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Posts posted by AncientMariner

  1. Read this on a blog...

    Bush doesn’t have the power to wipe his ass without permission. He is not the cause or the reason for this. He is a criminal just as the rest, but the real culprits are the JPMorgans, the Rockefellers, and the like. They make the rules, they say what is to be said, and they follow or their careers are through.

    It’s the Federal Reserve System of Credit and Debt Money that caused this, and continues to cause this. And now, their system is about to collapse and they want you to pay the bill, so they can continue to fleece you.

    If this bill somehow, not likely, doesn’t pass. It won’t take long for the economy to bottom out and crash. Then, the people will most likely not want a Central Bank and their game is done. Just as before 1913, when the other two Central Banks failed and were abolished. This bill only saves the Federal Reserve Systems members, not the American People.

    Bush is a puppet, a rich wealthy criminal, but still a puppet nonetheless.

  2. Ron Paul: Greenspan, Bernanke Should Be Criminally Charged



    Paul Joseph Watson

    Prison Planet

    Friday, September 26, 2008



    Congressman Ron Paul says that the bailout bill is likely to pass, heralding a 10-year plus economic depression for America and the potential for martial law should civil unrest arise as the financial meltdown worsens.



    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=415 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=16></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16>onepixel.gif</TD><TD width=399></TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16> </TD><TD class=photo-caption vAlign=top align=left width=415>The Congressman said that Greenspan and Bernanke should be criminally charged but that such an effort would be largely symbolic. “Morally speaking, they’re the culprits,” said Paul.</TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Speaking on The Alex Jones Show, Paul said of the bailout, “They want dictatorship, they want to pass all the penalties and suffering on to the average person on Main Street,” adding, “We will have a depression or recession, it’s locked in place due to previous Federal Reserve actions.”



    “When they say that if we don’t do exactly as they say and turn over more of our money and more of our liberties and exempt themselves from any court in the whole nation, they’re trying to intimidate us and lead us into doing the wrong thing,” said Paul.

    The Congressman added that serious problems would arise if nothing was done to address the problem, but that more serious consequences would follow should the bailout be passed.



    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=200 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=12>onepixel.gif</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><!-- adman_adcode (middle, 3) -->........ type=text/javascript><!--google_ad_client = "pub-0849512753345323";/* 200x200, created 3/7/08 */google_ad_slot = "7114990287";google_ad_width = 200;google_ad_height = 200;//-->.........>........ src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js" type=text/javascript>.........>........> window.google_render_ad(); .........><!-- /adman_adcode (middle) --></TD><TD width=12>onepixel.gif</TD></TR><TR><TD height=8>onepixel.gif</TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Paul warned that the only question was whether the meltdown would last one year or ten years and how much liberty would be lost in that time frame.



    “It looks like from I see in Congress, that they’re opting for a decade plus of depression rather than saying let’s correct our ways, let’s balance the budget, let’s bring our troops home,” said Paul, adding that the same course of printing money would continue - prolonging the agony and preventing a necessary correction.

    Asked if civil unrest was a possibility in the midst of an economic depression, referencing a recent Army Times report concerning the use of active duty military being brought back from Iraq for “Homeland patrols” and “crowd control,” Paul questioned, “Are we going to have martial law or are we going to have more freedoms? The more problems that we have, the more likely it is that we’re going to have martial law, so I do think they anticipate and they plan for these things.”

    Asked if criminal investigations and prosecutions of individuals on Wall Street should commence, Paul agreed but said that the main target of criminal inquiry should be the Federal Reserve board itself because, “That’s where the fraud is.”

    “They want to be lawless, they don’t want to be held accountable,” he added.

    Paul said that grand juries should be convened to take on prosecutions rather than the FBI becoming involved, stating, “We have proper authority with that and experience with it and the Enron case is a good example.”

    The Congressman said that Greenspan and Bernanke should be criminally charged but that such an effort would be largely symbolic. “Morally speaking, they’re the culprits,” said Paul.

