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Posts posted by Streetstraw

  1. and Ruffin's Temptations: "Beauty's only Skin Deep, but Ugly's to the Bone."

    God put Africans in Africa, Red Indians in North Amerika, Frozen Food up North etc.

    We took it upon ourselves to 'improve' upon God's arrangement.

    Was it Chief Seattle who cursed us to die from the same tobacco we vowed then later broke treaties by?

    And who was it that first stated: "White man speak with Fork Tongue" Kenneth Lay?

    Watch out for that North Fork Bank and this new Smart Energy electric company.

    South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia must continue to grow & sell it birth after birth.

    No choice. Condemned to repeated birth & death till they all become thoroughly KC.

  2. Is America a Core of an Axis of Medieval? G. Kalki




    Why good America is the core of an axis of Medieval? America is on the wrong side of the battle lines. In article “Bush vs. Women,” Nicholas D. Kristof (NYT 8/16/02, p A17) laments, “Somehow we (USA) have become the core of an Axis of Medieval.” “Alas, this summer President Bush is putting the U.S. on the wrong side of the battle lines.” On the key issues of the 21st Century, namely, women’s rights, military coups, and drugs the religious right conservatism-misdirecting America’s might on the wrong side of the battle lines.




    It may not be in the long-term national interests of the United States, if in the world view of the non-Christian and non-Islamic world, Hindu and Buddhist world, brown and yellow world, the sole super power of the world perceived as the core of an axis of Medieval. It might affect world’s perception of real motives underlying the President Bush’s declared war on Wahhabi terrorism. This perception or misperception might affect the warring coalition in the looming Third World War, albeit the Global Clash of Races and Clash of Civilizations. The geopolitics of the Axis of Medieval shall influence composition of global alliance in future wars. United States must not forget that Germany and Japan lost the Second World War because rest of the Third World perceived them to be an Axis of Evil, while murderous Western colonial powers perceived as Alliance of Good. But for this perception India would not have supplied 3.5 million soldiers for Allied Powers, even when neither Germany nor Japan had done any harm to India.




    The central moral struggle of the 19th century concerned slavery. The central moral struggle of the first half of the 20th century concerned decolonization and freedom of colonies. The central moral struggle of the second half of the 20th century pitted democracy against Nazism, Communism, other despotic isms and military coups. The central moral struggle of the 21st century concerns women’s rights, global terrorism and global drug trade. The key issues of the 19th, 20th and 21st century in nutshell concerned slavery, decolonization, despotic isms, military coups, women’s rights, drugs and terrorism. United States has been on the wrong side of the battle lines on issues concerning slavery, decolonization, military coups, women’s rights, and drugs. It raises doubt whether United States also on the wrong side of battle against terrorism, since after invading Afghanistan the heroin production has zoomed in Afghanistan, and not even one Taliban and Al Qaeda leader has been hanged. These are the reasons that third world perceives United States as the core of the Axis of Medieval.




    SLAVERY: On the issue of slavery United States has a tainted record, as it continued to support slavery long after Britain and Canada abolished slavery. Abraham Lincoln waged war against Confederates during Civil War not to guarantee rights of the blacks, but to preserve the Union. Blacks outnumbered white settlers in the United States and had Civil War not taken place, United States would have become a black-majority nation not different from South Africa. It is no accident that as late as 1965, blacks suffered discrimination under Apartheid-type system in United States, not different from what blacks suffered in South Africa, before Nelson Mandela became the Prime Minister. India refused to enter into defense pact with USA, after the Second World War, primarily because of the pro-white, anti-black Apartheid policy in practice in USA. Blacks under Hitler’s Germany enjoyed more freedom and rights than blacks enjoyed in contemporary United States.




    DECOLONIZATION: President Truman demanded half of the British Empire as part payment for American war loans to Britain. Only when Prime Minister Churchill refused to handover half of the British Empire that United States became a supporter of decolonization. United States removed the natives of Diego Garcia reminiscent of the removal of Native Americans. The America’s first colony witnessed unprecedented genocide perpetrated by American soldiers at the beginning of the 20th century in the Philippines.




    MILITARY COUPS: Just as Muslim terrorists attack women, the weakest part of society, similarly the CIA eliminates the hostile democratically elected leadership by engineering the military Coups, and guaranteeing to provide escape route and protection, in the event Coup attempt fizzles out.




    United States became the greatest menace to the freedom and elected democracies throughout newly independent states in the Third World, due to the CIA’s penchant for engineering military coups. The CIA periodically engineered military coups in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Congo, South Korea, Greece, Chile, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Myanmar (Burma), South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Venezuela to name the few. The CIA’s penchant for directly supporting the military coups against democratically elected governments in the Third World, threatens the new world order.




