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Posts posted by Sridas


    "Jare dekho tare kaho Krishna Upadesh"


    Means whomever you see talk about Krsna only


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    This is excellent advise Srimanta. Krsna loves it when his beloved sevitors are exchanging his glories and then it comes straight back into our heart. Simultaneously helping the envirionment for the pastimes of lord Krsna are all conquering.

    but easier said than done, that is why he recommends sadhu sanga.




    sadhusango, sadhusango sarbosastre koy

    labomatro sausange sarbsiddhi hoy

    (C.c. Madhyadot_clear.gif 22.54)




    The verdict of all the revealed scriptures is that by a moment's association with a pure devotee, all perfections are obtained.




  2. Here are some realizations of Srila Sridhara Maharaj to ponder on the topic.

    He spoke extensively on this particular subject trying to always restore some harmony in the conflicting environment.


    Polarity and Unity Harmonized


    Disciple: So can two gurus present different conclusions yet the revealed truth still be in both?

    Srila Guru Maharaj: There may be some variation in their presentation, vilas (variation) is there, even modification maybe. In sakhya rasa, for example, Subhala, Sridham etc. all have a distinctive character. I once told Iskcon, “I am not one with you, nor am I even one with Swami Maharaj (Srila Prabhupad)” At that they were disappointed, but we must understand everything has its special characteristic. Everyone has their special individuality. With Swami Maharaj I have many things in common and some things different. And so there is difference in the parisadas (associates) of Krsna also. Sridham is one type, Madhumangal is another type, Subhal and Balaram all different so some sort of distinction they must have, a little in common and some difference. Also here in material existence there is so much differentiation and it all originates from the spiritual world. But many things are similar so you will have to understand that this difference should not promote quarrel. It is necessary for the existence of the pastimes of the Truth, just like the opposition in the parliament, everything has got its place. There is difference in the positions of rasa there also, between vatsalya rasa and madhura rasa, there is some anti-feeling, it can’t be avoided.

    aher iva gatih premnah svabhaver-kutila bhavet

    (Srila Rupa Goswami)

    The mother will generally think her son is captured by his wife, for the path of love is crooked. So with cause or without cause, both parties are possessed with some difference, hence love quarrels. So difference does not mean the lower and the higher. All have their own position in perfection. Out of necessity, there is distinction in the absolute and it must be, otherwise it can’t be lila. It will be stagnant, static. To be dynamic, the waves must flow in this way.

    Disciple: One time you commented that there is difference between spiritual personalities. On the lower platform it is due to anarthas (bad habits) and on the higher platform it is due to rasa.

    Srila Sridhara Maharaj: The very nature of rasa requires distinction, meaning many in one, polarity and unity harmonized, otherwise we have to sacrifice one side. If the polarity is sacrificed altogether then it just becomes homogenized, non-differentiated.

    Devotee: In the spiritual world does everyone hold the position of a Guru for those who enter?

    Srila Sridhar Maharaj:Of course, and whatever little help we will receive from anyone, we must be grateful to him. A person with good temperament must be thankful to all. Receiving even slight help he will feel, "Yes, I am very thankful for your guidance."

    We are to learn the theory and science of gratitude. "I am to be grateful to you and to everyone in the environment," the very domain is of that character. Everyone thinks himself to be a thief, "I am a trespasser. Only by the grace of the environment can I have a position here. They are all well-wishers except for myself," this should be the temperament. He will be busy and sometimes forgetful of himself in the intensity of his service.




    vaikunthera prthivy adi sakala cinmaya. (C.c. Adi 5.53)



    We are to think, "The environment of that land in which I aspire to live is made of better stuff than I am." We are to enter into a super-subjective domain. The attitude of all the newly recruited persons there should be: "I am not of subjective character, I am of marginal potency, tatastha, but I am receiving permission to enter the super-subjective area where everything holds a higher position than myself." Everyone there is of that consciousness. "The air, the earth, the trees, etc. all hold a higher position than myself, but still I have been given permission by the supreme authority to wander here. I have only been given some service, and I am eager to render that service to this land." With this attitude in the background, one should live there, and in the foreground one will become accustomed to discharging his particular duty. "I have come and I am treading on a soil whose intrinsic value is really superior."

    A child reveres his mother but he may be taken on her lap, such is the example of our situation when we enter Vaikuntha and Goloka. "The whole atmosphere is higher than myself and is to be revered, but still they have embraced me and taken me in their lap - svarupa-sakti - and I have been asked to do some duty there. The whole environment is to be revered, and I am allowed to live there only as a matter of grace, not as a matter of right." We are tatastha , and as a matter of right we may be cast in Brahmaloka, the marginal potency, so we must become conscious of this fact.

