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Posts posted by tsaneladi

  1. I am interested in the phrase "spiritual communism". Did he see that as a frequent reference or is this a one time description for the sake of clarification.


    Again, I find this to be at the crux of dedvotion. clearly, IMHO, he is saying not to kill the mice and rats and in fact to assist them. It is a very difficult choice to include rats in the presence of your children in the home.

  2. I am reading Steven Rosens's SRI PANCA TATTVA book and am a bit confused on an issue. In 4.4, it refers to a dream and the appearance of the Lord of Hell, Yama. I was never aware that such a place existed in KC and am surprised to hear it mentioned in this context.


    If indeed this is correct, what actions would preceed a soul spending eternity in Hell?

  3. It would seems that with the recent multiple vesions of his books from various sources there maybe some truth to that rumor.


    I am not sure that the BBT, which has been revising the books over a period of time, needs to be the sole source of his ministry anyway. I am glad that some have chosen to remain faithful to the original transcriptions and reproduce books in this light. It cant hurt to have his chosen words available along with newly edited and revised versions

  4. "Or why Srila Prabhupada's comments should be relevant to us if he is not our authority ?


    We have all given up his so called shelter and gone to higher authorities. There is no need to return to his teachings."


    It is with much sadnes that I read these words from a devotee (or former devotee)


    The answers are in his words and teachings



  5. "The highly developed soul always remains satisfied in himself by realizing himself as the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord. Such a transcendentally situated person has no sense desires resulting from petty materialism; rather, he remains always happy in his natural position of eternally serving the Supreme Lord."


    Thank you for reminding me of this passage





  6. It is difficult to be unaffected by these testimonial timelines of the attempts by the GBC to maintain ISKCON while transforming to a multiple zone ruler system.


    Some time ago I decided, as a newer devotee, to remain outside the scandal and do my best to maintain KC without becoming a part of the problem.


    It would be interesting if an alternative network were to develop with a structure more true to the original intent.


    Likewise, it is curious that the GBC, with a number of significant leaders who I believe have good intents, has such difficulty moving faster than a snails pace to reorganize an obviously failed and tainted ISKCON

  7. I beg to differ with the Buddha. his commentary on Priests seems to needlessly indict gurus as being of a suspicious character.


    While this fits nicely in his packet of godlessness, I have no room in my heart for this voidful dialogue.

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