    Asked what his solution to the crisis would be, Paul said, “I think the most important thing to do is to send the message that we’re going to quit living beyond our means and the president can set the standard for that and he has the most control under the Constitution on foreign policy - he can say no more wars, we’re done with the wars, we’re not going to take on the Russians, we’re not going to take on people in Venezuela, we’re going to start talking to the Cubans and bring our troops home and save hundreds of billions of dollars - that would send a powerful message that the dollar would respond to and oil prices would come down.”

    Paul said that Americans had to accept a new idea of government that harked back to what the founders envisaged and that the welfare state would have to unravel along with aspirations of building a geopolitical empire.

    “In the meantime the policy ought to be - shrink the size of government, decrease regulation, work towards sound money, remove the authority of the Fed to create money out of thin air and get tax reduction,” stated the Congressman. Paul added that eliminating the income tax would mean everybody becoming a lot richer and more money would be ploughed into the economy.

    “It will not solve the problem, it just delays the inevitable,” said Paul of the bailout, adding that he expects the bill to pass in a move that would, “Defy the American people.”

    “I think they get to the point where they think they’re like God and can control everything and they don’t realize that the market really is more powerful than all the bankers and all the politicians….Ultimately the underground economy is the real economy and I think they could over step themselves and hopefully we could come out with a better world afterwards,” concluded the Congressman.



    i feel that the idea of preaching is actually a idea of hatred.for you cannot 'preach' unless you hate all other paths and convince yourself that yours is the only path.one should sing praises of his lord or glorify him,but why 'preaching'?? isn't it very similar to those colonial christian missionaries who came to india to deliver the infidels?isnt it all about showing absolute disrespect about all other beliefs?one should expose his beliefs before everyone,so that anyone interested might follow,but why impose it??



    I do not like preaching at all. I can respect someone like Srila Prabhupada for what he did. It takes a lot of courage to go out to the public and share your beliefs but preaching is not my cup of tea even though it seems like it is a necessary part of being considered an actual Hare Krishna. I don't see myself ever getting to that point in this lifetime so the best I can do is have some level of appreciation for Krishna Consciousness as an outside observer.

  4. I have pretty much lost interest in the political race. It appears to me either way the President is pretty much a puppet or a figure head and that the New World Order is in control of things and has collapsed the US economy and now are trying to get the American public to pay for it on top of that. I think eventually God will intervene on some level especially if Americans can humble themselves a little and get back to a simpler life. God will rescue us from these demons eventually or that is my hope. I always figured this big ponzi scheme would come tumbling down but to see it finally manifest in reality is an extraordinary thing.


    Roqueredonde, France 22 August 2008

    When the first lady of France Madama Carla Bruni-Sarkozy opens with the Dalai Lama a Buddhist temple at Roqueredonde, France, it should be clear that this is all nothing but misleading the clueless French people. How present politicians would ever do something good for their citizens? Instead they take great care and attention to make sure in leading their people into nihilism. Nihilism means nothingness and this is what Buddhism is all about, attempting to become zero, nil, null, a dead loss.


    France's first lady meets Dalai Lama






    Posted 22 August 2008 @ 09:05 pm GMT




    Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, and France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy bow at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008.






    Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, and France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy bow at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)


    Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, left, presents a scarf to France's First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, at the inauguration of the Buddhist Lerab Ling temple in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)


    French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy drinks tea during the inauguration ceremony of the Lerab Ling temple by Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, not seen, in Roqueredonde, southern France, Friday, Aug. 22, 2008. (AP Photo)



    I think people like this are initially attracted to this stuff due to the peaceful ritualism of it or something. Hopefully she finds out how depressing nihilism is and eventually that leads her to Srimad Bhagavatam. If that happened then maybe she could be of some use to the people of France.


    In fact, a liberal platform creates a system where the choice happens to be life. In a household where there is good education, living wage jobs, equal protection regardless of external circumstance, the choice is life.


