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Posts posted by celina12


    Bhagwan lives in all murtis of Hinduisms temples but when it comes to the murtis of the Swaminarayan Sampraday, Bhagwan Shri Swaminarayan has stated clearly in the Satsangi Jivan that He only resides in the murtis that have been consecrated by the Dharmvanshi Acharayas.


    That rules out Maninagar, Haridham sokhda and BAPS. If any people disagree then tell me why with reference to the Sikshapatri or any scripture of the Swaminarayan Sampraday.


    As long as the Acharya installs the deities then the temple is ok to worship in. Pramukh Swami IS THE ACHARYA OF THE SWAMINAYAN FAITH. He has full authority to install deities, and Lord Swaminarayan DOES reside in them.


    Yeah but truth will remain truth and Dharm should always be protected by the Bhakt, Sadhu and Acharya.


    Gods Dharm, agna and Upasna are not somthing to be mingled with nor compromised with.


    jai swaminaryan. for mahesh and others. it shouldn't matter what Pramukh Swami sits on. He is a living saint and deserves to be respected. It's not like the Vadtal/Ahmedavad Acharyas sit on a bed of nails all day. Are these the philosophical points you wanted to debate?


    And you can't just say theres only a small group of bad apples. If they are in your samprayda they are your company. If you company is bad, it will spread. Maharaj would never let kusang into his sampraday.


    Yes. This is what Lord Swaminarayan taught, you are the company you keep. :D


    Kusang (Company of Vicious People):

    One who seeks ultimate redemption should always remain away from nastikas (who believes only in karmas and do not recognise God as the giver of the fruits of karmas) and Shushka Vedantis (who profess; 'I am Brahman' and therefore have no moral obligation. They thus indulge in antinomianism.) (Gad. I-48)





    Im Raj and i'm a baps satsangi im 16 years old residing in Clifton,NJ.


    First off stop taking avguns, espicially of other satsangis, it is behavior like this that maharaj has said in the vachanamrut that causes you to regress. And those who regress are unsalvagable.

    ALSO -telling- someone they are taking avgun is also an avgun.


    And regarding to those who say BAPS is new or what not. This marks our 100th year. And look how far we have spread. This is not a gimic, this is through the actions of great Satpurush. How are people so drawn to baps? Just take a good look at Bapa. Recieve his proper darshan and you will see. This is no ordinary person. He is Mool Akshar.


    And you can't say we are being brain washed. I was born into a not so satsang family. I ate meat when i was younger i had no niyams and didn't apprciate religion. Then by the grace of maharaj a swaminarayan temple was built near my home. I didn't follow or care about anything at mandir at all. Even when they showed videos of bapa i didn't see anything spectacular. I had no niyams whatsoever. I was a slacker. Up intil 7th grade. In 2004, Bapa came to expo hall in edison. I went got decent darshan. Later i got lunch darshan and that really set the trigger. You could feel his lumenience. i bowed down to him and recieved a daahbho(pat on back). That was when i took my first niyam of not eating meat. And thats when i realized that bapa was something more. Honestly, if you go to him with a clear mind you will feel it.



    This is just a thought i have nothing to back it up.

    Of course acharaya's are related to maharaj by blood. But isn't blood mayik anyway?


    thank you. Jay Swaminarayan. This is so simple, but still some can't follow. They'd rather argue. Anger never solves anything Vadtal/Amedabad people should take a clue and quit the bickering. Jai Swaminarayan. :smash:



    The instinct of anger is like the contagious saliva of a mad dog. If this poisonous saliva touches an animal or man, each dies in agony. The infection of the instinct of anger is, therefore, like a dog's poisonous saliva, and would deflect a saint from the path of saintliness. The instinct of anger can be compared to the vicious nature of a butcher, an assassin, a tiger , a leopard, or a poisonous serpent. They are extremely harmful and are likely to take life, if one comes in contact with any of them..... It would make those who imbibe it appear cruel. (Loya-1)


    Wow look who this is coming from. Celina bai!!!! With all that anger you spill about Vadtal desh. LOL


    Therefore you need to stop getting angry. And do dhyaan on the pratyaksh murti consecrated by the Dharmvanshi Acharyas and how blissful the Sachidanand Vigrah Murti of Bhagwan is.


