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Posts posted by Srimanta


    having different opinions on siddhanta does not imply violating the rules of Dharma. The general Gaudiya siddhanta varies here and there from lets say Sri Vaishnava siddhanta, but both demand dharmic acting from their followers.


    "Jare dekho tare kaho Krishna Upadesh"


    Means whomever you see talk about Krsna only


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    Oh Ok, I understand...


    That is very intriguing & good to hear this.


    Hare Krsna


    Respect to all.


    Even if a crow carries one seed of Lord Chaitannya Mohaprabhu and plants on a fertile soil that sprouts a tree and grows, that crow becomes associate of Lord Chaitannya Mohaprabhu for His causeless mercy.


    So anybody can plant the seed given by Chaitanny Mohaprabhu just like Lord Sai Baba did for me unknowingly and I found the seed giver as well as Supreme Personality of Godhead Mohaprabhu.


    So everybody should plant this Hare Krsna seed as many as places He could by following the instruction by Mohaprabhu as


    "Jare dekho tare kaho Krishna Upadesh"


    Means whomever you see talk about Krsna only


    Srimanata, you seem to be hypocrite.


    If you recall what you wrote in a previous post titled "What are the qualities of a guru you can trust"


    You wrote:-



    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=624 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center bgColor=#ffffff>Originally Posted by Srimanta

    I was chanting Narayana from my birth and Lord Chaitannya visited me after my birth and also later. I was looking for Narayana. Sathya Sai Baba (later revealed to me) who came to my work place at Bangalore 10 yrs back and initiated me keeping His identity secret with Hare Krsna mohamantra and told me that I am His Chela. During this initiation I did not asked His identity but He given me hints saying, come to my Ashram at Whitefield though I forgotten. Later many demigods including Krsna, Chaitannya and Narayana gave darshan to me.


    So Sathya Sai Baba is prefect spiritual Guru and Narayana Himself. I had seen His subtle Body as Narayana. Sathya Sai Baba's birth name is Sathya Narayana and Sirdi Sai Baba worshiped Narayana to get His blessing and Sirdi Sai entered within the body of Sathya Narayana and became Sathya Sai Baba. Sirdi Sai was Lord Shiva Himself.


    So there is no doubt that anybody who worships Sathya Sai Baba will get blessing of Shiva and Narayana both. Sathya Sai Baba is authorized Guru by lord Krsna and every body must get His blessing, if possible initiation of Hare Krsna mohamantra.











    My Reply to you was:-


    What on earth are you talking about?

    Firstly, If you choose Sathya Sai Baba as your guru that is your choice.

    BUT don't make WILD assumptions...


    Who on earth told you Sai baba is Narayana Himself (apart from himself)

    I do not recall any description of KRSNA in any scriptures relating/authorizing himself in any form to Sai Baba.


    Though, I am glad to hear like you say, you had darshan from Krsna, Chaitannya and Narayana. and you are very lucky as KRSNA is not a demigod but Godhead himself.. count your blessing!


    Sathya Sai Baba did not gave me Narayana Mantra and He did not told me that He is Sathya Sai Baba who initited me.


    The Mantra was given Hare Krsna Mohamantra and I searched my Guru through this mantra. Atlast I found that the unknown Guru was Sathya Sai Baba.


    So it is the seed of Lord Gouranga Mohaprabhu which sprout within me and shows me that Lord Gouranga Mohaprabhu is primary owner of this seed and Sathya Sai Baba is secondary owner of this seed.


    So to me Lord Hari who is Lord Gouranga Moahaprabhu is my supreme Lord. And Stahya Sai Baba as initiating Guru and by whose mercy I come to know about Guru and Moha Guru (Prabhu and Mohaprabhu).


    So to me Moahprabhu is the supreme personality of Godhead and Sathya Sai Baba as initiating Guru is Narayana as of today.


    But definitely by mercy of Lord Gouranga Mohaprabhu to whom I yesterday talked and come to know that if Sathya Sai Baba continues services to Lord Gouranaga Mohaprabhu then He will get Vishnu Pada means become Lord Vishnu.