    United States engineered the murder of President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, murder of Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of Congo, murder of President Salvador Allende Gossens of Chile (1970-Sept 1973), and murder of Prime Minister Mujib Ur Rahman of Bangladesh. United States engineered the overthrow of Emperor Shah of Iran (Jan 1979), and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan in 1999. The CIA engineered the military coups of Congo’s President Mobutu Joseph-Desire Sese Seko (1961-1997), Indonesia’s President Suharto (1967-1998), Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Feb 1979-June 1989), Pakistan’s President General Mohammed Ayub Khan (1958-Mar1969), President General Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq (1978-Aug 1988), President Pervez Musharraf (Oct 1999-contd), Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein at-Takriti (July 1979-), Chile’s President General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (1973-Mar 1990). Western power’s role is suspected in the murder of India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister (1966-March 1977), Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, and massacre of the Nepal’s King and Royal family. The CIA overthrew the elected government of U Nu in Burma. United States engineered the military coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in 2002, which failed and planning a new coup.




    It is the perception in the Third World the CIA and Pentagon have engineered many if not all of the military coups to overthrow democratically elected governments throughout the Third World after 1950 to this date. After United States acquired the status of a Super Power after the Second World War, the CIA has been the principal cause of political instability throughout the democratically elected free world.




    COUP IN PAKISTAN: United States during Clinton Administration conspired to overthrow the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, even when he had agreed to arrest Osama bin Laden and handover to USA. Gen. Pervez Musharraf had been directly involved in pro-Taliban operations prior to his becoming President. Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif demand restoration of democracy in Pakistan, but United States continues to destroy democratic aspirations of the people of Pakistan by legitimizing the military regime of General Pervez Musharraf, which has systematically provided sanctuary to Osama bin Laden and other Taliban leaders, because it was Pakistan which has operated under guise of Taliban in Afghanistan. The opium cultivation banned under Taliban has gone in top gear in Afghanistan and 4,000 tons of Heroin stored in caves remain untraceable after US troops started searching the caves for Taliban troops. People of Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and Iran beginning to suspect that United States exploited the Sept 11 attack to justify the extension of NATO troops to Afghanistan and to jump start the Opium cultivation in Afghanistan. Why doesn’t United States allow Indian troops to monitor anti-Taliban operation in Afghanistan? Why doesn’t Secretary Colin Powell demand the restoration of democracy in Pakistan, when both Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto extend full cooperation to United States in war against terrorism?




    DRUGS: White Catholic Cocaine cartels control the global cocaine drug trade. Catholic Cartels drug income is laundered through Catholics owned financial institutions. Global drug trade generates more than $800 billion in incomes to the organized crime. Until recently Catholics controlled the heroin trade in the Golden Triangle of Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Now Golden Crescent Heroin/Opium trade controlled by Wahhabi Sunni Drug cartels, which launders is drug incomes through Dubai and Dammam based Arab financial institutions. Catholic Cocaine drug cartels and Wahhabi Heroin drug cartels have joined forces, resulting in global anti-women alliance between Catholic religious right wing conservatism and Sunni Wahhabi conservatism.




    Clinton Administration’s Plan Colombia sought to consolidate the stronghold of white Catholic cocaine cartels over global drug trade; by allowing white catholic death squads eliminate anti-cartel independent drug traffickers. When United States willing to permanently damage the agricultural lands growing Coca the cash crop, used for commercial chocolate production, by spraying insecticides by air, then United States should also be willing to destroy 2 trillion dollar worth economic assets presently owned by drug cartels in the United States and Europe. After invading Afghanistan, United States accused Uzbekistan government for violating the human rights of the heroin/Opium traffickers that deliver Afghan and Pakistani Heroin to European markets. The end result of the Plan Colombia had been that Colombia emerged as the world’s monopoly producers of raw coca as well as processed Cocaine. Plan Colombia allowed Colombian white Catholic drug cartels improve their profit margin, due to their monopoly over raw coca and refined cocaine production, and by elimination of independent traffickers. Financial analysts argue that without the cash injection into US economy, by Drug cartels to the tune of $400 billion annually, for number of decades, the US stock markets may not have shown so great a performance at it did.




    It was no accident that President Zia ul-Haq, awarded top United Nation’s award for anti-Drug operations, even when it was widely known that he made billions through Heroin trade. President Zia allowed Pakistan’s secret service ISI use incomes generated by drug trade to finance ISI’s covert operations.




    Catholic Chinese controlled the Heroin trade of “Golden Triangle” and Pakistan controls the heroin trade of the “Golden Crescent” while Indians have never played any role in global drug trade. One wonders whether pro-China and pro-Pakistan tilt of the White House influenced by the lobbying efforts of the Chinese and Pakistani drug cartels.




    DESPOTIC ISMS: United States prefers totalitarian regimes to democratically elected regimes. United States accorded Most Favored Nation’s Status (MFN) to despotic Communist China, despotic Taiwan, and despotic Indonesia, while disregarding the interests of democratic India. Many if not all of the totalitarian despotic regimes of the world owe their origin and survival to the blessings of the United States. United States supports the fundamentalist regimes in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar. United States supported the coup of Idi Amin and overlooked the genocide committed by Tutsi Army in Uganda. United States helped Christian Pol Pot of Khmer Rouge acquire power in Cambodia, and blocked the dissemination of any news of massacre of 2 million Buddhists by Christians in Cambodia and Laos, so long Pol Pot remained in power, though western media knew all along about the ongoing genocide of Buddhists.