    Jay Swaminarayan

    Nar Narayan Dev Ni Jay

    Laksmi Narayan Dev Ni Jay


    I think that quote most clearly descibes you, and the Shree Sampradaya. I have no problem with you sect, only when you bash BAPS.


    By the way ..when i said there s no version of vachanamrut online i meant the entire vachanamrut ..not just the gems......


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    || Understanding Scriptures ||



    "Besides, the words of the scriptures cannot be understood in their true context by anyone except an ekãntik bhakta…"



    [Gadhadã I-66]



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    and therefore not all teachings are for everyone....even the hare krishna dont discuss higher lilas of gopis and krishna amongst the general masses....for they are likely to be misunderstood......misinterpreted...


    better to follow one's own guru ......not hurt anyone.....


    PS ... swaminarayan was very intelligent....especially when he explained the nature of ego ..and how it enters a person masked as ego of virtuosity....something very common among believers....who think that all those who dont agree with their beliefs are idiots.....that was to me personally ..a very important lesson.....


    I've been emailing BAPS for a while about getting all of the vachanamrut up. It's a big task but hopefully they will.


    When more then 95% of your converts leave your church you are a DISMAL FAILURE. This is what Iskcon is today. When your church cant take care of the needs of people who surrendered everything they had to it and served it for decades, that church is a DISMAL FAILURE.


    You can set some very lofty goals for what 'successful religion' might be in your book but you better know what constitutes a failure in that context.


    A successful religion is one growing in numbers, which has happy and well adjusted members who ejoy religious functions and are proud of their denomination. A succesful religion has children who want to continue their parents path and who want to pass this religion on their own children.


    You can cover up the failures of our movement with some cool sounding philosophical arguments, but the empty temples and the unhappy customers will tell you the truth.


    I think that is very true. Money is important to keep the ball running. It's important to organize well. An be corruption free. There are plenty of groups out there, who you can take examples from.




    How foolish of you. Typical BAPS follower, always narrows it down to envy. Mate if i had Irsha i wouldnt follow what i do, i would join you. But this is not the case i dont envy you. In case i pity you guys. Into thinking how you will attain Moksh by doing Vachan droh of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and displeasing Him in this manner..


    Also you are very keen on referncing by 'cherry picking' what you like but never answer to the post that have been referenced about Agna and Upasna. You like to pick out what you think is right. And the rest of it you disregard. BAPS is like the blind leading the blind. That is exactly what it is.


    Also it isnt about "getting up our asses and helping the world". This is about becomming an Ekantik Bhakt. Which you have no scope for. BAPS change Scriptures, Shlokas, stotras like the Janmangal, Artis and even the main Precepts and siddhants. Why should we envy such?? How foolish of you to think such.


    Also in terms of being international.. Satsang in the UK and Africa first started by Kutchi Haribhaktos under NAr Narayan Dev MAndir under Bhuj- Amdavad Gadi. USA satsang was established by ISSO (International Satsang Swaminarayan Organisation- under Amdavad and Vadtal Gadi) Not only that but it is flourishing day by day.


    You backlash with your own views by stating stuff like your envious etc. But you never reply with references and quotes from the Shastras about Agna, Upasna or the scriptures views nor the refuge of the Dharmvansh.


    Arguing with you is useless. Your whining and ill will won't disrupt BAPS satsang.


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    || Two Unforgivable Sins ||



    Thereupon Somlã Khãchar asked, "God forgives all of the mistakes of His devotees, but which one mistake does God not forgive?"

    Shriji Mahãrãj replied, "God forgives all other mistakes, but He does not forgive the mistake of spiting a devotee of God. Therefore, one should never harm a devotee of God in any way whatsoever. Furthermore, of all mistakes made against God, to denounce the form of God is a very grave mistake. One should never make this mistake. One who does do so commits a sin more serious than the five grave sins…"



    [Gadhadã I-71]



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    I think those who want to be reborn or even go hell if taken avguns should go to BAPS. lOL. Thos e who want to worship Swaminarayan should first read shastras of the original doctrine.