    The only problem with your analyses is the liberal platform from a political standpoint is usually to tax people and businesses so much that the only entity that gets wealthy is the government and hence the family structure breaks down and that is similar to the scenario described as symptoms of the Kali_Yuga. If liberalism were as rosy as you portrait it people in general would be classified as conservatives because they would not cheat on their wives and leave their kids to go mate with other women and so on and so forth. In all fairness though there really is nowhere for conservative minded people to go in this day and age because even the Republicans are essentially really big liberals. I believe in an individuals right to work hard and accumulate massive amounts of wealth and then distribute charity as they see fit rather than the liberal notion of confiscating wealth from those that are productive and being forced to distibute that money to government entities that often don't even use that money to help the people they are intended for.


    Another issue is the school voucher thing theist used to talk about. That is a travesty and you can bet there is no so called liberal that will allow people to quit paying taxes into our school system that is essentially a human slaughter house if you go by what Prabhupada described. So basically the government is forcing me to subsidize the spiritual slaughter of my fellow humans and you liberals don't care about that at all because everything is going to be all roses when your liberal buddies get in power. :) To me that is a slaughterhouse that far exceeds any of the slaughter in Iraq but you apparently don't care about that slaughter at all because Bush is evil and all liberals are good and civilization will turn into a spiritual golden age when everyone is a democrat.

  7. When you love God He lets you know in subtle ways that he is there and will look out for you or ultimately do what is best for you. That is a good and comforting feeling like having a loving father always looking out for you that just is not present in empty ritualism and formality in my opinion. That is why on some levels I view Prabhupada as a father figure even though I never met him. My own father is a likeable man but he does not know what it really is to be a father and Prabhupada does in my opinion.


    Srila Sridhara Maharaja: No matter; up to whatever extent they go, ultimately they end up becoming the worshiper of the self. They think that they will become God. The geocentric philosophy is not heliocentric. According to Srila Prabhupada [srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura], they are not heliocentric. They are geocentric. Their limit is only up to their senses. Beyond that, they don't have any understanding whatsoever. Ultimately their goal is Brahmaloka. Brahmaloka is the ultimate goal of these people, and beyond that they don't have any knowledge. The para-bhakti on the brahma-bhuta platform-that when one is situated on the Brahman platform, the transcendental platform, there the pure devotional service begins-they don't have any understanding about that.



    It definetly does seem very rare to meet people that have knowledge beyond the senses. I have read al lot of the books and can understand some of the concepts about us not being these physical bodies etc. and can appreciate the concept of Krishna being the supersoul but I still find myself attracted to the senses a lot especially just love playing golf because it almost requires a certain mastery of the senses and emotions in order to play really good golf. I have never felt closer to God then when I won a golf tournament because of the mental and emotional discipline it took to overcome the pressures of tournament golf.


    me, too, AM. I always say abortion is a dead issue, not to be cruel, but because the debate has absolutely no meaning. THE GOP proudly stands with pro-life movement, but they also proudly stand with the pharmaceutical companies, who are completely on board with the cannibalistic research that involves using fetal matter to provide juice to keep rich old folks alive despite their suicidal abuse of drugs, meat, their laziness, their scorn of wholistic medicine, etc. The GOP cannot say pro-life without answering for the wholesale practice of genocide, beginning almost immediately after WWII. In fact, their anti-abortion stance is not valid anyway because they could care less about inner city abortion, abortion of illegal aliens who may otherwise give birth on American soil, thus affording citizenship. They either have to adopt a quaker-like PRO-LIFE stand, or just keep quiet about it.


    Pro-choice is not necessarily pro-abortion. In fact, a liberal platform creates a system where the choice happens to be life. In a household where there is good education, living wage jobs, equal protection regardless of external circumstance, the choice is life. Statistics back me up on this as well, as I have much experiance working with pro-life groups who kept track of such real-time stats. During Reagan and Bush the first, abortion skyrocketed. Roe v. Wade was enacted during Nixon. Abortion declined during Carter, and the eight years of Clinton as well, only to grow again during the present regieme.