    That is the last conversation I had with Lord Chaitannya Mohaprabhu yesterday.


    But as a whole I am serving both Sathay Sai Baba and Mohaprabhu in the name of Lord Krsna Chaitannya Mohaprabhu


    Dear Srimanta,


    I am sorry, but I don't think you understood the English in the way I wrote earlier. I apologise!


    Let me Make it very easy for you.


    In a respectful manner - How did these new-age religions/Cults/Sects whatever you want to call it (e.g. swaminarayan, sai baba, etc.) came about? I am not being disrespective whatsoever, I am merely asking a question!


    Srimanta, Like I Say, I Respect All Relegions, Cults, Sects etc. as long as they do their own thing & not impose their believes on others.


    By the way, Asking a question DOES NOT simply imply that I'm looking to join such new-age religions/sects/cults etc.


    So Srimanta, In what part of my question made you think I am "looking some new stuff" as you put it?


    Hare Krsna!


    Respect to All


    Don't respect other mayawadi religions. If you are Vaisnava then only respect Krsna and Chitannya Mohaprabhu. Follow the teaching of Prabhupada and you will be delivered.


    How did these new-age religions came about?

    In India, People way back in the old days probably just worshipped God Krishna &/or Rama (& some demigods)

    Is it because "lost" people wanted guidance from say a Sami or Baba or Sadhu etc..?

    and therefore this led to the formation of a new cult or religion headed by these swami's/sadhu's and their successors.. I'm just curious!!

    Hare Krsna

    Respect to All


    Don't worry, you are already in oldest religion i.e. Vaisnavism. If you are looking some new stuff contact those Babas you already knowing.


    kind and good with intent but many do not believe in either sects as pure based on the fact that none have proven life. yea to the intent but even the guru knows the words of old will fall under the same

    <?xml:namespace prefix = u1 /><u1:p></u1:p>The ‘2 edged’ question was to see if you knew.<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

    And if all trees were raised in pure soil then all could be sustained in nourishment. Since the soil is uneven then the tree of ‘knowledge’ must be able to nourish in all soils.

    He is of this ‘life’ as the species had not developed to know.

    So in the humility of the lowly surrounded by the old oak a sprout has emerged that will offer the pollen to nourish the whole population.

    And it will be made applicable in the physical sciences whereas all will apply and no single sprout will ever be without again.

    So if you are of pure heart then you know this is to occur but like of many the scope is just too large to acknowledge yet of this universe but a ripple.


    Where is your seed? show me O old Oak!


    According to the Shiva tradition that I am familiar with, if I am not mistaken:


    1) There is no such thing as "sin", only learning experiences.


    2) Thus there is no such thing as "punishment", only actions and reactions.


    In other words: the soul goes through a variety of experiences. As the soul progresses then she discovers that there are good choices and bad choices. Certain acts, conduct leads to certain benefic results and positive states of mind, other conduct and acts lead to different, painful states of mind.




    That is why, whether Christian or Buddhist, Muslim or Shinto, Vaisnava or Shaivite, it is called the Sanatana Dharma or eternal religion. Every culture in the world has an idea like "be nice" and "help others", "be kind", "praise God from whom all blessings flow", etc. As the soul progresses through various experiences, she learns things like "it is better to give than to receive".




    Also as the soul progresses, the lessons and the reactions become heavier, [according to the Shiva tradition I am familiar with] the more evolved you are of a soul. For example if a young soul does some action, she or he will not receive the same karmic reaction as an older soul will get.


    In a nutshell there are experiences that all souls will have so that the soul nature becomes refined. Or as one person said, "love" is the goal: the soul becomes more and more loving. Like I am sure you have met or read about or heard about the old souls of this world. The old souls do things like help others and they don't just talk about it.


    The old souls have learned through experience that there are some actions that just feel better and nicer. For example: selfishness is a choice, not a "sin", according to the school of Hinduism that I am familiar with.