    I think you are the crook. Is this what BAPS teaches you? Full of arrogance. When people think of Swaminarayan they think of Swaminarayan Bhagwan. Not BAPS.


    BAPS is clever in hiding scandals and getting away with even murder. You will see in teh future. Bhagwan will spare none, you to will have to answer for the avguns you take of the Original orthodox Sampraday. MAybe in your life or after life. You will not attain moksh thats for sure Read Mota santo to realise why. Such as Nirgun Swami ni VAto, Gopalanand Swami ni vato, Gunatitanand Swami ni Vato (the unedited one as BAPS edit it),Adbhutanand Swmai Ni Vato.


    Not just that but read Satsangi Jivan carefully. Instead of being spoon fed and brain washed by BAPS.



    Lol, what scandals? We're squeaky clean! :D You can't name any huh?! But I can name plenty from you sampradaya! Which ones would you prefer? Murder, rape, assault, prostitution etc... You are the worst of all sinners to Lord Swaminarayan. Spread lies and propaganda just to get revenge on BAPS. And it still won't work. You people are desperate to bring down good devotees, just because you are criminals. You have along way to go toward moksha, if you ever get there. You can hate our success, but that won't change anything, Lord Swaminarayan has blessed us. And you can rest assure that BAPS Sadhus and devotees will obtain moksha, before your crooked Vadtal/Ahmedavad prostituting, murdering, criminal "Sadhus" will. The so-called "original sampradaya" won't exist in the nex t 100 yrs. Because of rampant corruption. Half of your santos are already in prison, it won't be long 'til the police catch up to the rest of you jokers. :crying2:





    Under the vicious influence of envy, one is apt to malign a devotee. One should shed this instinct of envy totally. (Gad. I-4)



    The instinct of anger is like the contagious saliva of a mad dog. If this poisonous saliva touches an animal or man, each dies in agony. The infection of the instinct of anger is, therefore, like a dog's poisonous saliva, and would deflect a saint from the path of saintliness. The instinct of anger can be compared to the vicious nature of a butcher, an assassin, a tiger , a leopard, or a poisonous serpent. They are extremely harmful and are likely to take life, if one comes in contact with any of them..... It would make those who imbibe it appear cruel. (Loya-1)


    I don't know what it is going to take to clean up the planet and make it fit to be offerable to Krishna but I do feel that it is possible because Prabhupada said it was. When I stop believing that then I stop believing in Prabhupada and I don't want that because I need to believe in Prabhupada.


    I still haven't heard back from you in a while! :crazy:


    So you would say the majority of swaminarayan sadhus are genuine? Are there any well known ones, I only know of Shri Pramukh Swami.


    That's because he's the leader of BAPS. When people thing of the swaminarayan movement, they think BAPS,in a good way. Vadtal is corrupt. And always scandal ridden. No one wants to associate with those crooks. And luckily they don't have too. BAPS is here to stay and those who want to worship Lord Swaminarayan know where to go!




    hey u , lord swaminarayan had said not to insult any god then why ur are insulting baps. did u know that pramukh swami had only spread the name of the lord swaminarayan world wide. other wise till date we might have been worshiping only narnarayan, laxminarayan, and what swaminarayan want to tell us will be there only and lord swaminarayan had to come on earth again to fulfill his message.


    This is so true. I am a BAPS devotee. Alot of the so-called "Original Sampradaya" crowd, don't realise that if it wasn't for BAPS the Swaminarayan movements wouldn't be an international movement like it is. People wouldn't even know Lord Swaminarayan words, if it wasn't for BAPS and Pramukh Swami. And all there hard work. What does Vadtal and Ahmedabad do? But bicker and complain. Instead of hating BAPS, get off your ass and start helping the world, like BAPS. :smash:



    You know what Lord Swaminarayan tought about Envy! :burn:





    One filled with the sense of sheer envy always feels absolutely belittled when anybody other than himself is honoured or respected. (Sar. -3)


    Under the vicious influence of envy, one is apt to malign a devotee. One should shed this instinct of envy totally. (Gad. I-4)


    If at all anyone sustains a feeling of envy for another, he should try to imbibe his virtues of which he falls short and for which he feels envy.(Gad. I-4)




    Jai Swaminarayan Akshar.


