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Karthik Jagannathan

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About Karthik Jagannathan

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  1. Namaskaram, I believe for any spiritual study to have desired results IT MUST BE GURUMUKATH! I also believe the power for any Mantra also comes from Guru himself. Our vedic rituals, practices etc are to be dealt with extreme care and caution. Only a GURU knows what is appropriate and what is not for a particular disciple. Furthermore, I also believe when the time is appropriate and if the seeker/student is really deserving he will be automatically guided to his Guru. Till such time, the seeker must remain patient and with self belief, sincerity, humility and devotion must pray for spiritual upliftment. My opinion is this, even when a person knows (claims to know) correct vidhi, unless initiated by his father (parental lineage for ancestral deities), he should not venture into it on his own. Karthik.
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