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Posts posted by sasisekaran_pti





    dear sunsri,


    sorry , i could not respond earlier.


    your sister has to start fasting on tuesdays from sunrise to

    sunset. donate the food saved so to a needy.


    she has to pray srilakshmi. she can chant any sloka of srilakshmi.

    she may start with little ones first and gradually build.

    the prayer must be intense and the bhava must flow from the heart

    and soul.


    she must chant the following during rahu kaala every day after lighting

    a lamp.. .. rahu kaala is for one and half hour. it would be better if she

    utilises most part of this kaala for worship.


    " om namo bhagavathe mantra tatwa lingaaya

    yagnya kratave mahatwara avayavaaya mahapurushaaya namah

    karma shuklaaya tri yugaaya namaste."




    did the separation was during sometime around apr -06 to july 06 ?


    was the thaali tied sometime between 07:30 to 09:06 hrs ?



    may mother bless all









    dear shri.medan


    lagna in d30 shows the paapa purusha or avishnu. that is why

    the 12th to it is called as vishnu , who can save the nativity.


    once you locate the badly placed grahas in d30, move to navamsa to see

    its strength. observe its role as chara karaka in toto. now you see in rasi

    how such a planet can behave.


    if you start mixing lordships of all vargas, you will end up nowhere.



    regarding the chart given by shri.ram, you go back through the thread

    that has the heading " will he come back ? " . it is available .


    may mother bless all









    dear shri.ram and shri.medan


    the same chart was given by babu786 in an earlier thread

    under heading " will he come back " , the time birth

    was given as 06.30am. please confirm time of birth.



    may mother bless all









    dear shri.medan


    yes , saturn , even though a malefic being placed in vishnu sthana

    brings in recovery. since the planet is saturn , the recovery is

    slow. the nativity may worship lord Ganesha if hindu, otherwise

    request him to pray the lord during saturn hora every day. you

    may have to prepare a table and give it to the nativity.


    may mother bless all





  5. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.ayush,


    rahu is placed in marana karaka sthana in the ninth house.

    this shows your attitude towards pitris/elders/gurus. rahu's

    tendency is to cross the boundaries. if it is placed badly and

    afflicted it takes a person totally away from dharma. otherwise

    if beneficially disposed it makes the person cross seas to earn

    a living.


    rahu is against guru and gets neecha in dhanus. ketu , gyna karaka

    gets exalted in the ninth house (consider kaalapurusha's ) of guru.


    you were born in the thiti of guru. the lesson you should take

    from both of these is that you should never neglect pitiris/elders/guru.

    if you do so, you will be punished. please consider this seriously.


    in addition to this, rahu is placed in lagna in navamsa showing

    your natural ability to cross boundaries. hence it becomes all the

    more important to respect your elders etc..


    since rahu/moon period is running do paatha pooja to elders. in this

    period of exalted period of moon, you can worship paaduka and everyday

    at the end of the pooja , keep the paaduka on your head and pray

    krishna. ( Lord Krishna has exalted moon ).


    otherwise no need to draw parallel to other charts we are discussing.

    Please note scientist Einstein had moon with rahu. was he mentally ill ?

    no. but he crossed boundary and helped americans build atom bomb

    and kill lakhs of lifes...his mental ability ?


    may mother bless all





  6. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.suchandra


    it is often talked about in the case of princes diana.

    she met with the fatal accident after wearing the diamond

    donated by her lover.


    may mother bless all





  7. om gurubhyo namah




    dear hst108,


    a bhava lord going to a dustana, shows the suffering of that bhava.

    lagna shows the dhi sakthi. dhi's are four in number. they are

    budhi, sudhi, vridhi and siddhi.


    in your case since lagna lord has gone to the 8th, you could have experienced difficulties during application of your intelligence.


    pl recall as to when you have made serious mistakes. try to recollect

    the date, month and year as close as possible. try this with dasa.


    may mother bless all










    dear shri.medan


    as we dwell more into the subject, our thinking expands and more

    questions come into our mind. it is not easy to answer them all.

    unless i have a complete understanding myself , i may not be able

    to throw light on the subject.


    both of your questions have deep meaning.


    your question 1.