    WOMEN’S RIGHTS: The worldwide campaign launched by Pope John Paul II for abolition of women’s right of Abortion has traumatized American Presidential elections. Political groups, those who are for abortion and those against abortion can sum up American presidential election campaign. The religious right wing conspiracy sabotaged the candidature of Bob Dole since he supported women’s right to choose abortion. President Clinton, President Carter and President Kennedy represented the interests of the religious right wing conspiracy. Neither ex-President George Bush (father) nor President George Bush (son) belongs to the religious right wing conspiracy.




    However, religious right wing conspiracy demanding their pound of flesh, for their electoral support of by demanding that Bush Administration should formulate policies on all international issues as well as international treaties related to the rights of women, on the assumption that in all these cases the fundamental issue is abortions or sex. It appears that just as Wahhabi fundamentalists of Mecca impose policies on Saudi government, similarly religious right conspiracy issuing Catholic fatwa on Protestant Bush Administration. President Bush should resist pressure, lest he is forced to launch Jihad against women of the world, for propagating Vatican’s anti-women policies. It would be sad that Oval Office becomes a willing tool misused by religious right wing conspiracy to subjugate women of the world to propagate Papal anti-women policies, which are no different than promoted by Saudi Wahhabi fundamentalists. United States would lose its leadership in war against Islamic terrorism, if White House leads the world in imposing terror on women of the world. Papal and Saudi anti-women policies and Wahhabi/Taliban terrorism are the two sides of the same coin. The failure of Pope to denounce anti-women policies of Islamic Wahhabi/Taliban sects raises doubt whether anti-women Catholic religious right wing conspiracy joined forces with Islamic Wahhabi religious right wing conspiracy. Vatican conspiring to put United States on the wrong side of the battle lines, in the Women vs. Fundamentalism war, on the side of anti-women forces like Saudi Arabia, Taliban, al Qaeda and Vatican. It would be a sad day for the world and for the human rights if under influence of Pope, the White House becomes a tool for the subjugation of women.




    WAR ON TERRORISM: Third world beginning to suspect the real motive of the United States in launching war on Afghanistan, because no Afghan was ever involved in the Sept. 11 attacks. United States should have invaded Saudi Arabia, as most of the hijackers were Saudi citizens. Most of the Taliban soldiers and supporters were Pakistani citizens, which makes USA-Pakistan anti-terrorism alliance a suspect. It is no accident that not even one Taliban leader captured by American troops. On the contrary, reports suggest that American and Pakistani troops provided safe passage and heaven to Taliban terrorists and protected from prosecution by Afghan authorities.




    Osama bin Laden rumored to be involved in the bombing of the world Trade Center, and U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, and destroyer Cole during Clinton Administration. Then why did President Clinton declined the offer of Sudanese President that Sudan would arrest and hand over Osama bin Laden to United States? President Clinton and Secretary Madeleine Albright punished Al Qaeda terrorists by arranging the takeover of Afghanistan by Al Qaeda. Taliban and Al Qaeda could never have capture political power in Afghanistan without the explicit consent of the United States. It is no accident that President Clinton consented for the overthrow of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government, just after he had promised to arrest and extradite Osama bin Laden. Gen. Pervez was directly in-charge of pro-Taliban and pro-Al Qaeda operations in Pakistani Army. President Clinton consented for the military coup led by Gen. Pervez Musharraf. One shouldn’t forget that the CIA created, trained and financed Osama bin Laden in the past. Did United States invade Afghanistan to militarily force Al Qaeda terrorists rejoin the CIA? Was Osama bin Laden and other Taliban leaders provided safe passage from Afghanistan? Failure of the United States to extend the war on terrorism by invading Saudi Arabia raises doubt that the real motive of United States is not to destroy terrorism, but to force terrorists to rejoin the CIA, to conduct future terrorist acts, only to promote the national interests of the United States.

  3. >Hello everyone, Is this the future of crowd control in the United States? Yours truly, Ed.


    >Violet Jones


    >Monday, October 28, 2002 11:59

    >[infowarsnews] So-Called Non-Lethal Weapons


    So-Called Non-Lethal Weapons

    Reports All State That the Majority of Hostages Were Killed by the Gas Weapon Used By Russian Special Forces. CNN Reported on Sunday That It Was Still Uncertain Which Type of "Non-Lethal" Gas Had Been Used -- a Hallucinogenic Gas or an Aerosolized Form of Valium. Remember -- These Are The Same "Non-Lethal" Weapons Being Proposed for Use in the US for "Crowd Control" and Other Police State Purposes.

    150 of the Hostages Died from the Gas and 1 from a Gunshot. Still, the Government Used the Gas Because It Was Safer for Its Pampered Special Forces Thugs.


    The US Is Silent on Russia's Use of Gas, Because the Police State Arsenals of Both Countries Contain the Same Garbage The White House refused to criticize Russian special forces for pumping a mysterious sleeping gas into a theater to end a hostage siege, killing 116 hostages.


    >Manufactured Crisis?

    >Now Putin Vows to Crush the Rebels, the Police State Intensifies in Russia,

    >and the Russian Military Gets More Power-- Don't Forget, Putin Security Forces Were Caught Bombing 3 Apartment Buildings in '99. Now We Find

    Out, FSB Knew about the Terrorist Acts Beforehand. Did They Know about Them, or Were They Complicit in Them?

