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Posts posted by akshar

  1. And you my friend, need a life. BAPS didnt make anything fake. Get a life you fukin prik. Muthafukin bitch, stop insulting god. Pramukh swami maharaj dont sit on thrones, theyre called chairs you dumb shit. I am closer to moksha then you, i belive in akshar-purshottam, you need to read the qouaran son, go convert urself you so-called fukin bitch of a swaminarayan, ur not swaminarayan, ur sumthing which no human shud have to be a muslim. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKK UUUUURR MMMMUUUMMMMM


    Unfortunately for you, my friend, you seem to have only met the bad apples. In my experience, it's been quite the opposite. Maybe I've met the minority. Or maybe you have.


    I agree on the point of corruption tho. The government really needs to get its priorities straight. But i think that's little reason to hold the entire country accountable. If we were going by that logic, I dont think we would find a single country on the planet that is "good". Politics has always been dirty, its the nature of the game.


    I agree with you. You cant judge a book by its cover, he has met probably like two people, not many like my family and i have. (hes a lil wrong)

    If you think india will become worse then your just negative, think positive!

  3. We don't actually worship our gurus, we only ask them for guidance and blessings in life. Um...He has mentioned akshar-purshottam, he established with his paramhansas that his perfect ideal devotee was gunatitanand swami. We don't. Vartal and all the other minor, non-existence swaminarayan sampradayas dont follow authentic text.


    India is a horrible nation with a terrible human rights record. Hindus regularly eat meat. Politicians, police, and judiciary are corrupt. the common man in India is ignorant, he has no idea about spirituality. The average Indian has no knowledge, is superstitous, and ignorant of the glories of Lord Vishnu.


    How can such a race/nation ever amount to anything? India is a lost cause. The influence of Kali is highest in India, which is why Indians are so despicable.


    Horrible? Your horrible. How can you call teh greatest nation on the planet horrible? It invented numbers, medicine, hospitals etc. You owe india a great deal. What you on about most hindus eat meat? I'm bloody 11 i hav the control to not eat meat. Bruv you need to do some research before you go calling my country horrible.

  5. Being a vegan you can't do normal vegetarian stuff plus no milk and no leather. Eggs and fish are not allowed. Milk does not need to be offered as gai mata does not suffer when we milk her. Cows give their milk happily according to a story i know. I might aswell tell you the story know.

    When ghanshyam (swaminarayan's name for when he was young) asked bhaktimata (his mother) for food she said go and eat the cold hotchpotch. He complained slightly but then he went to eat it. He then wanted milk. He asked his mother for milk and she replied that Gomti (their cow) will not milk at this time of day (non-milking time) Ghanshyam thought otherwise. He requested his mother to watch. He had a clay vessel. He asked Gomti to provide him with some milk, she did as ghanysham asked. But the milk continued to overflow and bhaktimata nearly filled up all of her utinsils because of the overflowing milk. When she went back inside ghanshyam shouted to her that Gomti will stop milking now. But she wasn't too sure so she brought another untensil just in case. She came and saw that it stopped and hugged ganshyam very affectionately. Bhaktimata can be compared to Yashoda mata. They loved their children, not because they were gods, because they were adorable. No harm can come to cows as i doubt krishna would let it happen, during milking.


    A meat-eater is a Hindu. So is a vegetarian. A theist is a Hindu, so is an atheist. A monotheist is Hindu, as is a polytheist. Dualist is Hindu, as is monist. If everybody is Hindu, who REALLY is Hindu? Does it follow that there is no such thing as Hinduism? Take your own family, for instance. If you say that your father is a father, your mother is also a father, you are a father, your sister is also a father...does it not inevitably follow that the entity 'father' does not exist at all?


    After all, an object, say water, is treated differently from a stone, because liquidity characterizes the former and solidity the latter. In short, an object exists by virtue of its features which distingush it from other objects. In the case of Hinduism, as in the family example, there is no distinguishing feature at all to separate it from the rest of them. So does it mean Hinduism is a lie? Please don't react violently, discuss politely amongst yourselves.



    Tell me why you are allowed to post these kind of things in? I'll only make one thing staraight. A meat-eater can never be a hindu, only vegetarians. A meat-eater is a cruel person who is asking to go to hell.

  7. Don't be under the impression that BAPS followers don't worship krishna, that is totally wrong because in every BAPS mandir there is a murti of radha-krishna. The reason why swaminarayan put radha-krishna murtis in the centre of his central shrine is because out of all the avatars krishna has taught humainty the most and it would look arrogant if a man worshipped himself. Through krishna swaminarayan can be realised.

  8. When swaminarayan (not swami narayan) was being named at young age he had a fewnames but two of his senior names were ghanshyam and krishna, so in the shikshapatri he is refering to himself. He is truly parmatma. Since krishna was a avatar of vishnu he isn't parmatma, there are two above the trinity. Akshar and purshottam, swami and narayan, brahma and parabrahma etc. Mostly akshar is the one responsile for avatars. Luckily purna purshottam itself (not male or female in true form) came on earth as Sahajanand swami and graced the earth. We too are being graced by Param Pujya Pramukh Swami. I also think many devotees are jealous of akshardham, which is verry sad. BAPS is the true swaminarayan sanstha as they believe in the doctrine of akshar-purshottam. Sooner you learn this the better. I think i heard prabhupada say that even if you chant krishna offensively you will slowly become a good devotee, it's the same with swaminarayan maha-mantra. Did Sai Baba himself claim that he was god?

  9. Skanda purana predicts swaminarayan. BAPS is true not vadtal sect, after what is happenind with there sadhus. You are misguided as the shikshapatri says clearly worship krishna as parmatma. As you will be confused lemme explain. When he was named he had more than 1 name. Two of his senior names were ghanshyam and krishna. So in the shikshapatri he is reffering to himself. There is no 'achaya' only the true satpurush guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He is truly parmatma. Look up these two other swaminarayan books. The Vachnamurut and The Bhaktichimantini. They may ive some answers i hope. Those who call swaminarayan and its movement bogus, well i hope you get the sense to not call god bogus. Swaminarayan WAS DEFINETLY NOT THE INCARNATION OF KRISHNA, krishna was the incarnation of vishnu, and there is are two gods above the trinity and and parmatma (the higher god above the trinity) came down as swaminarayan.

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