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Posts posted by indulekhadasi


    Yea... Prabhupada said that in his commentary on the Gita... that's what made me stop reading his translation and commentary. Krishna never says it though, Prabhupada said it. He was actually commenting on a verse in which Krishna says that if women fall into sin, the whole world does (I had always taken it to mean that women are SO important that if they're polluted, the whole world goes into chaos, but I guess Prabhupada took it to mean they were idiots... which I'm sure is NOT what Krishna meant.). It's especially ridiculous and hypocritical b/c he talks so highly of Srimati Radharani and the Gopikas of Vrindavan (as he should)... I guess he never understood that They're girls?


    He meant the women who have not taken to Krishna Conciousness. Women who are not inclined for spiritual life. He would never ever think of criticizing the gopis of Vrindavana.


    Both women and men who have not taken to Krishna consciousness are fools and Prabhupada has said this of both genders- he is not biased.


    Prabhupada was a pure devotee- I wouldn't try to find fault in him. Many times in the scriptures (the actual Sanskrit) they say that- this scripture is for people of the lower classes- women, sudras, etc. This refers to those who have not taken to Krishna Conciousness. A sudra is one who is a Krishna viruddhi- one who goes against Krishna. Even if is born in a sudra family but is KC he/she should be considered a brahmana. Mahabharata itself says that this literature is good for lower classes such as women and sudras- but I don't think now we should go to the Himalayas and start yelling at Krishna's incarnation Vedavyasa for writing that. Instead we should try to understand the context in which he wrote that. Don't you agree?

  2. Reminds me of the yogi who was claiming to be god.

    Once while explaining to the populace that he was god he felt the urge to go to the bathroom. Someone asked, "But if you are god, why can't you resist the urge to go to the bathroom?" The yogi had no reply and at this time he was red in the face due to embarrasment and the need to go to the bathroom. Krishna pointed out his ignorance right away!

  3. No an unqualified person can not obtain dreams directly from Krishna (God).

    But if one does get such a dream then that means you are making advancement in your Krishna (God) consciousness.

    If you have a question about a personal dream then if you do not feel shy in sharing it then you can share it here or PM me. I can try to interpret your dream.

  4. Yes.

    I have an auntie whom I greatly revere and she says coconut oil can help with gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) as well. Actually I think what she meant is that it helps with acidity. I had GERD and it didn't go away with coconut oil because mine was an anatomical problem. Acidity results from what you eat and can often be helped by coconut oil. One tablespoon twice a day. :)

  5. Yes we must cry, cry, cry for Krishna!

    And the only way we can cry is realize that we are separated from the Lord! What could be more sad than that?

    But lowly people like me think that we are happy even though we are separated with Krishna. We think we are "enjoying". Fie on me! Thank you Radhe Radhe for putting up this thread and sopatel for reminding me that I am simply in illusion and my "enjoyment" is temporary.

  6. May Lord Nityananda do whatever he thinks best for this devotee. Whatever Lord Nityananda does is for ones own good. He will definitely do justice for Lila. This girl is in my prayers.


    I am also at a loss for words on how to console the family who must be undergoing unbearable grief. This is all I can say:



    Nitai is within and without. He is everywhere within this world. He is the Supreme Lord and takes care of all those who take shelter of Him.


    Jai Nitai


  7. :eek: How do you know how much longer you will live, Theist Prabhuji?


    I am praying that I get considerable amount of time more in this lifetime because I need to cultivate more devotional service before going back to godhead. And I haven't cultivated enough yet in my small teenage lifespan. I need some more time!


    I have no clue, they are just being plain stupid, God opens his door to all so there is no reason why some people are allowed and others aren't. I think as long as they follow the rules of no shoes, washing hands and feet, remaining vegetarian while in temple, etc then it should be ok.


    Jai Shri Krishna


    In the Jagannath temple in Puri the pandas stop you if you are a videsi (foreigner) and then say that the only time they can have darshan of the Lord is Ratha Yatra time. When Ratha Yatra time comes and a videsi is there they will try to beat them up with sticks. Is this sanatan dharma?


    I've heard that when Abhimanyu was "with" :crazy2: Her, She'd use the power of Maya to make a shadow-self (making him think that he was with Her when he wasn't), and She'd go to the forests to see Sri Krishna and Her Sakhis. Has anyone else ever heard of that? I've also heard that She made the same shadow-image appear and take Her place on Her wedding day.