    Alex Says He Wouldn't Put It Past Putin to Have Dressed Up FSB in Black Ski Masks That Posed as Chechnyans to Create This Crisis. At Zero Hour, the Russian Security Service, Posing as Chechynans Would Have Donned Gas Masks, Then Activating the Gas Bombs So They Could Properly Stage the Crime Scene and Set a Precedent That It's Alright to Kill 150 Innocent People "As Long As You're Fighting the Rebels."



  4. Hey Swami, Prabhu, Didi or Mataji, if u had oil interests worldwide u'd use all your influence to protect it too. Don't say u would not.

    However, just 100 yrs ago, petroleum was not very important, certainly not essential to everyday life. Someone started a thread here about Hydrogen cars. Is that still available for reperusal?

    Gaslight companies were upset when Edison (with Latimore & Tesla's help) introduced vacuum electric light bulbs.

    Monopolizers naturally diametrically oppose technological progress unless they themselves directly profit from it.

  5. Certain Vedik Raksasas have entire Bhagavatam chapters dedicated to them. Similarly, certain modern day Kaliyuga raksasas deserve their own thread. Who would disagree?

    With this idea in mind, Aretha Franklin sang this thread's theme song long before pre-emptive Chaingang Cheney ever appeared on the political spectrum, however hidden.


    Judge Orders White House Papers' Release

    Cheney Lawyers to Ask Appeals Court to Keep Energy Task Force Records Secret


    By Neely Tucker

    Washington Post Staff Writer


    Friday, October 18, 2002; Page A06


    A federal judge yesterday ordered the Bush administration to turn over key documents about its energy task force for a second time, while government lawyers gave notice that they plan to take their case to an appeals court before complying.


    U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan gave lawyers representing Vice President Cheney until Nov. 5 to produce documents that detail the membership rolls and meeting schedules of the National Energy Policy Development Group, which Cheney chaired. Sullivan had ordered the same documents turned over in August.


    If the government does not produce the documents by the November date, Sullivan said, the administration must submit a claim of executive privilege and the reasons for it.


    The hour-long hearing, marked by a series of sharp exchanges between Sullivan and Shannen W. Coffin, the Justice Department attorney handling the case, is the latest development in one of a handful of lawsuits that have sought to force the Bush administration to release information about the task force.


    The Sierra Club and Judicial Watch, the plaintiffs in this case, are two of several groups that have alleged that the administration improperly met with private officials from the energy industry last year while shaping its energy policy. Environmental groups say they were largely excluded from the meetings.


    While federal judges in other suits have ordered the Energy Department and other agencies to turn over tens of thousands of pages of documents about the meetings, the documents from inside the White House have not been revealed.


    The Bush administration has said repeatedly that the separation of powers doctrine shields those documents from outside review because they might show the administration's internal, deliberative process.


    But it has yet to invoke the principle of executive privilege, either, and that position drew Sullivan's ire yesterday.


    "You have to produce the non-privileged documents and assert the [executive] privilege for those that are," he told Coffin. "You refuse to assert the privilege and won't respond to court orders."


    Coffin had submitted motions asking Sullivan to reconsider his August ruling and to issue an order that would ensure the documents remain private pending some further court ruling. He wrote that producing the documents "would impose upon the Executive unconstitutional burdens."


    "The consideration of undue interference requires special treatment by this court in this context," Coffin said.


    Sullivan rejected the request, and upbraided the lawyer at least twice for interrupting him, a replay of a similar incident during a hearing in August.


    Coffin said the government would likely ask the judge to stay his own order before the Nov. 5 deadline. He said the government wants enough time to be able to ask an appellate court to intervene if necessary.


    After Sullivan set a series of deadlines for court motions beginning next week, the hearing appeared to be over.


    But when Coffin said government attorneys might need even more time because "we haven't done a document review of the office of the vice president," it was Sullivan who interrupted.


    "That is a startling revelation!" the judge said twice. "How can you be asserting this is privileged information if you haven't looked at it?"


    "We haven't completed the review," Coffin said. "We've done enough to know our arguments" are correct, he said. "I misspoke."


    "How could you misspeak on something as significant as that?" Sullivan shot back.


    Joining in, Larry Klayman, chairman of Judicial Watch, said, "He made a plain statement, and now he's backing off it because it's bad press."


    "We've made a review," Coffin explained, "but we're not going to ask our clients to complete that review because it's an unconstitutional burden."


    (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)


    Print This Story E-mail This Story © : t r u t h o u t 2002

  6. I took a day off from work today and drove to Connecticut to hear a lecture given by David Icke (pronounced Ike). It was without a doubt the absolute best lecture I have ever heard, and I've heard lots of 'em from lotsa different people. He is a former British television newscaster and he has achieved a certain amount of notoriety by his books, meant to expose the workings of the Illuminati. His website is at www.davidicke.com


    > The lecture was from 9:00 am till 5:45 pm and was in three parts.

