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Posts posted by mathurastro
Sept 6, 1980-Venus started
Sept 5, 2000-Sun started
Sept 6, 2006-Moon started
You seem to have suffered much and fate seems to have turned against you since you started your Venus major-period. The location of Saturn behind Venus and the Sun in the birth chart and its location in Scorpio in the navamsha chart which brings it behind the Moon is the cause of trouble. Loss of wealth and assets is seen in the the major-periods of Venus, the Sun and the Moon. We have to propitiate Saturn. To wear a blue sapphire in my opinion would not be of any positive help. It may aggravate matters. You should recite Om namaha Shivaya 1008 times daily and read a few stanzas of Shivasahasranama daily.
This is purely theoretical and has no bearing on the competence of any of us. Since this is a discussion board, expression of opinion is expected on it. Keeping this in mind I would like to say that your chart shows delay in marriage. The reason is the influence of Saturn, the delaying planet, on the three elements that govern any aspect of human life. The first element is the karaka for the event. This is Venus in the instant case. The second is the concerned house, the VII in this case, from the ascendant, and the third the concerned house from the karaka, here Aquarius, the VII from the karaka. We notice that Saturn is placed in Cancer in the birth chart and its dispositor is is with Venus. Thus the influence of Saturn is carried to Venus. The VII house from the ascendant is in Aries. Ketu is placed in this house. In the navamsha chart Ketu is placed in Cancer where Saturn is located in the birth chart. Thus,the VII house from the ascendant has the influence of Saturn. The VII house from Venus is a house of Saturn. Delay in marraige is therefore a foregone conclusion. The question is now of timing it.
The present major-period of Mars may not be able to give marriage as the VII house from it (marriage during the major-period) does not show success (XI house from Mars). The two houses are not related. Therefore the major-period of Mars shows no success in getting married. We will have to wait for the major-period of Rahu. Here Rahu is in Libra in the ascendant. The VII house from it is in Aries and the XI in Leo. The Sun is in Magha constellation of Ketu which is placed in the VII house. Thus, there is a close relationship between the VII and XI houses from the major-period planet Rahu. The karaka for the VII house is Venus. It is associated with the Sun which sets up a relationship with the VII. Hence the karaka is related to the VII house from Rahu. Jupiter is in Taurus and its dispositor has gone to the XI house from Rahu. Thus Jupiter is related to the XI house from Rahu. Marriage in the sub-period of Rahu in the major-period of Rahu is certain.
Good Afternoon M/s Chitnis, Gupta and Banerji,
I am the author of the book Predictive Astrology-An Insight. It is published by Motilal Banarsidass as Mr Banerji has already clarified. It is followed by two more-How to Time an Event, and , Vedic Progression. These two have been published by Sagar Publications, Ved Mansion, Janpath, New Delhi. The second book ie, How to Time is a practical manual that takes you through the nuances of predictive side of Vedic astrology.
Thank you very much for appreciating my effort...DS Mathur
Foreign Travel Indicators
in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
This is a very comprehensive list and I am sure these aphorisms must be useful in analysis of a chart from the point of view of predicting journey abroad. I have noticed, based on my study of Parashar Hora Shastra that Rahu, being the karaka for such journeys, the IX house from the ascendant and the IX house from natal karaka Rahu together govern foreign travel. A major-period planet related to these three elements would cause a journey abroad.