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Goddess Worship in Wife - Explanation to Sankara menon and Kochu

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I am sorry for the poor language of mine and also some indecent words used. I

read both of your messages, and want to clarify my



Your letter was received with much appreciation and i feel you know about this

theme much more than us

and really guide us in right direction.


In my case i think that your assessment is not correct. From childhood i am a

deep believer in God or the

supreme power of the nature. I remember even now that

when i was in School, at the age of 8-9 years,

before i go to the School , i used to make a temple

of mine in around our courtyard, and keep some stone

there and consider it as God and before i go to school

i will privately visit there and pray and ask for what ever i wish,

means good marks, and success in sports

event in the school.....like that. I used to visit Christian churhes and hindu


regardless of what is the diety there.


When i grew up i was much interested in Philosophy

and connected books. I used to attend religious

classes and read lot of books.


When i was 24 years i married a girl of 17 year. That is my wife. She

is Soooooooooo Cute to see, and so

royal appearance, and so religious and dedicate

mostly 5-6 hours for prayers and such things. In this

life i have never seen her doing anything bad to anybody. She always

thinks good, always does good,

and always so neat and clean and well dressed. She

even sacrificed her family when there was some disputes

and came along with me without caring that she is hailing from such a

Rich family and where she was living as a princess. She sold all her

ornaments without and hesitation when i faced some financial problems

in my early period of life, even she have lived in a rental small

room when i had to search for a new job away from the country.


She cooks in such a way better than my Grandmother,

who's food was my most favourite in this world. my wife

cooks more tastier than my grandma. She always advise me and help me

to think in a positive way when i am facing some problems. I was so

hot tempered person when i married her, and she changed all my


I was eating meat and any junk food i used to get, but

after the marriage, i dont know i automatically made a pure

vegetarian like her and i hate any non-veg food now.


I love her that much .....that much ......and always

think what i can give her........how can i serve her,

how can i make her happy .


As you know in hindu Religions it says a man has got

4 stages . Ballyam (childhood), Koumaram ( teen age)

Grahastam (married life )and Sanyasam ( retired stage)


Childhood was good.loving my parents and making them

happy. In my teenage also i fulfilled my responsibility by Studying

well and getting good education, Before the marriage, i built a big


for my parents, i married my sisters, and i bought

everything at home for my family. Then only I married.


After the marriage, i was most sincere and romantic

husband for my wife, And we have enjoyed very good sexual

relationship, and fulfilled all our desires for sex and i have grown

up my children

with good education, good culture, religious, god fearing and they

got what ever a child can get like

toys, good food, outing, vacations, good dresses, etc.

Each and every day is so happy in our family. Children love parents

and we love our children. No arguements, no tensions, no disputes



Now i am 47 year old. I have saved much money and

much properties and investments so far. Now i am slowly planning for

a retirement life not immediately but by the age of 52 onwards.


I used to think: why i have to go to a temple for worshpping or

preaching. In the temple there will be a stone/gold/silver diety. Or

in a Church there will be diety of Jesus or Mother Mary, or any

saints. There are many Ashrams in india where there are Saint women

dead or live. There was Sharadah devi who founded

Sharda mat , and there are many others. Now in india

there is a big ashram run by a lady called Mata Amritanathamayi and

many VIPS, politicians, judges,

professionals, foreigners visiting this ashram and

touch the feet of Mata and get her blessings. She is only 45 year old

lady from a lower caste of hindu

religion. There are living saints like Sankarachariayr,

Sai Baba etc..who are alive. People hang their photos in the house ,

light lamps, and pray to them.


So, i was thinking, why i have to go out to pray such non-living

dieties or living saints, if i have Goddess in my house already. I

know that she is so much pure

in body, mind and soul. She was my back bone for all

the happiness and hardship in my life so far since the

past 20 years. She is the person who provide me my most favorite food

for the past 20 years. She is the person who knows my mind, my

thinking, my wishes, my sorrows since the past 20 years. WHICH ELSE




So, i thought of considering her as my Goddess and

start worshipping her with this imagination and totally forget that

she is my Wife, instead consider her as DEVI MA and preach her for

rest of the life.