  3. Krsna also taught this Srimanta,




    He says, "Abandon all other conceptions of duty and just surrender unto Me. Have no fear. I shall protect you and free you from all sinful reactions that might arise from neglecting your ordinary duties."

    Different material tendencies and mental impulses may attack us - even Indra himself, the king of heaven and the controller of all ordinary activities, may attack us - but if we are attentive towards our goal, if we are careful to read the order of Krishna, He will protect us in the shade of His lotus feet. He will give us shelter under the shade of Govarddhan Hill, where no Indra will be able to touch our heads. And with full faith that Krishna will give us protection, we should try to take shelter under Govarddhan Hill and pray: "O Krishna, give me protection from all the difficulties that may come to attack me because of my leaving behind my ordinary obligations."

    Although many anomalies may try to catch us, Krishna will protect us. And in His representation as Govarddhan Hill, that wonderful master of the cows will save us from all sorts of difficulties. How is this possible? God works wonders. His ways are unknown and inconceivable.


    Srila B.R.Sridhara Maharaj Exerpt from 'Loving Search for the Lost Servant'


    So although at first Krsna is giving Dharma, then in the essence of the Gita He is requesting for us to give it back up for Him, after all everything is His anyway, including and especially us, and his promise is that He will always protect us, this is a quantum leap of faith into the arms of God, and we are to trust he will catch us, and from there direct us to His higher ground, this is the foundation of surrender.

    What we give up is insignicant compared to what we stand to gain.

  4. But in your dreams wherever you be

    Dream a little dream of Me.


    Is that the Lord in the heart coming through a rock group? I wonder.


    Maybe that should be

    Realize a reality of Me


    (Wake me up)

    Wake me up inside.

    (I can't wake up)

    Wake me up inside.

    (Save me)

    Call my name and save me from the dark.

    (Wake me up)

    Bid my blood to run.

    (I can't wake up)

    Before I come undone.

    (Save me)

    Save me from the nothing I've become.


    Now that I know what I'm without,

    You can't just leave me.

    Breathe into me and make me real.

    Bring me to life.



    It may be more beneficial if these singers directed their songs to one that CAN wake 'em up.

    Then they'd also get some eternal fame like Jayadev Goswami and other transcendental poets whose dreams are visions, and whose songs are sung and relevant for all eternity


  5. Hmm news that brings hope, faith and encouragement, this is Krsna consciousness. This is what we visit the internet for... to get inspired in our devotional aspirations thru seeing others doing the will of their guru.

    All glories to the no-nonsense devotees, impartial reporters of the devotees and those who broadcast that reporting. there's enough of the other news everywhere else.

  6. :namaskar:The latest from St Petersburg.




    While the world fights and argues who's who outside, here is a Spiritual master quietly (sometimes loudly) distributing the Grace of Sri Sri Gaur Nitai to inumerable fortunate souls.

    Getting on with the job, fullfilling the wishes of all the vaisnava acharyas. Initiating new devotees on a daily basis into a loving dedicated International family connected to the roots of the Universal Rupanuga Tree of life, and therefore can't but be fruitful with all auspiciousness surrounding it, a divine sankirtan festival continues day after day around such glorious souls, distributing relief into the troubled environment.

    This is one of Srila Prabhupads most intimate friends, and we can see how the Grace of Guru and Nitai Gauranga is overflowing with success through this most honorable Vaisnava acharya. All that one is searching for is to be found in the presence of such a surrended kalpa vrksa devotee.

    "By their fruits ye shall know them"


    :namaskar:So the sankirtan party is in full swing and everyone is invited to come and join the dance. Gaura hari bol!!!


    let's not beat around the bush, wasting our lives in fruitless criticism, fault finding, argument and dry philosophical speculations. Krsna is giving us the choice.

  7. 040920_GKundPanorama-1000x.jpg



    Dear Sruti Prabhu,

    This is the extention of Srila Prabhupad's wishes to complete Srila Sridhara Maharaj's Nat Mandir. This is Sri Govinda kund Navadwip corresponding to that in Sri Govardhan- Vrndavan.

    Srila Sridhara Maharaj's vision of this place he chose to do bhajan in, was gupta Govardhan. (hidden from mundane vision) As we've been enlightened by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur that all of Navadwipdham corresponds to Sri Gokula Mandala.

    By the grace of Srila Bhakti Sundara Govinda Maharaj he has extracted the inner beauty, manifesting it into the external environment for the benefit of all who visit. It is considered a very sacred and significant place in the pastimes of both Mahaprabhu and Krsna.