    Selfishness is a type of experience that yields a certain type of fruit or result. A young soul might indulge in selfish behavior and get away with it more than a medium soul. And an old soul would not even consider it; it does not feel like a good match or a comfortable fit for his or her psyche.




    The example given is we are just a lump of clay on a potter's wheel of the Divine at the beginning, when we spring from the tatastha. Then we take shape--or evolve--on the Divine Potter's wheel, through various experiences.


    Thus there is no "sin", just experiences and reactions to those experiences. And as you progress as a soul you learn to make better choices. By "better" we do not mean good or bad but as one prabhu pointed out "love". You learn what love is and what is more loving. As the Bible said, "Love is patient, love is kind, love bears all things."



    As you progress as a soul, you learn daily and hourly to make choices as to what is the more loving choice that brings us more love and more loving feelings? And loving feelings at the begining and the middle as well as at the end. Sorry it sounds corny but that is how there can be no such thing as "sin" and "jealous God" in Hinduism, in one school of thought at least.




    3) In [according to at least one Shaivite school] Hinduism, we worship an external Deity in the Temple to develop bhakti or devotion (or as one person said "love"). By bhakti AND good conduct then we progress in our meditation.


    As we progress in our meditation then the focus of our meditation and worship goes from external Deity [external world we can touch and see, 2D and 3D] to internal Deity [inside our mind and heart, 4th dimension]. But we never at any point give up the external Temple devotions or bhakti, according to the Shiva school I am most familiar with.




    Also you asked "why can't we worship this or that?" You can. In Bhag Gita Krsna says, "I am ..." so many things in Nature. It is very beautiful, all of the various things He describes. So you can see Him everywhere. And in Shaivite we have this also: we learn to see God everywhere.


    For example Krsna says, "I am the syllable AUM." So you can hear this sound in so many places. You can hear it in the hum of a city, the roar of a bus, the spinning of a fan, the mooing of a cow, the buzzing of bees, and in the sound of Nature. If you listen closely, you can hear it all of the time. Krsna said that he is AUM. So as devotees we learn to see our Beloved everywhere.




    It is pretty fun. So yes, you can worship a rock. In fact Hindus are big rock worshippers. Vaisnavas have the shalagram shila and Govardhana shila and the Shaivites have the Shiva lingam. Also Buddhists worship the rock: Shunryo Suzuki introduced his disciples at SF Zen Center how to do puja to a rock by selecting a special rock and then pouring water over it. In Shinto we respect the rock by acknowledging that everything is alive or has kami, spirit: even the water and mountains, rocks and stones.


    In Tibetan Buddhism we worship the rock by the Mountains we respect as Goddesses, namely Chomolungma is Mount Everest, biggest rock in the world. That is one reason why I love this Sanatana Dharma so much, every tradition comes together in harmony. In Islam they worship the Kaaba, monolithic rock structure at Mecca, again same concept. In Christianity Jesus said, "I am the Rock" or foundation, plus there is an actual church: The Dome of the Rock.




    You also asked "Why can't I worship myself then?" You can and you should also worship yourself. Not just any old way, but you should have respect for yourself since your body is a temple of God. In Hinduism we believe that God is in everyone's heart. Many devotees of Lord Krsna that I met, said that before they learned about Hinduism from Prabhupada, they wanted to kill themselves before they found out that they are, in truth, sacred beings. Hinduism teaches you how and why you are sacred.


    In Hinduism we feel that you are sacred because you are a spark of the Divine. Therefore we say "Namaste" to each other: "I acknowledge and bow to the spark of the Divine within you." You can experience how the Divine is flowing within you and without you by observing the following:


    1. PRANA - your inbreath and outbreath is God's will; nothing moves but by His Divine will

    2. SHAKTI - the flow of life within your body and every living thing is the same flow of energy

    3. DARSHAN - hold a sacred form within your mind and think of nothing else. See that form within every form.

    4. JYOTI - inner light: the shine and twinkle in the eyes that is not there in a dead body; the light that illuminates our thoughts

    5. NADI - listen to constant high-pitched EEEEE sound in your head, or listen to the sound of AUM in nature


    So learning to see yourself as a spark of Divine is integral to seeing God everywhere. We see God in three forms in Hinduism: everywhere (Brahman), in the heart (Param Atma), and in the heaven (Bhagavan). So yes you can even worship yourself by respecting yourself as a spark of the Divine.