In Hindu religion you can consider the God or goddesses in various

forms. You can consider or worship Krishan as a infant child in the

baniyan tree leaf, or Bala Gopala a slightly grown up form who look

after cow, or a teen aged Krishna, or a lover krishana as if to

Radha and Rukmini. Goddess also you can consider in a very peaceful

form with white sari - Saraswathi, or More powerful Durga or in a


fierce or terror form of Badrakali etc.....


Similarly i want to give a Form to my Goddess wife.


Since i married her in very tender age of 17 and i was much matured

in the age of 24 by my extensive reading,and knowledge in religious

philosophy, etcc

I took care of her as a child, she is like a playmate to me, she is

AS IF she is one among my 3 children. Even my Children considered her

as she is of their age. They play with her, they dont consider her as

their mother, instead their playmate.


In this form it is very difficult for me to Worship her as Goddess. I

want her to have a more matured

form. EVen though in age she is 7 and half years less

than me, i want her to behave now as Elder than me.

That is why i am telling her to behave to me like a

Goddess and order the things to me to do and consider me as her

SERVANT or SLAVE. Then only the imagination like Goddess and servant

can be developed in my mind.

Otherwise i will feel that i am worshipping one of my

children. ( as you mentioned it is not the BDSM or nasty sex related

mental sickness i am willing to do)


Secondly, I love each and every hair in her body, each and every

organ of her body, each and every atom in her body. Like the song

about Krishana " akilam maduram, murali maduram, karanam maduram,

chalanam maduram madurathipade akilum maduram ) Krishans walking is

lovable, his flute is honey, his face is honey, his talk is

honey..... similar way, about my

wife her everything is honey to me. I love her lips,

i love her eyes, i love her walking, i love her talking, i love her

everything........there is no

part in her body which i dont love, there is no action from her which

i dont love. Whole body of her got a rare fragrance...and never even

in hot summer you can not smell a sweat in my wife's body. I like to

kiss her on lips, head, cheeks, breast, feet everywhere..everywhere.

Sometime i used to think how can i Eat her as a whole so, she will be

merged with my body. Or if she eat me i can live inside her body.

Both of these are not possible. So, at least i want to get the

pleasure of all the things in her body as a prasad from my Goddess. I want the

whole of her inside me or

whole of me inside her........a real merging of both of our body and

Atma the soul ( This is not the dirty

word FETISH as seen in some western website )


I know that it is a very difficult task to fulfil my

wishes. But gradually with many years of pracitice

i will be able to experience the Univeral Mother Shakti from my

Goddess and together we will leave our souls , merge our souls.


According to your scientific knowledge or according to your Tantric

knowledge if you can inform us some

methods of worship, we would me much pleased.


with love

Jai Ma ( my wife)


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dear sudhir, it appears to me that you are inclined towards 'vira

sadhana' - this is recomended only for persons of heroic disposition -

please consult a tantrik guru in your area and you need to get

initiated into it! this is a very highly evolved sadhana and

involves lot of purificatory rites and strict discipline and should

not be practiced without the guidance of a guru!!! believe me , it is

not about mundane 'sex' either!!! it is about worshipping

the 'inner' sakti in your partner (a wedded wife) and is very

sublime and if practiced according to prescribed injunctions can

really lead to ecstatic spiritual experiences! (at least i am told)

shri ramakrishna did not recommend it for everyone!


hope this helps!!! yes, a grihalakshmi is to be worshipped for she is

the mother of your children .... and as a breadwinner and supporter

of the family, you deserve all the respect too.... a marriage is a

partnership where both partners must respect each other's space as




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Please accept a statement from somebody who has been

in the path for 32 years. you are treading a dangerous

path not sanctioned by our shastras (that I know of).

