.

> > Since there is already one shoe over the Self, what can be the


> > in putting another shoe over the shoe that is already there?

> >

> > Therefore Sri Bhagavan gave the woman the OK for doing the

> > Pradakshina with shoes on.

> >

> > If the tradition can be modified as far as shoes,

> > then my thought is if someone cannot make the journey on foot,

> > why not by auto rickshaw or taxi?

> >

> > I read a passage from one of the recent books about

> > Sri Arunachala quoting ancient scriptures that state that people


> > are born in Tiruvannamalai should go around Sri Arunachala


> > walking without a conveyance (i.e. cart etc.). and that others


> > are not from Tiruvannamalai should do the Pradakshina according to

> > their capacity.

> >

> > Some day maybe I will look that up and post it.

> >

> > Re: climbing:

> > Trying to climb any higher than Skandasramam probably would not

be a

> > good idea, because the ascent from that point on is very steep.

> >

> > Take care,

> >

> > with Love,

> >

> > uarelove

> >

> >> > I trust that my legs will be strong enough to do the

Pradakshina. I

> >> > have been diagnosed MS (multiple sclerosis 9 years ago). My


> >> > does not recommend that I do such a long distance but I

believe in

> >> > miracle... I will follow my inner guidance.

> >> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Post message: RamanaMaharshi

> > Subscribe: RamanaMaharshi-

> > Un: RamanaMaharshi-

> > List owner: RamanaMaharshi-owner

> >

> > Shortcut URL to this page:

> > /community/RamanaMaharshi

> >

> > Terms of


> > <> .

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