    My Name is Kishan. I am A Kishore at the BAPS mandir in Portland, OR. What Mandal are you from?


    I have read your posts and i do agree with you. Although when you say that Krishna Avtaar didn't make India a better place to live, thats not true. It did because that avtaar killed Paapi's like Kamsa, Duryodhan, Shakuni, and others. When Maharaj Came on the Earth, he Made it a better Place to live by NOT killing, but By changing there Aasurik Tatvo's and Making Them Good things. He Destroyed there Evil Ways, NOT them Thats somthing the Other Avtars DIDN'T do. so yeah.



    if you don't mind, then i would like to call you and do some Goshti on this matter.





    Jai Swaminarayan

    Pramukh Swami Maharaj Ni JAI!!!!

    BAPS Shatabdi Mahotsav Ni JAI!!!


    Hey Kishan. I agree with you comments. Lord Swaminarayan was different(AND SUPREME) because of his powerful words.



    Thanks for the link I appreciate it :)

    How is the Boston temple I am going to be out that way end of April beginning of May next year and will definately be stopping in there. Can still really use some contacts here in Oregon though :(


    Hi, I feel bad you don't have any temple near you. You should make you own alter and do puja. Anyway if you wanna chat my email is celinamahek@ I'm a BAPS Swaminarayan follower btw. :D


    Hello Friends,


    I just went through all the posts regarding Lord Swaminarayan. I am basically from South India and have recently joined the BAPS sect of Swaminarayan. According to my opinion, nothing is wrong with BAPS organisation. They follow the teachings of Lord Swaminaryan as laid down, In fact this is the only organisation in the whole world with 775 saints following Ashtang Brahmacharya and they do not touch money. Practising Brahmacharya is not an easy thing for the young ones while living in the society. It is the strength of the guru and divine presence Lord Swaminarayan that is working in BAPS. The guru HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj is an ideal devotee of Lord Swaminarayan, we should think twice before saying anything about such a great Bhakta of Bhagwan.


    For every bhakt his Bhagwan is sarvopari for him. Because Krishna Bhagwan said in Gita that he is sarvopari, the vaishnavs believe him to be sarvopari. In the same way Swaminarayan Bhagwan has mentioned in the Vachanmrut that he is Sarvopari and Sarva avatari. Look at the work done in society today by BAPS, The New Delhi Akshardham, The mandirs throughout the world, The Satsang Centres, Activities for Youth and Children, and most importantly the Sadhuta (Saintliness) of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, If the work done by them is Sarvopari when compare to any other organisation in the world then whats wrong about their Lord to be Sarvopari. The head of the Sadhu Samaj in India once said that even though I am the head of saints in India but the head of Saintliness is Pramukh Swami Maharaj. What ever activities that are taking place in BAPS is just for the Liberation of the Jivas.

    Even though Bhagwan Swaminarayan mentioned Krishna Bhagwan in Shikshapatri but in Shloka 101 he says -"Those portion of these Shastras which explain the merits of knowledge of the form of Lord Shri Krishna, of Dharma, of Bhakti and of Vairagya (non-attachment) in highest terms only Shall be treated as taking precedence over all other portions. The sum and substance of all these Shastras is Bhakti of Lord Krishna with Dharma."