The only other case that I know is of Sri

Ramakrishna.(Though it was not exactly as you say). I

really think you must see a competent person and

understand the reason for your behaviour.

I would normally have not replied to your mail. But my

concern for your wellbeing forces me to.

This is NOT shakthi Sadhana and this is NOT sanctioned

by Shastras.

The dangers are very real!! You are naking your wife

sick. Sooner or later it will reach a stage when it

will destroy not only you but your wife as well.

Please stop this.




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dear kochu-shankara,


does not chapter chapter 13 of the Brihad Nila Tantra, deals

specifically with the worship (puja) of Mahakali. (vira sadhana) !


It covers meditation and the vira sadhana (heroic worship) of

Mahakali. It also outlines the principles of Svecchacharya

(the path of acting according to one's will) which is central

to the Kaula school of tantra.


so, kochu- you don't think sudhir should attempt this type of sadhana

even under the guidance of a tantrik adept? i understand fully wha

you are saying - such sadhana is not for everyone and shri

ramakrishna himself warned against it!!! bu, if sudhir is so keen to

worship his wife as a goddess (not shodasi puja) but can he not

undrtake vira sadhana under the guidance of a guru? just wondering?

please let me know what i think....



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Dear Adi Shakti:


Now I am cornered!! ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼.

Here is my two paisa.

You name a human action, it is sanctioned by Tantra.

But in tantra you should not jump too far or too soon.

U know what happens!!

Tantra sadhana has to have strong and correct footing

with appropriate guides ALL THE TIME till you reach a

stage where your Guru says, your wings are strong soar

wherever u want and do whatever you want. If you do

not progress step by step, you will fall and hurt

yourself irrevocably.

When I was initiated into Dasa Mahaa vidyas, I was

told I can do anything and everything EXCEPT

Brahmaanda Nyasa. Then one day my Guru said all right

you can do Brahmaanda Nyasa ¡V in front of her. I

started the puja and reached Brahmaanda Nyasa, as I

started; the guru tapped me on the shoulder and broke

my concentration. I looked back and she said ¡§go on¡¨

ad as I continued she repeated it about 4 times to

break my concentration and I finished the puja. I did

not know why she did it. I asked and she just smiled.

Next day she again asked me to do the puja. This time

there was no tapping on the shoulder. When I started

doing Brahmanda Nyasa I started having a vision of me

as the Vishwarupa (as described in Gita, the only

difference is Arjuna saw it outside his body, whereas

I was experiencing it within me) I continued with fear

and at the same time an indescribable bliss. I

finished the puja and then Guru told me ¡§have you

experienced ¡§Brahmanda¡¨ within u? I said yes!! She

said, had you experienced it the first time you would

have been in a state from where you could never come

down, then you would have been termed ¡§mad¡¨!! When

you do it after a first safe trial, you can come back

from the state. That¡¦s why I broke your concentration


It is only after years of formal sadhana and attaining

a certain stage that you get into Vira sadhana that

too with a competent guru.

In the case of sudhir formal sadhana other than

reciting stotras or mantras from books seems absent.

They are young. Their minds are not mature (that I

could read from the letters); they may fall into the

BDSM trap. Then a stage will come when the wife will

feel she is goddess (without proper realization) and

she may step into wrong paths if there is no guru to

guide. It may result in disowning of husband when he

will be utterly ruined. She may go in for multiple

partners which will ruin her. If they are to take such

a path the appropriate Guru will come at the

appropriate stage.

Washing underclothes of wife is not worship. I see a

psychological problem writ large in the letters more

than sadhana.(I have just taken one red flag I saw)

Let them start proper sadhana under a proper guru and

then slowly progress to shakthi sadhana.


Brihad Nila tantra does not talk about just behaving

like a slave to wife as sadhana. It is only for

certain rituals you treat your wife as Maa. Being a

slave is not Sadhana at all. In the short run some

siddhis will be manifested and THAT would be the

beginning of the end. And then there is no redemption.

