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Posts posted by dasa

  1. Father Murphy walked into a pub in Donegal, and said to the first man he meets, "Do you want to go to heaven?"


    The man said, "I do Father."


    The priest said, "Then leave this pub right now!" and approached a second man. "Do you want to got to heaven?"


    "Certainly, Father," was the man's reply.


    "Then leave this den of Satan," said the priest, as he walked up to O'Toole. "Do you want to go to heaven?"


    "No, I don't Father," O'Toole replied.


    The priest looked him right in the eye, and said, "You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?"


    O'Toole smiled, "Oh, when I die, yes, Father. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now."



  2. Two old Jewish men are strolling down the street one day when they happen to walk by a Catholic church. They see a big sign posted that says, "Convert to Catholicism and get $10."


    One of the Jewish men stops walking and stares at the sign. His friend turns to him and says, "Murray, what's going on?"


    "Abe," replies Murray, "I'm thinking of doing it."


    Abe says, "What are you, crazy?"


    Murray thinks for a minute and says, "Abe, I'm going to do it."


    With that, Murray strides purposefully into the church and comes out twenty minutes later with his head bowed.


    "So," asks Abe, "did you get your ten dollars?"


    Murray looks up at him and says, "Is that all you people think of?"



  3. I would recomend that for your first visit there you pick a place where there is a large community of western devotees. Mainly Vrindavan or Mayapur, at the Iskcon pojects you will have a lot of association and be around many people who have already done what you hope to do. There are modern inexpensive guests house to stay in while you are there. The first time it would be better to travel there with some one. If there is an Iskcon temple near where you live, i would recomend seeing if you could travel with some one when they go. It is much easier to get a 6 months visa (it's almost automatic) for your first visit.

  4. These are underwater photos of what are called the "pyramids of japan". I think they were just discovered in 1985. Some scientists think they are a natural formation, others think that the sharp angles to the structures would indicate that they are man made. They are just off one of the japanese islands called Yonaguni. I believe i got these basic facts correct. What is interesting about them is that if they are man made, it would completely throw off the timeline most scientists accept today for the dateing of civilization. I think some of the earliest structures, say in egypt, are said to be a few thousand years old. But if these stuctures underwater off japan are man made, they would have had to been made over 11,000 years ago. Their reasoning for that is that the only time this area was not underwater, and therefore could have been made by man, would have been during the last ice age which was 11,000 or more years ago. This would fit in with the vedic understanding that civilization is much older than modern science thinks. That is why i found the article interesting. But at the same time, i wonder if it does fit in with the vedic view for it depends on the existence of an ice age on the earth. Does anyone know if there is any concept of an "ice age" in the earth's history according to vedic scipture?




    Originally posted by Tarun:

    Does anyone out there in Transcendental cyberspace know where to find verse which states:

    In Satyayuga, devotee & demon take birth on different planets.

    In Tretayuga, ...

    In Dvaparayuga, ...

    In Kaliyuga, devotee & demon take birth in same body.



    That would be a very interesting verse to find. It would help explain why there are so many problems in the world today, even diserning good from evil.

  6. Thank you for posting the link, Atma, there are many wonderful pictures there of the ceremonies. I only met him three times, but he was so gracious and personal each time, even tho he did not even know me. It is very sad, and very sad for his disciples.


    [This message has been edited by dasa (edited 03-15-2002).]

  7. Church Meeting


    Three churches - Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian - worked together to sponsor a community- wide revival. After the revival had concluded, the three pastors were discussing the results with one another.


    The Methodist minister said, "The revival worked out great for us! We gained 4 new families."


    The Baptist preacher said, "We did better than that! We gained 6 new families."


    The Presbyterian pastor said, "Well, we did even better than that! We got rid of our 10 biggest troublemakers!"




    [This message has been edited by dasa (edited 03-15-2002).]

  8. I have wondered about astrology. It seems to be based on the time and place of a person's birth. But what else is involved in reading a person's chart. Two twins born will have the same time and place for birth. Or even in a large city like New York London, or New Dehli, there must be more than one person being born within a 15 minute time period. So how would an astrologer give a reading of such charts? The charts would have to be the same. I think there is a common notion that a chart can predict what will happen to a person in the future even the time of death. Am I wrong? If I am not, has astrology ever been tested by comparing the lives of such people who must have identical charts?

  9. Dear Tarun prabhu, I read your article on VNN. I think i saw it here also, about one of the first people to help Prabhupada when he was first in New York. Can you post more about what Haridas had to say about those times with Prabhupada, or could you, from time to time, write about your rememberances of those early days?

  10. Today is the appearance day of Nityananda Prabhu, the incarnation of Lord Balarama who appeared in Ekacakragrama (West Bengal) in 1474. He is the principle associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, just as Balarama is the first bodily expansion of Lord Krsna. Lord Nityananda and Lord Balarama are both one and the same identity, different only in form. All glories to Lord Nityananda.

  11. Originally posted by zeytindali:

    Hare Krishna!


    Please accept my humble obeisances.



    Such nice topic, thank you leyh and all.


    I will be grateful to know if i can find a devotee living in Turkey.


    Thank you

    Dear Zeytindali, I'm afraid i won't be of much help. I tried looking for a contact for you at www.iskcon.org as there is a section there that has addreses and phone numbers in over 90 countries, but i did not see anything for Turkey. Maybe if you check there every so often, you will find one. There are many online books there that you will like tho. Good luck.

  12. Originally posted by jijaji:

    CC was written as an attempt to bridge the various sampradayas of Chaitanyism together under one umbrella.....an official canon if you will.


    However, as Jagat pointed out, the sahajiyas with their commentary on CC by Akincana das give an even further twist on the teachings that would blow the hat off any Pope's bald head!