    1. How de we see what is the particular destiny indicated by the AK (taking case A, for example) - how do we say what is the karma the person has to achieve?


    destiny and achievement are two differents things. destiny is shown

    by the placement of 'ak' in respective vargas. for example one may get

    married but not children. hence ak's placement will be good in navamsa

    (meant for reading life with dharma patni and partners ) and bad in



    for achievement , blessings and the bhagya are important. when both are

    present the 'dhi' in a person works in tandem with the 'will' and achieves

    goals !


    to receive the blessings, one must pray god. what do we do when we come

    across an elderly person ? we prostrate and seek their blessings.


    this is linked to the 'cure' part that you have raised in the second question.


    that is why i suggested that we should know the bhagya content.


    the obivious question that would naturally follow this would be the

    " approximate time " part. recovery is possible during the period

    of the 12th lord or planet placed in trimsamsa.


    coming back to the case A and case B, already they have spent most

    part of their life in severe struggle. hence i feel they have to approach

    the ishta devata and kula devata. but for non hindus , the issue becomes

    tricky since the identification of specific deity is not possible.


    i once again emphasize that without exact birth time and the " that portion of birth yet to be universally accepted as time of birth " and last but not

    the least as to which part of the birth was noted as birth time , anchoring

    on lagnas in higher vargas needs higher understanding of the subject.


    12th and 4th ( you pointed this ) in d30 , show relief.


    these my understandings. your views will educate me further.


    may mother bless all









    dear smt.sowmyajain


    please observe fasting on tuesdays from sunrise to sunset.


    offer the food saved ( by not eating ) to a poor. this is a

    dhana you have to do.


    also please keep chanting on this day..


    "om namo narasimhaya " .


    on tritiyai and ekadasi thithis pl chant the following


    " om kamalaatmikaayai namah " at least 324 times both

    in the morning and evening after lighting a lamp.


    after completion of this for almost 48 days, you will see

    a change in your husband's attitude.


    but please note that you are not supposed to treat this

    as a bargain with the lord and make up your mind to continue

    the above chanting of mantras in future too.



    may mother bless all









    dear shri. eshwar


    no problems if you dont have faith.


    why dont you give it a try? after all you are going to spend

    half an hour to chant. sit in a calm place and start

    chanting aloud.


    you will definetly see change in your attitude from where you

    can build up. just try please



    may mother bless all









    dear shri. eshwar


    i am surprised you are searching all around when the lord

    is in your name.


    pray Lord.Shiva intensely. He is aasu toshi, one comes

    immediately and blesses.


    is there any shiva temple near by ?

    never miss a pradosham day.



    keep chanting " om namashivaaya "



    may mother bless all





  12. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.medan


    nice thinking. thinking leads us to many questions and in the process

    we learn and move closer to the truth. Truth alone comforts us.


    the very name atma karaka imparts lot of meaning. the soul from

    its previous birth enters a sareera . the soul as shown by the ak

    has this janma to undergo the karma of the past. so dont you

    think that ak stands out ?


    the suffering is either mental or physical. mental suffering would

    also lead to physical but only if the will power is low.


    mental suffering is more than the physical since it would prevent

    one from involving into physical acts needed for growth of the sareera

    and status.


    so if we proceed in that order , case B stands out.


    you are free to comment my approach.

    let us learn together.


    may mother bless all





  13. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.SINGH


    thanks for the info. please provided date of your movement to norway

    and date of marriage for my study purposes.


    rahu is placed with tenth and eleventh lord in an upachaya rasi.

    rahu is placed in fifth house in navamsa , showing abilities.

    rahu is placed in lagna in dasamsa, showing a new begining.


    hence i feel there could be lift in profession.


    since rahu is associating with ven and mars, take enough

    care of your association with the opposite sex. i am emphasing

    this since the combo is occuring in kama trikona and also

    arudha lagna. pl dont mistake me.