    I agree... that only makes sense, since Krishna tells Arjuna that He remembers all of His previous incarnations, while Arjuna doesn't. So, if Sri Krishna remembers His incarnations, why wouldn't Srimati Radharani?

    I think Narakasura is another name for Bhaumasura... Narakasura (literally, "hell-demon" LOL) was also the one that kidnapped the 16,108 Brahmin wives and raped them, so when they couldn't go back to their husbands Sri Krishna married them on the spot. Another lovely pastime :)

    Radhe Radhe!


    I have not heared that but I wouldn't have any reason to doubt that.


    Yes, Bhaumasura is the same as Narakasura- I could tell when you explained about the 16,108 wives.

  10. Vaishnava's understand that Lord Sadasiva is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu but we prefer to address him as the greatest Vaishnava.


    Lord Shiva once asked Lord Vishnu, "Can I please have a position higher than yours?" Now this may seem like an offensive request but what he was really asking for (even though he already had this position!) was, "Can I please have a position a Vaishnava which is even higher than the position of you, Lord Vishnu?" Such deep, deep tattva here!


    Vaishnavanam yatha sambuh!


    All glories to Lord Shiva, the greatest Vaishnava.


    Jai Nitai


  11. When Radharani was having conjugal pastimes in Vrindavan when Krishna was still there she was already married to a guy named Abhimanyu (not the Abhimanyu of Mahabharata). Her in-laws gave her a lot of trouble because she hardly attended to her wifely duties. But Radharani was so powerful that no other man but Krishna could gaze at her, not even Abhimanyu.


    I am sure Satyabhama was aware that she was an incarnation of Radharani. Otherwise why would she ask Vishwakarma to make a simple looking Krishna?


    You mean Bhaumasura right? Or is Narakasura another name for Bhaumasura? I wrote a book about Bhaumasura when I was 7. I still have the tape of me reciting it. :)


    That's terrible! Poor Radha :( That's so sad. How long after He left did She die? I can't even imagine what the Gopis must've went through after She died :( I always wear a pendant of Her lotus feet... those poor feet that wandered around the forests of Vrindavan longing for Sri Krishna to come back so they could run to Him :(

    Radhe Radhe!


    Good thing in Goloka there is no such thing such as the separation of Radha and Krishna!:D


    It was some years later. 30 or 50 years about. She could tolerate for all those years because she kept thinking "Krishna said he will come back and Krishna won't lie..." but after a while she gave up hope.:crying2: Then she began to associate with Krishna as Satyabhama but it was not as enjoyable because of the awe and reverence. However Satyabhama had Vishwakarma make a very life like deity of Krishna (without a crown and all that jewelry- typical Vrindavan style Krishna). She used to enjoy pastimes with this deity in a secluded garden in Dwarika.

  13. She left the planet in intense separation from Krishna on the banks of the Yamuna. The Sakhis then drowned her body in the Yamuna according to her orders. She then incarnated as Satyabhama devi and was married to Krishna in Dwarika.


    After Krishna left she wandered around as if she were mad. Yes, she embraced trees especially tamal trees (dark colored trees that were the same color as Krishna) thinking them to be Krishna.


    Very sad, very very sad.

    There is a nice song by Narottam das Thakura on this matter. You can hear it by going to the following page: http://kksongs.org/audio/sri_krsna_virohe.mp3


    This is the meaning:

    1) Whenever Radha is suffering in separation from Krsna and I am unable to give any solace, my heart breaks for I am unable to tolerate seeing Her condition so pitiful. Then I am fully prepared to give up my life for the sake of Their happy reunion.

    2) If I were ever to give up the lotus feet of Sri Radhika, I would become totally devastated in an instant. For Her sake, I am prepared to tolerate the pain and the agony of death hundreds of times.

    3) When will I be able to serve such a divine pair of lotus feet as Radha's? Alas, I beg you all, oh residents of Vraja, please be merciful to me now! When will you take me in the transcendental forests of Vrndavana?

    4) Oh Vilasa Manjari! Oh Ananga Manjari! Oh Rupa Manjari! Please lift me up and bring me close to your own lotus feet, thus bestowing upon me the quintessence of eternal spiritual perfection!

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