    In conclusion, there is no such thing as sin, only experience. The Earth planet is the best place to grow and transform through these experiences. Yes you can worship rock and yes you can also worship yourself. However to avoid psychotic effects of misguided rock and self worship, there are guidelines in Hinduism from the ancient rsis and seers as to how to get the most "bang for your buck" from this rock worship and self worship. These guidelines were given by a loving God to us from the old souls, His Friends.


    Aum Shanti.


    Can you transfer your experience to me such that I get all expereince from you. Good luck O soul!


    1) If Krishna cannot control us completely then why do we say that he is 'omnipotent'?


    2) If you give all your free will to Krishna, then what about your daily life? You live in thinking of krishna but wouldn't that make you forget your goals in life? your wife, kids and family in the present or future? Don't you have a certain duty toward your career, your own family? Or is that all maya? If it is, then why is human society set up by krishna like this? why can't he just make everyone appear in this world spontaneously as a servant of krishna?


    Krsna takes care so many cows, then why not one more?


    Pl. don't speculate and water down the discussions. We are here to make a point and implement Srila Prabhupada's instructions on cow protection in a practical way. Pl. keep your sentiments away. The post from the administrator, Jahnava Nitai Prabhu says it all. He has quoted from the Bhagavatam on how Krishna herds the beautiful bulls in Vrindavana. That's enough to tell how Krishna takes care of the bulls. We don't need speculations here.


    Prabhu missed my point which says "Krsna is not against bull and that’s why given to Lord Shiva". I did not say krsna is against beautiful bulls in Vrindavana. If Krsna offers one beautiful bull to Lord Shiva as a gift to carry Lord Shiva's Load where is the offence?


    Above all Lord Shiva is one dearest devotee of Lord Krsna


    As you yourself said, it was a demon. It does not mean that krsna is against all bulls. Krsna killed Putana, who was a lady. Does it mean Krsna is against all ladies?


    Krsna is not against bull and that’s why given to Lord Shiva. Shiva uses those bulls and asks bull to carry His weight which is definitely so heavy I guess. But Krsna is always against demon which challenges Krsna Himself, Supreme Personality of Godhead


    The truth is the subject not so much the story. Does today have the final chapter to read? Can you describe life?


    Yet this knowledge must be from all the people not just singular in definition. There are other perspectives to acknowledge and although each sect may represent a diety within their own constraint, for example Jesus is a prophet to Islam yet God to a Christian likewise, Vishnu supreme and Krishna an avatar of another of Hinduism.


    As each has a representation; what have you learned from each to share as support to another?


    There is a question or does history and repeating words become the topic?


    These things of truth may not seem to be as you envisioned but did you know this day would occur? That's a 2 edged daggar.


    All trees either in material or spiritual worlds belongs to Krsna. Krsna is the original owner of everything. But when a tree grows up and bears fruits based on the nature of the soil, Krsna observes the tree from distance. Some time He asks some of His associate to nourish that tree based on the seed given. After some time those trees are grown over getting light, heat, water etc all the five elements of the material nature and with the mind and indigence of the gardener which supposed to be spiritual nature who is looking after that tree based on original thoughts of Krsna.

    But unfortunately there suddenly comes winds and storms. Sometime that tree could not grow up because of insufficient material elements and spiritual light or can be uprooted by will of Krsna. Sometimes the tree grows up but because of the ill nourishment bears poisonous fruits which are not good for health for the living entity. Such trees are uprooted by Krsna or by material energy of Krsna.

    But unfortunately the original gardener comes back and claims that this tree originally belongs to the gardener Himself though He remembers that Krsna asked Him to plant the seed. But if the gardener is wise enough then He asks Krsna to give another seed to plant and uproot the poisonous tree. Otherwise the gardener starts quarreling with Krsna and that becomes 2 edged dragging because of the ignorance of Gardener.