    Same with national policy. The GOP likes to say Carter was a complete failure, but the Camp David Accord was his doing, and seeing Sadat and Begin shaking hands was a monumental event. Clinton had Arafat back downm, accords were reached, peace was possible, but all went south when the GOP was running the show.


    Same with terrorism, the GOP says terrorism will happen under the Democrats, but who was president when 911 occurred? Who did not know what to do, oblivious to anything other than using bombs on nations whose only offence is hating the terrorists even more than we do. Saddam was a stalinist who hated all islamic jihad groups, hated al qaida, hated the wahabists from saudi, in fact, poured just as many scuds against the saudis than he did with Israel. But the GOP solution to terrorism is to let binladen off the hook when we had them all but defeated and go after a personal enemy of his stupid father, who also sucker-punched the stalinist saddam.


    Now the xians are mad because Iraq was not armageddon, so they want russia, but russia is just protecting ethnic russians in georgia.


    Oh well, haribol, good entertainment, eh?





    The way I look at it is like Shakespeare. Its all a divine tragicomedy. Even if people hate Bush and all that everything is happening exactly according to the way Krishna planned it all out. We are just riders on the storm just kicking back watching the whole thing unfold. You do what you can to help the good people of American and the good people of the Islamic nations and everywhere else but at the end of the day there is no reason to stress over anything because Krishna is gonna take care of us.


    nothing to do with anything. Family means those you are with, not some biological illusion, because by biology, there is only 6 degrees of separation that relates all humanity for all time. "Family members" is not a phrase that is defined by lost or irresponsible cells cast here and there. Of course, the fanatics who see everything in others closets while their own lives are full of skeletons will make great disturbance by having these things aired, and stupid fanatics who cant have a thought of their own will blindly follow. Like the anti-abortionist simpleton, one-issue person, who votes for a guy who espouses similar views, yet has caused so much suffering in the world, so much misery to mothers and children.


    I remember supporting the Reverand Billy Graham when he was severely criticized for his $600 suits (this was in 1970, such a suit would be $10,000 today). I said, "what shoud he wear? levis and a t-shirt? When he sits in the oval office, or meets with the pope? Or consults with world leaders?


    Obama's expensive house is just a home. Where would you have him live? Jerry Brown was criticized for living in a simople apartment, driving a beater around Sacramento while he was California's governor. By the same types. So, it doesnt matter, these non-issues that have nothing to do with governing, policies, who is delegated to handle the crushing problems of the federal executive branch of government. How much are Mc Cains seven homes worth? Whatever happened to his first wife whom he abandoned after she became ill, to marry his trophy beer-heiress? And, BTW, where are the right wing devotees noting the way he has become rich, by intoxicating the youth of america, the abortion of teen aged drunk drivers caused by his wife's occupation.


    I mention these things not to criticize McCain, because I have no criticism against him for non-issues. I criticize his for real issues like his desire to have a major war with russia, with Iran, with anyone, because he is a simpleton who is controlled by the corporate elitists who want genocide to save the earth, just like bush. Bush is a genuine nice guy, but he has no intelligence, cannot even formulate a paragraph of his own creation. Ad he has not governed at all. Is this what we want, a president who cannot govern, can only be affible in the face of the horrific disasters on our doorstep, a puppet in the hands of the BFSkinner and their ilk.


    This is why I call fraud against the GOP and their anti-abortion stance. It is pandering, meaning there is absolutely no sincerity in it. Just like their "support the troops" garbage. Show me one single veterans benefit that McCain has supported? Show me one ounce of support Bush has had for any military person, serving or retired. Show me any benefit supported for a single mother who decides to keep her unborn baby. It is the most blatent hypocracy, and is eaten in great quantities by the amerikkkan electorate.


    I vote for obama because he has ideas to rekindle americas lost ideals. McCain will take away what is left in the embers of the constitution, and the only jobs will be that of a prison guard or a soldier in a genocidal war.


    But the only thing heard over the next three months will be more and more non-issues that are spewed by the gurus like hannaty, limbaugh and their alcoholic perverted ilk.







