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  1. Jesus' message is absolutely vedic. Jesus followed in the steps of all previous divine incarnations. Seem that He is the latest and best. Jesus provided a simple path through which one can have an ego-less life while absolutely serving one's own dharma while living in heaven on earth and elsewhere. However Jesus' instruction for achieving this life style is very corrupted in main stream and/or traditional Christianity. Fact is this is achieved when one is led into all of ones activities by precisely what Jesus' Spirit has in mind for one to pray for, say and do, as discerned within one's own heart or spirit. What the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for one to pray for, say and do is always in line with the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspiration which are the fabric of one's own preexisting spirit and the will of God. To serve one's own dharma is to express and materialize the ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspiration, that are the fabric of one's own spirit, in absolute God given endorsement, freedom, liberty and justification. This delivers one into heaven on earth. This is to be 'in Christ'. By being led by the Spirit of Jesus which is also called the Spirit of Truth, one achieves this ego-less and sin-free life. This is a life in Christ and it has nothing to do with the Ten Commandments and the behavioral guidelines in the Bible. I am in Christ.
  2. Fight referred to Arjuna's dharm. When this instruction is applied to others it means that they must serve their own particular individualized dharma. One's dharma existed in potentiality before one is born on earth. One's dharma is the essential fabric of one's subtle body (i.e. one's spirit). A person's dharma is those very deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs desires and aspirations which one is driven to express and materialize on earth. This is the fabric of one's own spirit which existed before one was brought forth to earth in a physical human body. One was predestine by God to be born on earth because this set of spirit based ideas, beliefs, interests, needs desires and aspirations which constituted one pre-existing spirit were relevant to God's direction for earth at that time. This is the reality of all being who are brought forth to earth from the heavenly realm. All such being have very preordained mission on earth. These mission are absolutely in line with the very fabric of each of their pre-existing spirits or subtle bodies. These mission make up each person's individual dharma. A person's spirit changes. In fact a person's spirit is constant state of evolving. A person's spirit changes when the very deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs desires and aspirations within their spirit changes. The highest aim of life is to changes these very deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs desires and aspirations, as rapidly as possible to one that omniscience or as close to omniscience as possible. Whiles this can happen rapidly during one current life time, it is assumed that for most people this is will not change so rapidly so as to void the very deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs desires and aspirations of one's pre-birth spirit. Therefore although this world is all illusion, you were brought forth to earth in a human physical body because your very deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations are founded on and rooted in, illusions. And you will not be happy if you do not act according to you own dharma which is founded on your very deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations, which for all intent and purposes are illusions. The excepting to this is if your own deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations become more enlightened then what was dentine to be your dharma could change. If this change is enlightening enough so that you deeply seated ideas, beliefs, interests, needs, desires and aspirations no longer have to do with things on earth then you may have to die . . . . for earth and its illusion would not longer be relevant to you.
  3. "serving Lord Krishna" means to act only after immediately experiencing the transcendental reality. The transcendental reality is the All knowing field of All possibilities. This field resides beyond the worlds of physical, forces and ideas. To experience the transcendental reality is yagya. At all events one must do yagya first, then enjoy the fruits of yagya. The act of doing yagya in the above manner must become a spontaneous habit that occurs naturally and more or less instantly seconds, before one act. When one transcends before one act one bring to bear the total support and wisdom of omniscience and omnipotence to one's action. This act of transcending in this manner is actually the act of reaching and communing with Lord Krishna.
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