    Prabhupada had planted such a tree from a seed which has been tested in every soil in earth and heaven and found that it bears always sweet fruits full of juices and good for health. Such a seed is Hare Krsna Mohamantra which is original seed of Krsna Chaitannya Mohaprabhu. Any gardener can plant it in any soil and always bears sweet juicy fruits and good for health of human. This seed does not belong to any one, this is the seed of Krsna only and Krsna is always its primary owner and gardener is the secondary owner.

    But other seeds which are given by Krsna to plant one particular type of soil do not bear good fruits and even bears poisonous fruits in some soil. This kind of seeds are seed of Christ (limited to father and son relationship), Islam (Master and servant relationship) etc. Where as Hare Krsna is combined of all kind of relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

    If you ask me whether I was knowing or not 2 edged dagger, yes I know. I was returned back because I was asked to help, one was not sufficient to take all burden here. Just think who has so many trees through out universe why He will finght for one particular tree. He should nourish all trees equally.


    differences of opinion exist even among the topmost gopis. if we all thought the same, why would Shyam like it?


    what counts is true service and devotion. who cares if we disagree even on siddhanta?


    Nobody can go against the rule of Dharma, even not Krsna Himself. Krsna is holy name and nobody can use this name for any material gain.


    If someone plays with Krsna, He will suffer like hell in earth and there is no place for him in Heaven.


    So scriptures written by Vishnu can not be violated.


    Shree Krishna (Vishnu) is not present; in all circumstances and suggesting your being separate from us?


    He is ....? what authority? what defines your comment? It appears you are separate from us may I ask for clarification, kind sir?


    Or better yet may it be too much the imposition to answer the question posted?


    Yet.. maybe to reduce ambiguity..... what would you need to know if you were standing in front of the last Avatar?


    Krsna never said Last and First Avatar. Krsna only preached that if there is any problem about Dharma in any time, any where, to protect Dharma I will incarnate. How He will incarnate and when He will incarnate that is upto Krsna because Krsna told that.


    So there is no last and first Avatar as per Krsna is concerned. Krsna may incarnate even also not showing His face and may choose to remain unknown. That is Krsna's will. But surely He will work to establish Dharma and that is guaranteed through Bhagavat Gita.


    So there is nothing with us or without us. Everything belongs to Krsna even being with us or without being with us.


    As per last Avatar is concerned that is upto Lord Jaganntha. That's what Vishnu wrote in Bhagavatam and Krsna supported by revealing to Vishnu.


    Now a days there are so many Mayawadi Krsna. Krsna is not going to killing them but only revealed the truth. Dharma only matters for Krsna and in Mohabharatha Krsna only supported Dharma.

  14. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


    1) God controls everything. You and I are controlled by God. However, there is something called "FREE WILL". Since we mis-use this free will, we sin but if we use it in the service of Krishna, we become devotees. So, technically, Krishna cannot control us 100% because we have a very minute quantity of Free will. Sin is temporary but not illusionary.


    ANS: That's why Krsna told give me everything including your FREE will and you will be FREE from material activities


    2)The argument again revolves around the mis-use of our free will and hence end up in a punishable state. Punishment from God is nothing but His mercy on us. It is like if my father punishes me...it is out of his love for me and that he wants to correct me and not to hurt me. So punishment by Krishna through the agent of Maya is His mercy to dovetail our free will with Krishna's will.