    The first part detailed the amazing amount of holes in the official

    version of

    >the September 11 terrorist attacks. It was extremely similar to the

    video by Alex Jones entitled, 911- The Road To Tyranny, which is available from the www.infowars.com website. The government did the terrorist attacks,

    >there cannot be even the slightest doubt of that for anyone who


    >the evidence with an open mind. If anyone is offended by that


    >I'm sorry. Not sorry because you are offended, but sorry because you

    are so blind to reality that you cannot see the light of day. The government

    >did it, the evidence is conclusive and overwhelming. If anyone wants


    >pretend otherwise, that is their prerogative, and they have my deepest

    >sympathy for their pathetic cowardice. The government denials and

    >fabrications are ludicrous to the point of being hilarious if it wasn't for

    >the extremely serious nature of their crimes. After all, they murdered over 3,000 Americans and at least twice that many Afghan civilians,

    just in

    >this one drama of the World Trade Center attack and the so-called

    >retaliation. Of course in the last hundred years or so the various

    >governments around the world, including our own, have murdered several

    >hundred million of their own citizens, so why would they care if they

    >murder a few thousand more?


    He also explained how the Illuminati control all aspects of our

    >society from the top down and that they take great pains to elevate

    >children of their bloodline into positions of power. They are fanatically

    >obsessed with lineage to the point of much inbreeding and I will

    explain the reasons for that in a bit. There are an extremely small number of


    >compared to the six billion of us, so they control mostly by


    >That is they are at the topmost decision making levels of every realm

    of society. In that way their executive orders trickle down to exert


    >in areas which would otherwise be independent. For example the


    >media is nothing more than a public relations tool for their purposes.

    As always, the vast majority of the people in the media have little or no idea

    >of the big picture. They think they are covering the news, but the


    >make the decisions as to what is considered news to get covered.

    Anything they want to stress gets major coverage. Anything they want ignored


    >little or no coverage. In that way they exert a type of mind control

    upon the entire population of the world. If people think about what they

    see and hear in the media that is most definitely a type of control that


    >media has over the minds of the population. Out of sight, out of

    mind. In

    >sight, in mind. They also control by ownership and topmost


    >banking, politics, religion, science, medicine, technology and the


    >militaries of the world.

    > He gave a quote from George Orwell which I have to paraphrase since I

    >lost the paper upon which I wrote it down...In a society built upon

    >countless lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. By the way,

    >George Orwell's real name was Eric Blair, as in Tony Blair, current

    >criminal prime minister of England. His book, 1984, was based upon knowledge he gained by being in contact with the evil creatures who are intent upon bringing that world into reality. It was not idle


    >which fueled his writing, but solid information obtained from inside



    > The second part of the lecture dealt with the nature and the


    >of the Illuminati. First of all, they call themselves that because

    they consider themselves to be the illumined ones and the rest of us to be deliberately kept in the dark. There are many organizations under the

    >aegis of that name. Some famous ones are the Masons, the

    Bilderburgs, Knights Templar, and many, many others. They are illumined in the knowledge of the workings of the universe, and they strive with fanatical diligence to keep that knowledge from the rest of us. That knowledge is that our thoughts create our reality and experience. This world we

    >experience with our five senses is only a tiny portion of the infinite

    >vibrational spectrum. Ralph Kramden, living in The Honeymooners on


    >eleven has no perception whatsoever of the characters living in

    Gunsmoke on

    >channel nine. Similarly we live in the frequency which we call


    >but it is only one slice of an infinite pie. The Illuminati have the

    >ability to switch between frequencies and it is their raison d'etre to


    >us imprisoned in this one world. In they way we can be manipulated


    >their pleasure and servitude.

    The Illuminati are mainly reptilian in nature and conceal that from us by mostly staying in what we would call the fourth dimension or the astral plane. Just as I gave the example of the different television

    channels above, there are an infinite number of dimensions which we can inhabit

    >according to our consciousness. In between dimensions there are "crevasses" or "netherworlds" and that is where the demons and devils of mythology reside. The Illuminati are those demons and devils. Every

    >dimension of existence has an energy source. But the crevasses


    >them don't. That is where we come in. We are the energy source for


    >pleasures of the Illuminati. Just like the character in the movie,


    >said to the protagonist, "This is what you are," as he held up a


    >The greatest source of energy which they can draw from us is generated


    >the emotion of fear. Which is why they keep us as subdued, dependent


    >fearful as possible. Another good illustration was provided by the

    just released children's movie, Monsters Inc. In it, the factory in the next dimension which produces the monster consumer goods needs a constant

    supply of energy. That is obtained by the monsters who enter dimensional

    doorways into children's bedrooms. They frighten the children and bottle their screams of terror which they then take back to the factory to keep the

    >engines running. Just a silly children's tale? It is far closer to

    >portraying this reality than anything else which has ever come out of


    One of the reasons the Illuminati are so obsessed with

    maintaining the purity of their bloodlines is because their DNA is slightly corrupted.