    So in trying to bring together the various factions of Chaitanyism (and some question if that occurred or not) it may have isolated some and also served as a mouthpiece for Akincana dasa to espouse his "secret sadhana" doctrine...






    [This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 02-21-2002).]

    Dear Jijaji, could you please explain what the "secret sadhana" doctrine refers to?

  13. In theBrahma-vaivarta Purana, Narada Muni inquires from Narayana Rsi regarding how Ganga came to be in the material world. Narayana Rsi replied, "O Narada, previously Ganga-devi was living in Goloka as a gopi (cowherd girl). Her form as water appeared from the limbs of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, as she is identical to Them. She then came in her liquid form to the earth. Previously in Goloka, there was no comparison of Ganga-devi's beauty. Her body was filled with fresh youth, and she was decorated with beautiful ornaments. Her face blossomed like a lotus in the mid-afternoon of Sarat(the autumn season). Her complexion was like the yellow campaka flower, and she had a form of pure goodness. Her hair was decorated with sweet smelling malati flowers. "As she once shyly sat near Lord Krsna, her eyes became intoxicated drinking the nectar of Krsna's beauty. Just then, Srimati Radharani arrived and also sat near Lord Krsna. She was accompanied by innumerable gopis. Her beauty put to shame the splendor of millions of moons. At that time, Radharani's eyes began to appear like red lotuses as She exhibited Her pastime of anger. Her complexion was like molten gold. She was decorated with many beautiful ornaments, and She wore a garland of parijata flowers. Due to Her anger, Her lips started shaking as She sat closer to Lord Krsna. At that time, the gopis were extremely frightened. They all offered their obeisances to Radharani and Krsna. Ganga also stood up and began offering prayers to Radharani. She was filled with fear and inquired about Radharani's welfare. Within her mind, Ganga-devi took shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna. Then the lord consoled Ganga within her heart, so she became sober-minded. Ganga then observed Radharani sitting on the raised asana, Her body filled with transcendental effulgence. Her youthfulness was that of a sixteen year old. She is the mother of the universe and the life air of Lord Krsna. O Narada, seeing the beauty of Srimati Radharani, Ganga was unable to take her eyes off Her effulgent form. Then Radharani spoke to Lord Krsna with pleasing words, "Who is this Ganga-devi, who is glancing at your beautiful face without blinking? She is filled with the desire to be with You, as Your beauty has totally stunned her. Each of her limbs are filled with immense happiness. It has become her nature to gaze at You with such crooked eyes, and You are also engaged in the same way." Radharani wanted to say something to Ganga, but Ganga was able to understand everything. Thus Ganga transformed herself into water and entered into the lotus feet of Lord Krsna for protection. Understanding the secret between Krsna and Ganga, Radharani wanted to drink the entire Ganga. At that time water throughout the entire universe dried up. Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, and all the demigods arrived to offer obeisances and prayers to Lord Krsna. The Lord than began to speak, "O Brahma, I know why you are praying. You desire to take Ganga with you, but she has now taken shelter of My lotus feet because Radharani was ready to drink her up. I will be pleased to give her to you, but you must first make her fearless and peaceful." Hearing these words of Lord Krsna, Brahma began to smile. Then all the demigods started to praise Srimati Radharani. Brahma said to Her, "This same Ganga had previously appeared from the bodies of both You and Krsna, when you were both in the rasa-mandala. Ganga is ment for your worship. Please allow this Ganga, as she is in Goloka, to be distributed everywhere for the benefit of everyone. You are her mother, and she is eternally Your daughter." Radharani was pleased with Brahma's prayers and accepted his request. Just then, Ganga appeared from the toes of Lord Krsna. Brahma took that water into his kamandalu (waterpot), and Shiva accepted the same water on his head. Then Lord Krsna instructed Brahma "You accept Ganga, and I will prepare kala (time) again for creation. You proceed to began creation again, then Ganga will come to your abode. Now move forward and carry out this order." Narayana Rsi continued to Narada Muni, "O great sage, after Brahma set forth creation again, Ganga entered the material universe and went wherever she was ordered by the Supreme Lord." (from the book Our Merciful Mother Ganga by Jaya Vijaya)


    [This message has been edited by dasa (edited 02-21-2002).]

  14. Up in heaven, the pastor was shown his eternal reward. To his disappointment, he was only given a small shack. But down the street he saw a taxi driver being shown a lovely estate with gardens and pools. "I don't understand it," the pastor said, "My whole life, I served God with everything I had and this is all I get, while a mere cabby is given a mansion?It's quite simple," St. Peter said. "when you preached, people slept; when he drove, people prayed."

  15. In the Mahabharata, it is mentioned that while Ganga was going to Mount Kailasa, Vasistha Muni diverted some of her waters into Manasa-sarovara, but Ganga broke the bank of the lake and flowed forth as the River Sarayu. This short narration from the Mahabharata, as well as other spiritual references, brings us to localities on this planet; Mount Kailasa, Manasa-sarovara, and Bindusara, which are located in the Tibetan (Chinese) Himalayas. After coming from a spot named Ganga-mahadvara in the Mount Kailasa region through the mercy of Lord Siva, Ganga branches into seven main rivers flowing through India. The Yamuna, Sarasvati, Vitasta, Sarayu, Gomati, Ganga, and Gandaki Rivers. It is mentioned in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that after this age of Kali has progressed 10,000 years (5,000 years of Kali-yuga have alrady passed) Ganga and other holy rivers will go underground, as the River Sarasvati has already done, and wait untill the next golden age of Satya-yuga. (from the book Our Merciful Mother Ganga by Jaya Vijaya)

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