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apsara sadhana

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hi i have gone through your experience...... i wud like 2 tell u something .... wat sadhna u have done that is not wrong but wat is the fun when u can just feel apsara u cant see her or u cant talk to her . i have many sadhanas like humzaad, jinnat, loona chamari, in this sadhnas u can call any of the spell included the apsara's. in this kind of sadhana we have to give time to pur meditation here no need to take any kind of diksha or u dnt need to leave ur home we just have to give time to our swartha & time to parmartha. insed of this i have the right way where we can die as per our wish and we can come back as per our wish but for that we have to be proper naam dhari with thos five name we can go in to the sukhshma lok & we can cum back to our manakh jama. i m also one aatma who is in search of way to our parmatma who is alrdy in our body we jst have to open our inner eyes to see the noor & glory of our parmatma.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello Vishal,


Why are you begging dear? If you are not disciple of Pujyapad Swami Nikhileshwaranandji try to go through www.siddhashram.org website and your all queries will be resolved. I am not requesting you to be his disciple but atleast you can have some doubts cleared.


Also, remember that this group is for those people who are facing some doubts during sadhana or have some serious problems to be resolved. Nobody is here to teach you something. I am not telling this to you...but i have seen around 1000s of such posts where people either beg for the sadhana procedures or ask for some materials. If you are a true sadhak, dont ask!!!!!!! Ask to only Gurudev or contact Gurudham only.


If you are not a sadhak, what are you doing here? Just try to find out what makes you feel like to come across this forum and if you are really ready to have time, money and patient to successfully perform sadhana, take guidance from gurudev either in shivirs or personally visiting gurudham but for god's sake....dont ask here. Any sadhak has not that much rights to give you any suggestion because a true sadhak will never give you suggestion in your sadhanas. We can't. Yes, if you face any difficulties in how to chant the mantra, karmala, manimala concepts then anybody can give you guidance. But if someone suggest you that you do this and that... I think he is not a real sadhak. It's a common understanding between gurudev and sishya.


I hope you understand my point.










dear gurubhai,


i request you to teach this sadhna to me.


i will be gratefull to you.


if you are agree pls let me know on

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  • 1 year later...

Hallow sir

This is a very old blog

I do not know if you arwe going to reply me.


If you nare going to reply me please contact me via my email id


I am interested in apsara and yakshini sadhana


can you help me


hello brothers & sisters..


I took guru diksha on 6th aug 1998.Since then i have been interested

in accomplishing apsara sadhanas in particular and all the soundarya

sadhanas in general.And i have accomplished two apsara sadhanas,

their names i wouldn't like to disclose.

The most interesting thing is that whenever i think of doing apsara

sadhana, i completely loose to the thoughts of that particular

apsara, thinking that she is always with me and wacthing me. So

whatever i do i remember her. Due to so much indulgence in her

thoughts it is impossiple for that divine beauty to ignore my silent

calls and my silent love.

so....even before i start with the ritual,i usually get alot of

presadhana experiences like, whenever i am alone and remembering her

a strange and unmentioned perfume would fill the place and sometimes

she would come in dreams, but the most remarkable thing is that she

walks past me though invisible,'cos i can hear the tinkles of her



i have a six year experience in apsara sadhanas, and i can shatter

all myths that i somtimes come across when going through this group

regarding sadhanas of apsaras, yakshinis and kinnaris.


it is my suggestion that every man and woman should accomplish apsara

sadhanas and yakshini sadhanas before starting with any other sadhana.

you all should remember that this special sadhana is very important,

even important than brahm sadhana. after all how can a person

appreciate the beauty of god at a initial stage without witnessing

and apreciating the beauty in its ultimate form that is found only in

an apsara.


so brother without a second thought accopmlish this sadhana at all

cost.interested folks can mail me personally also i would like to

know their experiences , who are accomplished in these sadhanas.



jai sadgurudev

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

hii i am a newbie here and in the sadhna field ,, please please please can u give 2 apsara sadhna procedure 2 me...it will be a great help towards me....plz dont discourage me by saying no, i have great expectations from u....its a humble request so please cater to my request:):pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

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  • 1 month later...

Would you be able to tell me how to do it. What you need, So far from the internet. I have found out start at 10pm friday. And go for 21 Days. You are 100% write. I happen to came around it few days ago. And thought of doing it. Have to clean my room. I happen to experience the beautiful smells often. And while I am sitting in my car, parked somewhere. I happen to feel somebody passing over around the car. But I don't see anybody. I am trying to start on this coming friday. I am shy to talk to people about apsara SADHNA. Though I don't know where I can get an apsara yantra and rosary or garland.


If devi has thoughts of crossing my path. Then definitely I will get the yantra and rosary. I am quite eager, to have the company of a lady, as friends. or what god has written. If you can help me in this journey. Please do.


Thanks for reading


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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest om prakash dashora

sir as i know that you have performed apsra sadhana several times &get mastery on it let me train evry pros &cons of this sadhana thanks

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