    I like your thoughts about Obama but I am not convinced the guy really gets it. He claims to offer hope but he appears to be just another puppet of the leftist socialist agenda that is really in opposition to the spiritual communism that Prabhupada spoke of. If you even talk about abortion or the global warming or various other issues with these leftists when they are in power they immediately black ball you and the whole idea of community becomes exclusive only to leftists that believe in global warming and abortion etc and so on and so forth. In other words you have to drink their kool aid completely or you are kicked out and ostrasized from the community just for not thinking exactly like they do.


    Here is to hoping that somehow Americas lost ideals resurface in some form eventually but who knows for sure.


    Muhammed ali hung with malcolm x, was not all that involved with elijah muhammed. Farakkhan was louis x, and he may have been the one who had malcolm x assassinated, because malcolm x rebelled against the racist philosophy of elijah muhammed. Old news, but I sure hope you arent calling malcolm x a goof ball, because he, even more than MLK, had the answers. I suggest you read his autobiography by alex haley, or even see the movie starring denzell washington.


    Religion is the worst thing about american politics because the kind of religion espoused is not that which srila prabhupada defines as real religion, surrender to the Supreme Person. The religion of american politics is that which Krsna tells arjuna to abandon all varieties of.


    Just like abortion. Why is this dead issue that which defines one who wishes to be president? No one running has performed one, no one running has had one (except maybe hillary, and bill probably paid for a few). Its like the gun issue. Most think the GOP is all for gun rights, when in actuality, the GOP will be the first to cause all to give them up.


    You are right AM, though, politics is merely entertainment.


    Hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


    Didn't mean any disrespect to Malcolm X. From what I know of him he was a respectable and conscientious practicioner of Islam.


    In regard to the abortion issue I have to agree with you on some level. I have come to the conclusion although abortion is disgusting I am not convinced that you can legislate and arrest people for having abortions so what is the point in turning it into a big political issue all the time. If a civilization doesn't have enough common sense to figure out that abortion especially just as birth control is just wrong then I figure that civilization is eventually gonna get its butt kicked by material nature in some way or another.

  12. "Many a man's strength is in opposition, and when he faileth, he grows out of use." - Francis Bacon


    "Opposition is true friendship." - William Blake


    "He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. This amicable conflict with difficulty helps us to an intimate acquaintance with our object, and compels us to consider it in all its relations. It will not suffer us to be superficial." - Edmund Burke


    Because when asked what his favorite verse from the bible was, he destroyed the false christians with the sword Of Lord Jesus Christ, saying, "As ye treat the least among is how you treat me".


    They say he lost the debate there in orange county, but even Jesus Himself would not vote with those he prophesized "In the future, there will be those who, in My name, will heal and baptize, but I will say to them, get away from me, I know you not, for you have failed to do the will of He who has sent Me."


    The christians are not what one thinks, because they fail to follow the great commandment, they love so many things above the Lord, like country, political party, home, community, race, church, and they hate their neighbors above all else.


    They hate O bama because he is pro choice and hate him for having heard from Farakkhan, yet there is no one on earth more piously anti-abortion than Louis X.


    So, the real Christ followers should analyze the reality of Lord Jesus' teachings before aligning themselves with the so called christians that are engaged in active genocide because they want rapture and armageddon. I got news for them, gospel. Armageddon was in 79 AD, the fall of Jerusalem, as he predicted would happen even while his DIRECT disciples were still alive. All other armageddonist philosophy is bogus and anti-christian. Total irrelisious political concoction used to control stupid people.


    But, alas, O bama is thru, he peaked too early, he may not even survive the clintons, the true abortionists.






    Obama could win if he would tranform himself into a conservative in my opinion. He has been dragged down by a lot of his past associations with radical socialistic African American leaders that hear voices from UFOs telling them that white people are the cause of all suffering in the world and stuff. He should distance himself from all that and portray himself as a conservative Muslim man who transcends racial divides looking to unite Islam and Christianity because they are essentially very similar religions.