    I think some of them are pure reptilian and some are reptilian-human


    > Human beings with the Illuminati-corrupted DNA are more capable of

    >interacting with the devils and demons who reside in the netherworlds

    >between realities. Thus there is the fanatic attention given to


    >the marriages within their own families. It is essential to their

    >otherworldly preoccupations. That is why they are so obsessed with

    >occultism, Satanism, symbols and ritual. Even modern science


    >that there are two levels to the human brain, the mammalian and the

    >reptilian. The reptilian brain is most at home in the world of


    >symbolism and cold-blooded, emotionless activity. Since the

    Illuminati are

    >reptilian by nature, that is what they are most attracted to.


    > In the third part of the lecture, David Icke, told us how to


    >from prison and how to deal with reality and the Illuminati. He said


    >"David Icke does not exist. David Icke is just the experience that


    >infinity which I am is having." Each of us is an expression of the

    >infinite God of the universe. And each of us is having an experience


    >we call Edward Safranski or John Smith or Sally Jones. The same is

    true of

    >George Bush, Tony Blair and the rest of the Illuminati. But they have

    >chosen to use their power to enslave us. One reason they are so


    >about keeping us ignorant is because of the extreme difficulty of

    >imprisoning an infinite being. It is like keeping a basketball on the

    >bottom of the pool. You have to hold it there twenty-four hours a


    >seven days a week. As soon as you let go, it rockets to the top of


    >pool and floats on the water, which is its' natural state. Similarly

    it is

    >our natural state to be absolutely free and living in Paradise. To

    keep us

    >in prison takes a lot of effort on the part of our jailers. The only

    >reason they can succeed at all is because we have totally thrown away


    >power. That power is to cultivate within ourselves unconditional


    >Not the love that I may feel for the tits and ass of a girl at

    Hooters, but

    >the love that is based upon non-judgmental perception of reality. We


    >totally love George Bush, and Dick Cheney and all the ruthless,

    >bloodthirsty sadists, criminals and murderers who are the leaders of


    >world. We do not love their crimes, but we can love them as beings because they are also infinite expressions of the Divine Infinity that is reality.

    There are four steps to that level of expressing infinite love.

    One. Cease to fear what other people think of us. "What you think of me is none of my business."


    Two. Cease to be a sheep, following the will of the masses. Also cease to obey and fear the attack dogs and sheepdogs who have been


    >to herd us.


    Three. Respect the will of others to live their lives the way they see fit. Everyone is unique. Everyone is an infinite, divine, free

    being who all have the right to express their divinity in any way they choose. In other words, refuse to be a sheepdog or an attack dog carrying out the will of the Illuminati by enforcing conformity.


    Four. Make decisions based upon what you think is absolutely right,

    >not based upon what you think is right for you at the moment. As an

    >example, I've been doing that myself without even being aware of it.


    >been distributing copies of the Alex Jones video, 911 - The Road To Tyranny, because I feel it is the right thing to do. In fact I was so

    >compelled to do it that I could not stop. That is true even though I

    feel there is a small chance that I may be executed or imprisoned for doing so. It is a video which exposes the Illuminati. They are absolutely ruthless in their suppression of the truth. So I gave out, and still give out, copies of that video whenever and where ever I can. That is an example of what David Icke describes as the fourth step to attaining the ability to unconditional love.

    When we do all that, we free ourselves. That is my perception of the lecture I attended today. What do you think? Yours truly, Ed

  7. Applying Gita to get Duryodhan out of the White House. And getting Ari Fleischdog's mouth off the media.

    Just as Chaindog blocks 9/11 investigation because he's directly involved in bringing down WTC, not INdirectly, DIRECTLY! ... so too, Ari Fleischdog on behalf of Bushcut, is blocking investigation of Sniper bullets because...

    Duryodhan Bushman is more concerned with riflemen's privacy than citizen's safety. And keeping his 9/11 + sniper connection distant.

    Who set fire to that House of Lac? Bushing denied it even faster than Duryodhan. How? By blaming his former friend: some kidney patient foreigner wearing a turban.

  8. This Cheney name loudly suggests: "Man of a 1,000 Faces"

    Cheney: 'Investigators, Keep Out'

    by Michael Isikoff and Tamara Lipper NEWSWEEK

    Issue; 21 October, 2002

    America's Vice President blocks an independent commission to investigate 9-11


    NEWSWEEK -- Dick Cheney played a behind-the-scenes role last week in derailing an agreement to create an independent commission to investigate the 9-11 attacks. Last month the White House endorsed the formation of the panel. But on Thursday, hours after congressional negotiators hailed a final deal over the scope and powers of a 9-11 panel, Cheney called House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Porter Goss, sources told NEWSWEEK.


    Later that day Goss told a closed-door conference committee he couldn't accept the deal, citing instructions from "above my pay grade,'' sources say. Goss later said he was referring to other House leaders, not Cheney. Goss wouldn't discuss his call from the VP but said it wasn't the "determining factor'' in his stand.


    Cheney's office said the VP's only instruction to Goss was to "keep negotiating,'' and Bushies insist they still hope to hammer out a new deal before Congress goes home this week. One obstacle: subpoena power. Last week's proposed deal would allow any five members of the 10-member panel to subpoena documents, including internal White House intelligence briefs. But White House officials say this would allow congressional Democrats--who will control half the appointees--to "politicize'' the commission. Cheney strongly opposes the idea of any independent body's poking into the White House's conduct. He has repeatedly objected to efforts by a separate joint-intelligence-committee inquiry to obtain documents and interview key witnesses, including an FBI informant who lived with two of the 9-11 hijackers. Bush officials insist the VP's stand is based on "principle,'' not fear of embarrassments. Even some congressional critics tend to agree. "There's just this general philosophical orientation that the less the world knows, the better,'' says one GOP staffer.