It is not only in Brihad Nila Tantra that Suvasini

Puja is mentioned; it is mentioned in various other

places. I am sure you are aware of the qualifications

of a Suvasini. How many do we find? Only when Maa

desires does suvasini appear.

Just sitting and massaging feet or praying at the feet

is not suvasini puja. There is a lot more to it.


Sorry if I rambled.


This is my humble opinion.





--- adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:

dear kochu-shankara,


Does not chapter chapter 13 of the Brihad Nila

Tantra, deals specifically with the worship (puja) of

Mahakali. (vira sadhana) !


It covers meditation and the vira sadhana (heroic

worship) of Mahakali. It also outlines the principles

of Svecchacharya (the path of acting according to

one's will) which is central to the Kaula school of



so, kochu- you don't think sudhir should attempt this

type of sadhana even under the guidance of a tantrik

adept? i understand fully what you are saying - such

sadhana is not for everyone and shri ramakrishna

himself warned against it!!! but, if sudhir is so keen

to worship his wife as a goddess (not shodasi puja)

but can he not undrtake vira sadhana under the

guidance of a guru? just wondering? please let me

know what i think....










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sankara menon <kochu1tz > wrote: Dear Adi Shakti:Now I am

cornered!! ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼ƒ¼.Here is my two paisa.You name a

human action, it is sanctioned by Tantra.But in tantra you should not

jump too far or too soon.U know what happens!!Tantra sadhana has to

have strong and correct footingwith appropriate guides ALL THE TIME

till you reach astage where your Guru says, your wings are strong

soarwherever u want and do whatever you want. If you donot progress

step by step, you will fall and hurtyourself irrevocably.When I was

initiated into Dasa Mahaa vidyas, I wastold I can do anything and

everything EXCEPTBrahmaanda Nyasa. Then one day my Guru said all

rightyou can do Brahmaanda Nyasa ¡V in front of her. Istarted the

puja and reached Brahmaanda Nyasa, as Istarted; the guru tapped me on

the shoulder and brokemy concentration. I looked back and she said

¡§go on¡¨ad as I continued she repeated it about 4 times tobreak my

concentration and I finished the puja. I didnot know why she did it.

I asked and she just smiled.Next day she again asked me to do the

puja. This timethere was no tapping on the shoulder. When I

starteddoing Brahmanda Nyasa I started having a vision of meas the

Vishwarupa (as described in Gita, the onlydifference is Arjuna saw it

outside his body, whereasI was experiencing it within me) I continued

with fearand at the same time an indescribable bliss. Ifinished the

puja and then Guru told me ¡§have youexperienced ¡§Brahmanda¡¨ within

u? I said yes!! Shesaid, had you experienced it the first time you

wouldhave been in a state from where you could never comedown, then

you would have been termed ¡§mad¡¨!! Whenyou do it after a first safe

trial, you can come backfrom the state. That¡¦s why I broke your

concentrationyesterday.It is only after years of formal sadhana and

attaininga certain stage that you get into Vira sadhana thattoo with

a competent guru.In the case of sudhir formal sadhana other

thanreciting stotras or mantras from books seems absent.They are

young. Their minds are not mature (that Icould read from the

letters); they may fall into theBDSM trap. Then a stage will come

when the wife willfeel she is goddess (without proper realization)

andshe may step into wrong paths if there is no guru toguide. It may

result in disowning of husband when hewill be utterly ruined. She may

go in for multiplepartners which will ruin her. If they are to take

sucha path the appropriate Guru will come at theappropriate

stage.Washing underclothes of wife is not worship. I see

apsychological problem writ large in the letters morethan sadhana.(I

have just taken one red flag I saw)Let them start proper sadhana

under a proper guru andthen slowly progress to shakthi sadhana.Brihad

Nila tantra does not talk about just behavinglike a slave to wife as

sadhana. It is only forcertain rituals you treat your wife as Maa.

