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  1. Nitai wrote....I once heard that the spiritual master suffers the sins of the disciple according to his pureness. The more pure the spiritual master the more transparant he is. Actually the spiritual master doesn't burn the sins of the disciple but passes them to Krishna. A pure devotee is 100% transparant and therefore all the sins end up by Krishna. If the spiritual master is like 50% pure, then he suffers some for the disciple. ---------------------- I think we mean the same even if we use different words. However I dont think that sins can be passed on to Krishna not literally anyway. They would be disolved before they even have a chance to reach Him. The word transparent i dont think means that the sins are passing trough and end up at Krishna. Just imagine this and you can see that that would look very strange indeed. I think the answer is that a genuine spiritual master who is 100% Krishna Consciouss does not burn the sins off, but they are burned off in the fire of His devotional service, if we can use these words. The sins dont pass by Him and go to Krishna, the spiritual master is so krihnanised that they simply disolve there and then, at approach if you will and have no effect at all on Him at all.Like butter who melts,coming nearer to the sun but never ever gets close. I daubt that there is something like 50 % or 20 % for the guru, simply because i have not heard this, so it does not mean it isnt true, I am just not sure. I also do not think that such a 1/2 pure person should be a guru full time, but he should bring and offer his disciples to a completely pure devotee if there is one available. With other words he should be aware of his shorcommings in this department and act in the best interest of his followers. He should not think that even so he is still himself in the need of guidance, that he will be able by his own progress to deliver his disciples fully to Krishna. A kanistha or madhyam adhikari guru is still in the need of higher authority and must therefore submit himself and his followers unto the guidance of a highclass devotee. Purety is the force. A lower devotee who accepts followers for initiation will be held back by his disciples sins and may have to fall down badly for his immature premature actions, based on the desire to be a guru. However honorable a lower devotee still conditioned by the modes may be in the beginning in his pursuit of being a guide and initiating spiritual master for others, he will be having a hard time not to become corrupted by the undue worship of his disciples, after all he is still a conditioned soul. Therefore the right thing to do for such a person is not to try to maintain such a false position, but to search out as quickly as possible the lotusfeet of a real pure vaisnava devotee of the Lord, who will be able to help him and his so called disciples, otherwise it is all a farce and bogus.
  2. Yayasriradhey quotes Ramakrishna as an authority, but is seems that Ramakrishna is mayavadi and worships demigods. In this article below it is quoted that Ramakrishna represents Lord Siva and also worships the Holy mother ( Durga ) I obviously respect Lord Siva and Durga devi, Lord Siva is the greatest devotee of Lord Krishna, but troughout the whole website Krishna is hardly ever mentioned, neither is Radharani. Bhakti is mentioned but to whom? Many nice words are written , but something is missing, a devotee will immidiately know what I mean with this by visiting their website. I am trying to say that to be cautious and ones reading should be very selective. Many personalities appear to be vaisnava but in fact worshippers of great demigods. These people can not bring us back to Goloka Vrindavan. In fact I searched the whole site for Goloka Vrindavan, but nothing. I searched for the Supreme abode, nothing, i searched for the gopies, nothing, so i gave up searching there, its empty The following is an article by SWAMI ASESHANANDA a follower of Ramakrishna http://www.sriramakrishnamath.org/vk/2000/October/remini.asp taken from the Indian Ramakrishna website http://www.sriramakrishnamath.org I want to convey to you what I was blessed with--the relationship between the guru and the disciple. What I have learnt at the feet of Holy Mother as well as at the feet of Raja Maharaj, preliminary as it was, is the shining light dispelling darkness. The bond between the guru and the disciple is the mantra, the sacred word. The mantrashakti is the truth, or the spiritual potency of the mantra discovered by the Rishis. The guru in Vedanta is he who has attained Nirvikalpa Samadhi, who has realised that the Atman and the Brahman are identical. The Tantras deal with the Ishtadevata. Cultivation of devotion to the Ishta is taught. The guru in Vedanta is the symbol of the universal soul, and the Ishta of the Tantras is the symbol of a special individual soul; and that is why, the Ishta of the Tantras, which is the chosen personal ideal, is a symbol of Shakti, i.e., the Divine Mother. Sri Ramakrishna's chosen ideal, for instance, is Mother Kali; Shankara's chosen ideal is Annapurna and so on. The Divine Mother is seen through sadhana along with Her grace. Hence realization in the Tantras is through sadhana kripa samanvaya. Vedanta on the other hand is called a siddhanta shastra, the ultimate realisation. But sadhana is the domain of the Divine Mother, the symbol of all shakti, power. All the sciences also have power but that shakti is achit shakti, which means unconscious power, while spiritual power or kundalini shakti means chit shakti, conscious power. The Holy Mother was the embodiment of this power. Although we start with the worship of Mother, the ultimate realisation is the identity of the devotee and God. Sri Ramakrishna represents Shiva, the Absolute, and Holy Mother represents Shakti. Shakti is also called karunamayi, the gracious one, because without her grace or kripa, we cannot do anything. Grace is very important. I have learnt this from my association with the Swamis of the order. Once Maharaj asked Swami Premananda, 'Baburamda, have you seen the real nature of Sri Ramakrishna?' Baburam Maharaj meditated a little intensely, then said 'Kripa, kripa, kripa!'--It is only through His grace, it is only through His grace, it is only through His grace! At a more personal level, Mother gave us inspiration, and not only inspiration, but liberation and siddhi too, through the grace of the Great Master--the embodiment of all noble qualities of the Divine Spirit. He has left behind his compassion and heartfelt love. His life was the epitome of perfection, and he has left it behind for the good of all, for the happiness of all.
  3. Janardana wrote that the guru is bound by the karma of His disciples.... Only a so called guru is, not a mahabhagavad Guru like Srila Prabhupada. A pure devotee burnes up the sinful reactions He accepts from His disciples in the fire of His devotional service, He is never bound by them. Someone who can not do this, with other words a false guru, a kanistha adhikara guru, someone who is not very highly advanced who still needs guidance himself, he will fall down under the burden of his disciples sins and may even go to hell.
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