  8. Meditation: how do you know benefits are really spiritual and not mere psychology?

    <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1>


    Check out the mirror occasionally.

    Is your heart tasting the sweetness of nectar or your tongue just dried up saliva?


    Do you repeat the Holy Names mechanicly or with spontaneous effection, after thirty years of diligent practice?

    Now honestly did you follow the directions given by the spiritual master?





    How regularly do you have Akkk attacks?

  9. Although I never met him, only in passing at Sri Radha kund. I always had some inner respect for his consistent dedication to Srila Prabhupad and Sri Sri Radha and Krsna.

    May They guide his journey all the way Home.

    I was thinking yesterday in regard to Sripad Swarup Damodara Maharaj and others how it must be when returning to their eternal gurudev in the spiritual world, will they be asked how are things on Earth? Cause it ain't getting any prettier down here, let us hope they catch these sinful miscreants that perpetrate these heinous crimes.

    It seems a lot of good souls are being called home, I hope He leaves a few here.

  10. Real telepathy constitutes both parties are willing and receptive otherwise like crank callers on our telephone line, it can become a disturbance if you appreciate some privacy. And in a worse case scenario you may have false mystics or ghosts trying to harass and manipulate unconscious, or unwilling recipients

    The way God has wired us up originally is to have all the bells and whistles of the external technology we have now. But when the jivas arn't perfected enough to transmit and receive appropriately then we can get all sorts of mixed messages. With a fan club arriving in your your inbox that you didn't exactly invite.


    Then again the thoughts and well wishes of a very developed master can't but be a pleasant surprise when they knock on the door of your consciousness.


    On the other hand I often wonder what some of these rock stars and movie stars experience with so many adorers directing their desires, dreams and fantasies towards them. No wonder some of them are so mixed up.:eek::crying2::P:crazy::eek2::confused:;):outta:

  11. The closer we are to God the further away we will feel

    and the highest selfless servitors of Krsna feel they don't have a drop of love for Him yet in reality they are overflowing with it.

    Krsna is attracted to the humble heart and repulsed by false pride.

    Even if we feel abandoned or neglected it won't deterr us from our aspiration to please Him and especially his devotee more.

    This is what reveals to us what we are made of and what His sweet will wishes of us, also it constitutes how much we are prepared to sacrifice our own pleasure for His or His genuine representitive. A devotees' life is one of endless sacrifice.

    We can understand where we're at by how much we are prepared to extend our affectionate service unconditionally.

    Lord Chaitanya's Siksastakam prayers nicely express our souls predicament in separation through thick and thin.


    <CENTER>ashlishya va pada-ratam pinashtu mam

    adarshanan marma-hatam karotu va

    yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato

    mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah


    I know no one but Krsna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally.</CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER>


    Even if we do take birth again we should just accept that it is the will of providence that we are not sufficently purified in this life, but like Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur we can pray to take birth in the family of a vaisnava thereby surrounding us in Krsna consciousness and the opportunity to serve the vaisnavas from birth, assuring us of constant rememberance of God, and by association all their pious qualities can come to us bringing increasing inner fullfilment. For in the Vaisnava conception to be around the hearing and glorification of his Name is non-different from Him personally.





  12. Sephiroth I appreciate there are good games, also they are even making a game of Krsna's pastimes. There are no doubt many kids that violent intake is water off a ducks back too.

    But I am talking about those that are weak minded and there are games that brainwash kids into doing xtreme nonsense. Unlike reading a book these kids are locked into this world almost 24/7 with endless repeatition. I should know i have one 18 year old who only sufaces from his computer for a little air, to raid the fridge or occasionally help with a project around the house. As a father and well wisher i'm concerned about the effect that has on his thinking, doing and feeling.

    Obviously I'd rather see him doing endless repeatition of the Holy Names

  13. Untill we get pious, pratistha-free sadhus in politics or positions of influence, nothing will change because at some level even madyam motivated decisions will be corrupted, unless they are a ksatriya that is guided by a living saint in the background.

    What sadhu in their right mind will place themselves in such a snake pit of deception, where hypocracy and expoitation reign.

    It's said, 'we get the government we deserve', and you can see that everywhere, but untill the people in general are suficiantly sincere a satisfactory leader won't be forthcoming, what to speak of a whole party.

  14. The programing of the illusionary energy thru material technology is becoming very subliminal, it seems to be really fine tuning it's subtle ways of conditioning the thought process of young souls who are curious with this form of entertaining contemplation.

    I can't help but think that this is in preparation for some horrific Armageddon confrontation.