Being aslave is not Sadhana at all. In the short run somesiddhis will

be manifested and THAT would be thebeginning of the end. And then

there is no redemption.It is not only in Brihad Nila Tantra that

SuvasiniPuja is mentioned; it is mentioned in various otherplaces. I

am sure you are aware of the qualificationsof a Suvasini. How many do

we find? Only when Maadesires does suvasini appear.Just sitting and

massaging feet or praying at the feetis not suvasini puja. There is a

lot more to it.Sorry if I rambled.This is my humble opinion.Kochu---


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kochu, thanks for your response. yes, i did not read the very first

post posted by sudhir as it was deleted - so i am not aware of its

contents.... but, in the subsequent post that he wrote he appeared to

be sincere in pursuing this line of 'vira sadhana' ... everyone who

is familiar with tanra sadhana knows it is not a 'quick' fix... like

any sadhana, it involves practice or abhyasa and the expert guidance

of a tantrik guru... the guru normally knows whaether the sisya is

ready for a particular sadhans or not and accordingly he /she will

instruct him... but this member asked a genuine question whether

there is such a tantrik sadhana and i was just responding to that!!!

it is not upto me to suggest that what 'sadhana' is appropriate for

him or not- let his guru decide that!!!


btw, " massaging the feet" of a husband/wife is not such a 'bad'

thing... in fact, it is not even a strictly 'sexual' act... after a

hard days, work, i use a 'foot massager' .... for being a diabetic,

foot care is very important and improves the 'blood' circulation

helps in reducing the tension in the nerves!!


so, let our dear sudhir seek the help and guidance of a tantrik guru

who will direct him in the path.... meanwhile, he can continue to

share his thoughts with us!!


now, what are the real qualifications of a suhasini? i think in this

modern age, they are few and far between!!! lol!!! smiles!!!!



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, sankara menon <kochu1tz> wrote:

> I did not mean massaging feet of spouce is wrong.

> As I said in the very first reply "Athi Sarwatra varjayeth". Sudir

IMHO is in a very very athi state without the necessary foundation

and that is what frightens me. Let not people later say that this man

went into shakthi sadhana and had problems. It will give a bad name

to shakthi sadhana and critics will not ask did he have a guru, did

he have proper pre-sadhanas, pre sadhana training etc. They will just

blame the path.

> IMHO without necessary pre-sadhanas to condition mind and body and

a competent guru Please Please do not do what you are doing. I plead

to the Sudhirs.


> Kochu


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  • 8 years later...

hi ...

i came here to read something else but came here and read your valuable article regarding worshipping wife as the goddess.i never share the valuable information i have and dont know what relation u are having wth ur wife right now...since what u wrote was some 9 years ago.since i could not tolerate with what amount of stupidity people have replied you ...i couldnt hold myself back but to answer what u had written.i am a man of very few words and what u will be reading right now is acquired by me after dedicating my whole soul and time in sadhanas and chintan(contemplation).so here is ur answer as ur problem has bee solved.i dont give my golden and valuable suggestions but since i have a feeling that u need it i will go point by point in very very brief as a whole book can be written on what i am going to say now..so i will be extremely brief.

1. u are absolutely right in your endeavours or efforts regarding worshipping ur lovely wife as a form of goddess .

2. all the fools who have written foolish and stupid crap regarding that ur wife cant be worshipped are idiots who have no practical experience and are people afraid of sex which is divine and spiritual provided one mate goes to the other with the feelings like one enters a mandir(temple)...full of love and expression.

3.this has nothing to do wth any veer sadhana.