    ANS: Again by punishment your father nullify your FREE will. You can not use your FREE will for FREE stuff any more


    3)We do not worship an idol. We worship a deity that is made of material elements and invoked spiritually through sound vibration. In other words, God Himself has mentioned specifically in the Scriptires as to how He wants to be worshipped. Again, this is for our sake and not for Krishna. Krishna is complete and self-sufficient. He does not require worship. But, since we minute jivas are small, insignificant, conditioned and suffering, Krishna has volunteered to accept our service through deity worship. By constant worship, we can dovetail our free will to Krishna and ultimately attain prema-bhakti. The whole process of deity worship is technical and methodical and cannot be done whimsically on our own. As conditioned souls, we misuse our free will, and by proper methods, we can love Krishna and one of the processes is deity worship (of the 9 processes to attain love)


    ANS: Krsna's name is His worship. That's what Prabhupada and Lord Chaitannya Moahaprabhu had preached for. If you take the holy name in your heart and chant always, you need not to worship deity. Deity is optional for the beginner only. Like A,B,C.. Once Krsna's named is placed in the heart by practicing sankirtan, you need not worship even deity when you reach highest state of devotional services to Krsna. But following scriptures and worshipping deity is always welcome.


    Did you not see how the Muslims or Christians people pray without any deity. That prayer also goes to Krsna through their mediator.

  15. Here is the answers for your questions:


    These are just thought questions, I find so many things contradictory in the teachings of many religions including Hinduism, but unlike muslims and christians, you tolerate me when I ask so its ok (hopefully).


    1) What do you think about this?

    If God is everywhere, he controls everything, i.e. he is isvara, then what is sin?. If he controls everything then aren't you or I being controlled by him right now, so whatever you or I do , it is his "doing" , right? Hence, sin is an illusion, right?




    If you surrender completely by offering all of your activities and fruits out of those activities, then of course whatever is acting through you, that is Krsna is doing. That state is Moha Bhava, means not a single moment you can not stay thinking without Krsna. If you achieve that state, the state of Lord Jaganntha which is Moha Bhava state, supreme bliss full state of Lord, you are completely devoid of any sin. That's why Lord Jaganntha is the supreme manifestation of Lord Krsna in the state of Moha Bhava.


    2)Then , what is the use of Punishment? If you do something 'punishable' by God (example adultery), it is really God commiting sin, so there is really no way you are responsible, then why should God punish you or anyone for anything?




    Krsna never did adultery. Krsna is always perfect. All the gopies are expansion of original Krsna, who already had qualified to be gopies through loving devotional services to Krsna. They look like Krsna by mercy of Krsna. that's why so many gopies and so many wife of Krsna. Krsna only has single divine consort Radha. So illicit sex is always punishable which is an act of bull. If any one does that in Golok, immediately he will fall down and come to Lord Shiva to get birth and suffering starts.


    3) Third, God is everywhere , then why do you worship an idol? I agree I am not God, but if he is everywhere , He is in me right now, and also in a rock at the same time, so why can't I worship a rock, or my own body?




    Idol is also God just like a picture of your Father is also your Father. God can transmit His divine energy through idol, image of God. Just think that when you see one picture of your father, immediately in your mind all loving relationship of your father appears. Similarly when you see one idol of Krsna, your soul immediately is filled with love of Krsna.


    4) Finally, I am being sincere when I ask this and I do not mean to offend anyone, but I was meaning to clear these doubts for quite sometime, please give me some good answers and no insults please, thank you.




    A Vaisnava should ask always doubt. If one has doubt he can not achieve God.


    Without bull no calf can even start alive :D


    Only Krsna's glance is sufficient to produce calf and protect them from demon. Did Krsna not killed Bull demon on Vrindavan? No bulls are allowed in Golok. Did you not read Phancha tattva?


    If you are new comer please take some calsses in ISKCON or read pancha tattva.


    The most appropriate definition I can find in Webster's is "concerned with voluntary action and ethical decisions".


    You might take a look there...practical has several definitions.


    I'd say it means dealing appropriately with the material necessities in our lives.


    Only ethical decision is finding your own cows. Prabhupada already thought how to find your own cows. To protect and find your own cows you have to follow Prabhpada's teaching 1) No illicit Sex 2) No Meat eating 3) No Gabmling 4) No Intoxication 5) Body of the cow is chanting holy name of Krsna.


    That is only the thing you have to practice and help other to practice. If you understand this you are always with Krsna.


    If you don't follow the above teachings of Prabhupada then you are a bull. So you have to go to Lord Shiva and have to take birth in this material world again and again, suffer like a dog and eat like pig.