    Obama does seem to me to be more genuine than the Clintons but who knows for sure. I was rooting for him to beat Hillary all along but I got sick of him after I saw how the media turned everything into the Barrack Obama personality cult. That kind of stuff is just bizarre.


    Either way, politics for me anymore is cheap entertainment and I do not believe for one second that I have any ability to influence any change on the political landscape despite all the admonitions of those who say you should vote and all that. The whole game is manipulated just like wall street as far as I am concerned so I just view it all as a reality television show. So I sit looking on basically as an obnoxious heckler from the cheap seats making fun of everyone every chance I get just for the pure unadultered cheap entertainment of it.


    The ultimate game changer is going to be the Kalki-avatar I guess. After that I guess you can begin to take politics seriously again but unless Obama is some sort of avatar and that proves out with the passage of time I have to assume he is just another byproduct of the radical socialistic tendencies of leftist African American religous and political leaders. Muhammad Ali hung out with some of the same type of goof balls and he ended up transcending race and religion and is an exalted personality in my books so there is some hope for Obama but he needs to get his act together and do it quickly.


    Haribol, and thank you much, suchandra, for your valuable posts to this site. You have been our resident reporter, posting great news stories for us to all consider, keeping us interested.


    Actually, this audarya fellowship is just that, a fellowship, a place where diverse folks can make FRIENDSHIPS based on the foundation of bhakti yoga. Some of us are so aloof that we have not much opportunity to perform the MAIN devotional practices as described by Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. However, we see listed "Making friends with the Lord" as one of the nine processes, so actually, this platform (audarya) is bhakti yoga, because devotees of the Lord are non-different from him. This is the real value of this site, a place where friendships can be made.


    Take for instance the friendship between myself and Sri Bhutabhavana dasa (AKA BB, Random axis). Such an unlikely duo. However, politics aside, I have never blinked an eye when I think of Ksatriya dharma in relationship with my friend who may be on the opposite side of the scale of left to right. I have never doubted his sincerity, which is everything to me regardless of whether my 58 years of experiance sets us apart. I cannot do a dang thing about how I feel politically. I was a 15 year old white pre-hippie follower of Malcolm X while he was sitll alive. Before that, I cried my eyes out at the age of ten when Patrice Lumumba was slaughtered by the devil Moise Tsombe, who was sponsored by our CIA to make sure our Uranium supply was kept intact in the Katanga Province of Congo. I cannot do a thing about my marching with the Vietnam Veterans Against the war, always breaking away from the peace marchers to trash the Banks of Amerikkka back in the day. I still cannot do a thing about my feeling compassion for those caught up in the world-wide genocide movement carried out by the anti-christs who carry the banner of the weapon of Lord Jesus'assassination (fulfilling His very prophecy about the demons using his name to carry out the evil of the world). These things are inherant in the person yall know as mahaksadasa.


    That BB would not follow my path, and take another, this is of no consequence. Did Arjuna hate Dronacarya? No, before he shot any arrows, he shot one to the feet of his spiritual master in the offer of obiesance. Before Yudhisthira engaged in war, he got off his elephant and humbly asked Krpacarya for permission to engage in battle against him, greatly pleasing his opposing general.


    So, audarya is a place of friendship. Yeah, we wage war now and then, but after the battle of the days, we party together at night, congratualting each other on the expertise shown on the battlefield against each other. Because we all love krsna. And Krsna loves us all, from the best of us to the worst of us, he is Our Lord, unconditionally. This is the site for establishing friendships, And our friends are our friends with some of that unconditional flavor rubbing off.


    Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa






    When the Musics over turn out the lights. If this is the end of The Audarya Fellowship this is a good post to go out on and should be the official last post in my opinion before the lights are turned off.