4. i want to discuss some meditation techniques i brief

u should try kameshwari sadhana .worship the goddess of love, beauty and energy...u can use an apsara sadhana or kamakhya(kaameshawari) sahdhana.an image of some other worldly beauty should be created in ur mind to be worshipped as kamakhya(kamakhya is the prime source and ultimate form of all apsara/yakshini / rati/ sundari sadhanas) but it doesnt mean that u have to go only for kamakhya sadhna..i recommend u first worship an apsara for u and ur wife.its better u sit together and perform a sadhana holding each others hand to make a connection in the auras.please be patient..it will take atleast 6 months continuous meditation and sadhana that u will start feeling energy.apsara energy will become a binding force and the beautiful lust u have for each other will act as the sole raw material to get transformed to a yogic level.u will thus become a sadhak and ur wife will cat as a yogini as u are trying to fuse wth her yogically and the apsara or goddess kamakhya will act as the aradhya (the one being worshipped who will act as a binding force)..if sadhana gets successful (i recommend u remain celibate for the time being because ur sexual energy needs to be transformed into spiritual energy.its not a sin to have sex in sadhana days wth the kind of wife u have but if u will lose energy then u will have nothing , no energy to transform to a higher level) its only when u will see ur wife ..have a vision of her as the apsara u will worship...in a dream ...at a point when u will feel sexual desire for her or would want to..as u said eat her up!!) that u will have darshan of ur wife in the dream and just at that moment ur dream will break and u will feel ur body cool wth the amount of energy after the vision or it might be just that u will see ur wife as the most beautiful woman in the universe in the dream and when u will get up..u will feel overwhelmed and ecstatic.the vision u will have of ur wife has nothing to do wth if ur wife knows or not that u had a vision of her.its on this feeling that u will have to concentrate and then u can reach a level of what i just called a vision.u can one by one perform ur sadhnas alone or sit together.this is called the yogini dhyanam...meditating upon ur wife as if she were a yogini , as if she were an apsara...i wouldnt recommend u to go for goddess mahadevi kamakhya worship at the primary stage...but i recommend u an apsara sadhna.yoginis who have love, lust , beauty, energy, youth as their powers and attributes are called apsaras...urvashi, menaka and rambha may not be real apsaras..i doubt that due to some reasons...so i tell u to worship an apsara called kameshavari..since an apsara is a certain kind of yogini...i will now call her kameshwari yogini.she has the most beautiful form, appearance, radiance and is seductive in appearance and wears a red robe...if u 2 sit together in a sadhana...make ur wife sit in a red robe with herself looking her best, clad in red clothes u love to see her in and apply perfume on her u love to smell her in so that the fragrance covers all room.light a lamp( deep or diya) and perform the sadhana most preferably at night.daily atleast 1 hour..i promise u will never fail.there's no need for a yantra...the image u will have of ur wife or of kameshwari devi in ur mind will act as the yantra itself.adorn ur wife wth red flowers and deliver similar red flowers to the goddess kameshawari yogini.its better u draw such an image of kameshwari on a page ...give her perfume, flowers, water, diya and similarly worship ur wife before u set on to a sadhana.do it before its too late.

now the most serious thing...once u get success in sadhana...the state u wanted to achieve ..the state of eternal union...as if she had eaten u or u eaten her...will be achieved in the most purest form.with sex it couldnt be achieved wth sadhana it can be achieved.go ahead and mind it once u get successful the life force or prana of u two will be joined together such that u wont be separated even after death..thats why i recommended u 2 perform sadhana together holding each other's hand...U WONT BE ABLE TO SEPARATE EVEN IF U 2 WANT TO...SO DONT GO AHEAD IF THERE'S A SLIGHT CHANCE THAT U 2 WANT TO SEPARATE .

since i gave u all this for free i wont go any further and what charge should i ask from u ..even if u were to give me a lakh of rupees...i wouldnt have taken them as what i give is priceless and what i have shared wth u is something humanity should treasure.u can go ahead without a guru now...there's no need for one for this sadhana..i have given a guidance , more than enough...if u want to ask something, message me ...my id as u can see is kaalbhairav...which i have created just to answer u 5 minutes before i wrote the mesage u are reading right now..otherwise i didnt even had an account.all u want to say should be mailed to me privately!! i wish i get an understanding and loving wife just as u have!!..darn..not everybody's so lucky!! :))


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  • 1 year later...