    It is your choice, whether you want to enjoy in Golok Vrindavan with association of Krsna becoming cowherd boy or you want to live in this material world like a dog and eating like pig all filthy stuffs. You only have this two choice and choice is yours.


    sa eva go-dhanam lakṣmyā

    niketaḿ sita-go-vṛṣam

    cārayann anugān gopān

    raṇad-veṇur arīramat


    "While herding the very beautiful bulls, the Lord, who was the reservoir of all opulence and fortune, used to blow His flute, and thus He enlivened His faithful followers, the cowherd boys." - Srimad Bhagavatam 3.2.29


    Lord Krishna did not abandon his male calves. He took care of them properly. In a temple goshala all of the cows belong to Krishna. Who could imagine that He would sell his childen off for slaughter.


    A newspaper article came out last month saying the famous temple of Simhachalam was selling all the donated bulls for slaughter. In that district it has been an ancient custom that people will donate their first good bull to that temple as an offering, but the temple was selling them for meat.


    If you are Vaisanava don't worry about bull protection. Bulls belongs to Lord Shiva. If He wants to protect them let Him to protect. Bull does not give milk only labor. That's why they always takes birth in this material world which is most laborious place through out this whole universe. But protect celestial cow of Krsna who always gives milk. Without milk no calf can alive. So if you want to survive protecting cow is must and which is reflection of the celestial cow of Krsna in material world.


    Krsna had given you a cow through Prabhupada which is having 4 legs 1)No Meat eating 2)No Illicit Sex 3) No gambling 4) No Intoxication 5) Body of the cow is made with changing Hare Krsna. If you do this for yourself your cow will be protected. If you teach this to your own children your calf will be protected. So you got cow and calf. Go on multiplying and help other to learn to protect their own cows and calves. Once you have so many cows and calves through multiplication of your own cows and calves, you will play with Krsna becoming cowherd boy. Krsna is original cowherd boy and you will be His associate. You all will play and enjoy together in Heaven becoming cowherd boy like Krsna as long as you want.


    So protect cow in this material world which is your own cows in heaven. If you kill here cows your own cows will be killed in Heaven. This is the real teaching of Krsna. Krsna enjoys seeing that you protected your own cows in Heaven and as well as in material world. This is the key to success in Krsna consciousness.


    You're saying that in material life there are certain circumstances we cannot change, but if Srila Prabhupada's instructions are sincerely followed, our spiritual life will develop....correct?


    If so, that's very clear.


    We have to live our lives practically and spiritually.


    Again this word practically means some what material in nature. Can you define what is practically.


    "We have to live our lives spiritually" following the instructions given by Prabhupada is what I mean.


    If you want to drink milk you have to love your cow and serve that cow always. If cow dies there is no milk and there is no sound of flute of the cowherd boy Krsna. Then how can you play with Krsna? So protecting your cow is the first practical and spiritual duty to you. You are living your material life which is temporary and any time can happen anything to you. So what practically you can do for it?



    A muni is said to be able to continue finding arguments for both sides of a question inexhaustibly, without reaching a conclusion.


    Perhaps we should strive only for the truth - not for ownership of the victory of one or another posture. Then differences of opinion can become less agitating.


    [Note to self: take your writings to heart too, my friend. If guru moves your fingers, then the eyes, mind and heart must respect their service]


    The key point is Vaisanava is eternally pure who is engaged devotional services to Lord Chaitannya Mohaprabhu. Those who make argument they always may not be Vaisanava.


    So you have to realize that whether the argument is how to serve better Lord Chaitannya Mohaprabhu or something related to material nature. If material nature defeat that argument with your whole strength. Vaisanava never gets defeated in Philosophy since it is related to Supreme Personality of Godhead


    mmm...why am I laughing at this joke:idea::)


    You know...one of the real pleasures of taking up spiritual life is that this false ego thing gradually starts to lose it's grip. We can begin to laugh at ourselves and our carry on.


    Words: Human/humour. The great cure-all!


    Oh What a crazy mechanics he was!

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