    And in Shlok 203 he says-"I have thus described above in short, general and special Dharmas of all My followers. For further details, they shall refer to other Shastras of My Sampraday"


    In shlok 203, he dind't mention to refer Gita or Bhagwat, he said Sampraday Scriptures. The Scripture of the Sampraday is Vachanamrut (Discourses of Lord Swaminarayan). And from Shlok 101 he tried to say that we should give importance to the talks related to the Knowledge of the form of Lord Krishna. By Lord Krishna he meant the Lord of the Sampraday which he was himself. And in Vachanmrut he clearly mentions himself to be the Sarvopari Bhagwan. If Lord Swaminarayan and Krishna Bhagwan are same then why would he install Laxmi Narayan and himself in Vadtal. The work of Lord Swaminarayan, the Samadhi Prakran, his talks, his vartan, his Paramhansas, the Ekantik Dharma pravartan, clear concept of Brahman and ParaBrahman, Practical ways of achieving Brahmic State etc and so many other facts show that he is Sarvopari. Like sage Ved Vyas has written the Mahima of Lord Krishna, In the same way his Paramhansas have written the Mahima of Lord Swaminarayan.


    These are just few points to show that why Swaminarayan followers should believe Lord Swaminarayan to be Sarvopari. 775 saints have not become sadhus just like that, even they have studied scriptures, the vedas, Brahmasutras etc...


    Also I have seen that many have said BAPS is Vimukh and does whatever it wants to do. I do not agree with these ideas. BAPS is not vimukh, Shastriji Mahraj (3rd Spiritual Successor of Lord Swaminarayan) had to leave vadtal because of Bhagwan Swaminarayan's principle. He tried his best and also had convinced many big heads in Vadtal about the Akshar Purushottam concept. Acharya Raghuvirji Maharaj gained the Brahmic state from Gunatitand Swami(Akshar Brahman). More over if Acharya's were true successors of Lord Swaminarayan then why was Laxmi Prasad Acharya was removed??? due to his Rajoguni Behaviour and Addictions. And more over many of the Acharyas are not the true family of Maharaj, they have been adopted. When the first Acharya was intiated on Samvat Kartik Sud 11, Their is a Vachanamrut on this date which doesn't show any statement of such intiation that took place on that day. I do not intend to criticize Acharyas but with all due respects to the Acharyas, BAPS is not Vimukh because Akshar Brahman himself has taken up Shreei Mahraj's work in this organisation i.e., Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Out of all the great Spiritual Leaders in India Pramukh Swami has been awarded The Most Influenial personality by Guiness Book Of World records and he really is. As Lord Swaminarayan said In Gadhada I - 27 that he resides in every indriya of his Ekantik Sant, Pramukh Swami is such Ekantik Sant with Lord Swaminarayan Pragat in him (this doesn't make Pramukh Swami God). He is a true discple of Lord Swaminarayan bring many Jivas on the path of Atyantik Kalyan. No offence but Look around the world and try to find one person like Pramukh Swami Maharaj.


    I just said what ever I felt right after coming into BAPS and learning about the Sampraday.


    Jai Swaminarayan.


    Jai Swaminarayan. You should check out my profile on youtube. I put up some videos on BAPS and Lord Swaminarayan. :cool:




    BAPS is BAPS they fall under their own banner. They were created in 1907 not at the time of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. They broke away from the original sect.


    it's doesn't matter what time we were created, we worship Bhagavan Swaminarayan. BAPS is it's own sampradaya. :rolleyes2:


    We think that we are the great, But have we ever helped a person who is lying on the road (met an accident or Anything), most of us will not even dare to stop and look at the person, but most of us do not realized that on some day they may be lying on the road like that person, we boast of the big and beautiful temples, but have those temples giving food to poor, giving free shelter, but I doubt that most of these temples have became a business for the some of us, God is nowhere,rather it is inside every molecule of the universe, so you do not have to go to jungle to find the God, those persons who are thinking that they can achieve God or enlightenment like that are the most foolish people in this universe, cause they are making fool of people by pretending to be Gods, Those who are real God Avtars are born with all the knowledge, they do not need any Guru to get the knowledge, for more details on types of Human beings , you can visit my page at myspace.com/gurupkar , This is the time that we stop for a moment to re introspect ourselves-Gurupkar Singh



    no one's bragging about temples. this is about religion. Eitherway BAPS does lots of work for the poor, everyday. So stop oversimplifying things. Your rant makes no sense.



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