  9. John's murderer was denied Parole exactly on Lennon's birthday last Wednesday.

    Yoko found that very mystical, somewhat satisfying.

    Many believe this fellow was very gullible thus, easily programmable.

    Papa Bush gave it his best shot. It worked. Apart from 6th Canto's 12 witnesses, Bushwinkle got away with it.

    Yoko came out Wednesday night to personally distribute vegetarian pastry in honor of John's birthday.

    She chose to use fancy paper plates. Certainly savvy souvenirs for some.

    One Scottish University just discovered 300 Beatle photos never before seen, totally forgotten about, soon to be displayed, perhaps shot circa their HELP filming.

  10. 9/11 was planned long ago by persons your media presents everyday... wearing 3 piece suits.

    Your gov't depends on your ignorance. Let's keep it that way.

    So when u think of 9/11 DON'T DARE think of the 26,000 children who died that day worldwide mostly due to US embargos and sanctions against nations we deem undesireable.

    Ruthless Exploitative Capitalists follow their own version of Mae West's philosophy:

    "When I'm good, I'm real good. But when I'm bad, I'm even better!"

  11. If superiors hide truth too long, inferiors suffer.

    Kunti devi should have revealed Karna's position long before.

    Just like with Bushwhacker. If anyone knows y Bushing is pushing for Amerika to so quickly Iraq attack, such a person would never fight for such a rascal surrounded by select rogues.

    So many Kuntis in Congress. She set such a fine example. (not)

  12. "Byrdsong" by William Rivers Pitt

    t r u t h o u t | Perspective

    Sunday, 13 October, 2002


    Mark your calendar. On October 10, 2002, Congress of the United States of America set aside a large portion of its say regarding the declaration and prosecution of war. They ceded control of that most-important and Constitutionally-mandated responsibility to George W. Bush and his administration.


    The House fell first, voting 296-133 for the Bush resolution for war on Iraq. This resolution, as drafted, gives authorization to Bush to "...use all means that he determines to be appropriate, including force...to defend the national security interests of the United States against the threat posed by Iraq, and restore international peace and security in the region." The breadth of this language, with its nebulous reference to "the region," offered Bush the legal ability to make war on any number of nations in the Middle East without further consulting Congress.


    Focus on deliberations on this matter moved, after the House vote, to the chamber of the Senate. A host of Senators, including Majority Leader Tom Daschle, Joseph Biden, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, stated in public comments their plans to vote in favor of the resolution, guaranteeing its passage.


    Daschle, in a written statement released on the eve of the vote, justified his Yes vote with the explanation that Bush's original proposal had been modified: "Instead of giving the President broad and unfocused authorization to take action 'in the region,' as the Administration originally sought, this resolution focuses specifically on the threat posed by Iraq. It no longer authorizes -- nor should it be used to try to justify -- the use of force against other nations, organizations or individuals that the President may believe threaten peace and stability in the Persian Gulf region. It is a strong and focused response to a specific threat. It is not a template or model for any other situation."


    Daschle's statement continued with a nod to the UN: "This resolution expresses the deep conviction of this Congress, and of the American people, that President Bush should continue to work through the United Nations Security Council in order to secure Iraqi compliance with UN resolutions." The sentiment here is commendable, except for the use of one word: "Should." There is no command here, no teeth, no requirement that Bush seek the approval and support of the international community before making war.


    The vacillation of the language in that passage was left aside when Daschle stated, "This resolution makes it clear that, before the President can use force in Iraq, he must certify to the Congress that diplomacy has failed, and that further diplomatic efforts alone cannot protect America's national security interests, nor can they lead to enforcement of the UN Security Council resolutions." In this section of the statement, "Should" has become "must." An amendment to the resolution requiring an indication of immediate threat before an attack is undertaken, however, was defeated in Senate debate on Thursday night.


    The fact that the dangerous language referring to "the region" was expurgated did not quiet the deep reservations of the senior Senator from West Virginia, Robert Byrd. Byrd has for days been the leader of a small but vocal minority of Senators who see the passage of this resolution as an absolutely contra-constitutional abdication of responsibility by the Congress.


    Mr. Byrd, in an editorial in Thursday's New York Times, stated, "How have we gotten to this low point in the history of Congress? Are we too feeble to resist the demands of a president who is determined to bend the collective will of Congress to his will - a president who is changing the conventional understanding of the term 'self-defense'? And why are we allowing the executive to rush our decision-making right before an election? Congress, under pressure from the executive branch, should not hand away its Constitutional powers."