    It's becoming increasingly more difficult to even communicate with younger generations, as they have their own codes of silence and reciprical language that they trust amongst themselves and generally won't share with elders.

    There are many computer programmers from the older generations who have no interest in spiritual life, that design these games, in turn effecting behavioural patterns, desensitizing souls to their own best welfare, glorifying the very activities the sastras condemn. And condeming those activities the saints recommend. Maya has honed it's skills time and again to conceal and confuse access to the Real Truth, returning with a different replay each time.


    I can understand why George Harrison called his last album 'Brainwashed'.

  15. What can we say?

    Our sincerest condolences to the surviving family members.

    May they be comforted in the welcoming arms of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krsna and their beloved Srila Prabhupad greeting them on the sacred soil of Goloka Vrndavan on the other side of the river.

    The tempestuous currants of this world have now no doubt subsided, transporting them to the far shore.

    Of coarse our best wishes can't match their best of Well Wishers in the transcendental domain, yet still we offer them with affectionate gratitude for their contribution to the world family of vaisnavas and vaisnavis.

    Gaura hari bol

  16. What they couldn't get by conquest they are now procuring by stealth.

    'In like a needle...... out like a plow'

    Increasing their hold on country after country after country.

    Because even tho they are divided into hundreds of factions themselves, still they have a common agenda.... WORLD DOMINATION.

    And because Hindu India is suffering from a bout of low self-esteem there is very little potency to stand up to this insurgence of half Truths.

    Under the guise of being the religious minority or underdog in most nations that are supposed to believe in democratic principal, they are setting up camp, unbeknown to most of the sleeping masses who are struggling to be tolerant and give them a fair go.

    But before long we will find them in most parliaments influencing the liberal minded free thinkers who call the shots, to consider their proposition of One World government under Allah almighty.

    Like we had better get some into the western parliments, the logic goes, because they understand their fellow disenfranchised brothers.


    It's interesting to note how just recently the military leader of the coup in Thailand was Muslim, which has been a predominantly Buddhist country for centuries, but now, starting in the south from the Malaysian border, Muslims are populating rapidly. With a Muslim in control they will soften the stance they have previously taken against this silent invasion.

    The Kings hands will be tied, because he doesn't wish to be seen as being a partial, cruel ruler. And therefore he will become a pawn of the military.

    Plus many of the Thai Buddhists are going thru a makeover identity crisis, away from the unsatisfactory impersonalist doctrine of Buddhism to personalism. First choice over Christianity and the polytheistic Hindhuism will be Islam, apart from small pockets of vegetarian Buddhism, that will relate more to the Hindu.


    I totally agree the killer of the cows makes a wasteland of their environment, and then migrates to greener pastures to eventually desecrate their new spoils.

    As we know they won't hesitate to use nuclea means to raise Allah's flag, so they can enjoy the spoils of unlimited little moocows and sheep that grow fat in those nice green pockets around the world.

    And weak leadership in the west simply opens the way to bring it on all the quicker. But who is going to to make the sacrifice to look after herds of cows and set the example. So many devotees arn't cashed up enough to even purchase enough land to save them from the slaughterhouses.

  17. I repeat these qualities of a vaisnava they fit Srila Sridhara Maharaj perfectly:

    (1) He is very kind to everyone.

    (2) He does not make anyone his enemy.

    (3) He is truthful.

    (4) He is equal to everyone.

    (5) No one can find any fault in him.

    (6) He is magnanimous.

    (7) He is mild.

    (8) He is always clean.

    (9) He is without possessions.

    (10) He works for everyone's benefit.

    (11) He is very peaceful.

    (12) He is always surrendered to Krsna.

    (13) He has no material desires.

    (14) He is very meek.

    (15) He is steady.

    (16) He controls his senses.

    (17) He does not eat more than required.

    (18) He is not influenced by the Lord's illusory energy.

    (19) He offers respect to everyone.

    (20) He does not desire any respect for himself.

    (21) He is very grave.

    (22) He is merciful.

    (23) He is friendly.

    (24) He is poetic.

    (25) He is expert.

    (26) He is silent.


    It's up to each aspiring soul if they are genuinely seeking a representitive of Swayam Bhagavan Sri Krsna, to seek these qualities in the acharya, and in doing so imbibe them into oneself.

    I personally found all of these qualities and more in the personality of Srila Sridhara Maharaj as did thousands of far more advanced souls than myself.