  15. Who knows for sure. I view the story of Jesus to be divine on a similar level to the divinity in the stories in Srimad Bhagavatam. Don't know for sure if any of these stories are true but I hope they are because I find life without faith to be pretty depressing so I continue to believe in God and hope that all the faiths of the world end up being right on some level anyway. I have even chanted the name Allah and found it to be pleasurable and it is amazing that Christians and Muslims hate each other so much when on a fundamental level there seem to be a lot of similiarities between Christianity and Islam.

  16. Based on Native American languages as portrayed in Hollywood movies. I think the English language is too complex and leads to people endlessly debating stupid political and religous topics over and over. These debates usually don't end up solving anything and go on forever. If we could learn to talk in a more simplified way that captures the essence of life or something than maybe we could end all this useless dialogue and capture a common understanding of life and harmony with nature and our fellow humans of all races, religions, genders etc. Maybe we could even consider going to some form of Native American sign language and end the noise all together.


    It doesnt matter if humans caused this problem or if it is a natural cycle. The absurdity is the denial by mostly fat (really fat obese unhealthy disgusting) amerikkkans that there is even a problem.


    Fact is, stupid folks wonder why so many homes are now burning when before, not so many homes were lost. It is because homes were built in areas where fires always occurred. But smog in LA basin was there when Junipero Serra was the travelling wilbury of california. Mt Pinatubo blew and deposited more greenhouse gasses in two weeks than those caused by every factory and car ever built.


    The world always changes, and intelligent folk change with it. Only disgusting fat folks with no mercy, no austerity, no cleanliness, no honesty, these are those who deny real science. These demons are quite pleased that the middle class families can no longer afford to take their campers out of their driveways and crowd up the sites and share showers with thier fat disgusting obese kids.


    Its not global warming, its global fat. The fatter amerikkans become, the bones of the toothpick people of the world become more pronounced.


    aloha pumehana, have a good doomsday, mad mahax the vulcan.


    Hey gHari, hope all is well with you




    I am 5' 11" 145 lbs and drive a Toyota Yaris with only 1600 miles on it in 6 months, with no kids and I gotta admit I am happy to see the high gas prices because the neighborhood has less gang bangers running around in the middle of the night now. I can get a good nights rest now. Just Love it. I am afraid gas will go back down and it will be back to business as usual. I still laugh at the commercials that say we can unite to solve the climate crisis and how Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson are going to save the world from the climate crisis. You fellas apparently view that stuff as progressiveness, I view it as pure comedy probably dreamt up by someone working with the Obama think tank. Real progressiveness to me would be acknowledging that God is the transcendental cause of all causes but if you even mention God in the public schools the so called progressives descend on you like a pack of vultures. So I guess the progressives will go on teaching that humans can solve the climate crisis with the help of Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson and give powerpoint presentations to high school students around the nation. Al Sharpton is fat and getting fatter. If they had presented their thesis in a Native American sort of way, how we should strive to be at harmony with nature and shown an Indian chief on the television screen then I might buy into this crapola they are selling. Driving a Toyota Yaris is the doorway to the mode of goodness. Leave the mode of ignorance and passion behind and drive a Toyota Yaris today! :D :D




    Wo! Ha-Ha!







    AncientMariner, come to the present day. Krishna Conciousness means not deriving experiences from Krishna. Rama, Buddha, Jesus or Prophet didnt derive experiences from anybody or from their past. They themselves experienced. So derive the experience what Krishna derived and not just waste time in glorifying the past. You can experience in this time of your birth or else you will just divert by trying to keep your mind on Krishna throughout your life and you will loose yourself trying to find the conciousness out of you. Come on, experience yourself. Now.



    Sounds like some of that new age self help psychology or something. I tried that kind of stuff when I was younger and found it ultimately unsatisfying. It can work for awhile to help you achieve material goals or something but it doesn't give the complete picture of the universe and its functioning. Don't know for sure if Srimad Bhagavatam is true or not but at least it attempts to give you the complete picture. At the end of the day Srimad Bhagavatam is a very interesting explanation of things and the simple life of Krishna Consciousness seems like a nice way to live this life as compared to the constant stress of the materialistic civilization we have created.

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