    The editorial continued, "Why are we being hounded into action on a resolution that turns over to President Bush the Congress's Constitutional power to declare war? This resolution would authorize the president to use the military forces of this nation wherever, whenever and however he determines, and for as long as he determines, if he can somehow make a connection to Iraq. It is a blank check for the president to take whatever action he feels 'is necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq.' This broad resolution underwrites, promotes and endorses the unprecedented Bush doctrine of preventive war and pre-emptive strikes - detailed in a recent publication, 'National Security Strategy of the United States' - against any nation that the president, and the president alone, determines to be a threat.


    On the floor of the Senate on Thursday night, in a chamber emptied of every member but those vocal few who had stood with him in his determined opposition, Byrd held forth a copy of the Constitution in one trembling, aged hand. Mr. Byrd is considered by every Senator to be the master parliamentarian in that body, and he keeps at all times that copy of the constitution in his breast pocket, next to his heart.


    Senator Byrd concluded his comments in the New York Times by stating, "We are at the gravest of moments. Members of Congress must not simply walk away from their Constitutional responsibilities. We are the directly elected representatives of the American people, and the American people expect us to carry out our duty, not simply hand it off to this or any other president. To do so would be to fail the people we represent and to fall woefully short of our sworn oath to support and defend the Constitution. We may not always be able to avoid war, particularly if it is thrust upon us, but Congress must not attempt to give away the authority to determine when war is to be declared. We must not allow any president to unleash the dogs of war at his own discretion and for an unlimited period of time. Yet that is what we are being asked to do. The judgment of history will not be kind to us if we take this step."


    The judgment of history is all that remains. The step has been taken, the die cast, and the structure of governmental power has been forever altered. War is now in the hands of one man, George W. Bush, and not in the deliberative body that is Congress. This is unprecedented, and profoundly disturbing.


    On Thursday night, an old man of the Senate, shaken but unbowed, stood before the American people to register one last time his fear and anger that Congress could have taken such a strange and dangerous action. For all the world, he seemed to have stepped whole from the mind of Shakespeare - the ghost of Hamlet's father, pointing with spectral hand towards a bleak future, and towards a king with blood on his hands.


    "But know, thou noble youth," said the ghost, "the serpent that did sting thy father's life now wears the crown."


    William Rivers Pitt teaches in Boston, MA. He is author of two books - "War On Iraq" (with Scott Ritter) available now from Context Books, and "The Greatest Sedition is Silence," available in April 2003 from Pluto Press.

  13. Congress Must Resist the Rush to War

    By Robert C. Byrd

    New York Times | Op-Ed


    WASHINGTON -- A sudden appetite for war with Iraq seems to have consumed the Bush administration and Congress. The debate that began in the Senate last week is centered not on the fundamental and monumental questions of whether and why the United States should go to war with Iraq, but rather on the mechanics of how best to wordsmith the president's use-of-force resolution in order to give him virtually unchecked authority to commit the nation's military to an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation.


    How have we gotten to this low point in the history of Congress? Are we too feeble to resist the demands of a president who is determined to bend the collective will of Congress to his will -- a president who is changing the conventional understanding of the term "self-defense"? And why are we allowing the executive to rush our decision-making right before an election? Congress, under pressure from the executive branch, should not hand away its Constitutional powers. We should not hamstring future Congresses by casting such a shortsighted vote. We owe our country a due deliberation.


    I have listened closely to the president. I have questioned the members of his war cabinet. I have searched for that single piece of evidence that would convince me that the president must have in his hands, before the month is out, open-ended Congressional authorization to deliver an unprovoked attack on Iraq. I remain unconvinced. The president's case for an unprovoked attack is circumstantial at best. Saddam Hussein is a threat, but the threat is not so great that we must be stampeded to provide such authority to this president just weeks before an election.


    Why are we being hounded into action on a resolution that turns over to President Bush the Congress's Constitutional power to declare war? This resolution would authorize the president to use the military forces of this nation wherever, whenever and however he determines, and for as long as he determines, if he can somehow make a connection to Iraq. It is a blank check for the president to take whatever action he feels "is necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq." This broad resolution underwrites, promotes and endorses the unprecedented Bush doctrine of preventive war and pre-emptive strikes -- detailed in a recent publication, "National Security Strategy of the United States" -- against any nation that the president, and the president alone, determines to be a threat.


    We are at the gravest of moments. Members of Congress must not simply walk away from their Constitutional responsibilities. We are the directly elected representatives of the American people, and the American people expect us to carry out our duty, not simply hand it off to this or any other president. To do so would be to fail the people we represent and to fall woefully short of our sworn oath to support and defend the Constitution.


    We may not always be able to avoid war, particularly if it is thrust upon us, but Congress must not attempt to give away the authority to determine when war is to be declared. We must not allow any president to unleash the dogs of war at his own discretion and for an unlimited period of time.


    Yet that is what we are being asked to do. The judgment of history will not be kind to us if we take this step.


    Members of Congress should take time out and go home to listen to their constituents. We must not yield to this absurd pressure to act now, 27 days before an election that will determine the entire membership of the House of Representatives and that of a third of the Senate. Congress should take the time to hear from the American people, to answer their remaining questions and to put the frenzy of ballot-box politics behind us before we vote. We should hear them well, because while it is Congress that casts the vote, it is the American people who will pay for a war with the lives of their sons and daughters.

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