    It appears somewhat contradictary if this is truly the statement of Srila Prabhupad as he himself visited Srila SM on numerous occasions, at times with his young and fresh neophyte disciples who at that time had no idea what vaisnava ettiquette was, and in their kanishta maddness insulted SSM, who only ever tried to help them as a loving father, friend and guardian, because Prabhupad asked him if SSM "could polish them up," as he felt he didn't have the time to finish what he started and they were still rough cut gems, so he requested of SSM, "if they come to you, you can refine them"

    Prabhupad even took them to Srila Sridhara Maharaj to learn the proper honor for Vyasa puja also.

    Further more Acyutananda Prabhu was personally sent by Prabhupad to live at SSM's Math to learn the songs of the Gaudiya Acharyas, it doesn't exactly make sense if he didn't want them to associate with SSM that he would ask them to learn the mood of kirtan at Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math.

    but there is so much 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation misconception, controversy and confusion abounding these days about so many issues, that it doesn't surprise me what states of ignorance and aparadhe proliforate in the name of Krsna consciousness.

    I can understand Prabhupad wanted to protect his disciples from hearing aparadhe against himself thus dissturbing their faith, but even more from some of his immature young fanatics causing problems with their still raw fundermentalist KC.


    That's why we'd recommend hearing direct from someone who spent many years of intimate association with both of these glorious acharyas.

    Srila Sridhara Maharaj never needed anyone's certificate of authenticity to verify his credentials, as the fruit of his actions more then amply confirmed his level of God realization.

    We're like pigmies trying to touch the self effulgent moon when it comes to his glories. Even Sri Sesa Naga would get tongue tired trying to befittingly praise His divine Grace, but if it did need someone then there is no one more fitting than his own guru Srila Bhaktisidanta Saraswati Thakur, when he stated, "Now I'm satisfied at least one person can continue our (disciplic) line." After reading one of SSM's eulogies and deep insight into the spirit of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur.


    Some of us have fortunately had siksa and diksa from both SSM and SACBSP and met with various other godbrothers of them both, and I've found them all to be proper gentlemen, all with different unique individual qualifications and contributions. Maybe not on the scale of Srila Prabhupad's dispensation to the west, but even if they just make one sincere devotee or make themselves a devotee it's good enough.


    Srila Sridhara Maharaj may not have made it to the western world, but neither did Mahaprabhu in his time, yet many of SSM's disciples and grand disciples through the grace of Srila Govinda Maharaj have taken Krsna consciousness to just about every country of the globe.


    Your sur name isn't Harry Karri is it?


    Regarding this nonsense statement;


    Therefore we can conclude:


    1. If you wish to take shelter of a black snake, and have rejected the shelter of Srila Prabhupada, THEN Sridhara maharaja is a better alternative.

    2. In ALL OTHER CASES - Avoid the association of Sridhara Maharaja.
    This is what Srila Prabhupada actually advises.


    This is your conclusion Harry and is diametrically opposite of what SP advised.

    so if you make yourself party to such erroneous conclusions take resposibility for your own statements, and the consequences of such propergation. But thank God and Prabhupad that many of his sincere disciples didn't come up with the same unfortunate twisted logic that you have.


    Try this also from Prabhupad;


    "who is the most highly competent of all my godbrothers. This is B. R. Sridhara Maharaja, whom I consider to be even my siksadot_clear.gif guru. If you are serious about the advancement of your spiritual life, I advise you to go to Sridhara Maharaja and I will feel that you are safe.You can also make arrangements for your other godbrothers to go there in the future." (SP Ltr. Hrsikesa, January 1, 1969)


    Or if you want an even more comprehensive and accurate assesment of these our beloved guardians relationship go here to


    for further in depth understanding. All based on hard copy and taped conversations.


    Don't just cut and paste from IRM, try getting a little more perspective, otherwise you run the risk of cutting off the very head that gives life to everyones body. As you are doing Srila Prabhupad and those observers that take on board such a narrow view, a grave disservice.

    I might add that most everyone I know from the line of Srila B.R. Sridhara Maharaj worships the divine relationship of these two great souls with the uttmost reverence and honor as they both would have wished of each other.

    Both Srila Govinda Maharaj and Srila Sridhara Maharaj lived together preaching in the same house as Prabhupad for twelve years in their early devotional life, travelling around India chanting and preaching before most of us had even taken birth.

    And yet somehow we have the arrogance to think we know all about them from some snippet we read.


  18. Derogatory name calling never does anyone good! Not the person that does it, the one that receives it, or those that have to wittness.

    Then again Holy Name calling does everyone good including us the observers, so if you want to call to Allah, Krsna, Rama, Jehova all well and good. Each Name will take us somewhere, depending how we do it it may benefit us all, transporting us into the desired heartspace many of us would like to occupy. But names like moron, although similar to mormon will only take us backwards.

    Call and be happy


    Gaura Hari bol

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