Dear Sudhir,


I understand in whole your feelings and emotional attachment with your wife. My views are as under :-


1. Your words give alarm to society. Do you need 'stamp' from society to prove your feelings and mishaviour in society. You are still not matured and exposing your personal life (focus on sex) before society, considering that your relationship is very special. There are billions of people on earth and you are not very special. So, remove your mis-understanding and live a simple life in society.


2. However, I am partly with you on this matter. YOU TRY TO IMAGINE AND BELIEVE THAT in the past, both of you were 'special sevak/sevika' of the goddess like the story of 'tulsi and sudama (jalandhar). Due to some reasons, you were forced/compelled to live on this earth. At the same time, considering your loyalty to goddess, she also blessed you to live together in deep love.


3. Now the picture is before you, both of you treat each other as 'ansh/part' of the divine goddess and try to improve your physical love/attachment. Both of you should consider each other as 'Shiv and Shakti' and live a simple life before society. Otherwise continuing physical relations and at the same time considering your wife as goddess will annoy your FOREFATHERS and others. Then many problems will arise and your children and you will suffer badly.


Be in control and live a balanced life. Goddess is considered in the form of lovely mother. Do not bring her into your wife.


My best wishes are with you.





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  • 4 months later...

Namaste Sudhirji,


There are many who take upon themselves to be "gurus"whether or not they are permitted, and even more allow themselves to comment on what is shastra, and what is decent and indecent. None of their business, since they are not going to be doing the dying for you, nor are willing nor able to carry the burden of karma for as well. It is a pity that there is so much ideology and sanctimony involved with the practice of religion.


Since we live separated by time, space and causality, one is unable to offer you any meaningful support on your sadhana. It is most useful to turn the woman and wife who is Mrnmayi into the Chinmayi, and sequentially, and after that simultaneously, begin to perceive her as Anandamayi, Karunamayi, Chaitanyamayi and ParamA. These simple words each have a Universe hidden in EACH and EVERY one of these conventional terms, e.g. Anandamayi. Please go ahead and try, and very slowly, after much effort, you will begin to realize the enormous metaphysical Universe around each word.


Parallel to this, you will automatically be led through the deep sadhanas of the Most Holy Ten Mahavidyas. This will happen by itself, and you will receive deshanA, advice, suitable to your needs, as and when your need grows, in very tiny, frustrating dribbles. This will not be anything like that practiced by those seeking material gain, but the rahoyaga, culminating in the Gurupuja. You will begin to understand the meaning of the Akhandamandala and where your Holy Spouse fits into the scheme of things. She is the gem or crystal throughwhichthe entire Reality is filtered and inverted to become the Akhanda Mandala. The shattered world of conceptual reality. that of vaka and artha, of prana and mano rUpI brahman, becomes transmutated into that Akhanda Mandala, via that Unconditional Grace, your wife emanating as HER inherent true nature as the VajraBhairavi.


Don't worry about those who are not practitioners, just do not pay them mind. Their own sense of self-importance dooms them. This entire reality will come to your aid when you become humble enough to understand that all that exists can be construed as forms of your sacramental wife; svakIyA kevalA jneyA sarvadoShA vivarjitA. With your svakIyA shakti in front of you, the incomprehensible beauty and sanctity of the Kamakala will flood through you without ceasing, and you will vibrate to the core meaning of "Bhavani tvam.." That is real Saundarya Lahari, real Ananda Lahari, becoming a center of liberation for the whole world. You are a blessed being, and so is your wife; the terms male and female do not apply. Please find a holy sadhaka and tell him that you are sadhakas of the consonants "tha" and 'da' respectively, of the 17th and 18th consonants, and to please give you help. Those will provide the necessary clues. May the Most Holy Bhavani-Shankar bless you always, and make you fit to be Gurus. Om Namo Narayanaya.

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