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Found 3 results

  1. Hello I am 18 years old and I used to pray everyday for about an hour. (mala jaap, reading chalisa, sudarshan ashtakam) I prayed for several gods/goddes such as; Vishnu, Krishna, Shiv, Durga, Kali, Bhairav, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Sarasvati, Hanuman, Lakshmi and Ganesh.. We have been victims of blackmagic since 7 years ago, and it is still going on. And i've been praying for about 5 years, but I stopped 3 months ago. We didn't see any results. And everytime I ask for something it isn't happing. For example; I asked the god to guide me through the drivinglessons i took some months ago. Several hours later I had to take my driving lessons and everything went wrong, I suddenly forgot everything. Same goes for everything else, I ask for something and it isn't happening. Infact it is going worse then. So I stopped with praying, I lost all my faith. We've been to many people for help for our blackmagic problems, but nothing helped so far.. I remember one day Ma Kali came into the body of my dad. (she went there several times and talked to us) Everytime she said; Wait a few months, after Navratri everything will be Ok, but nothing changed. How come this is happening?
  2. Sat Nam, I want to ask about excercise 2 in this set - when the hands are above the head do they face up or down? ( it is hard to discern from the picture) and what does it mean that they cross ( one is above the other?) and in the excrcise 2 do hands also cross? ( it is not specified) Thank you for any help, Harpal Singh
  3. Dear all I request you to help by giving some solution to this. I want to know when are the possibilities for my brother getting married. Name:, DOB-28th December 1977, Time of Birth:3:30AM, Place of Birth: Hissar (Haryana). Please help!
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