    always take these readings with a pinch of salt.


    may mother bless all





  14. om gurubhyo namah




    dear deepa bhandari


    before you conclude that i tease, please understand

    it was the other person who openly advised others

    to stop reading my posts.


    in spite of this i have been maintaining without threatning

    to quit.


    i have only said people should consider other teachings of

    parasara. since this is a fourm where even a beginer reads

    i wanted drive home this point . if you consider as teasing i

    dont know what to say.


    but please desist from making concluding remarks

    as this would make it appear as judgemental,


    but please note that your writing has not hurt me in any



    may mother bless all





  15. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.medan


    a correction in the previous posting ... i retype the corrected para alone..




    ak or for that matter if afflicted in vargas show suffering in those

    areas. while navamsa shows the dharmic content. it also shows

    " prarabdha karma " - the karma that one has to experience in this



    corrected one:-


    ak or for that matter any other planet if afflicted in vargas show

    suffering in those areas. while navamsa shows the dharmic content.

    it also shows " prarabdha karma " - the karma that one has

    to experience in this life.





    may mother bless all





  16. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.USR


    i was only trying to highlight the need for looking at

    vargas. if you feel that every word is against you,

    i can't help it. you may term it vengence or whatever

    that comes into your mind.


    i can't keep guessing before writing each sentence as

    how shri.USR would feel towards it.


    you may please stop referring to my name in future.


    may god bless you all









    dear shri.medan


    the importance of vargas play an important role in delineation of

    charts. otherwise it would appear that thousands of people born

    with the same lagna are one and the same. it is easy to see

    even a slight difference in birth time in twins change their fate.


    sage Parasara has said " dasamse mahatbalam ". after all, we have

    imported jyothish knowledge from him yet we justify our limited

    understanding and confine to rasi alone.


    ak or for that matter if afflicted in vargas show suffering in those

    areas. while navamsa shows the dharmic content. it also shows

    " prarabdha karma " - the karma that one has to experience in this



    in case B pl observe rahu is placed in randhra bhava along with mars

    who is fifth and ninth lorld in rasi. normally people would say mars

    is a yoga karaka for kataka lagna. but how is it in navamsa in this



    simlarly placement of planets in lagna , sixth and eigth in trimsamsa

    are bad. here ofcourse we should agree unless the so called birth

    time is accurate, all our analysis will be considered as only postmortem.


    ninth lord's placement in other vargas especially in d9, d30, d60 show

    how one's bhagya is protected or severed.


    add to this the shastiamsas.


    pl note case 'a' had atleast some less troubled periods.


    now compare both the chart in the lines given above.

    i am not explaining fully just to make you work. pl dont mistake me.

    the more we apply our mind, the more goes into our mind.



    may mother bless all









    dear vinita kumar


    ketu is placed in navamsa lagna. the dasa running is

    that of jupiter. you can certainly proceed.


    when you really start , pl see that you light a lamp

    before the lord and chant the following at least 108 times.


    " om vrishabam sarsashaneenam viswaroopam madhaabhyam

    brihaspatim varenyam "


    may mother bless all





  19. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.medan


    Between case A and case B, i find the suffering of B is more than that

    of A. by saying this i am not trying to weigh the suffering between

    them but only attempting at an astrological point of view.


    case a has jupiter dasa running. its placement in trimsamsa is good.

    the next dasa lord saturn is placed in fourth, and hence can show

    the suffering during its dasa - 2014 onwards.


    compare the placements of lagna lord, ninth lord and atmakaraka

    in rasi and vargas. what is your opinion on this ?


    you may please post details of case E also.


    thanks for continued interest.


    may mother bless all









    dear coolgimmy


    i would not to the view of predicting just based

    on kuta matching. kuta matching consider's only moon

    and moon sign. just imagine if the life of many born in the same

    star is similar. we dont find like that.


    his chart too should reveal difficulty in child birth. not just

    the moon.



    may mother bless all





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